SPOILERISH THREAD EVER!!! Do not read post 1!

Started by NGR01, Mar 19, 2012, 02:16:33 PM

SPOILERISH THREAD EVER!!! Do not read post 1! (Read 75,787 times)



First i want to make clear some details.
If you wanna stay fresh don't read the following post.
These are my theories but most of them are based on facts (either images from trailers, interviews and accurate leaks)

To make it easier to track, i will update this first post with each new theory or discovery.

My checklist so far of theories proving to be right on the money :
Derelict class Engineer ship under the temple.
Giant Humanoid Engineers.
Ampules room is a DNA library.
Human crew Mutants.
Shaw "pregnancy" and surviving it.
Prometheus crashing into the Derelict class ship taking off to Earth.

Quote from: NGR01 on Mar 18, 2012, 03:59:04 PM
Ok guys,
first i guess its now safe to say that Guy Pierce is in the movie for more than a minute.
He's along for the ride as these images show :

David wakes up his "father" from his private cryo room :

In the background, Peter Weyland  83 years wearing an advanced SE suit with cadium exo-skeleton :

"A king has his reign. Then he dies. It's inevitable."
So we have a dying egomaniac tycoon who proclamed himself a god on board of a mission to meet actual "gods" who mastered life itself. What if the king refuses the inevitable, finds a way to become immortal by stealing God's knowledge?


It was made clear that an ENGINEER have been present on Earth having contact with different civilization troughout history. He might have left some sort of lineage, some descendants, who dicreetly use their incredible knowledge to help humanity evolve technologically. Maybe one of these descendant has no taste for discretion, he wants more, he wants to meet his ancestors...

Toward the climax of the movie SHAW fights a human sized character wearing an ENGINEER undersuit. I don't think it's HOLLOWAY who seems to be infected (maybe on purpose by someone on the crew) by the same parasite as FIFIELD hence he will become a crazy mutant creature too (leading to SHAW giving birth to the new xeno monster). I doubt it's an actual ENGINEER, they are titans. They probably could modify themselves to change height but this would be incredibly cheesy on screen and i doubt Scott will go that way. Could be DAVID also but the character with a story arc fitting perfectly this role in the climax is Sir PETER WELAND.

The human ENGINEER would also explain this smaller pilot too

One thing is sure we have actual ENGINEERS.
They will probably want to reap what they sowed on Earth.
To reborn themselves? To continue their experiments?
To destroy a race that has almost become their equal?

Also I don't think the movie end up after the crash.
Something, someone survives.
Dying or infected (black goo seen on FIFIELD & SHAW)?
Looks like in those final 8 minutes will witness a birth...

QuoteTo me there will be 4/5 types of creatures.
-The giant real ENGINEERS aka space jokeys.
-The microscopic lifeform that infects FIFIELD, HOLLOWAY (maybe others a few others), a parasite that grows inside its host and start to take over morphing its host into monsters.
SHAW will be infected by one of those, but she will extract the parasite herself with the medpod.
-The human/synth sized ENGINEER (i'll devellop later).
-Massive xeno like creatures born out of real giant ENGINEERS infected in the climax (i'll devellop later).

We will have actual ENGINEERS/SPACE JOCKEYS in the movie not only dead ones.
In the first pic, you can see that all the 4 giant sarcophagus are closed.
In the second pic, FORD (who dies early in the movie) looks up to one giant being.
In the third pic, you can see that the sarcophagus on the left is open.

We will also have a human sized character wearing an ENGINEER undersuit fighting with SHAW in the movie's climax.

So either our ENGINEER can change his size at will or a human/synth character uses the Engineer's tech. Size changing ENGINEERS could work on paper but i think it would look silly on screen. So i would rather go with the Human/Synth theory.

The first possible suspect could be PETER WEYLAND himself.
Wich is along for the ride with the Prometheus crew.
In the background, Peter Weyland  83 years wearing an advanced SE suit with cadium exo-skeleton :

"A king has his reign. Then he dies. It's inevitable."
So we have a dying egomaniac tycoon who proclamed himself a god on board of a mission to meet actual "gods" who mastered life itself. What if the king refuses the inevitable, finds a way to become immortal by stealing God's knowledge?
His story arc would fit perfectly being our "Prometheus".

My second suspect is DAVID.
He does steal the ampule and seems quite happy with it.

He also have a fight with VICKERS, maybe DAVID is not upfront with his real motives...

But its a very small detail that point me toward DAVID being a possible "Prometheus".
In the first pic you can see DAVID kneeling on the pilot console to activate it.
In the second pic, you can see the human sized character wearing an ENGINEER undersuit, kneeling at the exact same spot to activate the chair. I found weird that 2 different characters would act the same way.

Also, I just realized that the being wearing the ENGINEERS undersuit is really human sized.
Check the console design on both pics, DAVID and the Being are at the same spot and have the same size.

The small engineer is actually small and is not a mistake.
A human or synth does really steal the ENGINEER's tech!!!



QuoteRemember this leak way before any images :
QuoteA guy I know who's seen stills of the film has described to me what the Engineers actually look like. Huge, muscular, blue. Think Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen, but really tall. Just in case you guys were interested. I don't know how well that will turn out, but it's good news that they don't have elephant trunks.

An image to estimate the ENGINEERS size.

The size fits DALLAS near the Space Jockey from ALIEN.

But i'm sure that when needed to Scott will "cheat" like when he used his kids in ALIEN.
Even if the actors playing Engineers in props suit are not really as tall as the Space Jockey, on screen they will appear to be much larger. If with camera trick they manage to make Tom Cruise look as tall as Michael Jordan in his films imagine what they can do with actual giant actors (i've heard they are around 7ft tall).
Size is never an issue in movies.

Many where misled by the tiny Engineer in the chair, when its clear that he is not an actual ENGINEER. Seriously as if Scott was gonna screw that bad about the scales... The human sized character wearing an ENGINEER suit, seen fighting SHAW and activating the pilot chair is a crew member of the Prometheus.

QuoteThe following quote is from a leak posted way before any picture of the pilot chair has been seen online:
QuotePrometheus, is going to be a very large and intense story, with a scope that is epic, the final act is where the movie switches gears and shifts into Aliens territory. Pinewood houses an exact replica of the H R Giger Space Jockey command post. You may notice in the original Alien that the Space Jockey had a puncture on its considerably large chest, where the xenomorph broke out through the flesh of the creature and broke through the biomechanical armor it wears. You may also notice how big the Space Jockey is in relation to its human counter parts in the film. So imagine how big the baby must be, which is yet to grow. Then imagine quite a few of these. If you can do that, you got a pretty good grasp on the final act. And do not be expecting the traditional look either, these are very different creatures that will keep the general architecture of the xenomorph, but will have a considerably different look, and do very perverse things.

Quote from: SiUttley on Mar 19, 2012, 02:50:12 PM
Interesting... With regards the sarcophagi, and apologies if this has been brought up already, aren't at least three of them in that image above, punctured around the chest area? I realise this may be face-palmingly obvious and has probably been discussed to death!
I don't think it has been discussed, we didnt have that shot before.
We have heard about 3 actors playing ENGINEERS so where do they fit???
So massive creatures have been unleashed before the humans arrived...
Maybe they left "eggs" somewhere...
ARGHHHHHHH The plot thickens...

Also the chestbustered sarcophagus could explain why their race is extinct.
Remember the dead ENGINEER discovered when they enter the giant head room, also in the new trailer we have seen what looks like a pile of biomechanoid bodies in the tunnels leading to the ENGINEER's ship.

Maybe they were running into hidings from one of their old weapon unleashed by mistake (or not) upon themselves. Some dignitaries made it into the ship (wich is some sort of dna noah's ark) but were already infected. Somebody noticed the ring planet, wich could mean that the Prometheus crew is on a planet in the area of LV426. Maybe the ALIEN space jockey, was also infected at the same moment but managed to flee the planet in the Derelict and
crashed on LV426.

QuoteWhe know now that the temple(s) leads to the ENGINEER ship(s).
Here is a leak from way before we saw any image of the giant head sculpture :
QuoteThe head is a representation of the Engineer, some sort of leader for his civilization, a great scientist who has a cult following by his people. Probably because he masters the biomechnical technology that helps his race prevails over the universe.

At first we tought it was only one temple, one ship.
But now it's clear that the Prometheus lands on the ENGINEER homeworld or some huge launch base of some sort!!!
Hence NOT LV426!
Multiples Engineers temples = Mutiple Engineers ships!
Oh my god!!!

QuoteIf the humans are compatible to Engineers, as the human sized Engineer points to, our Engineer leader might want to use the human population to resurect his race...

Quote from: NGR01 on Apr 27, 2012, 09:54:35 PM

French magazine SFX has 3 great interviews with Arthur Max, Conor O'Sullivan prosthetics supervisor and Visual effect supervisor Richard Stammers. Each interview are 3 full pages, no spoilers per se but very interresting material.
I have not bought but i remember the most important stuff.

Arthur Max :
The Prometheus was designed by Steve Burg and Ben Procter.
The Prometheus is composed of independant parts that can separate from the main body if needed (Vickers area is a skif/ship by itself) doubt it will cometo play in the movie tho...
The approach to the Engineers tech was to take the Giger look but make it more mechnical than bio by adding an obvious metal feel. Engineers are partly inspired by the persian civilisation.

Richard Stammers Visual effect supervisor :
Weta is doing all the xeno like creatures.
There were sculptures on set so the actors can react but those monsters will be full cgi.
Weta also did the rise of the pilot chair sequence.
They used model kits from the market to help them remake the pilot chair.
The Juggernaut is full CGI, it has been re-designed by Steve Messing.
The original derelict was not detailed enough they had to recreate them, GUTALIN was hired to for that, his Gigerian but yet more mechanical style was perfect for the look they wanted.
At first it was tought it would be necessarry to use models for the colision and crash but after seeing the Yatch scene from xmen first class (???) he decided to go full cgi.
When Scott visits MPC, he doesnt stay in the reunion room but go check the cgi artists themselves, giving input or modification on the spot.

Conor O'Sullivan prosthetics supervisor :
The Engineer and his suit have been designed by Nevil Page.
He has a very symitrical face wich enchance his alieness even if he is humanoid.
At first Scott was not sure that prosthetics could achieve teh level of details he wanted.
Conor told him they use now a great technique that has remarkable results (there is a long explanation of what it is in the interview). At first Connor made a test, he sculpted the Engineer's head, then animated the eyes by cgi.
It was part of the showreel Scott showed Fox to get the greenlight.
The Enginneer is not a full suit but is made of many many many prosthetic parts from head to toes.
Ian Whyte played the Engineer for all the scene with the humans (wich take place in the second part of the movie), when Engineer(s) are alone it's normally sized actors.
For the closeups Ian Whyte face did not worked, they could not get the look they wanted so they used the "normal" actors wich have been also chosen because of their face.
One scene got Connor a bit nervous because the Engineer is almost fully naked.
He was not sure the thin material would resist the shoot, he explain how they did it and says how much it looks good on screen. Ian Whyte had a 32 days shoot, they had to replace the suit every 3 days.
He end up saying that he's really happy how the character feel alive on screen.
That he is not a special effect but a living and breathing and frightening creature.
Oh he also talks about an aging makeup of one of the characters (guess who ^^) wich has to be done faster than usual because the actor was cast a few weeks near the shooting.

Probably forgot some stuff but i think all the juicy details are there ;)



Interesting... With regards the sarcophagi, and apologies if this has been brought up already, aren't at least three of them in that image above, punctured around the chest area? I realise this may be face-palmingly obvious and has probably been discussed to death!



Quote from: SiUttley on Mar 19, 2012, 02:50:12 PM
Interesting... With regards the sarcophagi, and apologies if this has been brought up already, aren't at least three of them in that image above, punctured around the chest area? I realise this may be face-palmingly obvious and has probably been discussed to death!

I don't think it has been discussed, we didnt have that shot before.
We have heard about 3 actors playing ENGINEERS so where do they fit???
So massive creatures have been unleashed before the humans arrived...
Maybe they left "eggs" somewhere...
ARGHHHHHHH The plot thickens...

EDIT, I just realized that the being wearing the ENGINEERS undersuit is really human sized.
Check the console design on both pics, DAVID and the Being are at the same spot and have the same size.

The small engineer is actually small and is not a mistake.
A human or synth does really steal the ENGINEER's tech!!!



For ALIEN Space Jockey fans everywhere - this is more like it!

If the bald 'giant' guy that has been labelled 'The Engineer' for so long is not really that giant after all (which the above hi-res images suggest), then that means that the new Jockey in the chair is indeed smaller than the 'original'.

Plus this new info garnered from the hi-res trailer seems to show that 3 of the 4 cryochambers have been punctured or sabotaged? Hopefully the one remaining 'true' Space Jockey shows up later to save the day, and provide the clue to the Alien birth from his giant chest.

PS - be crap if the giant jockey turns out to be just another bald engineer!


I hope all this speculation doesn't ruin it for y'all ;)


In the beginning:

Maybe that guy is Peter regenerating himself.


The 3 damaged sarcophagi seem to have been punctured from within if you look at the photo where the Bald Jockey/ Engineer is striding in from the right.


Good catch on the sarcophagi.

It definately looks like something went down at Space Jockey central before Prometheus even shows up.


Which might suggest that the invitation that Shaw discusses is not necessarily a trap set by whoever uses those sarcophagi.



I do think that the real ENGINEER is indeed like the small human/Synth Engineer.
The massive head is still THE ENGINEER's.
FORD meet him early in the movie and some sort of mayhem ensue leading to her death.
I think THE ENGINEER is killed by the humans, they use the SYNAPSE REESTABLISHER on him to get some background info even a flashback, and someone get into his biomechnical undersuit.

Also the chestbustered sarcophagus could explain why their race is extinct.
Remember the dead ENGINEER discovered when they enter the giant head room, also in the new trailer we have seen some sort of mass of bodies in the tunnels leading to the ENGINEER's ship.

Maybe they were running into hidings from one of their old weapon unleashed by mistake (or not) upon themselves. Some dignitaries made it into the ship (wich is some sort of dna noah's ark) but were already infected. Somebody noticed the ring planet, wich could mean that the Prometheus crew is on a planet in the area of LV426. Maybe the ALIEN space jockey, was also infected at the same moment but managed to flee the planet in the Derelict and
crashed on LV426.

I think we may have figured important plot points but some details and cool stuff have yet to be uncovered.
I hope ;)


I can't see this damage on the pods that people are talking about, i see like a circle indentation on the top but i'm pretty sure thats just part of the pods as its too circular and is in the same place on all the pods.


I like your theories NGR01 but for the "Human Size Jockey" fighting Shaw. I think there is a third suspect who can even be our prime suspect. Holloway. We can clearly assume that he's infected and changing during the movie. I don't say that David or Weyland don't change like this at one moment but for that scene I think It's more symbolic and ironic regarding to Shaw, their relation and the intensity of the film. Just an idea. I think Weyland will have a very horrible end and maybe David too.



Zoom in on the 1st and 3rd photos in the first post on this page. Certainly the third pic seems to suggest a ragged outwards puncture. I could be wrong though. Thanks to this gif from Ra3D it's even clearer.



Quote from: EEV-2501 on Mar 19, 2012, 04:17:46 PM
I like your theories NGR01 but for the "Human Size Jockey" fighting Shaw. I think there is a third suspect who can even be our prime suspect. Holloway. We can clearly assume that he's infected and changing during the movie. I don't say that David or Weyland don't change like this at one moment but for that scene I think It's more symbolic and ironic regarding to Shaw, their relation and the intensity of the film. Just an idea. I think Weyland will have a very horrible end and maybe David too.

Tought about HOLLOWAY too.
3 details makes me think he's not the Human Engineer.
First his infection leads to SHAW giving birth to a parasite not turning her into en human Engineer.
Second when you see him suffering, he seems to mutate the same way as FIFIELD.
Last, Logan is not an household name, Scott said at comicon last year he had fun with his principle cast naming Fassbender, Pierce, Theron and Rapace.
The girls are not changing, that leaves us with our two male cast leads.


Have you already seen this. It's from Prometheusnews.net. It's a good size comparison montage.

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