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AvPG Interviews S.D Perry

I have just uploaded an interview conducted with the legendary Stephani Danelle Perry, the author of numerous Alien books including the upcoming Weyland-Yutani Report by Insight Media. Danelle is responsible for some of the best Alien novels written and it a pleasure to get to speak to her:

Most of my work was direct assignment—like, adapt this piece, or write this type of story in this type of universe. The few times I was asked to pitch, I did four or five ideas, and the editors picked one to develop. I don’t remember the ones they rejected… Though to be fair, why would I? All of those books were written on tight deadlines; if the editor or editors didn’t like an idea, I promptly forgot it. “

We discuss her older work and a little bit about the Weyland-Yutani Report. Be sure to check out the entire interview in our interview section. Danelle has also agreed to stick around for a few days in order to answer any of your questions about The Weyland-Yutani Report. Please feel free to pop into our forums and leave any questions.

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Comments: 20
  1. Xenomrph
    Quote from: Kimarhi on Sep 07, 2014, 03:32:35 AM
    Berserker novelization might be my favorite Aliens style novel.

    She also did Labyrinth which might be my favorite Alien style novel.

    She's pretty boss.

    Her dad is writing some stories about some mercs that are doing jobs across the galaxy right now that are actually pretty fun reads as well. 
    She also did Aliens: Criminal Enterprise for DH Press, which is a pretty fun read.
  2. Kimarhi
    Berserker novelization might be my favorite Aliens style novel.

    She also did Labyrinth which might be my favorite Alien style novel.

    She's pretty boss.

    Her dad is writing some stories about some mercs that are doing jobs across the galaxy right now that are actually pretty fun reads as well. 
  3. Mormegil
    Quote from: RakaiThwei on Sep 07, 2014, 02:36:29 AM
    Quote from: Mormegil on Sep 07, 2014, 02:31:48 AM
    This is Steve Perry's daughter, right? I'm so excited to read this! Didn't she help with the first AvP: Prey and some others?

    She co-wrote Prey, and wrote War.

    Thank you, Rakai. I remember really liking War in novel form, but the comic art kind of put me off. Either way, I thought it was an okay conclusion to Naguchi's insanely cool arc, and even included Berserker, one of the most badass Aliens stories to ever be told.

    In any case, she's achieved a hell of a lot more than I have, and I have nothing but respect for her.
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