Jurassic Park Series

Started by War Wager, Mar 25, 2007, 10:10:16 PM

Jurassic Park Series (Read 1,366,573 times)



I haven't seen it but I must ask.

How is this better than the previous JP sequels when...

The plot is just as ludicrous, if not more so.
This new movie has a made-up dinosaur so technically its just a monster and not a real dinosaur.
They train raptors which unsurprisingly turn on the people that trained them (so I've read). Movie cliche 101.
The CGI is not much better.
The kids are, so I've read, annoying and pointless.
The new made-up dino is called an I-Rex (iphone, get it? for the younger generation)  -_-

Admittedly like I said, I haven't seen it, I'm playing devils advocate. But I don't get how this differs from the previous films.



Just thinking of one scene that didn't make the final cut:

Claire didn't cover herself in dino droppings

end of this tv spot




Quote from: TheBATMAN on Jun 14, 2015, 08:04:12 PM
Why is it such a surprise? Kids will love it, Chris Pratt is the latest thing and it's mindless, mindless fun. It was always going to be successful.

But at its core it is a very, very average movie. Lacks any kind of soul. Forgettable characters too.
woah thats too far. i thought it had plenty soul.

The Son of Paragus

The Son of Paragus

Quote from: ace3g on Jun 14, 2015, 09:19:18 PM
Just thinking of one scene that didn't make the final cut:

Claire didn't cover herself in dino droppings

end of this tv spot


Totally forgot about that, maybe for an extended cut? Although I remember the original JP trailers also having unused footage like Ellie grabbing the big leaf during the drive to the Brachosaurus site.



Quote from: frenchfries on Jun 14, 2015, 09:20:16 PM
Quote from: TheBATMAN on Jun 14, 2015, 08:04:12 PM
Why is it such a surprise? Kids will love it, Chris Pratt is the latest thing and it's mindless, mindless fun. It was always going to be successful.

But at its core it is a very, very average movie. Lacks any kind of soul. Forgettable characters too.
woah thats too far. i thought it had plenty soul.


There's no soul because the characters are all flat as a pancake. You know before the movie starts exactly who will live and who will die, hence why it was pointless to put so much emphasis on the two kids, neither of which had half a personality between them.

The same with the adults. There's no development with any of them. I couldn't have cared less what happens to any of them, and therefore there's no reason to care about what happens in the film as a whole.

The  dinosaurs too. Impressive as the CGI and effects are, they just don't look real. Case in point is the t-Rex itself. How is that acceptable when literally the same creature looks more realistic in an incarnation from 22 years ago?

Don't get me wrong. I can see this film will be a huge success, make a shit-ton of money and break all kinds of records, it's easy to see why. But there's no hiding the fact that deep down it's a poor movie. The script is all over the place, and when the script isn't right, no amounts of limitless budget and impressive effects can hide that. - Look at Prometheus.



Quote from: Bat Chain Puller on Jun 14, 2015, 12:29:16 PM
Quote from: Gate on Jun 13, 2015, 10:49:10 PM
Sequel time.

Money wise you KNOW it's going to happen. But story wise I CAN'T see the setting being in another park environment. I think they are going to chase this "Training Dinosaurs for War" thing. That is how Owen will be involved ... perhaps in a counter program. Dinosaurs for defense against rogue terrorist bred hybrid dinosaurs or something.

And since ...

... Wu is still alive and is now known to have a dark streak ... the stage is set for more hybrid dinosaurs. Each more outlandish than the next.

Maybe one more trip to Site B ... but then it's Jurassic War.

Quote from: severen76 on Jun 14, 2015, 08:17:13 AM
Did anyone else find some of the deaths in this really dark?
I'm mainly thinking of the nanny and the security guard after I-Rex breaks out of the enclosure

Yes. Delightfully so.

Both of those were great deaths. I knew the out of shape security guard was doomed when we saw him sitting, defeated, in front of the car. Great little exchange of looks with Pratt. Right before ... chomp.

The Nanny scene was all like "Doh! Snatched up by Pteranodon! Wait! It dropped her! Oh shit! She's falling from really high up! She's going to totally hit the pavement! Whew! Landed in the water! WAIT! That's the Mosasaurus's water! Wait for it ... wait for it ... DOH! Pteranodon's got her again! Oh shit it's actually biting her and lifting her! Brutal! OH SHIT Mosasaurus!! It'll eat the Pteranodon and the Nanny will swim to safety! Nope! She got swallowed too."  :laugh:

You know, I always thought I knew the direction they'd take with the franchise after this moveie. Hell I thought it would happen near the end of it.

I think "Jurassic World" is a pun. Not just the name of the park, but that the animals would escape and populate the world. And they'd have to start dealing with this. It's syfy b movie material, but I think that's what's happening.



Very surprise with the 200 million opening weekend. Not even Godzilla 2014 with a similar review rating on the web made that much. I think good marketing and the first JP movie in almost 15 years help this movie. Since it been so long since we had a new movie, it help build up interested in the last decade. 



Quote from: szkoki on Jun 14, 2015, 05:00:04 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Jun 14, 2015, 02:12:58 PM
I'm sick of people saying dumb shit like "It wasn't a Jurassic Park movie" like their opinion matters so much more than anyone else's.

It had awesome action, some brutal dinosaur kills and some damn suspenseful moments.

This is a Jurassic Park movie in every way to me and I don't give a damn what anyone says.

those are harsh words mate. i watched it again today, i say the first 40-50 minutes are chilling and awesome, and after the I-Rex escape what happens with the ACU and all the weaponize stuff, civil person
Masrani the boss, sure
going to the battle smiling like a badass C movie character, uninstresting side characters,
T-rex  waiting in the door of his gigantic padock all day to come out to fight(?), talking dinos, throwing every dino in one scene for the final, also the Mosasaur is happened to be in the exact same spot where the dino fight is, and yeah he is eating for the 4th time on that day
...its just ridicilous, like the writers, producer, director only had 10 minutes to come up with a story and they were all drunk while writing it down. altough in the first 50 minutes there are also weird shit going on, already the weaponizing of dinos, plus the older kid. is he gay or is he just a duchebag or i dunno what was that girl starings all about, also  in the beginning her girlfriend say "i love you" and he says just "bye". it was weird man, why would you put this in your movie at all if you never exploit it?

still cant rate i above 5/10 personally, i rather watch Lost World and JP3 as sequels with all the dumb and unintresting characters in them than this madness

btw keep up doing your gameplay vids :)

Man none of those things are hard to explain.

T Rex was probably awake and chilling, with all the chaos it probably hears and feels. The door starts unlocking very loudly. Why wouldn't it go see what the noise is?

Talking dinos? Is this new or something?

Although the teamup is admittedly a bit ridiculous, what's wrong with having all these dinosaurs there? I mean it made sense. The pieces were set up.

The Mosasaur obviously can hear and/or feel all the commotion going on right next to it's enclosure. And I get the feeling that it just wants to hunt. Notnecessarily eat. And it saw it's opportunity. Not hard to believe at all.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 14, 2015, 09:01:22 PM
I haven't seen it but I must ask.

How is this better than the previous JP sequels when...

The plot is just as ludicrous, if not more so.
This new movie has a made-up dinosaur so technically its just a monster and not a real dinosaur.
They train raptors which unsurprisingly turn on the people that trained them (so I've read). Movie cliche 101.
The CGI is not much better.
The kids are, so I've read, annoying and pointless.
The new made-up dino is called an I-Rex (iphone, get it? for the younger generation)  -_-

Admittedly like I said, I haven't seen it, I'm playing devils advocate. But I don't get how this differs from the previous films.

Why not go see it and make up your own mind?



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 14, 2015, 09:01:22 PM
I haven't seen it but I must ask.

How is this better than the previous JP sequels when...

The plot is just as ludicrous, if not more so.
This new movie has a made-up dinosaur so technically its just a monster and not a real dinosaur.
They train raptors which unsurprisingly turn on the people that trained them (so I've read). Movie cliche 101.
The CGI is not much better.
The kids are, so I've read, annoying and pointless.
The new made-up dino is called an I-Rex (iphone, get it? for the younger generation)  -_-

Admittedly like I said, I haven't seen it, I'm playing devils advocate. But I don't get how this differs from the previous films.


People might take you more seriously if you didn't often form your opinion of a film long before actually seeing it.



Quote from: Gazz on Jun 14, 2015, 11:01:02 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 14, 2015, 09:01:22 PM
I haven't seen it but I must ask.

How is this better than the previous JP sequels when...

The plot is just as ludicrous, if not more so.
This new movie has a made-up dinosaur so technically its just a monster and not a real dinosaur.
They train raptors which unsurprisingly turn on the people that trained them (so I've read). Movie cliche 101.
The CGI is not much better.
The kids are, so I've read, annoying and pointless.
The new made-up dino is called an I-Rex (iphone, get it? for the younger generation)  -_-

Admittedly like I said, I haven't seen it, I'm playing devils advocate. But I don't get how this differs from the previous films.


People might take you more seriously if you didn't often form your opinion of a film long before actually seeing it.




Like I said I'm playing devil's advocate, I'm also curious about the film and your thoughts on it.

I'm also curious because I've read and heard so many average reviews for this movie so I'm very curious, and baffled ;)

Plus, money on the table, sequel title...



I thought it was average. To quote myself from earlier:

There's a lot of fun in Jurassic World's individual moments and one very neat twist for the raptors and big-bad but the film is strung together by filmmakers and writers who seem to be at odds over the type of film they're making. Director Colin Trevorrow makes the same mistake as Brad Bird did with Tomorrowland in that the final film ends up being the very thing he's criticising. For example, Trevorrow has one of the character's remark how corporate the park is in regards to product placement in a clear nudge-nudge-wink-wink about how corporate modern films have become, yet there are several moments of obvious product placement littered through the film. There are shots that entirely serve to sell a f**king car.

I also think Trevorrow utterly misses the tone of Spielberg's classic. Jurassic Park was about mining excitement out of the wonder of seeing something you've never seen before. World seems to be about drawing excitement from seeing those wonderful things either kill everything in sight or be killed. Sure there's the element of danger about Jurassic Park, and there are some gnarly death scenes, but it rarely comes across as cruel (the exception being the opening kill). World felt cruel to me.

Also, the placement of the Jurassic Park theme bugged me. In Park it's saved for the new guests witnessing a living dinosaur for the first time. It's literally something they have never seen before (nor the audience seen realised in such a realistic way before). It's a moment of absolute wonder. With World it's used for a view of the parks busy main street, which very much resembles something of an exotic Disney World. It's the type of view seen on multiple adverts for theme parks. There's nothing wondrous about it at all. It's corporate and ultimately soulless. Fell very flat for me.

I liked the stuff with the Raptors, though I can see the execution of them bugging a lot of fans. It's certainly a lot better than JP3 and despite my above issues there is some fun to be had over the various exciting set pieces. It just pales in comparison to the original and even The Lost World in my opinion. However, you may not have any of these issues or personally find they hold any weight after having actually watched the film.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 14, 2015, 11:25:17 PM
Like I said I'm playing devil's advocate, I'm also curious about the film and your thoughts on it.

I'm also curious because I've read and heard so many average reviews for this movie so I'm very curious, and baffled ;)

Plus, money on the table, sequel title...

See it first, then come and debate it. You'd be amazed at how much your opinion can change.


QuoteThe $150 million tentpole, bestowed with an A CinemaScore, proves that dinosaurs are every bit as potent as superheroes: Jurassic World's estimated weekend bests the $191.3 million launch of sequel Avengers: Age of Ultron last month to bite off the No. 2 domestic opening of all time, almost matching the $207.4 million launch of The Avengers in May 2012.




Quote from: Gazz on Jun 14, 2015, 11:39:53 PM
I thought it was average. To quote myself from earlier:

There's a lot of fun in Jurassic World's individual moments and one very neat twist for the raptors and big-bad but the film is strung together by filmmakers and writers who seem to be at odds over the type of film they're making. Director Colin Trevorrow makes the same mistake as Brad Bird did with Tomorrowland in that the final film ends up being the very thing he's criticising. For example, Trevorrow has one of the character's remark how corporate the park is in regards to product placement in a clear nudge-nudge-wink-wink about how corporate modern films have become, yet there are several moments of obvious product placement littered through the film. There are shots that entirely serve to sell a f**king car.

I also think Trevorrow utterly misses the tone of Spielberg's classic. Jurassic Park was about mining excitement out of the wonder of seeing something you've never seen before. World seems to be about drawing excitement from seeing those wonderful things either kill everything in sight or be killed. Sure there's the element of danger about Jurassic Park, and there are some gnarly death scenes, but it rarely comes across as cruel (the exception being the opening kill). World felt cruel to me.

Also, the placement of the Jurassic Park theme bugged me. In Park it's saved for the new guests witnessing a living dinosaur for the first time. It's literally something they have never seen before (nor the audience seen realised in such a realistic way before). It's a moment of absolute wonder. With World it's used for a view of the parks busy main street, which very much resembles something of an exotic Disney World. It's the type of view seen on multiple adverts for theme parks. There's nothing wondrous about it at all. It's corporate and ultimately soulless. Fell very flat for me.

I liked the stuff with the Raptors, though I can see the execution of them bugging a lot of fans. It's certainly a lot better than JP3 and despite my above issues there is some fun to be had over the various exciting set pieces. It just pales in comparison to the original and even The Lost World in my opinion. However, you may not have any of these issues or personally find they hold any weight after having actually watched the film.

Yep, pretty much what many are saying, average with highlights.

I get the impression this movie has done well initially because its been so long since the last (good) Jurassic Park flick. Then all of a sudden there's a new movie and everybody has gone nostalgia nuts for the franchise...even though the movie is apparently average. Could say the same for Mad Max really. I agree with Screen Junkies: Movie Fights in that we need more time to see if Mad Max actually stands the test of time, to see if it was over-hyped.

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