Prey Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, Jul 21, 2022, 03:59:26 PM

What did you think of Prey?

Loved it. (5/5)
84 (42.4%)
Good, it was enjoyable. (4/5)
67 (33.8%)
It was okay. (3/5)
22 (11.1%)
Could have been better. (2/5)
8 (4%)
Didn't like it. (1/5)
10 (5.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
7 (3.5%)

Total Members Voted: 196

Prey Fan Reviews (Read 168,779 times)

Brooklyn First Team

Brooklyn First Team

I found it entertaining, but I had a lot of issues with it.

1. Did the Feral Predator really not understand how his own weapon worked? He seemed inept throughout the film, whether it what getting caught in the trap, being surprised numerous times, tricked, etc.

2. Naru was fine and Amber Midthunder did a good job. But it was a bit jarring to see her struggle in the beginning of the film with throwing the axe, being scared of the lion, etc. to then suddenly show bravery against an intergalactic creature of great speed and strength.

3. The soundtrack. I missed Silvestri's score. Any of it. Just a tinge. Maybe even during the credits?

4. The design of the Predator. Stan Winston is a legend. Why change perfection?

Hadji Murad

Hadji Murad

Quote from: overthere on Aug 07, 2022, 10:00:26 AMGreat post!
After first viewing I was very pleased with this movie, although I had this sense of "this doesn't feel like predator".
After second viewing my doubts were crystalized. This creature is literally a Jason or Michael Myers character. Actually, even Michael Myers has more depth to him. This is just an unstoppable killing machine.

My opinion has changed drastically. I no longer think this is a good Predator movie.

I will watch the original today to wash this feeling out.

Man, the atmosphere of the original is something else. There's this constant sense of unease and weirdness.

Yes, it has a pervasive atmosphere of evil that surrounds it. Right down to the ominous noise that plays whenever the camera zooms in on the trees it's in, or the way the forest is shot when they first fast rope in (like it's a haunted forest). There's a sense that something very evil is present within this jungle.

This is very deliberate. Predator doesn't have much characterization for its heroes, but what it does have is clear. Dutch is a killer who at least thinks of himself as someone who only kills to save people ("we're a rescue team, not assassins" "Don't do this kind of work."). The Predator is his inverse - it kills for the sake of killing. It's the nightmare of the world he engages in. Is he really, at the bottom of things any different?

Like him, it gets dropped off into a foreign environment and hunts men. They just do it for different reasons. But the outcome - slaughtering people - is the same.

When he asks him what it is... it responds in kind.

I don't think it's any coincidence the film ends on such a downer. Dutch is staring off into the distance, jaded. The man has journeyed into a haunted forest and faced his evil shadow.

The Predator having an all-consuming, pervasive aura of evil is pretty integral to it. It worships death and is literally summoned by violence. You bring it upon yourself by committing evil acts.* Note that in the film it's never referred to as an alien... it's referred to as a Demon. Which is, in essence, what it truly is.**

To its credit, Prey actually kind of does something like this...

Naru and her people hunt to feed and to survive - they don't kill unnecessarily. The Predator hunts for glory/pleasure. The trappers hunt for wealth. Both are evil, but the film doesn't really go anywhere with this or truly create a sense of dread. More just presents the parallel and leaves it at that. The Predator isn't evil so much as another violent selfish asshole who's come to her land to exploit it - he doesn't have that demonic presence.

* Another note, Dutch's men aren't really "good" guys. Blain is a hyper-masculine thug who calls people faggots. Mac is unhinged and threatens to murder people on his own team. Dillon thinks warfare is a game. On some level, they deserve what's coming to them. Naru's tribe however are kind of victims? Some are dicks to her, but nothing too bad other than that. Nothing warranting summoning evil.

**If I remember rightly, McTiernan didn't even want the shot of the spacecraft dropping the Predator off at the start. The film would have had the soldiers chopper in, encounter this evil creature, then the last survivor choppers out.



This is turning into a great discussion. Nothing touches the original Predator imo because of the atmosphere and weirdness that is being discussed. It really does feel like a demon is out in the jungle haunting these men. Almost like a sick karmic comeuppance for all the violence they've justified in their hearts. Everything from the musical cues, camera shots, pov shots, and the perverted use of Billy's laughter in the end is just next level. That jungle in the original really felt haunted and cursed by the presence of the demon. That's why I think Predator 2 works too. It retains that karmic and demonic element. It's also no coincidence that the predators target the spiritual leaders in both movies as trophies, Billy and King Willie. If Prey had gone more into the Thunderbird and "monster" mythos of their culture I think it would have sent it to the level of these first two movies.



My thoughts on PREY?


It's a really average movie. Overhyped if anything. More of a movie to rent than add to the DVD shelf. It's a movie to watch once, then maybe forget about.

Do I hate it? No... I don't hate the movie. But I don't exactly like it either.

I didn't like the design of Feral though. I really would've preferred a classic type Predator. However, I really did like how he killed the bear and that was it.



Quote from: RIP77 on Aug 07, 2022, 05:42:57 PMIs it a mistake that water does not affect the Predator in PREY and it does in Predator 2?

Older hardware is actually sometimes more robust.

Like that story, NASA developed a technological marvel of a pen that was designed to work in zero gravity so the astronauts could write stuff down. Their Soviet/Russian cosmonaut counterparts ... used a pencil.

Or cars. Older cars with simpler, user-servicable engines can run for decades. Modern cars which are half computer? Not so much.



Quote from: Mike's Monsters on Aug 07, 2022, 07:12:52 PMNaru is far from a John Wick Mary Sue that so many here keep insisting,

When someone mentions Mary Sue, I immediately think of Rey from Star Wars and that just shows me how much of a contrast there is between Rey and Naru. And then I look back to previous Predator films and that's when one realizes that there's little to no character development in previous films aside from Dillon from the first film and maybe Royce? Like, Naru is like of the few protagonists who has a complete character arc, so it feels like her story is finished and we'll most likely get a new character in the next film if she doesn't come back, I kinda hope she does, and she grows as a character so it makes her journey that much more believable.

On that note, calling her a Mary Sue just feels disingenuous to me, so I agree on those points. But I will admit, that final blow could've been better.



Quote from: NecronomIV on Aug 08, 2022, 02:56:40 AMLike that story, NASA developed a technological marvel of a pen that was designed to work in zero gravity so the astronauts could write stuff down. Their Soviet/Russian cosmonaut counterparts ... used a pencil.

Apocryphal, unfortunately.



What do we think happens at the end? I'm guessing the Preds who arrive either kill everyone and take the pistol, or pay tribute to the kill - let them live but take the pistol.



Quote from: Huntsman on Aug 08, 2022, 03:48:47 AMWhat do we think happens at the end? I'm guessing the Preds who arrive either kill everyone and take the pistol, or pay tribute to the kill - let them live but take the pistol.

I'm guessing they have a sort of communion together where they pay respect to each others tribes and exchange offerings.



Quote from: Hadji Murad on Aug 08, 2022, 01:02:43 AM
Quote from: overthere on Aug 07, 2022, 10:00:26 AMGreat post!
After first viewing I was very pleased with this movie, although I had this sense of "this doesn't feel like predator".
After second viewing my doubts were crystalized. This creature is literally a Jason or Michael Myers character. Actually, even Michael Myers has more depth to him. This is just an unstoppable killing machine.

My opinion has changed drastically. I no longer think this is a good Predator movie.

I will watch the original today to wash this feeling out.

Man, the atmosphere of the original is something else. There's this constant sense of unease and weirdness.

Yes, it has a pervasive atmosphere of evil that surrounds it. Right down to the ominous noise that plays whenever the camera zooms in on the trees it's in, or the way the forest is shot when they first fast rope in (like it's a haunted forest). There's a sense that something very evil is present within this jungle.

This is very deliberate. Predator doesn't have much characterization for its heroes, but what it does have is clear. Dutch is a killer who at least thinks of himself as someone who only kills to save people ("we're a rescue team, not assassins" "Don't do this kind of work."). The Predator is his inverse - it kills for the sake of killing. It's the nightmare of the world he engages in. Is he really, at the bottom of things any different?

Like him, it gets dropped off into a foreign environment and hunts men. They just do it for different reasons. But the outcome - slaughtering people - is the same.

When he asks him what it is... it responds in kind.

I don't think it's any coincidence the film ends on such a downer. Dutch is staring off into the distance, jaded. The man has journeyed into a haunted forest and faced his evil shadow.

The Predator having an all-consuming, pervasive aura of evil is pretty integral to it. It worships death and is literally summoned by violence. You bring it upon yourself by committing evil acts.* Note that in the film it's never referred to as an alien... it's referred to as a Demon. Which is, in essence, what it truly is.**

To its credit, Prey actually kind of does something like this...

Naru and her people hunt to feed and to survive - they don't kill unnecessarily. The Predator hunts for glory/pleasure. The trappers hunt for wealth. Both are evil, but the film doesn't really go anywhere with this or truly create a sense of dread. More just presents the parallel and leaves it at that. The Predator isn't evil so much as another violent selfish asshole who's come to her land to exploit it - he doesn't have that demonic presence.

* Another note, Dutch's men aren't really "good" guys. Blain is a hyper-masculine thug who calls people faggots. Mac is unhinged and threatens to murder people on his own team. Dillon thinks warfare is a game. On some level, they deserve what's coming to them. Naru's tribe however are kind of victims? Some are dicks to her, but nothing too bad other than that. Nothing warranting summoning evil.

**If I remember rightly, McTiernan didn't even want the shot of the spacecraft dropping the Predator off at the start. The film would have had the soldiers chopper in, encounter this evil creature, then the last survivor choppers out.

I love how when Anna is telling the story of demon who makes throphies of men, Dillon is rolling his eyes like "you can't be serious", but Dutch is listening with interest and taking it seriously.

I love the angle of Predator as demon or karma personified. I was rewatching the original yesterday and looking at Dutch and the team just brutally killing everyone and thought about the same thing.
I missed the parallel of Dutch being dropped in the jungle in very much the same way as the Predator.

Man the movie is a lot more than some popcorn fun.



Quote from: newagescamartist on Aug 08, 2022, 04:12:14 AM
Quote from: Huntsman on Aug 08, 2022, 03:48:47 AMWhat do we think happens at the end? I'm guessing the Preds who arrive either kill everyone and take the pistol, or pay tribute to the kill - let them live but take the pistol.

I'm guessing they have a sort of communion together where they pay respect to each others tribes and exchange offerings.
I'm thinking along the same lines too. Similar to how they respected Harrigan at the end of Predator 2.

Hadji Murad

Hadji Murad

Quote from: overthere on Aug 08, 2022, 06:14:40 AM
Quote from: Hadji Murad on Aug 08, 2022, 01:02:43 AM
Quote from: overthere on Aug 07, 2022, 10:00:26 AMGreat post!
After first viewing I was very pleased with this movie, although I had this sense of "this doesn't feel like predator".
After second viewing my doubts were crystalized. This creature is literally a Jason or Michael Myers character. Actually, even Michael Myers has more depth to him. This is just an unstoppable killing machine.

My opinion has changed drastically. I no longer think this is a good Predator movie.

I will watch the original today to wash this feeling out.

Man, the atmosphere of the original is something else. There's this constant sense of unease and weirdness.

Yes, it has a pervasive atmosphere of evil that surrounds it. Right down to the ominous noise that plays whenever the camera zooms in on the trees it's in, or the way the forest is shot when they first fast rope in (like it's a haunted forest). There's a sense that something very evil is present within this jungle.

This is very deliberate. Predator doesn't have much characterization for its heroes, but what it does have is clear. Dutch is a killer who at least thinks of himself as someone who only kills to save people ("we're a rescue team, not assassins" "Don't do this kind of work."). The Predator is his inverse - it kills for the sake of killing. It's the nightmare of the world he engages in. Is he really, at the bottom of things any different?

Like him, it gets dropped off into a foreign environment and hunts men. They just do it for different reasons. But the outcome - slaughtering people - is the same.

When he asks him what it is... it responds in kind.

I don't think it's any coincidence the film ends on such a downer. Dutch is staring off into the distance, jaded. The man has journeyed into a haunted forest and faced his evil shadow.

The Predator having an all-consuming, pervasive aura of evil is pretty integral to it. It worships death and is literally summoned by violence. You bring it upon yourself by committing evil acts.* Note that in the film it's never referred to as an alien... it's referred to as a Demon. Which is, in essence, what it truly is.**

To its credit, Prey actually kind of does something like this...

Naru and her people hunt to feed and to survive - they don't kill unnecessarily. The Predator hunts for glory/pleasure. The trappers hunt for wealth. Both are evil, but the film doesn't really go anywhere with this or truly create a sense of dread. More just presents the parallel and leaves it at that. The Predator isn't evil so much as another violent selfish asshole who's come to her land to exploit it - he doesn't have that demonic presence.

* Another note, Dutch's men aren't really "good" guys. Blain is a hyper-masculine thug who calls people faggots. Mac is unhinged and threatens to murder people on his own team. Dillon thinks warfare is a game. On some level, they deserve what's coming to them. Naru's tribe however are kind of victims? Some are dicks to her, but nothing too bad other than that. Nothing warranting summoning evil.

**If I remember rightly, McTiernan didn't even want the shot of the spacecraft dropping the Predator off at the start. The film would have had the soldiers chopper in, encounter this evil creature, then the last survivor choppers out.

I love how when Anna is telling the story of demon who makes throphies of men, Dillon is rolling his eyes like "you can't be serious", but Dutch is listening with interest and taking it seriously.

I love the angle of Predator as demon or karma personified. I was rewatching the original yesterday and looking at Dutch and the team just brutally killing everyone and thought about the same thing.
I missed the parallel of Dutch being dropped in the jungle in very much the same way as the Predator.

Man the movie is a lot more than some popcorn fun.

Well, it IS popcorn fun about an inherently absurd concept (an alien big game hunter who hunts baby oil slicked muscled golden age bodybuilders. It's very b-movie).

BUT John McTiernan is a switched-on director who understands how to draw the essence of a story and make it present.

Guys vs a monster in a forest? He brings out the sense of evil.
Guy saving his wife from a "castle"? He brings out the sense of a fairy tale.

He knows how to squeeze the juice out of a boy's story.

This same thing is part of what makes A L I E N so great. Simple b-movie premise, but give the whole thing a repressed "working with my opposite sex colleagues" energy, then throw in a giant penis-shaped rape monster who's going to force all kinds of sexual evil onto you.



It's in the good category, which does the Predator franchise wonders. After some big disappointments it feels like we're starting to have more good films than bad. Which will especially be the case if they keep making films like this.



Quote from: overthere on Aug 08, 2022, 06:14:40 AMMan the movie is a lot more than some popcorn fun.

I agree. There is a reason we hold it in such high regard. There is just something about it that connects. It has commentary on hunting, spirituality, morality, friendship, etc. The original film just hits perfectly, and it's not even preachy like most modern movies. I still think Predator is underrated to this day. I've been talking to people on Twitter that discovered this franchise because of Prey. I think we're about to see a huge incoming of new Predator fans :)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: 426Buddy on Aug 08, 2022, 12:38:13 AMWhere is the AvP Galaxy review? :P

I'm writing it. :)

QuoteI can't wait for the podcast discussing this film.

Recording tonight. :)

QuoteI know Voodoo isn't around the forum anymore but if you guys could bring him in that would be awesome.

Wont be happening, but if you check his Twitter he hated it.

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