About Female Predators

Started by tralaritralara, Oct 26, 2021, 06:55:23 AM

About Female Predators (Read 2,707 times)



Just allow me one careful thought on the subject in order to explain myself on why many of you are simply out of your minds, because I think.., well I've always thought that a "fanbase" could always be the main problem for a franchise or a series to grow properly, without falling into the typical sea of madness and childish non-sensical stuff that comics, specially alien and predator comics always suffered from.

That said and on to the subject. If the predator has always looked like a reptilian, and was always probably meant to be that from the beginning, then female predators should be almost unrecognizable from their male counterparts, maybe a little taller or with some skin colour peculiarities, but mostly without boobs, because female reptiles, unless your already sickened minds just went full nerd, don't have mamals, right?

In short. The predators seen in the first films (I don't count modern predator movies) could have perfectly been females as well, since there should not be noticeable differences between them when we see them suited up.

In other words. You could already have your female predators perfectly fine, and from the beginning of the franchise, without having to resort to the laughable female ones we se in this game with mamals and also kind of feminine looking (which this last should be the opposite to real life too, as female reptile either look the same as males, but in some other cases are bigger and more intimidating), just to please a "product" or "idea" spawned from the most ill part of our fellow audience with as usual the worst ideas possible that hurt, not only the franchise but the very monster as well.

It's sickening to see, not only to witness what many of you have in your minds and label as "ideas" or "concepts", but also developers answering to them and making it reality.

So, congratulations people!, you have contributed to the franchise!, but in the good sense?, no way.



The boobs again?

Quote from: tralaritralara on Oct 26, 2021, 06:55:23 AM
So, congratulations people!, you have contributed to the franchise!, but in the good sense?, no way.

I'm not sure this is an entirely fair take. It's not like Illfonic or 20th Century Studios polled fans to find out their preference before going with that design.

I've seen great pieces of fan art both with and without them, it's a preference thing and I don't fault anybody for liking either interpretation.

They may be compared to 'reptilian,' but Predators are not reptiles. I don't even think they look that reptilian personally. They don't have scales, though I suppose some of their skin texture could be compared to osteoderms.

Comics have depicted them both ways, with the 2001 Mindhunter crossover having "Sister Midnight" (breasts), and the 1993-1995 AvP: Deadliest of the Species comic having "Big Mama" (no breasts).

Having them be depicted as such in Hunting Grounds I assume was done for role-play purposes. Probably wouldn't want female players wondering why their sex isn't as representative of them as the male Predators are for male players.

Personally I found their portrayal in Hunting Grounds with the armor to be tasteful and not overly-sexualized. And I find them just as intimidating as the males.

I don't think fans can take credit (or be blamed) for inspiring that decision.



Over 1 year and still this ? Predators might be reptile looking but their body proportions were based on humans, Jungle and City bodies look masculine and I don't think the possibility of them being females ever crossed the mind of those making the movie.

Just fanboys projecting their shit that would think they were females. Females Predators have feminine body proportions, just like how female humans have cus Predators were based on humans, get over it.

Quote from: tralaritralara on Oct 26, 2021, 06:55:23 AM
So, congratulations people!, you have contributed to the franchise!, but in the good sense?, no way.

For you.



I don't really care about PHG but from what I've seen game devs did boobie Predators as tastefully as possible



That's not something Illfonic made up. The franchise dabbled in Predator tits for years with it nearly showing up on film. Big Mama is more an outlier if anything.

I also don't know if it's right to classify them as reptiles or anything given how different they can look film to film and creature to creature. They're an interstellar species so they might develop in different ways on different worlds (the super Predators are suggested to even be a sub-species). We also now the gene editing could play a role in that as the Assassin possessed physical changes so we have no reason to suggest any other wouldn't. There's also the very possible idea that the females have working tits but the males wouldn't.

We just don't know much definitive about the biology to really say anything on whether it's useful to them or not. Hell it could be vestigial given we don't know what the Amengi did to them exactly beyond chemical enhancements. Some chemical on the homeworld might've ended up giving the females breasts as a result of the Amengi occupation.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: tralaritralara on Oct 26, 2021, 06:55:23 AM
Just allow me one careful thought on the subject in order to explain myself on why many of you are simply out of your minds, because I think.., well I've always thought that a "fanbase" could always be the main problem for a franchise or a series to grow properly, without falling into the typical sea of madness and childish non-sensical stuff that comics, specially alien and predator comics always suffered from.

Is this another case of a primarily Alien fan coming in, telling Predator fans what's wrong with the franchise we love? *Sigh if so*

You're declaring that many of us "are simply out of your minds" or that our "fanbase" could always be the main problem" and then teach us what's wrong with female Predators? *sigh* Not a great way to engage Predator fans brother. Share your opinions, please do, but no need to put other fans down while you do.

QuoteThat said and on to the subject. If the predator has always looked like a reptilian, and was always probably meant to be that from the beginning, then female predators should be almost unrecognizable from their male counterparts, maybe a little taller or with some skin colour peculiarities, but mostly without boobs, because female reptiles, unless your already sickened minds just went full nerd, don't have mamals, right?

You have entirely no clue what Predators are, or what their biology entails. None of us do. They are an alien creature from an alien planet.

* Predators appear to have Reptilian-like skin doesn't mean they are Reptiles.
* Predators appear Humanoid doesn't mean they are humans.

Though, if we look at totality, head to toe, it can be argued that from everything on Planet Earth, humans are probably what Predator bodies resemble the most percentage wise. If you cut off a Predator's head and file its nails, it looks like human male. Pectoral muscles. Buldge under the codpiece. Who knows, maybe humans and Predators do share a common ancient ancestry.  I don't know. We all don't know what they are really. They are not of Earth, at least we think not. But there is no real scientific precedent we can apply to these fictional Predators.

QuoteIn short. The predators seen in the first films (I don't count modern predator movies) could have perfectly been females as well, since there should not be noticeable differences between them when we see them suited up.

Peter Keyes : It's taken us over two weeks to learn his patterns. He comes here every two days to feed. Seems he has a taste for beef.

QuoteIn other words. You could already have your female predators perfectly fine, and from the beginning of the franchise, without having to resort to the laughable female ones we se in this game.

I don't think they're laughable at all. This fan thinks they look awesome.



Quote from: RidgeTop on Oct 26, 2021, 08:19:00 AM
The boobs again?

Quote from: tralaritralara on Oct 26, 2021, 06:55:23 AM
So, congratulations people!, you have contributed to the franchise!, but in the good sense?, no way.

I'm not sure this is an entirely fair take. It's not like Illfonic or 20th Century Studios polled fans to find out their preference before going with that design.

I've seen great pieces of fan art both with and without them, it's a preference thing and I don't fault anybody for liking either interpretation.

They may be compared to 'reptilian,' but Predators are not reptiles. I don't even think they look that reptilian personally. They don't have scales, though I suppose some of their skin texture could be compared to osteoderms.

Comics have depicted them both ways, with the 2001 Mindhunter crossover having "Sister Midnight" (breasts), and the 1993-1995 AvP: Deadliest of the Species comic having "Big Mama" (no breasts).

Having them be depicted as such in Hunting Grounds I assume was done for role-play purposes. Probably wouldn't want female players wondering why their sex isn't as representative of them as the male Predators are for male players.

Personally I found their portrayal in Hunting Grounds with the armor to be tasteful and not overly-sexualized. And I find them just as intimidating as the males.

I don't think fans can take credit (or be blamed) for inspiring that decision.

This.  Both comics and novels have portrayed them with and without breasts.  The idea isn't new.

My OG is Big Mama and the Lebbon novels, etc. so that's my headcanon.  But those who like the more feminine design also have source material to pull from.  I think there's probably a practical reason why they chose this design over others (like RidgeTop noted), instead of plain titillation  :laugh:   

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Yep, I believe it was Jared Gerritzen who said exactly that in our AvPGalaxy Podcast interview. He stated the Predators we have currently are clearly identifiable as male, and they wanted to have female Predators represented, playable and available to female gamers as well. :)

The Shuriken

The Shuriken

Hunting Grounds fempreds are fine and dandy. And they're canon apparently. And their designs were approved by Fox. It's over.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Indeed. Jared said they worked closely with 20th Century, and had a lot of back and forth, to make sure they got the female Predators right. :)

But hey, I'm fine with someone saying they don't like them and they prefer something else. Absolutely fine. Just insulting other fans out of the gate saying things like "unless your already sickened minds just went full nerd" yeah, I don't believe that nonsense will fly long.



Quote from: SuperiorIronman on Oct 26, 2021, 12:57:55 PM
That's not something Illfonic made up. The franchise dabbled in Predator tits for years with it nearly showing up on film. Big Mama is more an outlier if anything.

I also don't know if it's right to classify them as reptiles or anything given how different they can look film to film and creature to creature. They're an interstellar species so they might develop in different ways on different worlds (the super Predators are suggested to even be a sub-species). We also now the gene editing could play a role in that as the Assassin possessed physical changes so we have no reason to suggest any other wouldn't. There's also the very possible idea that the females have working tits but the males wouldn't.

We just don't know much definitive about the biology to really say anything on whether it's useful to them or not. Hell it could be vestigial given we don't know what the Amengi did to them exactly beyond chemical enhancements. Some chemical on the homeworld might've ended up giving the females breasts as a result of the Amengi occupation.
Thanks for your calm post and reaction man. You see I touched others feeling around, but it is your kind of posts (you, that kind of predator fan, not a radical) that I am interested in for a "exchange" (in the good sense i dont know the english word for it sorry).

Ok. If I understood you well..., you have doubts whether the pred is a reptilian or not. I of course have to accept that because it is an opinion just as valid as I think mine is too. His mouth dreads make me doubt too, but when you look at the creature overall..., that's what i mean.

But.., can I pressume you are an old fan too?, do you remember the time all these movies (even alien) were made that the fashion aliens were two types primarily, those of Zeta reticuli (the fashion alien star system by the seventies and nineties, and where alien is placed), and the others being the classic reptilians?

All I meant is that the predator, because yeah the time it was made, belonged to he second group. And in my humble opinion, when i see it and his skin..., man, don't you think it is a reptilian race?

I mean given the time we come from and the fashion stuff by those days, there's two chances only; either the greys from reticula (and the A L I E N of course), the reptile humanoids, which I always thought the predator belonged too.

And that was the point about their females. They should have no mamals then, shouldn't they?

And yeah nobody mentioned it, but neither of us can also relate to the original idea of the predator, being very clearly and insectoid?

If there was a way I had introduced a female predator, that then would have been a sightly taller individual with some colour skin peculiarities, but come on never boobs as long as we consider it a reptile, reptiloid or reptilian whatever you name it.

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: tralaritralara on Oct 26, 2021, 07:29:25 PM
Thanks for your calm post and reaction man. You see I touched others feeling around, but it is your kind of posts (you, that kind of predator fan, not a radical)

No one here is a radical. This is a warning to please knock off the condescension. Any further posts like this will be deleted. Having a civil discussion is fine, insulting members is not.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

I've never been a fan of "breasts" on female predators.

As others have said, I just can't see how predator morphology (most notably the mouths) would be conducive to feeding young in a way analogous to that of mammals. It should also be noted that human morphology is atypical of other mammals in this respect as well. With a few notable exceptions (like cattle), mammary glands generally aren't a prominent point of difference between males and females, and both possess nipples. The latter is what clinches it for me, because we've seen bared predator chests and they don't have nipples at all.

And while I'm sure we could come up with a different explanation for the breast-like morphology, I'd jut prefer they explored other, more interesting and distinctly alien ways of signifying the differences between males and females. There are so many whacky things out there in the animal kingdom even here on earth, it just seems lazy to fall back on a human analogue.

All that said, I think Illfonic's take is greatly understated and the most tolerable (with the possible exception of the Cleopatra design).

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: The Necronoir on Nov 07, 2021, 04:01:34 AM
The latter is what clinches it for me, because we've seen bared predator chests and they don't have nipples at all.

You must have missed the great nipple debate of '19. Some male mammals like horses and mice do not have nipples, while their female counterparts do, so don't let at least that aspect be the clincher for you.  :)

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Voodoo Magic on Nov 07, 2021, 11:35:38 AM
Quote from: The Necronoir on Nov 07, 2021, 04:01:34 AM
The latter is what clinches it for me, because we've seen bared predator chests and they don't have nipples at all.

You must have missed the great nipple debate of '19. Some male mammals like horses and mice do not have nipples, while their female counterparts do, so don't let at least that aspect be the clincher for you.  :)

I find it hard to believe that they don't have some vestigial traces of them, even if they aren't visible to the naked eye. That's really not a rabbit hole I want to burrow into though, so let's move on!

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