Started by YutaniDitch, Apr 29, 2017, 12:02:22 PM




I know this may well be a controversial topic, but here is my reasoning behind it:

The events in PROMETHEUS and from all that has transpired so far from ALIEN COVENANT are creating serious continuity issues regarding the events in ALIEN, namely the WY knowledge of the xenos existence prior to the Nostromo landing on LV-426...

First of all, there is no way the events on LV-223, including Shaw's beacon, later picked up by the Covenant crew, were not known by WY execs, which poses the obvious question: Why did WY wait that long to go to LV-426 after the events unfolding on LV-223, just on the next moon, where they could have easily  picked up the beacon from the Derelict on the next moon, and get the xenos decades earlier with no fuss and no muss...? Fans have been defending that WY already knew of the existence of Xenos prior to ALIEN events, hence why the Nostromo went there... I disagree completely and the first two Alien movies showed it perfectly: if Ash reported to WY about the Xenos and was instructed to retrieve it even if it meant sacrificing the entire Nostromo crew, then why was the Derelict ship slipped outta remembrance for FIFTY SEVEN YEARS until Ripley's report made Burke order the colonists to go to the grid where Ridley said the Derelict was...? So, if WY had known all along of the existence of Xenos, why wait decades until a towing ship happened to pass by Zeta 2 Reticuli and then wait fifty seven years MORE, twenty of them with already colonists on the ground, to become interested in Xenos again...!? 

And here we get to the prequels... How come the PROMETHEUS did not get the distress beacon from the moon right next to LV-223, the infamous LV-426 upon having reached the destination threshold no less...!? We already know that the Derelict was an escaping ship from the outbreak that had taken place 2000 years before on LV-223 and was landed on LV-426 upon realization by the SpaceJockey that he was infected... I am sure you noticed that not only the SpaceJockey had both hands on the controls even after the chest bursting, but also the eggs were not toppled over nor was there any physical indication of the ship being crashed... So, going back to the events in PROMETHEUS, it becomes clear that the PROMETHEUS lands next to to an arming and storage hangar base, with five or six hangars with same number of Juggernaut ships... First question that popped to mind was that this was not a testing facility as the captain said, because all we saw were storage rooms like the Engineer Head one and just corridors that eventually led to the Juggernaut ship... Also, this base was clearly away from any civilization, which meant that there was nothing to test the bioweapons at on this barren planet... Also, there is a lingering question that will affect the credibility of David's plan: so, the Engineers had planned to wipe Earth two thousand years before the outbreak on LV-223 and then gave up...?! Unless this was a faction within the military branch, it makes absolutely no sense why would they give up on their plans to wipe Earth for the next two thousand years... I mean, when was the Engineer on the cryotube expected to wake up..? There was a deleted scene where the Engineer clearly asked Weyland and the others what  they were doing there, which clearly contradicts the paintings where the Engineers clearly left clues for the humans to get to that system... So, were the Engineers that came to Earth secretly telling the humans to go to that system to foil the plans of the faction that wanted to undo their creations...? Very fascinating stuff...

So, long story short, the events on the PROMETHEUS and ALIEN COVENANT clearly conflict with ALIEN and ALIENS to a point where the prequels actually NEGATE what went on in ALIEN and ALIENS, as the WY already had more than enough data to go there, to both moons, retrieve the canisters, and experiment on... Especially with Shaw's beacon and signing off at the end of PROMETHEUS... What do you guys think...? And try to keep it civil... We are all fans here... 😉👍🏻



A good movie is a good movie. Another movie can't destroy that. So basically, I completely disagree.

Just rewatched the original Alien ( director's cut ) last evening, and I didn't think once of Prometheus while watching it.

Whatever happens in the prequels ( whether it's good ideas or bad ideas ) doesn't change what happens in the original movie. A good movie stands on its own, and Alien is a masterpiece. The brilliance of the original Alien movie is that the drama is really rooted in the characters and how they react to events. All of this is new to them, we see the movie through them and that will never change no matter how many prequels are made. The only characters that know of the Alien previous to the beginning of the movie are Ash and the Company, but this as well is made in a way that can stand on its own without taking other movies into account.

The Cruentus

Well some on this site and other places think/theorize that David created the Xenomorphs which would outright contradict the first movie big time. SJ had been dead for thousands of years and cause of death was from a Xenomorph chestburster, also the eggs in the cargo are the traditional Xenos, yet there is theory going around that the Xeno in covenant is a proto-version would be impossible. Covenant is set only less than a century (I think) before Alien.

It is more likely that David simply replicated what the Engineers did, however, if it turns that David did create them then Ridley just blew a massive hole in the franchise.



Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 12:58:25 PM
Well some on this site and other places think/theorize that David created the Xenomorphs which would outright contradict the first movie big time.

Even if David ends up creating the Xenomorph in Covenant, he will do this experimenting on material ( the black goo ) that has been around a very long time, at the very least since the times of the opening scene of Prometheus, which could take place millions of years ago. If David, a machine built by humans, can do this, it does in no way contradict the notion that an ancient species of space travellers already had created their version of a biomecanical xenomorph using the black goo.

Until they actually retcon the crash on LV426 as happening right before the events of Alien, there won't be any continuity problems. They might end up doing that down the line, but so far nothing like that is happening, even in Covenant. So no, Prometheus and Covenant are not destroying anything.

Fire Marshall Bill

Destroying?? A little dramatic are we.. literally nobody that's a fan of the first two movies which are both classics would say covenant or Prometheus are "destroying" alien or aliens. I get people are excited and kinda nervous about this new movie but man, for someone who hasn't seen the movie yet, you sure are bracing for the worst huh lol


Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 12:48:29 PM
A good movie is a good movie. Another movie can't destroy that. So basically, I completely disagree.

Just rewatched the original Alien ( director's cut ) last evening, and I didn't think once of Prometheus while watching it.

Whatever happens in the prequels ( whether it's good ideas or bad ideas ) doesn't change what happens in the original movie. A good movie stands on its own, and Alien is a masterpiece.


The Cruentus

Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 01:06:53 PM
Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 12:58:25 PM
Well some on this site and other places think/theorize that David created the Xenomorphs which would outright contradict the first movie big time.

Even if David ends up creating the Xenomorph in Covenant, he will do this experimenting on material ( the black goo ) that has been around a very long time, at the very least since the times of the opening scene of Prometheus, which could take place millions of years ago. If David, a machine built by humans, can do this, it does in no way contradict the notion that an ancient species of space travellers already had created their version of a biomecanical xenomorph using the black goo.

David replicating what had already been made is fine, that is no issue at all and I personally support that theory, what I mean is that some theorize that David actually created the Xenomorphs we know and that the one in Covenant is a Proto-Xeno, which would contradict Alien since traditional Xenomorphs already existed back then, hence the eggs in the cargo hold


Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 01:17:58 PMwhat I mean is that some theorize that David actually created the Xenomorphs we know and that the one in Covenant is a Proto-Xeno, which would contradict Alien since traditional Xenomorphs already existed back then, hence the eggs in the cargo hold

By all accounts what David creates is a completely animal ( fleshy ) species, as per the trailers. There is no indication that he will create the biomechanical version that so far still looks like it's only the Space Jockey's creation. If they retcon something down the line we can have this debate again but so far it doesn't look like Covenant and Prometheus are destroying anything.

I find it funny that people think Ridley would go that way when it's been reported they hired someone to create a "Bible" of the canon from the first movies to avoid any plot holes... why would they create a work of reference just for the sake of disregarding it entirely?

The Cruentus

Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 01:29:28 PM
Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 01:17:58 PMwhat I mean is that some theorize that David actually created the Xenomorphs we know and that the one in Covenant is a Proto-Xeno, which would contradict Alien since traditional Xenomorphs already existed back then, hence the eggs in the cargo hold

By all accounts what David creates is a completely animal ( fleshy ) species, as per the trailers. There is no indication that he will create the biomechanical version that so far still looks like it's only the Space Jockey's creation. If they retcon something down the line we can have this debate again but so far it doesn't look like Covenant and Prometheus are destroying anything.

I find it funny that people think Ridley would go that way when it's been reported they hired someone to create a "Bible" of the canon from the first movies to avoid any plot holes... why would they create a work of reference just for the sake of disregarding it entirely?

Prometheus already started the retconning with changing the Enginneers, so I am not holding my breath on him keeping to canon.

I do hope you are right but with everyone constantly saying "Protomorph" and how "David created them", especially since some here have actually seen some early screenings of the film, it does make me wonder.


Ah, we're at this point in the build up to the movie.



Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 01:33:06 PM
Prometheus already started the retconning with changing the Enginneers, so I am not holding my breath on him keeping to canon.

I do hope you are right but with everyone constantly saying "Protomorph" and how "David created them", especially since some here have actually seen some early screenings of the film, it does make me wonder.

I actually don't understand people's problem with the Engineers. I haven't seen Covenant yet but IF the dead Engineers on "Paradise" are actually Engineers ( and so far it seems that they are, they've been called as such by everyone in the production ), it then offers a solution to the problem as it shows than their species is degenerating with time, reducing in size with every generation. It then makes complete sense that an ancient Space Jockey would be a massive creature, bigger than the Engineers we saw in Prometheus, who themselves are bigger than the ones in Covenant. I don't get where the retcon is ( unless you mean the fact that the "shell" is a space suit, but it's not an issue for me... their species deal with biomechanics, their space suit could fossilise in time along with their body ).

As for "protomorph", well people keep throwing that word around, it's not exactly the filmmaker's fault. I've heard "protomorph" thrown around since Prometheus and the Deacon, and we know now the Deacon is just a messed-up version of the Xenomorph and not a "prehistoric" version or "ancestor" of the xenomorph. Basically the black goo CAN create any sort of Xenomorph depending on how you mix/use it. With flour you can make pancakes or pizza depending on how you mix it with other ingredients. Same thing. People watching Prometheus or the trailers for Covenant talking about "Proto-xenomorph" are just being a bit lazy and quick to judge and label. "Oh it's a sort of xenomorph and it's set before the movie Alien, it must be the Alien's ancestor!" whereas the movies themselves say nothing of the sort.


QuoteAlso, there is a lingering question that will affect the credibility of David's plan: so, the Engineers had planned to wipe Earth two thousand years before the outbreak on LV-223 and then gave up...?! ... it makes absolutely no sense why would they give up on their plans to wipe Earth for the next two thousand years... I mean, when was the Engineer on the cryotube expected to wake up..?

Civilizations rise and fall. The most logical explanation is the engineers were at their height thousands or millions of years ago, but many of them are gone now. Unless the sequel(s) to Covenant intends to show a massive amount of engineers dying (highly unlikely,) then this would explain what happened.

Covenant shows David wiping out the last of the engineers on their homeworld.

Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 01:17:58 PM
Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 01:06:53 PM
Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 12:58:25 PM
Well some on this site and other places think/theorize that David created the Xenomorphs which would outright contradict the first movie big time.

Even if David ends up creating the Xenomorph in Covenant, he will do this experimenting on material ( the black goo ) that has been around a very long time, at the very least since the times of the opening scene of Prometheus, which could take place millions of years ago. If David, a machine built by humans, can do this, it does in no way contradict the notion that an ancient species of space travellers already had created their version of a biomecanical xenomorph using the black goo.

David replicating what had already been made is fine, that is no issue at all and I personally support that theory, what I mean is that some theorize that David actually created the Xenomorphs we know and that the one in Covenant is a Proto-Xeno, which would contradict Alien since traditional Xenomorphs already existed back then, hence the eggs in the cargo hold

Signs currently point to David being the creator of the original Alien.
That would be a major retcon but it doesn't actually create continuity problems with ALIEN.


lol since the imdb forum ending there's been a shitload of nonsensical haters here. what the hell.

prometheus was great, this movie will be absolutely giganticly fantastic, and will be right there after Alien and Aliens. I can't wait for the next installment and hope it won't take 5 years to get another one.


Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 01:56:03 PM
Quote from: The Cruentus on Apr 29, 2017, 01:33:06 PM
Prometheus already started the retconning with changing the Enginneers, so I am not holding my breath on him keeping to canon.

I do hope you are right but with everyone constantly saying "Protomorph" and how "David created them", especially since some here have actually seen some early screenings of the film, it does make me wonder.

I actually don't understand people's problem with the Engineers. I haven't seen Covenant yet but IF the dead Engineers on "Paradise" are actually Engineers ( and so far it seems that they are, they've been called as such by everyone in the production ), it then offers a solution to the problem as it shows than their species is degenerating with time, reducing in size with every generation. It then makes complete sense that an ancient Space Jockey would be a massive creature, bigger than the Engineers we saw in Prometheus, who themselves are bigger than the ones in Covenant. I don't get where the retcon is ( unless you mean the fact that the "shell" is a space suit, but it's not an issue for me... their species deal with biomechanics, their space suit could fossilise in time along with their body ).

As for "protomorph", well people keep throwing that word around, it's not exactly the filmmaker's fault. I've heard "protomorph" thrown around since Prometheus and the Deacon, and we know now the Deacon is just a messed-up version of the Xenomorph and not a "prehistoric" version or "ancestor" of the xenomorph. Basically the black goo CAN create any sort of Xenomorph depending on how you mix/use it. With flour and eggs you can make pancakes or pizza depending on how you cook them. Same thing. People watching Prometheus or the trailers for Covenant talking about "Proto-xenomorph" are just being a bit lazy and quick to judge and label. "Oh it's a sort of xenomorph and it's set before the movie Alien, it must be the Alien's ancestor!" whereas the movies themselves say nothing of the sort.

It would be interesting if there were some Nephilim-like Engineers at some point in the distant past. Gods as it were.

Le Celticant

Quote from: Beardomorph on Apr 29, 2017, 01:56:03 PMI actually don't understand people's problem with the Engineers.

Well, on one side you have this:

Which looks totally bizarre, like having an entire body melted with the chair thing or maybe not even chair.
It's mysterious, it could come from another galaxy, another time, another dimension.
You can't relate to it in any way and the mere presence of this thing is freakin' scary.
Just the suggestion of the cargo is very disturbing knowing how lethal the xenomorph is and you can't believe this thing is actually moving an entire shipment of egg.
No one need to speak a word to gives you chill, the image speak to itself.

On the other side you got this:

Which is our creator and use "flour to make Pizza or Pasta".

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