Why are predators superior to Aliens?

Started by Keep Rockin, Sep 11, 2007, 01:40:09 AM

Why are predators superior to Aliens?

Predators have more fans, and so filmmakers appeal to preds more
5 (14.3%)
its just common knowledge
30 (85.7%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Why are predators superior to Aliens? (Read 2,639 times)

Keep Rockin

please read my post, so that you understand where I am coming from, before voting

Hello, I'm new to this message board, actually, I'm new to message boards in general, I read IMDB a bit, but this is the first time I have ever joined one, read this was a good place on imdb, so I'm pretty new to the scene, and apologise if this has been discussed before.

first off, I would like to say I was a huge Alien and predator fan before AVP came out, never read the comis or played the games, or anything extra, I was strictly a film fan, liked the first predator a lot, thought the second was average, and I really enjoy the first 3 alien films, love Aliens and Alien the most, 3rd was good, A:R sucked.

But when imagining the match up between these two species I always thought they would be pretty evenly matched, for whatever reason, however they were balanced, I just thought they would be pretty balanced, no matter how.

And I watch AVP, and I just couldn't believe what I was watching. First of all, it was disrespectful to each creature in their own right, aliens on earth, fast gestation, bulky predators, super sci-fi armor, weapons, and ship. But what shocked me the most was how it showed the predator to be so superior to the aliens.

I mean, I figured each species would have advantages in a battle, but AVP showed that predators are basically completely dominant to Aliens.

I have seen people raise issues like Grid taking out two predators in the span of 5 minutes, of course when you pitch it like that, it sounds like aliens are badass, but the way it was executed...it just felt like an insult to my assumptions of how aliens compared to predators.

Grid killed the first predator while it was turned around, focussing on killing a human, ready to strike, Grid simply snuck up on that predator with its tail, and stabbed it, then lifted it up, and mouth struck its brains out.

That doesn't show aliens are superior to me, it shows aliens have very strong tails, that they hide, and strike when the predators are distracted, like thats the only way they can take out a predator

Then in that fight, I saw nothing but Grid getting trashed the whole time, every time it felt like Grid was getting the advantage on that predator, the predator countered and gained the advantage every time,

Grid pounced on the predator, and slammed it through what looked a bit like a stone tablet or table, and had it pinned, but it seemed like as soon as the predator recovered from the knock, it easily overturned Grid, but an aliens body type doesnt allow it to be pinned flat on its back, the tubes sticking out of its upper back, and the tail stickin out of its lower back, prevent this, so Grid overturned that predator again, and tried several times to lunge in and mouth strike the predator, but almost every time, it was either dodged by the speed of the predator, or Grid's lunge down was stopped dead in its tracks by the power in just one of the predator's arms. Soon after that, using one leg, the predator sends Grid flying through the air with the power of one leg, and it lunges it was such force that Grid slams through a ston pillar.

The predator quickly gets to its feet, while Grid writhes on the ground in pain for a moment before getting up, then uses one of its few advantages, its tail, to trip the predator, it then tries to stab the predator with its tail, but sure enough, the predator reacts quick enough to dodge it lightning fast, cuts Grid's tail off, tackles it, Grid doesn't even have the strength to slow the predator down, and instead gets slammed into another stone pillar so hard it buckles. Then the predator picks Grid up by one tail, spins it around, and sends it flying.

Now this is the only time the alien gains any sort of real advantage(thank God), it uses its acid blood to melt the predators armor, good, but then it hides, because apparently, thats the only way aliens can gain advantages on predators, hide, and try and wait for a moment to strike, that doesnt sound balanced to me.

And even when it gets its shot, and attempts a pounce, the predator nets it, and basically has the win in the bag, and the only reason Grid is able to break out of the net, tackle it and kill it is because it was so damn cocky and took to long to kill Grid.

The alien pretty much got its ass kicked that whole fight, only to 'win' by what is quite literally a fluke, and never really gaining a good advantage, except when it hides from the predator, instead of fighting it.

I would have never thought a fight would be so one sided, a predator would be so superior, and an alien would be so dominated as it was in that fight.

Then we move on to the next predator, a facehugger, which I know from alien films to be super faced, its on you before you know its there, attempts to hug a predator, and not only does he see it coming, but reacts quick enough to whip out its shuriken, throw it, and slice the hugger in half, then an alien sneaks up on it without making a sound and the predator has good enough senses or whatever to know its there, and again, demonstrating lighting fast predator moves, delivers a death blow before that alien ever even knew what hit it.

I never would have guessed predators could react and move so fast in relation to aliens, and later that predator does get fachugged, but again, its when it is just finishing blooding itself, and like the first predator, distracted, the alien caught it off guard.

again, giving me the impression that aliens need to hide and attack predators when they are distracted to kill them, because if not, the predators are so superior, fast, and strong, that they would kill the alien.

the next time we see aliens encounter the predator is after its got its shoulder gun back, the gunes that, I think I should note, the predators would have all had much earlier, before they ever encountered aliens had the humans not taken them, had those predators had their guns when they were supposed to, the aliens would have never stood a chance, the humans gave the aliens the only fighting chance they could have by taking those guns.

But the predator gets its gun back, and what do you know, it targets and fires fast enough for not one of many aliens to even get close to it, it takes them out without moving an inch, and again, the aliens end up surviving by running away.

that ticks me off, like aliens have no fighting chance no matter what.

a predator later encounters a chestburster, which is also quite fast, and again, the predator is shown to be fast enough to catch a chestburster in mid air, and snaps its neck with its thumb, I mean damn, the predators are quite strong, CBs probably have weak bone structures, but with just the power in one thumb to break its neck, I wouldn't have guessed predators were that strong, but they are.

Then after the predator uses its bomb it made to blow up all of the aliens, we see him and the chick at the snow sled thing, and he is looking at whatever she is doing, and an alien pounces on him, impales him through the shoulder, and is about to kill him when the chick saves its life.

this again, just shows aliens only chance it to sneak up on distracted predators, that shows them as weak, inferior creatures.

and obviously from the films we can see predators are smarter then aliens, because they each make their own weapons to use when fighting, and I think that because they have a higher intelligence, it gives them ability to train and use their weapons with skill, where aliens cannot.

thats not the problem, the problem is that AVP showed predators are stronger, in some cases faster, or able to react lightning fast, and overall better then aliens, it showed that aliens only hope to kill a predator is to attack it from behind when its distracted, because in any other encounter, a predator would win.

the only time aliens killed predators in AVP was either by attacking it from behind while they were distracted, or through fluke, thats the only reason Grid was able to win its fight, it had been beaten, netted, Grid was done, and through fluke, the predator took too long, and Grid managed to get the time it needed to break free and kill the predator.

I don't think thats right at all, the species I always thought were supposed to be evenly matched, having different advantages over eachother.

and in this new film, AVP-R, it looks like its going to be more of the same stuff, a predator demolishing alien after alien, with ease, using its advanced weaponry it made, its strength, speed, fighting skill and intelligence to take out alien after alien with ease, hell, it even shows two aliens being held back at the same time by a single predator, out of reach of mouth strike, and the aliens are in so much pain from being choked, they aren't even thinking to try and use their tails, they are just like victims, trying to get the predators hands offf of their throats.

I mean, I didn't expect predators to be superior in practically every way to aliens before I saw AVP, but I guess I can live with it, I'm assuming thats the way it is, my question though is

Why are the predators superior to Aliens? do they have more fans, do all of the fans pretty much prefer predator? so the filmmakers appeal to general consensus with the films? or is this just the way it is, and I was sort of off base with my assumptions of them being evenly matched? and its always been that aliens only advantages against a predator are attacking from behind when its distracted, or using multiple numbers when it doesnt have a shoulder cannon?

I'm just curious, please don't flame me or anything, I just want to know why the predators are superior to aliens in pretty much every way, I just figured they would be more even.

Major Alan Schaefer

exept their note supiour to them in everyway into the movies....

James OCanis

Well, I already wrote up a lengthy and detailed response to this sort of question, so I'll just direct you to it first: http://www.avpgalaxy.net/forum/index.php?topic=4670.msg86875#msg86875

Long story short, predators are comparable to xenomorphs in physical strength, but they tip the scales with intelligence and technology.

Keep Rockin

to major alan

these films sure as hell don't show the two to be equal! I mean, its shown in both films that predators are like superior in every way, I never thought that was right, but how can anyone sya the films are wrong, I was hoping the predators weren't completely superior, but equel to aliens, and instead, we see frikkin teenagers, TEENAGED preds taking out aliens easy, and completley dominating them, its not fair.

I never read comics or played games, so I don't know how its shown there, but I am simply wondering why the predators are superior, I mean, I guess I'll live with it if thats just the way it is, although I still don't really like it, I am just wondering if there is some sort of reason.

but I guess according to those two people who have voted, its just common knowledge, so I guess thats how its always been? is that what most think?

James OCanis

Gill just plain wasn't paying attention. Celtic was struggling that whole fight to find a way to kill Grid and failed. Had he not gotten cocky at the last moment, he might have succeeded, but he took his sweet time and got killed. Scar outwitted one xenomorph for a cheapshot kill, had quick reflexes to kill a hugger (but got face raped by one anyway), and then he killed a few drones from a distance with long range weapon. Frankly, they were all pathetic examples that were lucky to survive as long as they did.

Point is...how is this news to you? Stealth and sneak attacks are how the aliens have always fought. Surprise is their greatest weapon. That's how they tore apart a whole squad of armed marines, and that's their best bet for killing predators. Predators are better in pitched combat than a xenomorph, but the xenomorphs are like space ninjas on crack.


Answer C. they arent

Keep Rockin

Ok, I read that, James Ocanis and I mean, the way AVP showed it, even if a predator had no weapons, it still has much quicker reactions and is much stronger then an alien, and those are teenagers fighting them in AVP, predators that are supposed to have never faced aliens before, and they faired that well. and don't predators make their own weapons using their intelligence, I mean, not all of their stuff is exactly the same, so how are they, like, cheating? and even if they are, AVP still showed them to be stronger, and able to react and strike quicker, then an alien, so it seems like even a naked predator would be able to take out an alien, or at least thats the way AVP showed it.

AVP showed that the only time an alien can kill, or get into the position to kill a predator, is when it attacks from behind while distracted, it showed in a one on one fight, a predator can dodge the tails, and use its strength, and its weapons it made, and pretty much destroy an alien, Grid only won through a fluke.

and I know that first predator was distracted and turned away, that why the alien killed it, and celtic, the second predator, was dominating Grid the whole fight, I mean, it was kicking it, and tossing it everywhere, countering Grid's every move, how is that struggling, he only failed at the last minute, giving Grid the win by fluke.

the 3rd predator was able to realise an alien was behind him without making a sound, that at least speaks for a predator's superior senses and reaction time, as well as the facehugger kill, and he killed some aliens from a distance with a gun he was supposed to have from the start, I think they all showed aliens to be crap, and predators superior.

I know aliens attack with stealth, but I would have hoped they could fight a predator and win, or else they look like weaklings.

and Chaotic-Strike, how can you say predators aren't superior, I mean, its all right there in AVP, the aliens only advantage against even a teenaged predator that has never faced an alien before, is sneaking up, and attacking from behind when its not looking. Nothing contrary to this was shown in the film, predators were shown stronger, and reacted and struck quicker, it was pretty ridiculous, but you can't argue with the movie

I'm not here to debate whether aliens are better or not, because there is not much to debate is there? it has been shown in avp that predators are superior, vastly, to aliens, I don't like that, I don't like that an alien's only chance to kill a predator is to attack it from behind while its distracted, or to get lucky and win by fluke, but I can't argue with the movie.

I made this thread to ask why are the predators shown this way in the films? I mean, have predators just always been considered better or is it because they have more fans or something?


Quote from: Keep Rockin on Sep 11, 2007, 02:11:15 AM
and Chaotic-Strike, how can you say predators aren't superior
Because im to busy laughing at your post

James OCanis

James OCanis

I think the real answer to your question is that Paul WS Anderson can't direct worth a shit. That fight scene *coughwrestlingmatchcough* was a total disgrace. And the way Scar was casually slicing an alien's face off was not funny. It was just stupid.

So yeah, blame the movie, not the creatures. Predators are strong, yes, but you're right; they shouldn't be that good unarmed against an alien.

Keep Rockin

but aren't films canon or whatever? even if the reasons for the predators being superior is because of the filmmakers, doesn't it still mean that once its shown in a film, its fact?


Any species that has language and develops technology is always going to be superior to species that do not. Aliens do seem to have the ability to communicate, but as far as has been seen they don't have technological abilities.

James OCanis

"Canon" is a term created by neurotic fanboys who can't stand a difference of opinion. Pay it no heed.

I think we're all better off just ignoring that last movie.



Kinda hard when it's the only point of reference.

James OCanis

Well then, I guess it's a good thing that we're having a new point of reference coming to us in December.


First of all, there are more Alien fans than Predator fans.  Way more.  There were 4 Alien movies, two of them are on IMDB's Top 250 list.  The Alien movies all made more money than the Predator films, of which there were only 2, and 1 of them bombed.

Secondly, Predators aren't superior because they require weapons and armor to fight.  Aliens need neither, they're living biological weapons who are completely self-reliant.  Like Ash said in Alien, the xenomorph is the perfect survivor/killer. 

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