In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,435,714 times)



History is something that belongs to everybody. For better or worse, good or bad, it's something that should be accepted and claimed by everybody. Real progress is made by reflecting on what's happened, not by covering it up or rewriting it.

Those kids are laying the foundation for liberal progressive fascism because nobody is explaining to them that that's what they're doing. Even sadder is the fact that progressives don't even know or understand what fascism is, what distinguishes it, how it works or the historical precedents of it.

As much as people claim the right and far right in the United States are fascists nobody ever discusses how incompatible limited government and individual rights are with fascism.

...I don't think those kids have any interest in correcting the history of Black people owning black people in the United States.



Quote from: broughtpain on Feb 26, 2016, 04:35:53 AM
History is something that belongs to everybody. For better or worse, good or bad, it's something that should be accepted and claimed by everybody. Real progress is made by reflecting on what's happened, not by covering it up or rewriting it.

Which is exactly what the Right and Conservatives do ALL the time.

QuoteThose kids are laying the foundation for liberal progressive fascism because nobody is explaining to them that that's what they're doing. Even sadder is the fact that progressives don't even know or understand what fascism is, what distinguishes it, how it works or the historical precedents of it.

Sorry, but it is when you come up with bizarro world stuff like this that you're the one who sound like the one who has no idea about what Fascism is.

Fascism, by default, can't be liberal or progressive, as liberalism and progressivism is about being inclusive, about striving for equality and opportunity for ALL, accepting each others' weaknesses and work with them, accept the fact that society works in favor more for certain groups of people than others (structural hierarchies and levels of privilege), it's about not buying into national exceptionalism - it's about seeing the world as connected etc.

Fascism on the other hand is about being exclusive, it's equality and opportunity only for the chosen few (you have to be of the right nationality, or culture, or race, or religion, or all four of them), not accepting other's weaknesses and even less work with them, not acknowledging that there is privilege (there is strong, moral, hardworking and righteous people, and then there is weak, immoral, lazy and unrighteous people - ubermench and sub-humans), and it doesn't see the world as connected - it's US AGAINST THEM, and it's all about national exceptionalism.

With that said, I'm well aware that if you push an ideology too far and then some, you will alienate everyone else as you end up in a bubble where you stop listening. There are Feminists that deserve being called Feminazis, as they have gotten absorbed by their rage and is just picking things apart and misinterpreting things just because. Same goes with certain minority activists, LGBTQ activists, and environmental activists etc. Some of them just want to complain and fight because they are used to it and that is the only thing they know how to do, but have no real desire or will to sit down and come up with a solution, or even join the ones who are willing to do that. They're lost, which is dangerous, and it is no longer about equality and inclusion anymore - they're out with a vengeance. That is not constructive. It's destructive and could possibly lead to a new kind of fascism if it wasn't for the case that in the actual real world they are in the absolute minority and have no real effect on anything. Sure, they are just as loud as the nut job equivalents on the right, but that's about it. But I know that some conservatives and many people on the far right like to bunch them/us all together, trying to make it look like the fringe element destructive loudmouths are the norm here on the left. That we all want to castrate and possible execute all Western men, especially the white Christian ones, enforce Sharia law and "Feminazi" rule at the same time, take all your guns etc.

QuoteAs much as people claim the right and far right in the United States are fascists nobody ever discusses how incompatible limited government and individual rights are with fascism.

It is oh so compatible. With limited government, the way the Far Right want it to be, has no room for "weak" people, unassimilated minorities etc. With limited government the people with the money and the means can proceed with their business or organization in whatever way they please without any repercussions. The "freedom" to be a profit-driven psychopatic asshole trumps human life and dignity. Traditional fascists valued private property rights, capitalism and private profit gains, but didn't want the private interests to outmaneuver the strength and power of the fascist regime, as strength and power is all that counts. Fascists have always had conservative leanings through history, both socially and fiscally. Check Italy, Japan, Spain, Portugal etc.

Check all the definitions of Fascism/fascism, and the history of the term(s). I don't think your simplified and somewhat biased view and interpretation of the term does not work in your favor. All dictatorships, as implied within a broader description of fascism, have elements of fascism, and as we know none of those communist revolutions survived after the initial revolutionary phase. They turned into totalitarian nightmares communist in name only, as undemocratic and harried regions tend to do, no matter the ideology.



If liberals can't understand fascism, I think it's fine to say conservatives can't understand socialism  ;D

It explains why so many Libertarians sound confused.



Well whatever you guys think those words mean, bottom line, history should not be getting swept under the carpet because of a bunch of kids seeking symbolic ways to assert their identity to fit their trendy PC agenda, which they'll all forget about in years to come.

These kids don't even know what they're doing, they have no life experience, no work experience and when they get older I'm pretty sure their attitudes will change so all this protest crapola is just nonsense. Where are their parents? Its just attention grabbing, wanting to be part of something topical just for the sake of it, unfortunately they are causing irreparable damage and causing a lot of heartache.

As Broughtpain says, history is for everyone, if these kids wanna make statements then go get a tattoo or whatever, you can't dismantle an institutions century old history on a whim for Christ's sake.

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they started burning books about 'racist history', we are literately a hop, skip and jump away from that level right now. Its things like this that make me think Trump is seriously needed in the US to slap some sense back into people.



Quote from: Hubbs on Feb 26, 2016, 06:44:55 AM
Well whatever you guys think those words mean, bottom line, history should not be getting swept under the carpet because of a bunch of kids seeking symbolic ways to assert their identity to fit their trendy PC agenda, which they'll all forget about in years to come.

Same goes for all those bunches of kids seeking symbolic ways to assert their identity to fit their trendy Reptile Brain agenda, which they'll all forget about in years to come...

QuoteThese kids don't even know what they're doing, they have no life experience, no work experience and when they get older I'm pretty sure their attitudes will change so all this protest crapola is just nonsense. Its just attention grabbing, wanting to be part of something topical just for the sake of it, unfortunately they are causing irreparable damage and causing a lot of heartache.

You know what, I agree that these kids aren't doing any good, and I agree that they're causing damage, but not the way you see it. Their involvement and intentions are good, but their approach and their way of targeting the factual and actual structural problem, history etc. we have, is wrong. They make it easy for right-wingers and conservatives to ignore the causes to our problems and instead let them push back and tell themselves that they are in the right, completely missing the actual topic, and frankly I don't blame them.

QuoteAs Broughtpain says, history is for everyone, if these kids wanna make statements then go get a tattoo or whatever, you can't dismantle an institutions century old history on a whim for Christ's sake.

Well, I can assure you that the absolute majority people on the Left, progressives and liberals alike, don't want to do that at all. On the contrary. However, you guys are free to interpret things the way you want.

QuoteI genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they started burning books about 'racist history', we are literately a hop, skip and jump away from that level right now. Its things like this that make me think Trump is seriously needed in the US to slap some sense back into people.

Wow Hubbs... Book burnings... So a bunch of misguided kids high on ideology leads to mass book-burnings of racist history all over the U.S... And the remedy to that is to bring in Donald Mussolini Trump and his cohorts, who like to threaten and beat up protesters and cheer for Trump when he bombastically promises to bring torture back as well as banning Mosques and any more Muslims from entering the U.S., the same guy who thinks that Putin is swell guy...



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Feb 26, 2016, 07:09:02 AM
Quote from: Hubbs on Feb 26, 2016, 06:44:55 AM
Well whatever you guys think those words mean, bottom line, history should not be getting swept under the carpet because of a bunch of kids seeking symbolic ways to assert their identity to fit their trendy PC agenda, which they'll all forget about in years to come.

Same goes for all those bunches of kids seeking symbolic ways to assert their identity to fit their trendy Reptile Brain agenda, which they'll all forget about in years to come...

QuoteThese kids don't even know what they're doing, they have no life experience, no work experience and when they get older I'm pretty sure their attitudes will change so all this protest crapola is just nonsense. Its just attention grabbing, wanting to be part of something topical just for the sake of it, unfortunately they are causing irreparable damage and causing a lot of heartache.

You know what, I agree that these kids aren't doing any good, and I agree that they're causing damage, but not the way you see it. Their involvement and intentions are good, but their approach and their way of targeting the factual and actual structural problem, history etc. we have, is wrong. They make it easy for right-wingers and conservatives to ignore the causes to our problems and instead let them push back and tell themselves that they are in the right, completely missing the actual topic, and frankly I don't blame them.

QuoteAs Broughtpain says, history is for everyone, if these kids wanna make statements then go get a tattoo or whatever, you can't dismantle an institutions century old history on a whim for Christ's sake.

Well, I can assure you that the absolute majority people on the Left, progressives and liberals alike, don't want to do that at all. On the contrary. However, you guys are free to interpret things the way you want.

QuoteI genuinely wouldn't be surprised if they started burning books about 'racist history', we are literately a hop, skip and jump away from that level right now. Its things like this that make me think Trump is seriously needed in the US to slap some sense back into people.

Wow Hubbs... Book burnings... So a bunch of misguided kids high on ideology leads to mass book-burnings of racist history all over the U.S... And the remedy to that is to bring in Donald Mussolini Trump and his cohorts, who like to threaten and beat up protesters and cheer for Trump when he bombastically promises to bring torture back as well as banning Mosques and any more Muslims from entering the U.S., the same guy who thinks that Putin is swell guy...

Their intentions aren't good though, because their intention are pointless. What happened centuries ago in the past isn't effecting them now, slavery isn't an issue now, none of these kids live in slavery, they aren't oppressed and they aren't hard done by ::) Holding institutions hostage with protests and intimidation simply to have a badge changed, or a building renamed, or a statue removed is utterly our present day. All its doing is stripping the institutes heritage and history away for nothing. What if the name Harvard was somehow linked to something with negative connotations? change a world famous universities name?

Yes a badge might have links to slavery, or an old statue of someone from over a hundred years ago might have been racist or involved in slavery (even though, generally, most people were anyway, twas more the norm in a different era), but who cares!! It doesn't mean anything now because everyone alive now isn't in the least bit effected by it, especially not a bunch of teenagers. Its history, you learn from it and move on. I just don't understand how any young person in 2016 can be so offended by things that happened centuries ago, to the point that they have to have things removed or replaced.

Good grief there is so much history that is tinted with things that are negative but you can't erase it all! Jesus Christ if you are gonna be that anal about it then you might as well knock down entire buildings that housed bad people or were standing at the time because it will remind all the kids of nasty things  ::)

What I find really scary is the fact that the people in charge of these uni's are allowing them to do it, like they have no respect for their own institution. Some kids in a specific term decide they want everything changed and they just agree?? what about everybody else? do all the students agree with this or is it just a small minority? do all the teachers/professors agree with this? the parents that are paying for these kids privileged educations? the town where the institution is located etc...



...libprogs ban books. They have burned them, but most now avoid the stigma while working towards the same effect.

If anybody wanted a sure thing, they could bet those kids don't know about Irish slavery, discrimination against the Irish or what the Irish suffered in general. The biggest lie in the history of the United States is that black slaves is exclusive to the United States and white people. The second biggest lie in the history of the United States is that slavery wasn't practiced globally. The third biggest lie in the history of the United States is that slavery wasn't practiced for thousands of years by all peoples. Now, competing for a place as one of the three biggest lies in the history of the United States is that white people and only white people can be, and thus are, racist.

All of it is a load of sanctimonious bullshit. Sanctimonious bullshit is the cornerstone of fascism. But I guess it's different in the United States because of THEM... ::)

This just tells me that nobody has any idea beyond what's typical and conventional on how to fight terrorism.



Speaking of progressives and whatnot, was anyone following the ruckus caused by Ben Shapiro's talk at CSULA yesterday?

QuoteLOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A controversial conservative commentator was escorted by police from California State University, Los Angeles as angry demonstrators protested his presence on campus Thursday afternoon.

Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire and editor-at-large of Breitbart News, was scheduled to speak at the campus on Thursday.



All this progressive vs conservative nonsense is utter crap. Both side are wrong and libertarians are pure evil. Is there no commonsense decency anymore?



We libertarians are not evil :P



Bee-deep, derp derp, bork bork!
Hubbs - No retreat no surrender!

Corporal Hicks




:o :o :o :o :o

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 26, 2016, 11:33:53 PM
Speaking of progressives and whatnot, was anyone following the ruckus caused by Ben Shapiro's talk at CSULA yesterday?

QuoteLOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A controversial conservative commentator was escorted by police from California State University, Los Angeles as angry demonstrators protested his presence on campus Thursday afternoon.

Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire and editor-at-large of Breitbart News, was scheduled to speak at the campus on Thursday.

The ever inclusive, tolerance or die crowd, being hostile to someone 'different' from them? IM SHOCKED! IM REALLY SHOCKED! SEE! THIS IS MY SHOCKED FACE >  -_-

Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 27, 2016, 01:54:11 AM
We libertarians are not evil :P safe-zone is measured by caliber and my response in feet per second. *shrug*

(That just hit me as a response)



^ Was gonna say, I thought these people are supposed to be open minded and liberal? They act more like the type of people they think they are fighting against  ::) And wasn't this bloke invited to speak there? like what the f*ck? these people are far from PC liberals, might as well be in the USSR.

I have come to realise and learn that most liberals accept free long as its speech they agree with, otherwise things get nasty.

And once again students trying to get people sacked from their jobs by holding institutions hostage to their demands (learnt that off BLM), sorry state of affairs in America.

the reaction from the protesters underscores a troubling problem among universities across the United States. She said:

'Not only is free speech under attack, but it's also very difficult to be a conservative on a college campus. It's very difficult to speak up and a lot of students choose to be silent because they know in extreme cases, like this one at CSU-LA, people will aggressively fight back if they choose to speak their mind.'

If Trump wins there will be all out war.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Feb 26, 2016, 11:33:53 PM
Speaking of progressives and whatnot, was anyone following the ruckus caused by Ben Shapiro's talk at CSULA yesterday?

QuoteLOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A controversial conservative commentator was escorted by police from California State University, Los Angeles as angry demonstrators protested his presence on campus Thursday afternoon.

Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire and editor-at-large of Breitbart News, was scheduled to speak at the campus on Thursday.

Yeah, it's lame. They missed a golden opportunity to hammer his ideas and ideology down, and knowing him he would've reverted to name-calling and snark sooner or later. It would've been a mess no matter what, but at least there could've been an interesting debate at start.

It's not like he is a neo-Nazi leader who's going to use the school cafeteria to recruit and radicalize white students or anything like that - this guy is just another Fox News spawn peddling winger news.

What's up with kids these days?

Quote from: Hubbs on Feb 29, 2016, 04:06:57 AM
^ Was gonna say, I thought these people are supposed to be open minded and liberal? They act more like the type of people they think they are fighting against  ::) And wasn't this bloke invited to speak there? like what the f*ck? these people are far from PC liberals, might as well be in the USSR.

Liberals and progressives are generally open-minded etc., especially compared to conservatives and the Right. But you guys feel free to dig for dirt and pretend it's common practice.

QuoteI have come to realise and learn that most liberals accept free long as its speech they agree with, otherwise things get nasty.

Oh dear... So disingenuous Hubbs... So tiring.

QuoteAnd once again students trying to get people sacked from their jobs by holding institutions hostage to their demands (learnt that off BLM), sorry state of affairs in America.

If Trump wins there will be all out war.

But he's supposed to "Make America Great Again"!

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