Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 326,206 times)



As much as I love Prometheus...the Shaw conundrum is an much so that I feel like that there's something in store for us, some kind of something. Probably not though :(

By the way, I don't think that Milburn and Fifield were ever lost. It was never mentioned once. They got turned around but they weren't lost.



Having seen it a second time, it occured to me they could feasably be lost without the map being a plot hole. They were just walking out- they thought they knew how, just go the way you came, so they didn't consult the map. When it became obvious they were lost, it was too late for them to get out.
In fact, Milburn is able to look at his wrist and give a coordinate of where he is to Janek during the storm- just a good lot of help that did him. He wasn't going anywhere in that storm, so it was pointless.

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

Prometheus.... wow did this film break my heart.  And before I continue I'd just like to say I did not go into this expecting an Alien movie, in fact that was the last thing I wanted.  I wanted Prometheus to be a clever, standalone sci fi film that hinted at Alien and maybe leaned towards a prequel in the future....

Unfortunately I didn't get it, I got a torrid, bland, unintersting movie that, though was amazing to look at ultimately had no depth and left me feeling completely hollow and angry.

Let me just say, visually the movie is stunning and Michael Fassbender is a revelation as David, he manages to blend the child like naivety of Bishop, and the cold calculation of Ash, Idris Elba's Janek also stood out and was my favourite character.  That being said, it really wasn't enough to make up for such a poor script.

There were too many characters first of all, and apart from David and Janek they had no development whatsoever.  I didn't remember half of their names, save Fifield and Milburn but that was only because of how ridiculous their demise was.  And as for the deaths in the movie, who cares?! I remember being gutted when Dallas, Parker and Lambert died in Alien, or when Hudson died in Aliens or Clements in Alien 3.  When a character died in Prometheus I felt nothing, save disappointed.  The movie went from a creepy, sci fi film to a by the numbers monster movie.  People show up, people act stupid, people die. 

And as for the creatures themselves.... they looked terrible like something from a Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  It was so obvious Giger wasn't involved.  Tentacles?!! F***ing Space Zombies?!!  Are you kidding Scott?!!  I wanted something darker, more mysterious, something horrific that would stick in my memory and I got worms and Octopuses.... Jesus.

Performances in the movie were poor, Rapace's everchanging accent was laughable and annoying.  What was the point of Meredith Vickers?  Apart from being a Company "bitch", some have argued she is an android but I doubt it, I just think her performance was inspired by Keira Knightly and reflected the overall feel of the movie, soulless.  Other actors like Sean Harris, were wasted as monster fodder, I sincerely hope Scott will never let Lindelof anywhere near a script again.  To sum up;

Why did the scientists use no scinetific procedure whasoever?
Why wasn't the deaths of all those Engineers explored further?
Why did the movie ignore the fact that David purposely infected Holloway?
Why didnt they use an older actor for Peter Weyland?
Who runs away in the direction of a falling ship instead of running sideways?!
Why didn't anybody notice Shaw had bludgeoned the two doctors and escaped or that she arrived covered in blood?
Why didn't Shaw mention there was a monster in the medical bay?
We waited thirty years to have the Space Jockeys explored only to find out they look like retired UFC fighters and are complete dicks.

And finally.... the Proto Xeno/Deacon whatever it is that bursts out of the engineer.  What the hell was that?!!  There was no point to it at all, save for Ridley Scott trying to appease die hard Alien fans with this abomination!!  It was at that point that I lost faith in everything.

Prometheus, a jumbled, poorly written clusterf**k of a movie that on the outside is very polished and pretty but inside has about as much depth as a conversation between Paris Hilton and Sara Palin.



Quote from: ThisBethesdaSea on Jun 20, 2012, 03:11:02 AM
As much as I love Prometheus...the Shaw conundrum is an much so that I feel like that there's something in store for us, some kind of something. Probably not though :(

By the way, I don't think that Milburn and Fifield were ever lost. It was never mentioned once. They got turned around but they weren't lost.

Being turned around equates to being lost. If they weren't lost they would've made it back to the Prometheus.



Quote from: Alienseseses on Jun 19, 2012, 11:51:46 PM
I also got the sense that no one cared about it, either. She ran into the room, with a scar on her, all bloody and worn, and all anyone does for her is give her a coat. David has that exchange with her, as Alien3 said. And it's pretty clear that everyone gets it.
The one thing we don't really get a reaction to that maybe we should have is the Fitfield attack. It was clearly shot to take place with Weyland and Shaw involved, which means they clearly got it. But in the final version, it's not really referenced. I don't mind that it isn't, but all the same, there's plenty of room for that.

The whole baby scene makes no sense. That whole section makes no sense.
The Jock is in stasis which means he can be woken up whenever these people want so why would they take out a frail old man when there is some alien creature being born inside the ship? On top of the Fiffield attack happening at the same time. It's like no one on the ships talks to anyone else. It's like they are not on an alien planet trillion of miles away with NO backup whatsoever. As far as we all know (cause there might be something in that extra 20 minutes) they are alone in that planet, why would they NOT care about danger inside their only means of getting home? What is Weyland going to do with his longer life if they dont have a ship to get home with?



David probably informed everybody she was prego my eggo with a creature. That's why Ford and the other guy came in with containment suits, compared to the simple surgical masks when dissecting the engineer.

And for all she knows, it's dead and contained. As soon as she walks in, they all know generally what happened. The dialogue would have been:
'There's an alien in the medpod'
'I gathered as much. Is it dead?'
'Yes. And contained'

Four lines of dialogue missing should not cause such an ass ache.

Novak 1334

Novak 1334

It's just a little ridiculous that she has a creature inside her, doesnt really question why or how, manages to get to her feet and walk despite just having major surgery.



Quote from: Novak 1334 on Jun 21, 2012, 11:43:58 AM
It's just a little ridiculous that she has a creature inside her, doesnt really question why or how, manages to get to her feet and walk despite just having major surgery.
Question why? I think she pieced that information together after 1) Her boyfriend/husband started to mutate and was sick, and 2) David hinting at it with the 'did you have intercourse with Dr. Holloway?' questions.

As for managing to get to her feet and walk, you would be astounded at the rate of advances in medicine even nowadays. It's hardly unfathomable that the external anesthetic would also act as a glue, or at least like a sort of cement to keep the staples in place and the wound sealed and not bleeding. Plus, she was shooting up with drugs before and several times after the surgery.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: Novak 1334 on Jun 21, 2012, 11:43:58 AM
It's just a little ridiculous that she has a creature inside her, doesnt really question why or how, manages to get to her feet and walk despite just having major surgery.
I don't think that is "ridiculous"... I think it's just movie reality for you...



Quote from: BLAIN on Jun 21, 2012, 12:58:30 AMFour lines of dialogue missing should not cause such an ass ache.

Let me get this right. You are defending the discussed plot blunder by making up your own lines of dialogue that to your mind would correct said plot blunder and then arguing that the lines that you made up - obviously missing from the film - somehow make said plot blunder OK?

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: ChrisPachi on Jun 21, 2012, 01:15:12 PM
Quote from: BLAIN on Jun 21, 2012, 12:58:30 AMFour lines of dialogue missing should not cause such an ass ache.

Let me get this right. You are defending the discussed plot blunder by making up your own lines of dialogue that to your mind would correct said plot blunder and then arguing that the lines that you made up - obviously missing from the film - somehow make said plot blunder OK?

I'm not sure it's a 'plot blunder', but rather an editing choice that by default/design leaves a couple of elements vague. I'd agree that there is a difference between being 'vague' and something that doesn't make sense. As it stands, the fact that no one mentions Shaw's 'baby', other than Michael, seems like a bit nonsensical (same goes for Janek's 'Weapons of mass destruction speech). However, as annoying as it may be, I don't think it hursts that movie for 99.9% of moviegoers (as it's so incidental). Also, the alternative may have been an additional scene that just slowed down the flow... and Ridley decided to chop it for the sake of pacing... and I can fully understand that. That's part of filmaking.



Quote from: Darth Vile on Jun 21, 2012, 01:55:34 PMAlso, the alternative may have been an additional scene that just slowed down the flow... and Ridley decided to chop it for the sake of pacing... and I can fully understand that. That's part of filmaking.

IMO it is the pacing that is wrong in this part of the film. There isn't a flow, just a spasmodic rush from one scene to the next. Slowing down at these crucial moments is exactly what this film needs.



Quote from: ChrisPachi on Jun 21, 2012, 01:15:12 PM
Quote from: BLAIN on Jun 21, 2012, 12:58:30 AMFour lines of dialogue missing should not cause such an ass ache.

Let me get this right. You are defending the discussed plot blunder by making up your own lines of dialogue that to your mind would correct said plot blunder and then arguing that the lines that you made up - obviously missing from the film - somehow make said plot blunder OK?
First of all, it's not really a plot blunder.
Second of all, I am putting forth what I think the scene would have gone like, had it been included. I demonstrated that it would have only taken four small lines to fix what everyone is whining about. Sure, it wouldn't really have been that hard to put something like that back in, but the exclusion of something so small and insignificant, when the film has already hinted at people knowing the gist of the situation, shouldn't really be an issue.

Even if I accepted it as a plot blunder, what would it have changed? If she thinks it's dead and contained, and tells the others such, what would they have done? Probably said 'we're in a rush: we'll check it out when we get back from the mission the trillion dollars were forked over for'' Then everyone but Shaw is dead and we get the same effects.

Why didn't she tell Janek? Who knows. It's easy to get distracted when you're focusing on the pain after surgery, and going after a man to meet the maker of humans.



Quote from: BLAIN on Jun 21, 2012, 02:36:50 PM
Quote from: ChrisPachi on Jun 21, 2012, 01:15:12 PM
Quote from: BLAIN on Jun 21, 2012, 12:58:30 AMFour lines of dialogue missing should not cause such an ass ache.

Let me get this right. You are defending the discussed plot blunder by making up your own lines of dialogue that to your mind would correct said plot blunder and then arguing that the lines that you made up - obviously missing from the film - somehow make said plot blunder OK?
First of all, it's not really a plot blunder.
Second of all, I am putting forth what I think the scene would have gone like, had it been included. I demonstrated that it would have only taken four small lines to fix what everyone is whining about. Sure, it wouldn't really have been that hard to put something like that back in, but the exclusion of something so small and insignificant, when the film has already hinted at people knowing the gist of the situation, shouldn't really be an issue.

Even if I accepted it as a plot blunder, what would it have changed? If she thinks it's dead and contained, and tells the others such, what would they have done? Probably said 'we're in a rush: we'll check it out when we get back from the mission the trillion dollars were forked over for'' Then everyone but Shaw is dead and we get the same effects.

Why didn't she tell Janek? Who knows. It's easy to get distracted when you're focusing on the pain after surgery, and going after a man to meet the maker of humans.

If it's not a plot blunder then it's horrible writing.
You have to give a reason why all of a sudden an alien infection inside the ship isnt something special when it was previously. And what's the rush? Like i said, the Jock is in stasis just like Weyland, both can be woken up at their own time. Specifically a time when there isnt an infected women roaming the halls without anyone paying attention to it and an infected human attacking the ship. Dave can be presented as some one who doesnt really care because he is a robot following directions but not the other people there that know.



When is it ever implied that it isn't special? Ford and the other guy go in to move her to a containment room, wearing what are essentially biohazard suits. That says something. She knocks them out and cuts it out. Now, it's common knowledge they don't have the personnel to perform the abdominal surgery. Therefore, once people know it's out, it's clear what she used, given the precision of the incision and the staples, as well as the mere fact that she got it out in the first place. Furthermore, where better to have a presumed dead alien creature than a sanitary, sealed and contained, state of the art medical pod? It's not like she left it on the floor. And if it's presumed dead, then there is no reason why they would worry about it.  They have a mission to prepare for. The mission they're being paid for. The Alien is contained. Carry on with getting ready for Weyland's encounter.

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