Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 326,251 times)



I really liked it. I'm a sucker for well-made sci-fi movies and Prometheus clearly delivers on the sci-fi and the well made part.

Is it a game-changer as Alien or Aliens were?

No, by all means but then again, how could it be? I think a lot of fans are disappointed because watching Prometheus for the first time doesn't instill the "wow, I've never seen anything like this before"-feeling many of us had when watching Alien or Aliens for the first time. The last time I felt this was when watching LORT and before that, Empire Strikes Back. There just aren't many movies that manage to impress on such a fundamental level.

That said, I agree with many reviewers who felt that the movie felt rushed with parts missing. I don't really have major issues with the story itself and the movie is really extremely well made. Compared to Alien, I must admit that I probably like Prometheus better.

Might seem like heresy to many but to be honest, Alien is a B-movie with awesome production design and cinematography. I love it but most of that has to do with the fact that is was the first horror movie I ever saw as a kid and that back then, there wasn't anything like it.

I'd rate it 4 out of 5. It's way,way better than any big-budget sci-fi movie I've seen in a long time. I'd actually be hard pressed to name one made in the last 20 years I think would be superior.

I have very high hopes for the extended edition.



Hello All!

My PROEMTHEUS review can be found here...

Your comments are appreciated,



Could not have said it better. Great visuals, good story but too many open questions and some unnecessary idiocies.

Still, I like it a lot.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: r888 on Jun 06, 2012, 02:04:08 AM
So out of everyone nobody like the ending

The ending is fine... it's the coda that is somewhat redundant and detracts.






Second time veiwing,I do love the movie.

But direction and editing is what killed it,not the movie we wantd but its enjoyable. Silence and atmosphere is what made ALIEN so terrifying,we see none of that in prometheus.

Even the end scene with the Jockey was so quick that the trailer is pretty much that whole part. I do kinda like the new creatures,if only for the similar traits of ones we love.

The jockeys are awesome,altho abit shafted. they could have explored more of them,but It does retain their mystery somewhat.

The scenes of David
severed head talking away
where abit corny,but eh.

Great movie,but not the romp we wished for.



Movie just fails in last 30 minutes after Shaw gives birth to squid and we find out that Weyland is alive, then meeting with Engineer, Filfield going crazy and ending scene, too many unanswered questions and plot inconsistencies, weak dialogue (LMG lines are worst one), uninspiring creature designs (Engineer, giant squid, proto-xeno).

Michael Fassbender as David is great, amazing FX, it has that Alien vibe I especially like scenes inside Prometheus (it reminded me of Nostromo).



This movie was silly, this movie was just an expensive straight-to-dvd then shown on the SyFy-silly flick.
Seriously.... what a silly story.
Ok, let explain what i found silly in the spoilers.


1. Taking off the helmets.

I can understand one hothead doing this but the WHOLE team doing it after?
There could a whole mess of stuff in the air that could infect them and such.
What with all this stupidity? Maybe one or two others but everyone?

2. Dave knows EVERYTHING
Two years learning every possible language means that this dude can automatically speak Engineerese and operate their computers and fly their ships..... what? Everyone knows that knowing to speak and read are two different things.

3.The Faifield and Milburn storyline.... ALL OF IT.
A. Getting Lost
So Fairfield lets his dogs out to map the caves but when they decide to go back to the ship but they get lost? How?
You know why this was silly? Because of the later scene when Captain detects another life form and Milburn actually relays coordinates of where EXACTLY they are... How can you get lost when you know where you are so well that you can relay coordinates? It makes NO SENSE!!!!

B. First Contact

We have some random stupid scene that takes the Captain away from his post so we can, OF COURSE, have the next scene with these two where no one is watching them to make sure they are fine. So these two idiots are wondering around the ship lost, yet knowing exactly where they are, and they end up in the Face Room with all those vases spewing juices and some little lizard comes out and they start talking to it like it was some lost puppy...what the hell? The dudes that were freaked out but apparently grew some balls and are now fine with playing around with aliens?

Yes... this part is called what because that's basically all i can say.
So Milburn got an alien inside him then it runs away later on when his body is found and then we dont see that thing again....what?
Fairfield appears back on the ship and no one notices until his camera turns back on. Fairfield goes beast mode and kills a bunch of people.... what? What the point in that scene besides killing random faceless people?

These two could have been completely cut out and made out to be just some faceless workers without any damage AT ALL to  the plot.

4. Holloway Storylines...half of them.
A. I dont get to talk to real life Aliens.
This was kinda silly. The dude then goes on a bender because he didnt find real life aliens. They just found an alien ship that they can mess about because of dave, they have their DNA, they even SAW what it looked like and he was moping about. Well, i guess i can excuse that because, hey, there are people that crazy in this world, right? But i didnt like that it was use as the excuse for him getting infected.

B. The classic; Im sick but i am not telling anyone.
You know why this was silly? Cause this scene was just there to have the next couple of scenes which really lead to even MORE silliness. Which scenes? Well the one where he comes back to the ship being fully sick and, OF COURSE, he isnt going to be let on the ship and is going to be killed and the most silly plot of them aaaaaall.

5. ALIEN BABY no one cares about!
In the middle of the Shaw's conversation pumping up her dumbass boyfriend who is sad he didnt see real life aliens she randomly mentions that she cant have kids. This, to me, tremendously came from out of nowhere and couldnt have left a bigger impression on my mind. That impression was of course my bullsh!t plot senses tingling which i ignored at first because this movie couldn't be this silly, right? I was wrong.

So seriously.... everyone found this silly, right? She gets pregnant with DUUUUHHHH an alien baby, she rips it out and then NO ONE MENTIONS EVER AGAIN. WHAT THE FFFFFFFFFF!!!!!! COME ON!!! I almost blew my top with this one. What makes it even worst is that this thing grew to the size of an elephant not even a computer bleep of something going wrong in that medical room? God, man, i think at this point my silly bucket spilled over and i was just laughing at anything that came next. Seriously.

Im going to stop here but there is MORE stuff, im just not going to continue because this was the best and you folks get the idea. The Dream Machine....silly, Shaw and Vickers running in a straight line right under where the ship was falling.... silly. Hell, i think the only thing that was not silly out of this whole thing was the flute operated alien computer.  I mean, they even got Ion engines wrong, but i guess you can say in the future Ion engines are something else? Meh, who cares at this point.


Seriously... this movie makes Alien Resurrection and AVPR look like masterpieces.
Hell, i think i am going to look at Asylum's version of this movie because that will probably be LESS silly than this thing. And i dont think this is possible to do with movies made from that company but Prometheus is REALLY trying hard.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: DaddyYautja on Jun 06, 2012, 12:04:35 PM
This movie was silly, this movie was just an expensive straight-to-dvd then shown on the SyFy-silly flick.
Seriously.... what a silly story.
Ok, let explain what i found silly in the spoilers.

Just for the fun of it... as an explanation/challenge to your points...

Point 1) David had already confirmed that the air was breathable. It was safe to take off the helmets.  In reality, would they have done a full labaortory test type study on the compostion of the air inside the temple? Probably – but who wants to see that? Why didn't Dallas just insist on putting Kane back into the freezer? That was probably the best protocal.

Point 2) As already mentioned in a previous post. The Nostromo – an old bucket of rust, had the ability to decipher the signal from the derelict. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that David (a state of the art animated computer) had the ability to learn the basic language. If the plot hadn't made the point of asserting that Earth ancient language was based upon the engineers native tongue – I'd agree with you.

Point 3 A) As mentioned elsewhere. Faifield is a geologist (he loves rocks). He's not a navigator nor cartographer... and whilst I'd agree that it would have benefited from a little exposition as to why they got lost, the fact they got themselves lost isn't unthinkable. By the time they'd re-established contact with the ship, they were already in a position where they couldn't leave the temple.

Point 3 B) The duo, one can assume, are unaware of what the other group encountered in the ampule room. For all they know, the black goo has always been there... and one assumes it may be the furthest point away from what was detected as a life form? However, Milburn is a biologist, despite his Scooby Doo like tendencies to 'run'... so he sees a life form and is naturally intrigued. After all, Kane was intrigued enough to look into an opening alien egg. Who the fu*k would do that???

Point 3 C) The entire hammerpede scene was intended (one would think) to reference Alien and what happened to Kane (or certainly reference the atmosphere of those scenes) and to show that the black goo has the ability to alter the DNA/biology of whatever organic matter that comes into contact with it. As far as Fairfield coming back to the ship. I thought it was actually quite a good scene... and although one could argue that his zombified presence wasn't the main antagonist, so somewhat superfluous, it did have the result of making it clear to the audience that the engineers aren't the benign higher life form they were hoping for.

Point 4 A) I think it's reasonable to assume that both he and Shaw would be disappointed that they found a tomb instead of a living/breathing culture. Clearly Holloway is the more emotional/less scientifically detached of the two... Ergo, feels more disappointed.

Point 4 B) Not sure what you mean??? His urge to be at the forefront of the expedition was greater than his fear/suspicion that he was infected. As soon as he realized it was that serious, he knew the game was over...

Point 5) I'd agree that something's lost here. We can safely assume that they know what's happened re. Shaw's c section – as David refers to it in his conversation with Shaw. But what of course is missing is some command from Vickers/David or Weyland to simply state that Vickers quarters are locked down until they have time to investigate it (because at this point Weyland is eager to meet his makers... so a delay would be understandable).

I'd disagree about Shaw's conversation about not being able to give life... as this is a key theme of the movie. What would you expect? A scene at the start of the movie with her filling in a baby adoption form?



Regarding David and the language, it's obvious that he's learning the language of the people who were exposed to the Engineers. So it follows that there's some correlation between the two.

As for Fifield and Milburn, it does seem silly that they got lost so easily. But wouldn't Shaw and co have noticed that, upon exiting the temple, that all of their vehicles were still there? How did they think Fifield and Milburn got back to the Prometheus? Walked? And yeah, thought it was strangely out of character for them to be freaked out by a Jockey corpse, but then to get all cute with an alien snake.



Quote from: Darth Vile on Jun 06, 2012, 12:50:06 PM

Just for the fun of it... as an explanation/challenge to your points...

For the furn of it, let me clear up some things, then.

Point 1) David had already confirmed that the air was breathable. It was safe to take off the helmets.  In reality, would they have done a full labaortory test type study on the compostion of the air inside the temple? Probably – but who wants to see that? Why didn't Dallas just insist on putting Kane back into the freezer? That was probably the best protocal.

Like i said, it would be fine if one or two people doing it but the whole team was too much. I am not calling for a scene of them testing out out the air particulates or anything like that. What was the purpose of the whole team doing it? A couple of folks walking without the helmets conveys the same as the whole team, correct?

Point 2) As already mentioned in a previous post. The Nostromo – an old bucket of rust, had the ability to decipher the signal from the derelict. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that David (a state of the art animated computer) had the ability to learn the basic language. If the plot hadn't made the point of asserting that Earth ancient language was based upon the engineers native tongue – I'd agree with you.

If the Space Jocks wanted to keep people out they would have left a simple warning that could be easily decipherable. And the bigger problem that i have is the operating of the computers, like i said, speaking is something totally different than reading. Dave knowing what a button means what ANY button means is pretty much out there, way too out there even for a sci-fi flick. Or at least any film that is being sort of serious.   

Point 3 A) As mentioned elsewhere. Faifield is a geologist (he loves rocks). He's not a navigator nor cartographer... and whilst I'd agree that it would have benefited from a little exposition as to why they got lost, the fact they got themselves lost isn't unthinkable. By the time they'd re-established contact with the ship, they were already in a position where they couldn't leave the temple.

The problem with this ISNT the characters themselves  but the situation that was setup in the movie. Not only do they have communication with the Prometheus but the Prometheus should be checking on them and has a total readout of what was scanned. So there are several levels of backups if the characters themselves arent paying attention, so what we have here for these characters to get lost is a complete F up on all levels which, for me, is a bit too much to call on. This happening to the Nostromo crew is fine because they are not scientists going somewhere prepared for something like this. For this to happening be to this crew would mean that they are just a whole mess of F ups that shouldnt be out there in the first place.

Point 3 B) The duo, one can assume, are unaware of what the other group encountered in the ampule room. For all they know, the black goo has always been there... and one assumes it may be the furthest point away from what was detected as a life form? However, Milburn is a biologist, despite his Scooby Doo like tendencies to 'run'... so he sees a life form and is naturally intrigued. After all, Kane was intrigued enough to look into an opening alien egg. Who the fu*k would do that???

Again, what the movie set up for the viewers.
So after the people that stayed ran out of that room no one ever bothered to contact Fif and Mil about not going there?And they wanted to leave because they were freaked when they saw huge alien dead bodies. How does it go from freaked out about aliens to being ok when seeing aliens?

Talking about a missing scene, there should have been a scene that shows Milburn calming down or something. And I dont remember a scene of Kane freaking out at all. 

Point 3 C) The entire hammerpede scene was intended (one would think) to reference Alien and what happened to Kane (or certainly reference the atmosphere of those scenes) and to show that the black goo has the ability to alter the DNA/biology of whatever organic matter that comes into contact with it.

Dont just put a scene just to make a reference if it isnt actually going to help the story in this flick.
That looses the point of the scene completely.

As far as Fairfield coming back to the ship. I thought it was actually quite a good scene... and although one could argue that his zombified presence wasn't the main antagonist, so somewhat superfluous, it did have the result of making it clear to the audience that the engineers aren't the benign higher life form they were hoping for.

How does zombie Fif show the engineers arent benign?
From the start of the movie we are shown the black goo is bad and kills stuff, i dont see how showing it again while killing random background character helps the story. All this time should have been spent in figuring out what the goo actually is and what it actually does. Goo is bad has been clearly stated at this point.

Point 4 A) I think it's reasonable to assume that both he and Shaw would be disappointed that they found a tomb instead of a living/breathing culture. Clearly Holloway is the more emotional/less scientifically detached of the two... Ergo, feels more disappointed.

Yes i did excuse away this at the end but this kind makes the character a bit out there to actually discover all of this yet still be so disappointed that he is going to go on a bender.

QuotePoint 4 B) Not sure what you mean??? His urge to be at the forefront of the expedition was greater than his fear/suspicion that he was infected. As soon as he realized it was that serious, he knew the game was over...

I did say that this was mainly a gateway scene to other silliness. But is still out there that he will endanger the whole thing simply to see something.

I'd disagree about Shaw's conversation about not being able to give life... as this is a key theme of the movie. What would you expect? A scene at the start of the movie with her filling in a baby adoption form?

I dont think there was a need for it period.
An infected Holloway does it with Shaw and gets an alien baby that is 3 months on even though she wasnt preggers when they left is completely fine. The added level of, "Oh my god! I cant get pregnant!" Doesnt add to the fact that it's an alien baby that is suddenly inside you. 


See the problem with the movie is that there is so much stuff piled up. I think if this film had half of the silly stuff taken away people would be more forgiving about what was left in because, yes, it is a movie and in movies certain things need to happen. But in this flick..... there is just soooo much stuff that is out there. I dont think you could go 15 minutes in this flick without going HUH? about something. Being shaken out like that in such a constant fashion is what hurts it. 

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Some responses...

1) But that would be just confusing for the audiences. Some with helmets on and some without. It wound't serve any purpose other than give you comfort that the entire team aren't so reckless.

2) That's a big assumption to make i.e. a simple warning is more decipherable in a language no one (supposedly) understands. Once the basics of a code/language are understood, the rest usually falls into place... no matter how complex (or so my father has always said – a seasoned proffesor in archaelogy and ancient history). As far as speech versus reading is concerned (I'm assuming you mean that speech is more difficult?), how do we know that David's conversation with the engineer wouldn't have been interpreted as "me David, you big man. We come for pow wow okeyday?" We don't know what level of complexity David could communicate with the engineers, but we do know that he could decipher alien text/instructions etc. - which you agree is easier than the spoken word.

3) But it wasn't like they were all hanging back and chillin'... they we're all rushing back to the ship because of an uber storm. A state of confusion. The captain did pick up on the fact that they were missing... but just too late to help them.

4) I'd agree with you if Milburn was presented as seeking out the 'ping' etc... but they happen on the hammerpede by chance/bad luck.  Once they appear, his fear takes a step back for his proffesional interest.

As for Kane, he didn't freak out... but he was presented as a sensible chap... the 2nd in command. Putting your face into an alien egg is about as sensible as putting your hand into a naked flame... or trying to touch a hammerpede.

5) Not really. It not only references Alien, but we're getting to see what the black goo does to organic matter.  A key piece of information.

6) It's not as if mutated Fierfield is sat on a rock looking at the sky and smoking a spliff. He's clearly turned into an aggressive monster. At this point in the movie, whilst it's obvious the black goo isn't for drinking a la cherry cola, we only have the 2 examples where it's shown to mutate. As many of the critics here are calling for more exposition, I'd posit that this is an example where it didn't need less.

7) Yes i did excuse away this at the end but this kind makes the character a bit out there to actually discover all of this yet still be so disappointed that he is going to go on a bender.  I think just because he states he's willing to do anything/everything, it doesn't mean he would. He clearly wasn't counting on being in utter agony as he mutates into something else. He'd be the first to say it wasn't worth it in the end...

8) No... but it adds weight to the theme of being able to create life. For all Shaw's beliefs/faith, she has been short changed on something the vast majority of women need and desire. I thought it quite powerful (in context of a sci-fi flick).

9) I agree – the movie could lose some stuff and would be better for it. The coda with the proto xeno being the prime example. Although everyone I've seen the movie with (I've been 3 times with about 10 people) we're certainly not going "huh?" every 15 mins.




Point 1) David had already confirmed that the air was breathable. It was safe to take off the helmets.  In reality, would they have done a full labaortory test type study on the compostion of the air inside the temple? Probably – but who wants to see that? Why didn't Dallas just insist on putting Kane back into the freezer? That was probably the best protocal.

>> The air in Chernobyl is 'breathable'. I wouldn't wish to sample it any time soon though.

Point 2) As already mentioned in a previous post. The Nostromo – an old bucket of rust, had the ability to decipher the signal from the derelict. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that David (a state of the art animated computer) had the ability to learn the basic language. If the plot hadn't made the point of asserting that Earth ancient language was based upon the engineers native tongue – I'd agree with you.

>> David has learned 'the language' through correlation of Earth's historical languages, that are all apparently derived from some 'mother tongue' of the Engineers. Which makes zero sense. They either 'make us whole' like David the android and teach us everything, or they wait eons for mother nature to do the seriously convoluted work and then give us a basic language lesson, and teach us nothing of any value. WTF?

I'm stopping here because...this story no longer has any meaning for me.



Allright, just watched it for the second time and I revise my judgement. I loved it. It's agreat movie.

Fassbender is just awesome. "Cup of tea, ma'am?"

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: 180924609 on Jun 06, 2012, 05:55:28 PM

Point 1) David had already confirmed that the air was breathable. It was safe to take off the helmets.  In reality, would they have done a full labaortory test type study on the compostion of the air inside the temple? Probably – but who wants to see that? Why didn't Dallas just insist on putting Kane back into the freezer? That was probably the best protocal.

>> The air in Chernobyl is 'breathable'. I wouldn't wish to sample it any time soon though.

Point 2) As already mentioned in a previous post. The Nostromo – an old bucket of rust, had the ability to decipher the signal from the derelict. I don't think it's a stretch to believe that David (a state of the art animated computer) had the ability to learn the basic language. If the plot hadn't made the point of asserting that Earth ancient language was based upon the engineers native tongue – I'd agree with you.

>> David has learned 'the language' through correlation of Earth's historical languages, that are all apparently derived from some 'mother tongue' of the Engineers. Which makes zero sense. They either 'make us whole' like David the android and teach us everything, or they wait eons for mother nature to do the seriously convoluted work and then give us a basic language lesson, and teach us nothing of any value. WTF?

I'm stopping here because...this story no longer has any meaning for me.

Point 1) The implication was clearly that the air was safe to breathe... otherwise David would have said "I wouldn't suggest you take your helmet off". It's really not that difficult to get your head around.

Point 2) Not sure why it doesn't make sense? Most of our religions are based around Gods who keep us at a distances sometimes intervene and smite us for doing wrong. We are all Gods children, but will be torn asunder if we take his name in vain etc. etc. It all fits into that 'God' dynamic.

Quote from: armageddon on Jun 06, 2012, 06:28:24 PM
Allright, just watched it for the second time and I revise my judgement. I loved it. It's agreat movie.

Fassbender is just awesome. "Cup of tea, ma'am?"
Did you not like it first time around?

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