Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 323,925 times)



Quote from: Laufey on Jun 01, 2012, 11:55:37 AM
Quote from: robbritton on Jun 01, 2012, 11:50:56 AMOther people who've seen it:
do you reckon the little worm things were already in the temple, or is the implication that they're microbes from the crew's boots in accelerated growth? it seemed a little unclear to me.

It was clearly shown that some maggots fell off the boots as they walked around inside the temple.

Cheers! I couldn't really tell if they
fell off the boots or were stepped on and revealed in the goo! it was about quarter to one in the morning, in my defence!  :)



Quote from: robbritton on Jun 01, 2012, 12:36:04 PM
Quote from: Laufey on Jun 01, 2012, 11:55:37 AM
Quote from: robbritton on Jun 01, 2012, 11:50:56 AMOther people who've seen it:
do you reckon the little worm things were already in the temple, or is the implication that they're microbes from the crew's boots in accelerated growth? it seemed a little unclear to me.

It was clearly shown that some maggots fell off the boots as they walked around inside the temple.

Cheers! I couldn't really tell if they
fell off the boots or were stepped on and revealed in the goo! it was about quarter to one in the morning, in my defence!  :)

Yes I also think the Hammerpedes were randomly created by worms that fell off some explorers' boots.  Once they entered the ooze they mutated, became bigger and more aggressive.  The same thing happened to Fifield when he falls into the ooze trying to save Milburn, who dies soon after hes attacked, I'm thinking his brain is eaten as you can see his head has shrunk when the others find him



Quote from: RoaryUK on Jun 01, 2012, 12:28:06 PM
Quote from: Kimo on Jun 01, 2012, 05:09:37 AM
Quote from: ucdom on Jun 01, 2012, 05:01:54 AM
Quote from: Kimo on Jun 01, 2012, 04:56:56 AM
Oh and another thing is that at the end of the film people were clapping... now i live in the UK and up north i never hear people clap infact this was my first time hearing people clap.

In my local (Chatham) there was some restrained clapping and whooping when the BBFC card came up, and stony silence at the end. No idea what anyone else thought (I was there alone, and most others were in big groups, mostly late teens and about three people my age - 40 - or older), but there was no clapping.

Might be a area thing. i am from middlesbrough and had go to newcastle to watch it on the IMAX and its the first time i heard clapping at a end of a film. not everyone was clapping but a good few were. However people were going mad CLAPPING over the Spiderman trailer it looked pretty cool in 3D.

Im from Middelsbrough to and saw the film in REAL 3D, the  effect was ok, not really into 3D mostly but it was a very good film, not great but I did enjoy the first half a lot but it was so badly cut

nice to see another person from my neck off the woods. :) im from Stockton, but i just say Boro to people online cos more people know Boro more then they know of stockton lol. :) Prometheus looked and sounded pretty dam good on IMAX. I am glad i drove to newcastle to watch it. I may give it another watch in afew weeks time at hollywood bowl at teesside park in real 3d. But last night was my first time watching a film in 3D IMAX and it was worth every penny. Prometheus itself is a little better then average film, but like most people have said it felt rushed and lazy in some spots.

I am going to do a better review later on today cos i was tired when i got back and posted my last post. So i should have a better idea on what to say now ive had some sleep and a good think.



Quote from: RoaryUK on Jun 01, 2012, 12:43:09 PM
Yes I also think the Hammerpedes were randomly created by worms that fell off some explorers' boots.  Once they entered the ooze they mutated, became bigger and more aggressive.  The same thing happened to Fifield when he falls into the ooze trying to save Milburn, who dies soon after hes attacked, I'm thinking his brain is eaten as you can see his head has shrunk when the others find him


Where did the worms come from?!

I thought ALL life had to first be created by these engineers and couldnt just spontaneously be living on this desolate planet all by itself? I mean, according to this shitty story the whole universe is sterile right? We need some bald bloke to come to Earth, drink some magic potion and then toss himself into the waterfall before anything biological can exist. Actually, tossing himself off into the waterfall might have achieved the same effect...

Christ, this writing is shit.



Quote from: 180924609 on Jun 01, 2012, 01:03:15 PM
Quote from: RoaryUK on Jun 01, 2012, 12:43:09 PM
Yes I also think the Hammerpedes were randomly created by worms that fell off some explorers' boots.  Once they entered the ooze they mutated, became bigger and more aggressive.  The same thing happened to Fifield when he falls into the ooze trying to save Milburn, who dies soon after hes attacked, I'm thinking his brain is eaten as you can see his head has shrunk when the others find him


Where did the worms come from?!

I thought ALL life had to first be created by these engineers and couldnt just spontaneously be living on this desolate planet all by itself? I mean, according to this shitty story the whole universe is sterile right? We need some bald bloke to come to Earth, drink some magic potion and then toss himself into the fountain before anything biological can exist. Actually tossing himself off into the fountain might have achieved the same effect...

Christ, this writing is shit.

Yeah I must admit I thought the hammerpede's were the engineers creation, but the film 'suggests' these worms are indigenous, you see them a few times in other places before the crew reach the Orrery, eventually some enter the black goo when things start to go wrong, so I assume I was wrong and they are a mutation.... I guess

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Okay, I've slept on it now (which is going to bugger up my sleep pattern for the next week, and it wasn't even worth it) but my overall feeling of disappointment is unchanged.

Reading some of the comments made by other UK midnighters has reinforced both my negative and positive views of the movie. I'm as baffled as anyone else by the worms. Do we really think this hyper-expensive star ship, equipped with the latest (and sexiest) space suits available, is infested with.... worms??? I prefer to think (if only so that I believe that writers are not first class morons) that bacteria evolved vary rapidly, first to little worms and then to hammerpedes.
This also runs counter to present-day planetary protection protocols - not even the 2090s but NOW. Real modern planetary protection requires space-craft landing on other bodies to be sterilized to certain standards, a specific number of bugs per square cm (so actually not 100 % sterile but near a dammit). Why does that change here? Is it okay for humans to carry all our microbes to another planet and infect it, and then (sooo dumb) to take our helmets off in this alien environment and potentially infect ourselves. Holloway has no way of knowing there are know airborne viruses. In part because the team biologist is a superfluous halfwit.

I saw an interview with Spaihts in which he said he talked to scientists to help him with his ideas. Either Damon trashed all that, or he lied, or the scientists were idiots.  >:(

Promethean Fire

Promethean Fire

Obvioulsy there will be spoilers...

I've seen Prometheus twice now.  2D and 3D.  And one thing is for certain, its certainly sealed the fate of 3D with me.  Didn't really notice it beyond a few scenes here and there.  Picture was far too dark.  Far more enjoyable in 2D in my opinion.

As for the film itself.  Well,  would I be hounded and shot if I said that it came off as a slightly better written, acted and directed version of AVP?  There were beats that almost felt identical to me.  Eg Fifield and Milburn's relationship felt like Verheiden and Millers in the unrated cut of AVP.  Except with the overt sappy "We'll get through this" nonsense from Anderson's script.

Even the overall concept is near identical.  We are going to find the origins of civilization.  Except it won't matter a damn forty minutes in, when we are being infected, impregnated, eviscerated.  Which is the problem.  The lofty and profound ideas being (supposedly) addressed are basically being tacked onto the bones of an old Alien Prequel script and it shows.

The central performances were fine enough.  Noomi Rapace delivers a decent form of Ripley-lite.  Michael Fassbender was deviously innocent ;)  Guy Pearce was completely and utter wasted.  His performance was fine, but why bury him under all those prosthetics?  A man chasing immortality, I was certain a year ago that we would see an Old Man find his fountain of youth in this movie.  All he finds is a milky droid's head in his eye...

Idris Elba was cool and collected as Janek.  Dude even managed to get his freak on with Theron's Ice Queen Vickers.  Mac Daddy or what?  8)  Now, what exactly is the score with Vickers.  Back at Comicon, Ridley hinted that there may be two robots.  Was Vickers the second robot?  Did she survive the Juggernaut squashing to return for the inevitable sequel?  The secondary and tertiary characters don't really get much to do.  Rafe Spall adopts an American accent as a characterless botanist.  Sean Harris seems like a no-BS, "ain't go time for this shit" type of guy, until he discovers the fate of The Engineers and gets all Hudson and Lambert on everybody.  Katie Dickie, a Scottish actress seems to be trying so hard to come across as Scottish that her accent sounded forced.  Ravel (Benedict Wong) and Chance (Emun Elliot) are the only other characters with a bit of dialogue, which mainly concerns a bet they've put on as to why they are on the planet in the first place.  Did they really have to use the generic future sci-fi currency of "Credits"?  Shares would have been a cooler little nod to the first Alien film.  Everybody else is fodder.

Which kind of brings us to pace and editing.  Ridley has quickened his pace, and the movie tends to rush a bit in some scenes.  This is more a trend of modern movie making than anything else.  The movie does show some signs of heavy editing.  Especially in the "Fifield Attack" scene.  Originally, this scene was supposed to take place as Weyland and co head back to the temple to meet the Last Engineer, with Shaw jumping in the Rover and running Fifield over.  The scene now takes place concurrently with Shaw's "C-Sec" scene, and as a result suffers.  It feels superfluous and tacked on.  Blu-ray cut, anybody (which btw should be 10/11/12, if anybody noticed the "Footage Property of Weyland Corp tag at the end credits ;))

The music was not noticeable, it kind of disspeared into the scenes, basically telling the audience to feel scared or feel sad.  The sound mix was excellent though, particualrly in the Prometheus landing scene.  The cinema shook!

Then there is the ending and The Alien Connection.  All through the film, I felt like some sort of Xenomorph Detective, trying to piece the puzzle together.  Unfortunately, due to Lindelof's rewrite, the Alien connection seems to have been arbitrarily removed and replaced with something else which "kinda hints" at Alien.  What is the carving on the Ampule Chamber wall.  A Queen?  I'm sure I spotted a facehuuger on the lower right of the carving too.  What was the Snakehugger?  It has acid for blood and tries to get inside you body.  And that's about it.  The black ooze contained within the ampules seems to be the source of of this parasite, as evidenced by a little retina wriggling on Holloway's eyeball which ultimately leads us to Squidhugger, and the single most dissapointing design in the movie.  Seriously, some calamari is the best they could come up with?  And if you liked that, you're gonna love this...

Tiny, Impy, Goblin, Venom Horse Mouthed, Pointy Headed, ADI Xenomorph wannabe runt.  Which we see in a rehash of AVP's denoument.  Seriously, why bother?  I would have been content, dissapointed but content to watch the Juggernaut fly off, Shaw and David bound for Engineer Paradise.  But to have this awful, weak fan boy service scene tacked on, just made me groan.  Again, I blame Lindelof's rewrite.  Presumably, in Spaiht's draft, they landed on LV-426, cut to the end, Engineer is impregnated tries to climb back into his pilot seat but ends up chest bursting, whatever.  Cue Ripley.  Lindelof appears to have lazily redressed these elements and said "Aha, but wait for the sequel!"  If Lindelof is attached, I won't be waiting for anything.

Apologies for the length of this.  I've waited years for this and needed my cathartic release.  I needed to get back on the horse.  Where, for me, its rider shall be forever known as a Jockey and not an Engineer... 



My review of seeing the UK midnight 3D show:

Loved the Alien films, loved that this was not another, was so looking forward to it but left feeling annoyed at an average sci-fi film. Having been almost at shooting the Alien film and then scrapping it for a new story over the past years I had very high expectations of a story that would shine, that this would be a masterpiece, sadly I didn't think it was anywhere near that.

Leaving Alien out for a minute the parts that were good:
- David's part and the way his character was developed, very nice indeed. Very dark and I had hoped for something like that, a more psychological horror. That said his method of contact with Weyland, wth? Other than that his character is the best part of this film.

- Visuals, nice to look at which at times the 3D did work a treat.

- Tension, a few parts were just as tense as some of the good horror films. The drive back to the ship, the nod to Alien with the impregnation and removal scene, again nicely done (again).

- The story, promised so much at the start but as soon as they entered the 'tomb' it just fell on its face and didn't really know what to do. A somewhat save by David's character but then it careers off into being another AvP film I think in the hope to bring some sort of conclusion to a plot that at this point has so many holes in it that it becomes hard to care about any of it.

- Timeline, due to when this has been made there is a lot more technology floating around, there would be no getting around this but adding items that would have clearly helped other victims in other films fight the Aliens, well that could have been handled a lot better I think. Leaving them out actually may have helped Prometheus.

In comparison to the Alien franchise, it's exactly what the rest of the films have been since Alien 3, which for me was the last good part of the story. A pretty average film that has best intentions but cannot deliver the claustrophobic horror of sealing six people in a room with a welding torch away from certain death outside the door (or was it? ). It's a franchise that was defined at a time when less was more, sci-fi and horror went hand in hand, the stories were simple, more focused. This film had none of that, it found it hard to raise much tension let alone fear.

The plot holes, where to begin, so there's talk of a sequel, I can't really say I care for watching it to be honest even if it was sat next to me just now.
The Engineer suicide at the start, to introduce life to Earth(?), that was destroying DNA, it was snapping the strands, I mean it was degrading DNA, not making life breed or mutate.
Why go to all that bother to make life on Earth but then want to kill it again? So say that Engineer was a 'rebel' something the rest of the race didn't want life on Earth, I guess then they need a weapon to destroy, fine. None of that is eluded to in the film. In fact we have to watch the film for about 90 minutes to find out in a few lines from Prometheus captain that LV-223 is a bio installation where the Engineers made weapons, that's a pathetic method of story telling. Cameron didn't force feed us like that in Aliens with the Queen chamber, are audiences that dumb these days that the only method to convey part of a story is to have someone blurt it out half way through the film? Know your audience Mr Blade Runner....

The planet, LV-223 (I think?) is not LV-426, so it's a different planet where Prometheus lands. So let's treat this as a different planet for now, the derelict we see crash can't be the same derelict in the Alien film. Crashing Prometheus into the side of it and making the 'entry hole' may come in handy for Kane and crew later on, but this is a different planet.
The distress signal, also handy but this is a different planet.
The Engineer has left his seat to go after female doctor, again handy it is a different planet after all, so how can any chest burst happen?
There's what closely resembles an Alien running around, I guess that could be a queen, different planet though, remember?

By the end of the film we have a fifth generation evolution into the Alien we all know:
Male doctor > female doctor > squid? > engineer > Alien.
So any Alien, a Giger Alien would need to evolve in a similar set of jumps, no?
Well for one there won't be that same cycle even if there are other living Engineers on LV-224.

So, female doctor (and that reflects how much I'm not interested, I can't even bring myself to Google her character name) is off on one with David, so she might end up on LV-426, but there are no other humans alive to have the five stage jump like we just saw. So the impregnation/human mutation won't happen again.

Leaving how we got where we did out of it for a minute and going back to just Prometheus. The (all too handy storytelling, but didn't story tell) holograms that were running around, sure they'd have been handy as hell for Kane and Lambert (who by the way would have had superior tech to anything on Prometheus, see above), they were running into the tomb, why was the Engineer running into a room full of stuff that would kill him?
What about the head high pile of Engineer bodies? What killed them? That elusive 'ping' to the west that we never see of again? Why waste all that time to show these two plums running around getting 'information' that is never used, impregnated with a worm mutation, again which is never used after showing it pop out of his mouth.
Why is the tattooed rock geologist guy smashing up the crew? I mean going on what happened on Earth with the suicide and the reformed exploding pilot head this bio weapon destroys by degrading DNA, not by turning things into zombies. Why did we have a ten minute fight on Prometheus deck for what seems like no reason?

In the tomb there is a clear carving of an Alien on the back wall, if that mutation took five jumps away from what is in the pods how the hell was that predicted?
Why even bother to make the worm mutation if it's only purpose is to kill a few folks but not kill as many as geologist rock hippie?

So yes, I'm off on one (unless you've been in hypersleep for the past 50 years, you can tell I'm a bit of a nut over Alien films) judging by what I've typed so far my opinion/interpretations yup they are. Gave more questions than answers, yup, it did and I'd have been totally content with that but the massive problem I have is that none of this makes any sense so the film ends up being so disconnected through bad storytelling and irrelevant sequences that the last ten minutes of here is the evolution Alien lovers that you've got to even question why the hell that was put in place also.

It's an okay sci-fi film with action in it for action sake, it crutches on Alien franchise because really that's the only true thing left for it to do. Scott might not have wanted to make another Alien film, he succeeded, I'm rather glad it is so detached.
Give me Alien to watch any day of the week over this, the next time I do watch it I'll be doing my very best to forget about Prometheus.

This is annoyed person, last remaining survivor of average Hollywood films signing off.

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: pinion on Jun 01, 2012, 01:50:26 PM

That elusive 'ping' to the west that we never see of again?

The ping does come up again, but it's not too obvious.

It's coming from the disco-ball probe that has travelled down the long tunnel to the buried juggernaut and is stuck by the door - it's picking up the widely space intermittant life form of the sleeping engineer (I think). It's thought be faulty and David goes off alone to check it out and then finds the cockpit and the engineer.

Quote from: pinion on Jun 01, 2012, 01:50:26 PM
This is annoyed person, last remaining survivor of average Hollywood films signing off.

Agreed, big time. I don't get it with the whizz-bang mindset of many films these days, moronic plot lines and lots of running and shouting and explosions. I'm only glad there are some film makers (Tarantino for example) who aren't afraid of crafting a 20 minutes scene between two people talking which has more tension and emotion than all of Prometheus added together.



Agreed, big time. I don't get it with the whizz-bang mindset of many films these days, moronic plot lines and lots of running and shouting and explosions. I'm only glad there are some film makers (Tarantino for example) who aren't afraid of crafting a 20 minutes scene between two people talking which has more tension and emotion than all of Prometheus added together.

Thanks a lot for the ping item ucdom. I get it now :).



You know what you will get when you say there is no answer?
It's the point, they did it on purpose.
That is the charm/power of the movie.
Only dumb audience need answers.
You're just not intelligent enough.

Remember what Lindelof said about LOST?
Whats important is the journey not the answer at the end.
Pure lazy writing BS.
ALIEN has mysteries, MATRIx has mysteries.
But they have a self suficiant story, they were not made only to sell a sequel.

You'll see.

Winkie Bear

Winkie Bear

Quote from: NGR01 on Jun 01, 2012, 02:23:25 PM
You know what you will get when you say there is no answer?
It's the point, they did it on purpose.
That is the charm/power of the movie.
Only dumb audience need answers.
You're just not intelligent enough.

Remember what Lindelof said about LOST?
Whats important is the journey not the answer at the end.
Pure lazy writing BS.
ALIEN has mysteries, MATRIx has mysteries.
But they have a self suficiant story, they were not made only to sell a sequel.

You'll see.

For me - I don't know about anyone else - it's not a question of 'no answers'. 2001 had no answers and was brilliant. My problem with Prometheus is utterly baffling and illogical character motivations, interactions, and some terrible dialogue. I don't think it's mysterious, I think it's stupid.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: 180924609 on Jun 01, 2012, 01:03:15 PM
Quote from: RoaryUK on Jun 01, 2012, 12:43:09 PM
Yes I also think the Hammerpedes were randomly created by worms that fell off some explorers' boots.  Once they entered the ooze they mutated, became bigger and more aggressive.  The same thing happened to Fifield when he falls into the ooze trying to save Milburn, who dies soon after hes attacked, I'm thinking his brain is eaten as you can see his head has shrunk when the others find him


Where did the worms come from?!

I thought ALL life had to first be created by these engineers and couldnt just spontaneously be living on this desolate planet all by itself? I mean, according to this shitty story the whole universe is sterile right? We need some bald bloke to come to Earth, drink some magic potion and then toss himself into the waterfall before anything biological can exist. Actually, tossing himself off into the waterfall might have achieved the same effect...

Christ, this writing is shit.

Why do you assume that ALL life in the entire universe is created by the engineers? I'm not sure the movie states anything other than the engineers are responsible for life on Earth. They may be responsible for all life everywhere... but then again, they may not. The worms were mutated into the hammerpedes... that's clear. How the worms got there is largely irrelevant... they may be indigenous, they may be not. The point is they were harmless until humans poked their noses in, changed the climate/atmosphere of the temple and caused the black goo to leak.



I saw it yesterday. And first i'd like to say that its not because you live in a country with a different spoken language than english that it means nobody is watching films in their original language. So, yes i saw it in english.

Ok so im 34, alien & sci-fi fan, motion designer and film maker, bla bla bla.

It seems i am one of the few that didnt hate the film nor loved it. It's just a disapointment. I didnt have unrealistic expectations before watching it, hell i work in the field so i know how it goes.

As a film in itself it was a well (slow) paced movie. In fact the whole film has a "similar" vibe to the first half of the original Alien, which is a great point because that was the part i liked the most. So that choice was good.
The VFX, the picture, the edit, most of the acting (2-3 characters are awful though), all that were very good.

Yeah you guessed it, that's about it. Now ill tell you what i thought went wrong.

First, the score. Maybe 1 or 2 cool musics but the rest is a pile of forgettable hollywood junk you hear in every "so called epic" movie. Such a shame, the soundtrack and sound design of the first Alien was great and gave a very specific mood. It just doesnt exist in Prometheus.
Then you have the problem with the story. This is the point that divide people and i know why. The reason is simple: the target audience.
The film is CLEARLY targeted at younger audience, not the generation who grew up with Alien films and all other sci-fi influences. So the young guys, who may only know the "classics" at best, didnt grew up with all those sci-fi stories. I did. And i must say that the story of prometheus and all the few ideas scattered in it are REHASH. Everything i saw in the film i already saw in older movies or even in Stargate tv series. Its NOT original. So the young guys don't know that, thats why they could apreciate the movie a lot more than the "old geeks".
Its a real bad move if you ask me. Why? Because putting more interesting ideas, working them and expanding them would have been the choice that would have pleased much more people at different ages, all that while beeing a much better film. Yeah i know Hollywood seems to think that young people are stupid and have 45 of IQ, but i think it was worth a shot. Especially for a movie of this magnitude. DAMN! Just go to forums and message boards and you could almost pick any random post about alien theories and stumble upon better ideas.

Other aspects i didnt like:
-The SJs! They are ugly and almost look stupid (the picture limits the damage, but shoot this guy in broad daylight without color correction and it doesnt even pass the casting of Stargate Atlantis). Oh and they move and act a bit dumb as well. Is that a superior life form? hmmm...
-The designs! I loved the vfx and visual effects but the designs weren't great. The chambers and tunnels look so-so, the creatures look like squids and the alien "ancestor" at the end just looks bad and a lot less detailed than any other alien. it doesnt look like much work or effort has been put into this. Where was Giger?
-The incoherences of the story. Wether that be for the film itself or for the continuity of the series.

And most of all: why always humans? WHY?!?! Are we sooooo special? oh yeah we HAD to be conceived by superior beeings, then we are so special that they HAVE to destroy us. This is so played out and uninspired. And on top of that we are talking about Alien and SJ mythology! All these mysteries and questions rised from the first films are here completely spoiled by uninspired ideas. I remember what i felt watching Alien, thinking about the darkest parts of the universe or ancient times, so much things that are way beyond us. It was like watching the stars, there are so much of them that you felt like nothing in the vast universe. In Prometheus it's the exact opposite. Everything is linked to us. Thats a shame. Such a shame that i cant even see this film as Alien canon.

And last thing: What is Hollywood's problem with robots? Whats with the racism against them? Even the "good" guys from the film are saying very mean things to the robot and treat him like a slave or an inferior beeing. Yeah i know it's not a human, but can we just respect other lifeforms without always thinking we are soooo much superior? I get it that stupid people will exist even in the future but not ALL OF THEM whould behave like jackasses.

Please don't hesitate to ask any question if it's still too "vague" for you. Ill be happy to help.



Quote from: NGR01 on Jun 01, 2012, 02:23:25 PM
You know what you will get when you say there is no answer?
It's the point, they did it on purpose.
That is the charm/power of the movie.
Only dumb audience need answers.
You're just not intelligent enough.

Remember what Lindelof said about LOST?
Whats important is the journey not the answer at the end.
Pure lazy writing BS.
ALIEN has mysteries, MATRIx has mysteries.
But they have a self suficiant story, they were not made only to sell a sequel.

You'll see.

For me it's got nothing to do with no answer, in fact if this film had brought relevant, planned, and downright logical questions to me I'd have loved the shit out of it. I don't need answers to feel comfortable with a question, that part is for me to answer, if that's how it was planned I'd most likely be stunned into silence. Instead nothing was planned, I know this through having seen Prometheus. There were locations and breadcrums that were left, my problem is this is all that was used to convey a new take on a new story, breadcrumbs of a theory that sold in the 70's, evolved in the 80s and 90s and was fruitpicked to convey some sort of back story but didn't actually deliver inside it's own self let alone deliver or add to the breadcrumb trail.

Take the matrix comment, nothing in this realm is even related to the matrix, because the matrix left you with open interpretation, but was based on the outward thinking mind, that has no place in the same realm as claustrophobic mind based horror because that's what a lot of people fail to see, the whole Alien franchise, even the involvement of Giger is about horror, not sci-fi, downright what is the worst thing that you can possibly imagine happening to you, your body. It's inward. The matrix was based on mind interpretation of a realm, outward. Alien is not, it's inward, your fears, your vision of you and your fear of something uncontrollable affecting that.


Quote from: NGR01 on Jun 01, 2012, 02:23:25 PM
You know what you will get when you say there is no answer?
It's the point, they did it on purpose.
That is the charm/power of the movie.
Only dumb audience need answers.
You're just not intelligent enough.

Remember what Lindelof said about LOST?
Whats important is the journey not the answer at the end.
Pure lazy writing BS.
ALIEN has mysteries, MATRIx has mysteries.
But they have a self suficiant story, they were not made only to sell a sequel.

You'll see.

In saying that mind, its so good to see you descent into your not really that smart as some sort of retort to someone who has a different opinion to you, /golf clap. Idiot.

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