I see Psychological horror use with our favorite creatures.

Started by Taraka, Mar 28, 2011, 05:18:11 PM

I see Psychological horror use with our favorite creatures. (Read 8,731 times)


I've been researching psychological horror so I can write a script for a AVP film I hope to make, and have come to some good conclusions. Mostly on the premesis of "Sex and Death", like they used in the video games Silent Hill 2 and 3.

Just as a heads up, this is kinda like a lecture, lol, but I'm curiouse to know what you guys think of this. It might even help me write the script.

There's little doubt it worked best in Alien, mostly because of our creepy friend, Giger. As I'm sure you've heard this a million times over, the Aliemns body shape is very feminan while the head shape, as well as the inner mouth, resembled a penus. (That's more evident in the concept art, neway.)

The Predator works in this way as well, even though I'm not sure if Stan Winston had this in mind with his design, since Predator was ment as a thriller/ action movie. But it COMPLETELY contrasts the Alien. (Probably why we like it so much as the primary foe for the Alien.) His body is much more masculane, while his hair is long, and especially in P2 since it appeared thinner, mildly resembled a womans hair style, while the mouth...*sigh* pussy face.

I'm sure I don't need to go over all their contrasts but I've pretty much gathered what I plan to use in my film, mostly from the first Alien film.

Alien, the Nostromo has cramped halls that were long in length, giving the easy impression of little to no escape. During the climax with the ship preparing to explode, the pipes jetted out white clouds and made it near impossible to see more than several feet infront of Ripley. Also, whenever someone died, we never really got a clear view of what happened. (personally I think the film worked better without seeing Dallas's fate. It left his fate an er of mystery.) The only time we really saw someone dead was Parker and Kane. Though Kane's sequence is viewed as one of the most disturbing ever seen on screen because, aside when we first see the film, we have NO idea whats wrong with him, unless somone told you. But the idea of dying from the inside has been a bit of a primal fear. Also when Lambert died, she has more of the theme of Sex and Death since apart we never actually see what happens to her, the only hint we get is her bare feet dangling from off camera. Before that she was wearing a 1 piece jumpsuit and boots. What exactly did it do to her? We're left to our imaginations, and thus scare ourselves.

Aliens's horror was a bit more in your face. Cramped areas returned but this time with large numbers of Aliens that would leap from wall to wall, and attack with a quicker pace than the previouse Alien, giving the charector less time to react, and causing the audience to share their fear. (Sorta.) Also implemented was being trapped in an alien enviroment that was simaltaneously familiar. (The hive in the processor. ) You'd seen similar places before but it looked alien, and you didn't feel safe about it because the walls looked more like the aliens...as they also would come out of the walls.

Predator, again was more of a thriller movie, but had a few moments with good tension. You'd constantly see from the predators perspective, but when seeing the same area from the commandos or the camera alone, it was impossible to see the Predator unless it wanted to be. Basically, it was unsettling anticipation. You knew it was there, and you knew it would do something. the question was when and where....

Alien 3 had an attempted at the originals style, with the design of the alien being of Giger again, his interview in the making of documentary BLUNTLEY shows how he wanted them to use Sex and Death as a means of horror. But as Tom Woodruff aslso said, they didnt have the time and budget to implement his ideas. Apart gigers ideas, the only other thing I can say is we saw the Alien too much and it didn't look natural in any way because of the CGI at the time. It wasn't as disturbing as it could've been, and it had too many typical BOO moments.

Ok, I'd write more but I gtg for now.  I'll b on lter toexplain a little more of my findings.  But what do you guys think so far? (Other than the lack of an accupation for 2 years has taken it's toll.)


Quote from: Taraka on Mar 28, 2011, 05:18:11 PM
we saw the Alien too much and it didn't look natural in any way because of the CGI at the time.

It wasn't CGI. It was a puppet.


Quote from: Mus on Mar 28, 2011, 05:43:09 PM
Quote from: Taraka on Mar 28, 2011, 05:18:11 PM
we saw the Alien too much and it didn't look natural in any way because of the CGI at the time.

It wasn't CGI. It was a puppet.

I'm referring to the full body shots, specifically toward the end when it was on the ceiling and chasing the prisoners in the hallways.

On to Predator 2...actually there isn't much to say. We see the Predator all the time, we're given a weak mystery to unravel. (Keyes.) But at least it was kinda important to the series to establish the clan system and add a little more mystery to the Predators. I'm guessing it was written under the assumption most of the viewers already saw Predator 1 and didn't bother to try the element of not showing the Predator until the end.

Alien Resurrection, I don't think it was seriously written to be scary. Though the Camera work helps with the action and probably could've been used for the element of horror. the only tention I can see through the movie, aside the boo scares is Ripley's uncertainty. Though personally I felt she acted more like a Terminator than an Alien. The disturbing imagery was through the Ripley clones, the unnatural distortion of human and alien features, but we see too much still, and sadly most of it doesnt look real. Only Clone #7 seemed disturbing. (More like disgusting, but still a little disturbing.) The Newborn at the end was a failure if it was an attempt at being scary. Part of what makes the Alien scary and disturbing is unless they're bearing their teeth, they appear faceless. Sadly thats part of why every Alien after the 2nd movie isn't as scary. Their mouths are much more evident, even with the lips sealed. Back to the Newborn though. (Which features no lips.) The body has no bio mechanical features and the color contrasts too much with the environment, so it has no way of camouflaging in the environment. It's death was an attempt at making you feel sorry for it as it died in a slow and agonizing way. It failed because it still appeared brutish and we had no reason to really care about it's well being.

Alien Vs Predator, the first time we see our friends together on the silver screen. In the interviews and behind the scenes featurettes Paul Anderson had every intention of the movie being seen as scary. He had some good ideas though. Antarctica is one of the most hostile places on the planet, and human contact is almost non existent.  The Pyramid underground...kinda corny but further isolates the main characters. See the Problem is this, Starting with the Aliens, they're all reused from the Resurrection molds, and there's very little bio mechanical looks because of the human fleshy look from the Resurrection aliens. They attempt to use the overwhelming numbers factor from the 2nd Alien film, but they moved on the floor too much, and when they were on the walls they look more like a cgi cartoon. Also with the instant chest bursting, minus Scar, we have no anticipation of when a character is about to die. Now to the Predators. Their head shape is somewhat smaller, but their upper body is ridiculously huge. As they say in the ADI book they wanted the Predators to be more heroic looking, which was a huge mistake. Not just the hero look but they don't look natural either. And the big complaint from many, 2 predators die under the window of 5 minutes, and from one alien. So scar is easily expected to go down like a bitch. When he does start kicking ass you can't help but wonder, why couldn't the others do this? Mostly Celtic who kinda appeared stronger than Scar. And the Predators face was too human, which was a conscious decision of Paul Anderson, as stated in the ADI book. Thus he destroyed pretty much all of the factors that made the Predator, the Predator. The Pyramid interior was WAAAAAAAY too bright, and the high ceilings make the pyramid feel sparse. Only when pyramid changes does it work a little better. It's still too bright and a number of times the ceiling is still too high. The only time this really gets spooky is when Alex is on her own and it's completely dark, her compass is busted and her lights out of batteries (novelization.) thus giving the strong feeling of being lost and Alone. I'll admit this is also the only time Scar is intimidating when he's behind her, soundlessly and does the slow draw with his spear. After that though...

Aliens vs Predator Requiem...the WORST movie out of the whole series, mostly due to bad directing, casting, cinematography, and story. The only thing that keeps this from being an Uwe Boll movie is Uwe Boll himself, and unnecessary sex (which apparently they were highly considering.) The Aliens aren't scary because they reused the resurrection molds AGAIN, and the new head mold destroys most of the originals hint at a sexual organ, as well as they have no lips and look like a B Movie monster. The Predalien is no exception...I'm going to leave it at that before I rant about the Predalien. I will say Wolf was a somewhat decent, though I was half expecting it to go "Come with me if you want to live." Wolf was too overpowered, which did make him a bit intimidating, along with his body shape, though it appeared a little too feminine. His face was an improvement over Scar's, but failed because they used a little too much animatronics. Why they didn't just use contact lenses like all the previous movies I'm not sure, but it makes him look like a puppet at Disney. Sadly the environment wasn't scary in the slightest. Nothing Alien about it. even the hive in the hospital wasn't scary. We saw nothing in the walls to give any idea there may be an alien hiding. (It was attempted, but we couldn't see ANYTHING at all 80% of the time anyway because of the bad lighting.) And next is something most of the previous films in both series had. No ambiguity toward death. It was just high amounts of blood and gore in your nose and mouth.

Last but not least, is Predators. Again, not exactly scary, but had good tense moments and intense action. The Ere of Mystery in the first half of the movie was good, especially when revealing they're not on earth. The new creatures had a somewhat disturbing appearance The hounds being dog shaped, yet the bones over its body made it hard to relate to other creatures on earth. The Deep eye sockets were a nice touch. Stick-man being the original design for the Predator was a good idea too. The overall shape gave it a similar feminine feel of a Woman, and the rotten skin with the roaches has a good implementation of Death. As for the Predators, they did have an intimidating appearance, with the exception of classic. The mask idea wasn't as scary as flat out seeing the face or the faceless tribal mask, which the shape used in the film made it look a little silly in some angles. Also, it became a bit of a hero look, especially right before his fight with Berserker. We're not scared of someone that's fighting out enemy in most cases. (But the fight was still kinda good. Would've been better if Classic wasn't weakened from hanging on that poll for 2 weeks as shown in the comic prequels.) Now the Super Predators were intimidating, but not scary. The only one that looks a little bit scary is Berserker, the Puppet Jaw look the designer implemented makes his make look a little bit disturbing. They tried to build tension in a similar way Predator 1 worked, and they succeeded a number of times. (Chuchillo's death is a good example. Any Predator veterans or people who've seen similar tricks KNEW he was dead and a Predator was making the calls, but the tension built up nicely from the dialogue and the camera angles.) The only time the invisibility didn't work well is in the drill. When Tracker is highlighted by the flare we see too much details on him. (The music didn't help. I understand they wanted to keep the music similar to Predator 1, but it didn't make it as intimidating as it could have been.)

That about wraps it up, though I wouldn't be surprised if I missed something. I mostly was looking at stuff from the previous films I could use with the elements of psychological horror. I'll talk about what ideas to make my film scary using these elements in the fan fic section.



Quote from: Taraka on Mar 28, 2011, 07:12:14 PM
I'm referring to the full body shots, specifically toward the end when it was on the ceiling and chasing the prisoners in the hallways.
Like the man said; it was a puppet. The only full-body CGI Alien was in the extended cut.

QuoteThe Pyramid interior was WAAAAAAAY too bright,
It's plenty dark with lots of shadows. It's not really any brighter than the Nostromo or Hadley's Hope.

QuoteThe Ere of Mystery in the first half of the movie was good, especially when revealing they're not on earth.
I thought it was ruined by everyone standing around explaining every little thing at length every five minutes.

QuoteStick-man being the original design for the Predator was a good idea too.
Would if it was; Stickman and the original Predator design are barely similar, let alone the same.

Quote(Chuchillo's death is a good example. Any Predator veterans or people who've seen similar tricks KNEW he was dead and a Predator was making the calls, but the tension built up nicely from the dialogue and the camera angles.)
You don't create tension by having everyone literally standing in a line talking about what is obviously -- and what has just been demonstrated as -- a trap. You insult the audience's intelligence, not much else.


Don't write an AvP script unless A) it's short and you can knock it over fairly quickly or B) you intend to make it into a film.

As for your essay, it's not really telling us anything new about sex or death.  Particularly sex.


Quote from: SM on Mar 28, 2011, 10:36:31 PM
Don't write an AvP script unless A) it's short and you can knock it over fairly quickly
What if it's 100 pages and you only spend bits of a week doing it? :P


The very definition of 'knocking it over fairly quickly'.


That's what she said?


Quote from: SiL on Mar 28, 2011, 09:47:20 PM
Quote from: Taraka on Mar 28, 2011, 07:12:14 PM
I'm referring to the full body shots, specifically toward the end when it was on the ceiling and chasing the prisoners in the hallways.
Like the man said; it was a puppet. The only full-body CGI Alien was in the extended cut.

QuoteThe Pyramid interior was WAAAAAAAY too bright,
It's plenty dark with lots of shadows. It's not really any brighter than the Nostromo or Hadley's Hope.

QuoteThe Ere of Mystery in the first half of the movie was good, especially when revealing they're not on earth.
I thought it was ruined by everyone standing around explaining every little thing at length every five minutes.

QuoteStick-man being the original design for the Predator was a good idea too.
Would if it was; Stickman and the original Predator design are barely similar, let alone the same.

Quote(Chuchillo's death is a good example. Any Predator veterans or people who've seen similar tricks KNEW he was dead and a Predator was making the calls, but the tension built up nicely from the dialogue and the camera angles.)
You don't create tension by having everyone literally standing in a line talking about what is obviously -- and what has just been demonstrated as -- a trap. You insult the audience's intelligence, not much else.

1, Extended cut? The VHS copy I have from 93 there's at least 3 of those shots with the cgi.

2, Yeah it had some dark moments, but again, combined with the high ceiling you don't feel as claustrophobic, and as a personal preference, the nostromo and hadley's hope's interior help in creating a hostile looking environment because of the layers of metal. (pipes, grates, etc.) which they kinda tried with the hieroglyphics. I don't find it as hostile because it doesn't generate the same kind of shadows as the above mentioned. Too many smooth walls.

3,The only thing I thought was a bit much was our friend from IDF talking about the first predator. At least with any kind of accuracy, the most she could find is what all we know about Roswell.

4, Actually Stickman is derived from the original design BEFORE Stan Winston was brought in. Y'know, the one that Jean Claude Vandam was supposed to play. Since it had the insect like legs they need puppeteering, but the jungle made it too difficult. It was the whole reason why Predator almost didn't get finished.

5, The tension, again, mostly worked on people who haven't seen previous predator films. The tension I felt watching that scene came from Isabelle. Mostly in that part where she shoots him. It was more about the combination of the music and the acting. But again, that's more of a personal bit.

I mostly wanted to share how the Alien and Predator exhibit the Sex and Death theme of Psychological horror. I was wondering if anyone else ever really picked up on those traits.


Quote1, Extended cut? The VHS copy I have from 93 there's at least 3 of those shots with the cgi.

No there isn't.

There's one shot of CG cracks comped over a live action Alien.


The only CGI shot I recall was the cracking of the head during the lead and sprinklers scene. The rest were just really badly composited puppets.  Its a pretty common misconception though.


Quote from: Taraka on Mar 28, 2011, 05:18:11 PM
As I'm sure you've heard this a million times over, the Aliemns body shape is very feminan while the head shape, as well as the inner mouth, resembled a penus.




QuoteI mostly wanted to share how the Alien and Predator exhibit the Sex and Death theme of Psychological horror. I was wondering if anyone else ever really picked up on those traits.

Easier to ask if anyone hadn't picked up on them.  At least in Alien.

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