Curious facts about yourself

Started by OmegaZilla, Oct 27, 2010, 01:42:59 PM

Curious facts about yourself (Read 442,748 times)

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

QuoteIts over 9000...



I've never seen 2001 Space Odyssey.



Quote from: Lie on Nov 03, 2010, 04:12:33 PM
I've never seen 2001 Space Odyssey.

The first time I've watched 2001...

...I fell asleep.
And I still do not know why.  :-[

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

I am currently living with my grandparents. I got into a fight with my father, so i left.



Quote from: Ghost Rider on Nov 03, 2010, 04:24:18 PM
I am currently living with my grandparents. I got into a fight with my father, so i left.

Wow that's kinda like what happened to me. Except I'm living with my aunt and uncle because I got into a small fight with my mom.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Quote from: ERipley2154 on Nov 04, 2010, 01:11:00 AM
Quote from: Ghost Rider on Nov 03, 2010, 04:24:18 PM
I am currently living with my grandparents. I got into a fight with my father, so i left.

Wow that's kinda like what happened to me. Except I'm living with my aunt and uncle because I got into a small fight with my mom.

I got into a fist fight with my father. We don't talk to each other anymore.

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Nov 03, 2010, 12:16:14 PM
Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 03, 2010, 07:20:24 AM

Question:  i would like to ask everyone this question. Does anyone on here get so mad, that you just stop feeling completely, you lose all emotion, all pain, all care and worries. Just becomes pure instinct, time seems to slow around you and all that matters to you is to do what your planing on doing, nothing else matters. Does anyone get that mad here or am I the only one?

It wierd i tell you, when i get that mad , i just don't care anymore, all that i want is to do what i need to do, and everything becomes so easy to read, like people, you know exactly what they will do before they even do it. the way time seems to bend in that feeling is insane. I know this a rare condition for most people to get this strong rush most people can't get that mad unless they are really pushed and most can't even get that far. I was wondering if there was anyone else who can get a rush like that from emotion or anger like i can?

Only other people i know that can is my mom and uncle and some other relatives on my mom side, i do know its genetic.

It's very rare for me, it happens mostly when I'm in middle state of depression.

You're not the only one. :)
YAY I'm glad to know there are more of us.  :D



Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 07:07:39 AM
YAY I'm glad to know there are more of us.  :D

I'm not so sure is it reason to be happy...  :-\ I hate when it happens, I hate to feel like thoughtless, unthinking being without self-control...  :(

Btw I'm glad that finally some of my post isn't ignored... ;)

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Quote from: keylight-di on Nov 04, 2010, 07:59:32 AM
Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 07:07:39 AM
YAY I'm glad to know there are more of us.  :D

I'm not so sure is it reason to be happy...  :-\ I hate when it happens, I hate to feel like thoughtless, unthinking being without self-control...  :(

Btw I'm glad that finally some of my post isn't ignored... ;)
Well nothing bad has ever happened to me though, it always seems when i need to use it, it happens and boom problem solved.

After all it helped me alot, then again though i enter it at times not just for fight or flight but to win things. its wierd i can use it in debates after all its like a silent yet more effect and dangerous form of anger, its not explosive at all.  :-\ its so wierd for me, when i get mad, i get quiet, i get smarter and faster, its insane to me. Maybe i just have over reactive adrienal glands idk but its like that type of rush just i'm very quiet about it and i'm very serious when it does happen.

however i deal with this anger of mine day in and day out. I enter this state more then i like.  :(

Eversince i saved my mom a month or so ago and i got shot that night, i tell you rage and anger is one hell of a pain killer. My arm didn't start hurting until after the whole deal. :o

Ever since then i've been entering that rush all the time ever since, always going quiet, always thinking, always acting and reacting. its been so wierd. But then again i've been having to keep my family safe ever since. None of this stuff would of happened if i didn't move in the first place, now i'm helping my mom and my bro fix their life and to take care of people who try to push them around. Its heart breaking really.

But yeah at the slightless sign of trouble physical or social i enter this state of mind, and i feel the rush, not explosive anger to hurt everyone around me but the means to take care of any problem that araises. idk wether to love it or hate it.

I'm just like my mom. :-[

However afterwards i'm really tired and i sleep even longer than normal afterwards, so this is most likly not healthy physically because its exhausting.  :'(

I'm just happy to know that me and my family aren't the only ones, i think my brother has it too, he's showing signs of it anyways.



Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 11:13:38 AM
Quote from: keylight-di on Nov 04, 2010, 07:59:32 AM
Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 07:07:39 AM
YAY I'm glad to know there are more of us.  :D

I'm not so sure is it reason to be happy...  :-\ I hate when it happens, I hate to feel like thoughtless, unthinking being without self-control...  :(

Btw I'm glad that finally some of my post isn't ignored... ;)
Well nothing bad has ever happened to me though, it always seems when i need to use it, it happens and boom problem solved.

After all it helped me alot, then again though i enter it at times not just for fight or flight but to win things. its wierd i can use it in debates after all its like a silent yet more effect and dangerous form of anger, its not explosive at all.  :-\ its so wierd for me, when i get mad, i get quiet, i get smarter and faster, its insane to me. Maybe i just have over reactive adrienal glands idk but its like that type of rush just i'm very quiet about it and i'm very serious when it does happen.

however i deal with this anger of mine day in and day out. I enter this state more then i like.  :(

Eversince i saved my mom a month or so ago and i got shot that night, i tell you rage and anger is one hell of a pain killer. My arm didn't start hurting until after the whole deal. :o

Ever since then i've been entering that rush all the time ever since, always going quiet, always thinking, always acting and reacting. its been so wierd. But then again i've been having to keep my family safe ever since. None of this stuff would of happened if i didn't move in the first place, now i'm helping my mom and my bro fix their life and to take care of people who try to push them around. Its heart breaking really.

But yeah at the slightless sign of trouble physical or social i enter this state of mind, and i feel the rush, not explosive anger to hurt everyone around me but the means to take care of any problem that araises. idk wether to love it or hate it.

I'm just like my mom. :-[

However afterwards i'm really tired and i sleep even longer than normal afterwards, so this is most likly not healthy physically because its exhausting.  :'(

I'm just happy to know that me and my family aren't the only ones, i think my brother has it too, he's showing signs of it anyways.

Much respect man.

I have the longest fuse yet the biggest bomb at the end. It takes a lot to get me fired up, but when I see red I lose control. I begun martial arts about 10 years ago to control it and I am slowly finding peace. My girlfriend helps to keep me grounded although sometime I'm tempted to lose it.

I have also been hit by a car on 3 separate occasions. The first time I snapped my shin, the second time i tore my ligaments and the last time i walked away with minor bruising. Way I see it, Im growing immune to it. Next time I feel sorry for the car.

Oh an I broke both of my hips in Thailand and still partied for a further 3 weeks. Didnt find out until 3 months later.



How could you not realise that you'd broken both hips? Unless you were wasted practically the whole time you were there?  :D



Quote from: Vulhala on Nov 04, 2010, 12:22:37 PM
How could you not realise that you'd broken both hips? Unless you were wasted practically the whole time you were there?  :D

Well theres that (it is thailand ;) ), and the fact it was the socket not the femur. Good thing about the hips is theres a lot of cartlage and even more muscle surrounding the joint to protect it. A similar shoulder or knee injury would have been devistating. Couple of reconstructions later and they're better than new!

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Quote from: tonyzork on Nov 04, 2010, 12:20:25 PM
Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 11:13:38 AM
Quote from: keylight-di on Nov 04, 2010, 07:59:32 AM
Quote from: The Ghoul on Nov 04, 2010, 07:07:39 AM
YAY I'm glad to know there are more of us.  :D

I'm not so sure is it reason to be happy...  :-\ I hate when it happens, I hate to feel like thoughtless, unthinking being without self-control...  :(

Btw I'm glad that finally some of my post isn't ignored... ;)
Well nothing bad has ever happened to me though, it always seems when i need to use it, it happens and boom problem solved.

After all it helped me alot, then again though i enter it at times not just for fight or flight but to win things. its wierd i can use it in debates after all its like a silent yet more effect and dangerous form of anger, its not explosive at all.  :-\ its so wierd for me, when i get mad, i get quiet, i get smarter and faster, its insane to me. Maybe i just have over reactive adrienal glands idk but its like that type of rush just i'm very quiet about it and i'm very serious when it does happen.

however i deal with this anger of mine day in and day out. I enter this state more then i like.  :(

Eversince i saved my mom a month or so ago and i got shot that night, i tell you rage and anger is one hell of a pain killer. My arm didn't start hurting until after the whole deal. :o

Ever since then i've been entering that rush all the time ever since, always going quiet, always thinking, always acting and reacting. its been so wierd. But then again i've been having to keep my family safe ever since. None of this stuff would of happened if i didn't move in the first place, now i'm helping my mom and my bro fix their life and to take care of people who try to push them around. Its heart breaking really.

But yeah at the slightless sign of trouble physical or social i enter this state of mind, and i feel the rush, not explosive anger to hurt everyone around me but the means to take care of any problem that araises. idk wether to love it or hate it.

I'm just like my mom. :-[

However afterwards i'm really tired and i sleep even longer than normal afterwards, so this is most likly not healthy physically because its exhausting.  :'(

I'm just happy to know that me and my family aren't the only ones, i think my brother has it too, he's showing signs of it anyways.

Much respect man.

I have the longest fuse yet the biggest bomb at the end. It takes a lot to get me fired up, but when I see red I lose control. I begun martial arts about 10 years ago to control it and I am slowly finding peace. My girlfriend helps to keep me grounded although sometime I'm tempted to lose it.

I have also been hit by a car on 3 separate occasions. The first time I snapped my shin, the second time i tore my ligaments and the last time i walked away with minor bruising. Way I see it, Im growing immune to it. Next time I feel sorry for the car.

Oh an I broke both of my hips in Thailand and still partied for a further 3 weeks. Didnt find out until 3 months later.
Yeah i know how you feel man. Just over the years i learned how to control it to the point where i can use it and not do somthing i don't want to do.

And ouch man that must of really hurt.

Another sad note on my end, most pain killing drugs don't work on me. I have a really high restiestance to them to even take away a little bit of pain i need a huge dose of morphine or surgical anistesia. Another reason why i have a high pain tolerance.

And if any of you say vikidan or however you spell it, that has no affect on me, same with pot.  :'( Its like i'm meant to withstand pain on my own, hell i can't even go into shock and i've been hit that hard many times before, i don't even black out or get knocked out. its painful somtimes i envy people who can have some pain free peace from terrible injuries.

My pain only stops when i enter that state of mind i can enter. Some people think it might be like shelll shock or something but its not because i'm not dazed, i'm perfectly fine and responsive.

its strange.

So i have a lot of repect for you as well, because i'm glad to see others can handle pain like i can. Hell i've had to walk on a broken ankel once to get to safty, that was hurt like a [well you know hehe].

Another time i had to reinstert my own knee cap when it was like pushed 3 inches out of its socket and then walk on it, stich my own wounds when i got stabbed from an idiot. I've been banged up real bad before.

Most of the time when i got hurt i had no one around to help me so i had to fix myself up to the point where i can get help.  I've had one hell of a life i tell ya.  :D and still got decades left lol.  :D

However man how'd you break your hips? Or is it just somthing you realize yet don't remeber how? I've had those too hehe.

EDIT: before anyone asks about my knee the shocking part was the legitments or whatever holds it were streched not torn shockingly.



Shit man believe me your injuries are a hell of a lot worse than mine! I had a calcium buildup on the top of my femur which didn't allow my hips to move freely. It was never a problem until I decided to go crazy on a jetski. I went over a really big wave and when I landed the femur pushed up into the socket creating many fractures an 2 breaks. Sounds more painful than it was. The funniest part is the therapist kept saying it was my back, despite me saying my hips were saw. After 3 months of treatment she decided to send me for xrays and what do u know? The hips.  :-\ Kinda glad though because I have full movement in both sides now where as I didn't before.

Sounds like you have had it rough man. You sound like a real warrior with the heart of a lion. Keep that resolve strong.

The Ghoul

The Ghoul

Quote from: tonyzork on Nov 04, 2010, 12:54:14 PM
Shit man believe me your injuries are a hell of a lot worse than mine! I had a calcium buildup on the top of my femur which didn't allow my hips to move freely. It was never a problem until I decided to go crazy on a jetski. I went over a really big wave and when I landed the femur pushed up into the socket creating many fractures an 2 breaks. Sounds more painful than it was. The funniest part is the therapist kept saying it was my back, despite me saying my hips were saw. After 3 months of treatment she decided to send me for xrays and what do u know? The hips.  :-\ Kinda glad though because I have full movement in both sides now where as I didn't before.

Sounds like you have had it rough man. You sound like a real warrior with the heart of a lion. Keep that resolve strong.
sounds like that break allowed you to do more than before.  ;D

Yeah, i've been banged up pretty bad several times.  Mostly on the accounts of idiots or puting my self in danger to save a family memeber, i have a real bad habit about that. I'm just happy after all of it my face is still pretty lol.

I'm like my mom and my uncle i'm tough to kill. You'd be surprised the nicknames i got, however i hate taking my shirt off because of all of the scars i have still take it off to swim because i love to swim its one of my passions in life.

One of my friends in california when i still lived there used to call me tank.  :D Because no matter how hard i get hit, i just keep going foreward. What can i say though i'm Bulgarian. hehe.

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