'The Classic Alien Won't Appear In Ridley Scott's Prequels At All' -Io9.com

Started by The Rogue, Apr 27, 2010, 11:13:26 PM

'The Classic Alien Won't Appear In Ridley Scott's Prequels At All' -Io9.com (Read 21,174 times)

Federick Gonsa

Politikon, I think that the fact that there is homosexual characters in the lead is the most telling that this is a fan script. There are not many studios that would make a movie with homosexuals in the lead. Sure there are movies out there that do that, but they are generally low budget (as i have checked they are bellow the 15 million mark, not enough for alien movie in this age) because the studios won't take the risk of having prejudices lowering the box office numbers. A studio makes a film for the masses, a fan makes a script, for himself. That explains the homosexuality in the script, for I do not think that fox would risk 60 to 80 million dollars on an alien movie for the reasons I just stated. Also, I think the Corporal sent the script to a critic, and the critic described it as amateurish, so I do not know why you keep saying that the script is well written or sophisticated, because that is not the thought of the critics out there. It may be sophisticated, but only on your eyes and others fans like you.


Quote from: Politikon on May 01, 2010, 11:30:46 PM
Quote from: Highland on May 01, 2010, 08:50:58 AM
Quote from: Politikon on Apr 30, 2010, 06:04:40 AM
Quote from: SM on Apr 30, 2010, 05:51:58 AM
...now look what you've done...


But your kind of proving my point, yes they fit in the script, because they came first, not after. Scotts idea about wiping the Planet was from the Commentary wasn't it? and the redesign is a no Brainer, of course it's going to be redesigned, it's a new movie, that's how it goes.

If it were the other way round, i could see your logic, like if he called them "growers" now AFTER we know about the script, that's a big indication that it's the real deal. ( not to my knowledge did he ever call them that, could be wrong but you see my point?)

Or if the name Arrow Head (or whatever that ship was called) comes up or another crew etc etc.

You could take what Scott's said now and put it in almost any fan fic and it'll fit, its that vague.

(sorry SM!! :D)

Edit - The Harvest script had 2 things going for it which reeled me in - The timing was perfect and the quality was a step ahead.

Yes, and no.

You are being too doubtful and you're still operating under the assumption that I have MADE UP MY MIND.

You also keep telling me how this story should have come up in ANY OLD FAN FIC, and yet I have yet to ever hear of any fan-fic (unless the script proves to be such) that fit this description in any way....and I've seen and heard lots of ALIEN fan fiction.

The title of the thing is a possibility though....'HARVEST' WAS a book...

Aside from that, I just think you're being a little to savy with the coincidences, ESPECIALLY the way SCOTT describes they BIO ENGINEERING but really they are wiping out....As I've mentioned, this is almost nerve-rackingly coincidental. It doesn't matter that he had previously mentioned those details separately.... It's too fishy.... Think about it some.

Like I said, it was very well done. When scripts pop up on the internet it's not unfair to say that fans (or just internet buffs) suddenly think they onto some inside movie info that wouldn't otherwise be known making it very easy to get taken in. Couple that with the fact that the script pops up on AVP galaxy, makes it even easier to swallow.

Coincidences do happen, you can't just pop in "Alien Prequel script" in google and get THAT lucky. I mean the thing was just hanging around? usually a source would be involved or at least some kind of indication that it was a leak.

I do see your points, but the thing just seems to gel together with Alien TOO well. Given the fact that this might be 2 movies and also in 3D, the Harvest script doesn't fit with that criteria, not to me anyway. 

Another question i'd be asking is, does this movie need to be made? i mean, really all we find out is how the ship crashes setting up the events in Alien. With that i'd have to ask - whats the point?

Lost Predator

Lost Predator

The more I find out about this film the more interested I am becoming. I actually like Scott's idea. When you sit back and think, why have the regular xeno in there and have people look at as simply another alien movie. I think his approach will be great and from what I gather, he seems to be re-designing things to keep AVP & AVPR cannon. Or am I mis-interrepting something.



Quote from: Federick Gonsa on May 03, 2010, 06:52:11 AM
Politikon, I think that the fact that there is homosexual characters in the lead is the most telling that this is a fan script. There are not many studios that would make a movie with homosexuals in the lead. Sure there are movies out there that do that, but they are generally low budget (as i have checked they are bellow the 15 million mark, not enough for alien movie in this age) because the studios won't take the risk of having prejudices lowering the box office numbers. A studio makes a film for the masses, a fan makes a script, for himself. That explains the homosexuality in the script, for I do not think that fox would risk 60 to 80 million dollars on an alien movie for the reasons I just stated. Also, I think the Corporal sent the script to a critic, and the critic described it as amateurish, so I do not know why you keep saying that the script is well written or sophisticated, because that is not the thought of the critics out there. It may be sophisticated, but only on your eyes and others fans like you.


Ridley Scott was about to make THE FOREVER WAR ( 20x the amount of homosexuality in that SCI FI story ).

(Read about it's reception)


Lately, homosexual content is quite common in films. Even Hollywood films and Prime Time Television.

It is simply not true that including gays limits your earning potential. In fact, if anything, if they took the risk (WHICH I AGREE THEY WILL MOST LIKELY NOT TAKE IT), it will likely only garner attention, contriversy and crtitical acclaim if Ridley Scott did.

But once again, we're running in circles. Ive gone out of my way to state that as a draft, anything is likely to change.

The script was sent to what kind of critic? A script reading critic? A publisher?
I work in the entertainment industry. Film/TV I have worked in the writing dept. I have hundreds of professional scripts in my possession. Some of which it was my job to edit personally.


It does not in ANY WAY come across as amateurish. It is a sophisticated story, it was written by an adult/  professional. I cant believe that's even a doubt.  It comes across as an early draft. Before it has been converted to a shooting script, or a let's get thinking draft.

I hadnt mentioned this before but it also reads as if there were budgets taken into consideration. It would not be THAT expensive to make.


When the guy who owned the email address on the script was contacted he said he wanted to be a professional writer.

It's like looking at Locusta's Alien models, and assuming they must be concept art cos they look so damned good. Some fans are just really, really good at what they do.


Quote from: LeighD on May 03, 2010, 01:25:42 PM
The more I find out about this film the more interested I am becoming. I actually like Scott's idea. When you sit back and think, why have the regular xeno in there and have people look at as simply another alien movie. I think his approach will be great and from what I gather, he seems to be re-designing things to keep AVP & AVPR canon. Or am I mis-interrepting something.
THANK YOU. Why is it that people all across the internet are asuming Ridley Scott suddenly stopped being talented?  ??? Oh, right. George Lucas. I forgot.


Quote from: SiL on May 03, 2010, 10:10:34 PM
When the guy who owned the email address on the script was contacted he said he wanted to be a professional writer.

It's like looking at Locusta's Alien models, and assuming they must be concept art cos they look so damned good. Some fans are just really, really good at what they do.

Geez man. ALL I AM SAYING, is that right now, the odds are stacked in favor of this thing being legit. This could change at any moment.

And that guy you mentioned:

He emailed ME directly and his so-called story doesn't add up. He didn't say he tried to be a professional. He said he was a published writer who wrote the script and sent it to Scott Free in 2007.... He sent this to me AFTER the C+D letter.... Which (OF COURSE!) Must ALSO have been a fake! .. And that's just the tip things that doesn't add up in his story.

Any professional level writer would know this doesn't work. I have worked in the writing dept on Feature Films and TV AT THE GROUND LEVEL and the idea that someone who is a published author wouldn't know they wont even open a transcript is absurd. Aspiring or Professional. Unless he was aspiring as in dreaming and 13 years old.

Plus SCOTT FREE had nothing to do with an ALIEN PREQUEL at that time as AVP-R was around, so the idea that this guy wrote a SPEC TRANSCRIPT to send it to SCOTT FREE in hopes that it would be read....

Does that make any sense to anyone?


Quote from: Politikon on May 03, 2010, 08:03:47 PM
Ridley Scott was about to make THE FOREVER WAR ( 20x the amount of homosexuality in that SCI FI story ).

Gotta say, I'm looking forward to that film when it gets made.


Quote from: Politikon on May 03, 2010, 11:29:59 PM
He said he was a published writer
So why are you surprised it reads so well?

QuoteHe sent this to me AFTER the C+D letter.... Which (OF COURSE!) Must ALSO have been a fake!
Considering it was issued by a law firm which, ostensibly, doesn't exist - Although is named awful close to a real one - yeah, it probably was fake.

QuoteAny professional level writer would know this doesn't work.
You can be talented and an idiot.

QuotePlus SCOTT FREE had nothing to do with an ALIEN PREQUEL at that time as AVP-R was around, so the idea that this guy wrote a SPEC TRANSCRIPT to send it to SCOTT FREE in hopes that it would be read....

Does that make any sense to anyone?
Sure does. Scott Free is Scott's production company - Send it there, it might get to him. Sure, there's no way it would work, but the thinking is sound.




He said he was a published writer
So why are you surprised it reads so well?

He sent this to me AFTER the C+D letter.... Which (OF COURSE!) Must ALSO have been a fake!
Considering it was issued by a law firm which, ostensibly, doesn't exist - Although is named awful close to a real one - yeah, it probably was fake.
-ACTUALLY, THIS IS WHAT IT SAYS ''Keats, MacNeill & Willson LLP'... An 'LLP' isn't a lawfirm. It's a LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP. A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP between 3 different lawyers who represent 3 different parties Who in this case all have a liability in this script's content. There would not be a law firm w/ this title because a LLP does not imply a law firm. You're right.

Any professional level writer would know this doesn't work.
You can be talented and an idiot.
Yes. A talented chef may very well be an idiot when it comes to managing a Pharmacy but the ODDS are he'd have at least a working knowledge of how to manage a restaurant. However it is POSSIBLE that someone could just completely overlook the confines of there chosen occupation, I suppose you're onto something there. Stick with that.

Plus SCOTT FREE had nothing to do with an ALIEN PREQUEL at that time as AVP-R was around, so the idea that this guy wrote a SPEC TRANSCRIPT to send it to SCOTT FREE in hopes that it would be read....

Does that make any sense to anyone?
Sure does. Scott Free is Scott's production company - Send it there, it might get to him. Sure, there's no way it would work, but the thinking is sound.

Sound, yes. But once again the odds favor the opposite of this. Especially considering that your reference is all heresay, based on evidence, I myself, have supplied. The simple fact is 4 scripts exist for this, the existence of the project is concrete, but all these arguments against the idea that the script is legit is based on nothing but theories. Whereas, there IS TANGIBLE EXISTING EVIDENCE TO SUPPORT IT'S LEGITIMACY and none of the contrary. Just the possibility.

If someone else presented you with a script called, HALLOWEEN 3, two months before you were told you someone was making HALLOWEEN 3 and provided proof and then listed all sorts of things in my film that match the content in your script...and then asked you to choose whether the script was legit or FAN FICTION....? What are the odds?

Maybe you feel too far removed from the reality of the project? 6 degrees of separation my friend, in most cases less than 6...

Federick Gonsa

omg, this is just plain useless. It is like teaching science to a religious fanatic. David Bryan must be laughing his ass off at this debate.


Quote from: Federick Gonsa on May 04, 2010, 04:08:16 AM
omg, this is just plain useless. It is like teaching science to a religious fanatic. David Bryan must be laughing his ass off at this debate.

That's funny because I don't believe in Religion, and while I admire everyone's skepticism, I myself have retained the same. I'm skeptical but my arguments here is scientifically sound. There is NO contrary evidence to support it's illegitimacy. The opposing argument is not as likely as the evidence stacked in favor.


What's the point?

I mean by the time the films out, we'll know if the script was real or not. Yes?

Federick Gonsa

Federick Gonsa

Quote from: Politikon on May 04, 2010, 04:18:41 AM
Quote from: Federick Gonsa on May 04, 2010, 04:08:16 AM
omg, this is just plain useless. It is like teaching science to a religious fanatic. David Bryan must be laughing his ass off at this debate.

That's funny because I don't believe in Religion, and while I admire everyone's skepticism, I myself have retained the same. I'm skeptical but my arguments here is scientifically sound. There is NO contrary evidence to support it's illegitimacy. The opposing argument is not as likely as the evidence stacked in favor.

I never called you religious. It is a comparison/methaphor/ilustration, that one uses to make a point. I thought writers where able to distinguish that, specially those who have thousands of scripts in their possesion. Anyway, the evidence you have presented is not evidence at all. Your so called evidence is based on your own speculation, assumption, and what we call circumstancial evidence (and the way YOU [politikon] interpret it). I do not know where you live in but circumstancial evidence is not admited in court. So I would not use the terms "sound" and "evidence". Anyway politikon, I give up for the second time. You can't learn of evolution if you are 'convinced' that the world is 6,000 years old, and that there was an adam and eve, for that would be a waste of time (another comparison/methaphor/ilustration. get it?  ;) ).

Quote from: SM on May 04, 2010, 04:22:55 AM
What's the point?

I mean by the time the films out, we'll know if the script was real or not. Yes?

You are absolutely right.


Actually, circumstantial evidence can be used in court, but I digress.

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