Old school predator (Spoiler)

Started by Milan, Mar 19, 2010, 12:40:27 PM

Old school predator (Spoiler) (Read 57,831 times)



Quote*Everything in their culture and soceity is about them being hunters hunting.
I agree. I see them hu8nters devoted their life to the hunt too.

Quote*They believe in a hunter god and they honor their god by preforming rituals while hunting.
Mostly I agree. I think there's some mystichal and ritual atmosphere around the hunt they keep and have. Not necessarily a god, and changing by clan. But anyhow, I agree.

Quote*When it comes to them being hunters hunting, they can be described as fanatics.
I said what I think about being fanatism. Maybe I said before, but I think all that drives them is strenght imo. They won't give up from that. They kill themselves if they can't be the hunters anyomore. I think what you call fanatism, I call strict clinging to values.

Quote*Because of this fanatism they got stuck in their own evolution as a speices,
  that's why they have advanced tech but there also something very primitive about them,
  like they couldn't figure out what a fork is used for, other than stabbing a prey with it.

I agree again. I think they are stuck for now, because they don't need anything else for the hunt. Their technology is for  hunting, so until they don't find something that beats them they won't do more. Their primitive aspect is for the hunt too imho. It's harder to kill something this way, so they kept it.

Quote*They can take technology from other speices and make it suit their own agenda.
It can be logical, but I don't think like that. In my opinion that wouldn't fit to their devotion to strenght.

Quote*They live and hunt alone or in clans/hunting partys.
I think too

Quote*They got a code of honor, caught breaking that code will give the hunter the title "Bad Blood"
*Bad Blood's have to be hunted down and killed on sight, no thropys are allowed to be taken.
*Majority of the Predators call themselves Yautja, those who doesn't are considered being Bad Bloods.

The code of honor for me is nothing more than a different way of thinking combined with rules. But I don't need to say it here, I think I told how I think before in this thread. But I think before becoming a bad blood, they go through some judgement. And if they oppose, they become one for sure (doesn't mean they won't become at the end of judgement). Not like human judgements, just the leader decides, very quickly.

Quote*A Predator doesn't have years to describe his age, he uses hunts.
The "older" a Predator get's, the more influence he has over younger Predators,
  like the oldest one will be the one who is calling the shots.

I rather think trophies. I see their society devoted to the before mentioned strenght, and according to this a stronger member can change the 'older' one, if he proves himself, but for this he has to defeat him.

I agree mostly about the trophies, though I think what they hunt, they keep. they live in the hunt, and the hunt is with them all the time. Their whole life is tribute to it, so no other tributes are needed. As I see them nomadic, declared hunting grounds isn't necessarry imo.

Quote*The Predator is a sadistic a-hole by nature, it loves causeing pain and fear.
I don't agree. They are brutal, since fight=their life demands it. They will do anything to win, as they hunt creatures capable, and if given a chance willing to kill them. I don't see that sadism.

Quote*There are no such thing as a fair fight, it's a hunt, it's kill or be killed,
  if a Predator can manipulate  the "rules" to his advantage he will do it.

Kind of. But they always seek the most dangerous prey imo, they accidentally make their demise more possible. Since equal footing doesn't exist, assuming a creature that devotes his life to defeating other beings isn't okay. Like in the duel between the hunter and Dutch. The hunter just made Dutch more capable of defeating him (it doesn't mean Dutch could kill him with bare hands now, but it was evidently easier than if the hunter had it's advanced weaponary). But Dutch wasn't near the level of the hunter, and both of them knew that.

Quote*The rules are not to be changed or questioned, ever.

Quote*They used to live and hunt on their home planet, eventually they killed all the "Prey" living there,
  that's why they took their hunt to the stars...

I imagine it, that as they populated, the prey they knew were on the planet wasn't good enough to prove themselves in the society. there wasn't enough variety of them. It caused problems in their societies, and they decided to find other preys. And as they had clan societies on their home planet, they kept it.

Quote*They think themselves being superiour speices, the title Hunter is their birth right, only theirs,
  all other speices are either nothing or prey.
The title is a birthrght, but I think they are clear on the roles during the hunt. We kinda disagree here, I know, but okay.

Quote*The title Prey is given to a lifeform that shows fight and it have be able to hurt or kill them.
I think too.

Quote*They got a big ego, Easy killings feeds that ego to the point that it makes them often overconfident.
I don't think they go in for easy kills. At least not intentionally. I'm not sure about their ego, must change by person. I wouldn't anything about ego as a species. Though I think they are hastily decide sometimes if they have won. Like in the movies.

Quote*If the Predator would have been better keeping his cool while hunting,
  there would be alot more elders around.
One elder per group I think. Even if every pred would keep their cool all the time, there would be only one elder. I think it depends on who is the strongest (by the way, by strenght I don't mean only physichal strenght, but experience, characteristics etc. I mean I imagine for them keeping one's cool is strenght). And since nature won't give abilities equally, not everyone will be able to become an elder.

Quote*They seek their prey in locations were there's a conflict going on. They prefer areas that are warm.

I agree

What I'd like to add. I see them individuals to the end. Even in clans, what it counts is themselves. They mostly do their stuff on their own. I also think the rules change (as art etc) from clan to clan, it's obvious for me. And even hunters change sometimes the rules in themselves, according to their character. But those are just minor things. I think their rules come from their behaviour. It's not like with humans, that we have rules because we somehow want to live in society (I see it like that), but they have their rules because they are what they are. In these rules (or unwritten law, imo) they define themselves, they define the species. This way they won't break it most of the time. And as I said, the most important aspect in their behaviour is looking for strong prey, they won't kill weaklings. Not because of mercy, or whatever, but for they don't want to.
Okay, it's a huge wall of text now. Sorry for the long quote part, but as so was as kind to summarize your opinion point by point, I though it would be fair to answer to most of them. Just ignore it if you wish. And more importantly, I'm not criticize it. I'm just telling my opinion :) And thanks for yours



@Milan, @yeyinde..
Guys, I just wanna say - impressive work and impressive summary. Both of you. I have nothing to add...
...except that I 100% agree with yeyinde. :)



Quote from: 08yeyinde on Mar 28, 2010, 07:23:42 PM

Quote*They believe in a hunter god and they honor their god by preforming rituals while hunting.
Mostly I agree. I think there's some mystichal and ritual atmosphere around the hunt they keep and have. Not necessarily a god, and changing by clan. But anyhow, I agree.

Them believing in a god comes from the comics, but I haven't found anything in the movies that contradicts the idea, so that's why I put it down, it's my take of a submerged comic and movie verse.

Quote*When it comes to them being hunters hunting, they can be described as fanatics.
I said what I think about being fanatism. Maybe I said before, but I think all that drives them is strenght imo. They won't give up from that. They kill themselves if they can't be the hunters anyomore. I think what you call fanatism, I call strict clinging to values.

Yeah, you got a point. The thing is that I'm not sure that "fanatic" is the right word to use,
What's the difference between a fanatic and a fundamentalist?

Quote*They got a code of honor, caught breaking that code will give the hunter the title "Bad Blood"
*Bad Blood's have to be hunted down and killed on sight, no thropys are allowed to be taken.
*Majority of the Predators call themselves Yautja, those who doesn't are considered being Bad Bloods.

The code of honor for me is nothing more than a different way of thinking combined with rules. But I don't need to say it here, I think I told how I think before in this thread. But I think before becoming a bad blood, they go through some judgement. And if they oppose, they become one for sure (doesn't mean they won't become at the end of judgement). Not like human judgements, just the leader decides, very quickly.

Well, for me a "Bad Blood" is a Predator who rebels...Like it don't care if it's season, it still hunts.
It won't have any problem with killing or hunting it's own kind, it wouldn't activate the wristbomb if it felt like it has become the prey during a hunt, it doesn't care about the if the prey show that it has fight or not, like the girl would have been killed among with the Jamaicans in the Penthouse scene (Predator 2) and it would claim the kill of the Colombian who it didn't kill.

Quote*A Predator doesn't have years to describe his age, he uses hunts.
The "older" a Predator get's, the more influence he has over younger Predators,
  like the oldest one will be the one who is calling the shots.

I rather think trophies. I see their society devoted to the before mentioned strenght, and according to this a stronger member can change the 'older' one, if he proves himself, but for this he has to defeat him.

I agree mostly about the trophies, though I think what they hunt, they keep. they live in the hunt, and the hunt is with them all the time. Their whole life is tribute to it, so no other tributes are needed. As I see them nomadic, declared hunting grounds isn't necessarry imo.

Hmm, I think about it like this, if Anytime would have won over Dutch and collected the trophy, then Anytime would be one hunt older...

Quote*There are no such thing as a fair fight, it's a hunt, it's kill or be killed,
  if a Predator can manipulate  the "rules" to his advantage he will do it.

Kind of. But they always seek the most dangerous prey imo, they accidentally make their demise more possible. Since equal footing doesn't exist, assuming a creature that devotes his life to defeating other beings isn't okay. Like in the duel between the hunter and Dutch. The hunter just made Dutch more capable of defeating him (it doesn't mean Dutch could kill him with bare hands now, but it was evidently easier than if the hunter had it's advanced weaponary). But Dutch wasn't near the level of the hunter, and both of them knew that.

I always seen the unmasking as something other than the Predator manipulating the odds,
I see the unmasking as a way for the Predator to finish the hunt, the only ones watching, are him, his prey and those who have taken the journey to the other side...I also see the unmasking as a tribute to the first Predators who hunted and are long gone, these Predators must have hunted with minimal gear. Like no masks, plasma casters etc...

Quote*They think themselves being superior species, the title Hunter is their birth right, only theirs,
  all other species are either nothing or prey.
The title is a birthrght, but I think they are clear on the roles during the hunt. We kinda disagree here, I know, but okay.
The hunter and Prey roles have both been seen in comics and movies, but the "nothing" role haven't got much time in the movies. Only one scene, it's the "spare the woman cause she's pregnant scene", killing the woman could kill the baby inside of her...that baby has the "nothing" title...it's doesn't count as game.

Quote*They got a big ego, Easy killings feeds that ego to the point that it makes them often overconfident.
I don't think they go in for easy kills. At least not intentionally. I'm not sure about their ego, must change by person. I wouldn't anything about ego as a species. Though I think they are hastily decide sometimes if they have won. Like in the movies.

You missunderstood me...With each kill during a hunt the Predators ego grows alittlebit bigger, this can be seen both with Anytime and Pussyface cause they take bigger risks, getting closer towards their selected prey, yes they seek the challenge but the challenge goes hand in hand with their ego or confidence, from start they take the long ranged approach then they start closing in...

Quote*If the Predator would have been better keeping his cool while hunting,
  there would be alot more elders around.
One elder per group I think. Even if every pred would keep their cool all the time, there would be only one elder. I think it depends on who is the strongest (by the way, by strenght I don't mean only physichal strenght, but experience, characteristics etc. I mean I imagine for them keeping one's cool is strenght). And since nature won't give abilities equally, not everyone will be able to become an elder.

I think that Pussyface would have survived if he kept his cool, he went in too fast for the kill, he might have thought that Harrigan was done cause he owned him and that cost him his life...

QuoteWhat I'd like to add. I see them individuals to the end. Even in clans, what it counts is themselves. They mostly do their stuff on their own. I also think the rules change (as art etc) from clan to clan, it's obvious for me. And even hunters change sometimes the rules in themselves, according to their character. But those are just minor things. I think their rules come from their behaviour. It's not like with humans, that we have rules because we somehow want to live in society (I see it like that), but they have their rules because they are what they are. In these rules (or unwritten law, imo) they define themselves, they define the species. This way they won't break it most of the time. And as I said, the most important aspect in their behaviour is looking for strong prey, they won't kill weaklings. Not because of mercy, or whatever, but for they don't want to.
Okay, it's a huge wall of text now. Sorry for the long quote part, but as so was as kind to summarize your opinion point by point, I though it would be fair to answer to most of them. Just ignore it if you wish. And more importantly, I'm not criticize it. I'm just telling my opinion :) And thanks for yours

I'm actually glad that we're able to talk about this without being rude and insulting because our opinions doesn't go hand in hand all of the time. I've got the greatest respect for you.

one thing that's crossed my mind about the Predator, it's culture, rules and values is this:

I, myself is born in former Yugoslavia, I have lived in Sweden almost all my life, for me it has become important to keep my Yugoslavian values and traditions alive here in Sweden, it makes me feel more complete as a human, more proud of my heritage.
I useally go back to Serbia on holidays, during the summer, to meet family and old friends but it ain't like before, Serbia ain't like Yugoslavia used to be.
And that makes my Yugoslavian values even more important.

Maybe it's a similar thing for the Predators, living their life on ships, going from one hunt to the next...
Maybe they sometimes go back, but it ain't like before, it ain't like the memories or stories, the stories told to the young Predator about glorious hunts from the past, on the homeworld.
So the young Predator might feel like it's important to keep that old culture and it's values alive before they are lost forever, and living by them might make them feel like that they aren't so far away, so far away from home when they go hunting... on earth.

Quote from: keylight-di on Mar 28, 2010, 09:31:34 PM
@Milan, @yeyinde..
Guys, I just wanna say - impressive work and impressive summary. Both of you. I have nothing to add...
...except that I 100% agree with yeyinde. :)

If you're agreeing a 100% with yeyinde's opinions then you're agreeing with 95 % of mine ;)
I'm glad to hear that. Thanks ;D

Do you have any take on the "old school Predator", do you think he'll have an important role for how the future movies will look?



QuoteWhat's the difference between a fanatic and a fundamentalist?
As far as I know fanatism is a total supporting of an idea (mostly religious, but it doesn't matter here) fully, without any doubts. It can be for hobbies too or other things. The individual won't change his attitude towards the subject, no matter what, and intolerates every opposing view. Fundamentalism is rather a belief in a view of standards, mostly religious too. But I doubt that I expressed myself clearly.Sorry.

QuoteI see the unmasking as a way for the Predator to finish the hunt, the only ones watching, are him, his prey and those who have taken the journey to the other side...I also see the unmasking as a tribute to the first Predators who hunted and are long gone, these Predators must have hunted with minimal gear. Like no masks, plasma casters etc...

Some serious point here. I agree. And to be frank, I didn't really think about this.

QuoteYou missunderstood me...
Oh, I see. I really did, sorry. Well, it's kinda true like it. Success potentially makes one's ego grow, and like this I agree. In the movies former trophies made them too sure, which culminated in over confidence in their last fight.

QuoteMaybe it's a similar thing for the Predators, living their life on ships, going from one hunt to the next...
Maybe they sometimes go back, but it ain't like before, it ain't like the memories or stories, the stories told to the young Predator about glorious hunts from the past, on the homeworld.
So the young Predator might feel like it's important to keep that old culture and it's values alive before they are lost forever, and living by them might make them feel like that they aren't so far away, so far away from home when they go hunting... on earth.

Though I see them a species that keep their strenght in changing, and doesn't really have steady places, this one is good. 'where it all started, and where did it go' Kind of.

QuoteI'm actually glad that we're able to talk about this without being rude and insulting because our opinions doesn't go hand in hand all of the time. I've got the greatest respect for you.
The respect is mutual :). Your ideas are well thought and deep. Even if I don't agree at some points, I learn from them :) And for this I owe thanks as well.

Quote from: keylight-di on Mar 28, 2010, 09:31:34 PM
@Milan, @yeyinde..
Guys, I just wanna say - impressive work and impressive summary. Both of you. I have nothing to add...
...except that I 100% agree with yeyinde. :)

And my respect goes for you too keylight. But you know that :)



Quote from: Milan on Mar 28, 2010, 11:11:19 PM
Quote from: keylight-di on Mar 28, 2010, 09:31:34 PM
@Milan, @yeyinde..
Guys, I just wanna say - impressive work and impressive summary. Both of you. I have nothing to add...
...except that I 100% agree with yeyinde. :)
If you're agreeing a 100% with yeyinde's opinions then you're agreeing with 95 % of mine ;)
I'm glad to hear that. Thanks ;D

Do you have any take on the "old school Predator", do you think he'll have an important role for how the future movies will look?

Yes. +/- 95%. Therefore, I will not even try to disturb both you in this wonderful discussion. Watching this is pleasure enough.  :)
This is a very rare sight, so fascinating discussion at such a high level of knowledge.  :)

I really hope that - as you call him "old school Predator" is a very important part of this incoming story. He should be a base, the backbone of everything. Without him nothing makes sense. I really hope that RR understands this, and that he'll be able to recognize this. And respect this.  Because otherwise all this will have no meaning, and this film shouldn't have the title "Predators."

Thank you, yeyinde. With reciprocity.  :)



Quote from: Sso02V on Mar 19, 2010, 03:03:25 PM
Quote from: Milan on Mar 19, 2010, 12:40:27 PM
Anyway, In the sneak peak/trailer we get to see a glimpse of an old school predator hanging in a three, being captured by the new ones.
This what you're talking about?

I think RR's main point is to make them badass again...so he isn't going to make Classic a hero that is why

I want Classic to kill Royce once he helps Royce out on the ship...near the end of the script



Here's something I've been thinking about...

When reading the script you find out that Royce offers the OSP (Old school Predator) his freedom in exchange for the Predator helping him get off the Planet.
Once the bonds are cut it becomes quite clear that OSP is pissed and he got one thing on his mind...

He leads Royce to the ship and helps him set the ship on auto pilot towards earth and completes his part of the deal, but before he leaves the ship he also pick up the Plasma Caster on the floor and other gear...when he leaves the ship he's fully armed and armored.

This makes me think that the Predator knew that the stuff he needed would be on that ship and that ship wasn't his in the first place, BSP and the other Super Predators arrived in it.

My guess is that OSP was captured by the BSP and his crew, He was ON that ship cause it was there they stripped him off his gear, before they crucified him.

So for OSP to get his revenge he needs to free himself and get to the ship were he can gear up...
...then Royce comes along with a offer...he can't refuse...

If it went down like this then I've got no ill feelings about the "deal" or the limited team-up...



Quote from: Milan on Mar 30, 2010, 01:33:12 AM
Here's something I've been thinking about...

When reading the script you find out that Royce offers the OSP (Old school Predator) his freedom in exchange for the Predator helping him get off the Planet.
Once the bonds are cut it becomes quite clear that OSP is pissed and he got one thing on his mind...

He leads Royce to the ship and helps him set the ship on auto pilot towards earth and completes his part of the deal, but before he leaves the ship he also pick up the Plasma Caster on the floor and other gear...when he leaves the ship he's fully armed and armored.

This makes me think that the Predator knew that the stuff he needed would be on that ship and that ship wasn't his in the first place, BSP and the other Super Predators arrived in it.

My guess is that OSP was captured by the BSP and his crew, He was ON that ship cause it was there they stripped him off his gear, before they crucified him.

So for OSP to get his revenge he needs to free himself and get to the ship were he can gear up...
...then Royce comes along with a offer...he can't refuse...

If it went down like this then I've got no ill feelings about the "deal" or the limited team-up...

I think, that you draw very interesting conclusions. Only I don't quite understand the basic assumptions.
If OSP was kidnapped by BSP's clan, he certainly wants revenge at any cost. I agree.
For me the whole action between OSP and BSP clan, this is not a personal thing. I see in the larger whole. For me (on the basis of the script, so my conclusions may be wrong) it all looks like a great war. This is not a personal revenge but something much more serious.
Basis of the war, its sources and the main reason is (IMHO) the differences in the professed philosophy of approach to the fundamental laws that govern their life. Even if for all clans the most important are hunting and thrill of the hunt, they realize it differently in practice. The backbone of society, of species is hunting. But ways of hunting are extremely different.
Even if OSP was kidnapped, I'm not sure if a ship on which he wanted to return could belong to the BSP. We see very large differences between them. Different wristblades, completely different plasma cannon. I'm not sure whether these differences will not - how shall I say - incompatibility of weapons. Plasma cannon is quite a sophisticated type of weapon. Whether we assume that every plasma cannon fits for every Pred, regardless of the differences between the clans?
It's just my question/doubt.
But I really like the acronym OSP.  ;D



Quote from: keylight-di on Mar 30, 2010, 07:06:07 AM
Quote from: Milan on Mar 30, 2010, 01:33:12 AM
Here's something I've been thinking about...

When reading the script you find out that Royce offers the OSP (Old school Predator) his freedom in exchange for the Predator helping him get off the Planet.
Once the bonds are cut it becomes quite clear that OSP is pissed and he got one thing on his mind...

He leads Royce to the ship and helps him set the ship on auto pilot towards earth and completes his part of the deal, but before he leaves the ship he also pick up the Plasma Caster on the floor and other gear...when he leaves the ship he's fully armed and armored.

This makes me think that the Predator knew that the stuff he needed would be on that ship and that ship wasn't his in the first place, BSP and the other Super Predators arrived in it.

My guess is that OSP was captured by the BSP and his crew, He was ON that ship cause it was there they stripped him off his gear, before they crucified him.

So for OSP to get his revenge he needs to free himself and get to the ship were he can gear up...
...then Royce comes along with a offer...he can't refuse...

If it went down like this then I've got no ill feelings about the "deal" or the limited team-up...

I think, that you draw very interesting conclusions. Only I don't quite understand the basic assumptions.
If OSP was kidnapped by BSP's clan, he certainly wants revenge at any cost. I agree.
For me the whole action between OSP and BSP clan, this is not a personal thing. I see in the larger whole. For me (on the basis of the script, so my conclusions may be wrong) it all looks like a great war. This is not a personal revenge but something much more serious.
Basis of the war, its sources and the main reason is (IMHO) the differences in the professed philosophy of approach to the fundamental laws that govern their life. Even if for all clans the most important are hunting and thrill of the hunt, they realize it differently in practice. The backbone of society, of species is hunting. But ways of hunting are extremely different.
Even if OSP was kidnapped, I'm not sure if a ship on which he wanted to return could belong to the BSP. We see very large differences between them. Different wristblades, completely different plasma cannon. I'm not sure whether these differences will not - how shall I say - incompatibility of weapons. Plasma cannon is quite a sophisticated type of weapon. Whether we assume that every plasma cannon fits for every Pred, regardless of the differences between the clans?
It's just my question/doubt.
But I really like the acronym OSP.  ;D

This is what the Predator decides to do right after Royce gave it it's freedom back...

QuotePredator rises to his feet. Massive. Imposing, even despite
his injuries. Or perhaps because of them.

And then the thing ROARS!
It is a cry ripped from the depths of its soul. Fierce.
Primitive. Timeless.

OSP must have known that BSP would have heard his cry...
I think that his "cry" was actually a message to BSP,
something that would make him come looking...

QuotePredator hand reaches down. Picks up the original, old school
plasma caster
resting on the floor. Lowers it onto his
shoulder mount.

Caster CLICKS into place. SWIVELS. GRINDS to a halt.
Predator SLAMS his shoulder against a bulkhead. Caster
swivels again, this time clean, even. Malfunction fixed.
Payback time.
Predator -- fully armed, fully armored, a warrior restored to
his former glory
-- pushes out toward the exit.

The BSP and the other super predators arrived at the game preserve in that ship,
and OSP was already crucified when they did so how could he have known that the stuff he needed would be on that ship?
My only answer is, that it was on the that ship they stripped him off his gear...
Remember, he sent his message first then he and Royce went to the ship, I don't think that he found the gear at the ship by pure luck, nor do I think that he found Royce reason for getting of the planet more important than his need for revenge, and I think he knew that would stand no chance against BSP unarmed...



Perhaps you're right. Maybe. But given the changes that were made in the original script, the whole end can vary very considerably from that which we know.
And frankly, I hope that this ending will be different. Although I don't expect that the RR has allowed it to OSP won the fight. But IMHO he should be a winner.
Too bad. :-\

Hive Tyrant

Hive Tyrant

Bit of a throwback to earlier in the discussion as to whether or not Predators have honour and why they hunt & kill humans: maybe it's for a reason we, as humans, cannot fathom? An emotion we do not experience?

Who knows. They're aliens.



Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Mar 31, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
Who knows. They're aliens.

That's lazy.



Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Mar 31, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
Bit of a throwback to earlier in the discussion as to whether or not Predators have honour and why they hunt & kill humans: maybe it's for a reason we, as humans, cannot fathom? An emotion we do not experience?

Who knows. They're aliens.

Yeah, I understand that them being Alien might cause us to comprehend their motives and the way they are living wrong...but It would be a boring discussion if every thing we see and think we know about them from the movies and/or comics would be wrong, just because they're Aliens.

Think about it,
I can actually kill every statement about them by using the; "because they are Alien" argument,
and it becomes valid because the statement originated from a human.


Statement: Sometimes the Predator uses a projectile for long range attacks...

No, a Projectile is a human description, this thing, it's alien.
And we misstake it for a projectile, cause it looks and functions as a projectile but that's from a humans POV.
On a deep technical level, we can't even tell what it is, cause it's made of a material that can't be found in the periodic system, so one can say that it doesn't exist.
And it's purpose, long range attacks...
Again we are dealing with something alien, long range is about distance, the Predators are aliens and they might not think like us or messure range like us, in other words, long/short range attacks, is how we describe the distance from were an attack originated, for a predator it might be just an attack.

... well even that is something that comes from a human, in this case, creating an impact with bad intentions,
We, as humans might see the Predator doing something that resembles an attack but they're ain't human and an attack has a purpose or a reason behind it. That purpose or reason might be something we, as humans can't comprehend or even fantom cause...

They ain't like us...they're alien, u'know.



Quote from: Milan on Mar 31, 2010, 04:15:51 PM
Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Mar 31, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
Bit of a throwback to earlier in the discussion as to whether or not Predators have honour and why they hunt & kill humans: maybe it's for a reason we, as humans, cannot fathom? An emotion we do not experience?

Who knows. They're aliens.

Yeah, I understand that them being Alien might cause us to comprehend their motives and the way they are living wrong...but It would be a boring discussion if every thing we see and think we know about them from the movies and/or comics would be wrong, just because they're Aliens.

Think about it,
I can actually kill every statement about them by using the; "because they are Alien" argument,
and it becomes valid because the statement originated from a human.


Statement: Sometimes the Predator uses a projectile for long range attacks...

No, a Projectile is a human description, this thing, it's alien.
And we misstake it for a projectile, cause it looks and functions as a projectile but that's from a humans POV.
On a deep technical level, we can't even tell what it is, cause it's made of a material that can't be found in the periodic system, so one can say that it doesn't exist.
And it's purpose, long range attacks...
Again we are dealing with something alien, long range is about distance, the Predators are aliens and they might not think like us or messure range like us, in other words, long/short range attacks, is how we describe the distance from were an attack originated, for a predator it might be just an attack.

... well even that is something that comes from a human, in this case, creating an impact with bad intentions,
We, as humans might see the Predator doing something that resembles an attack but they're ain't human and an attack has a purpose or a reason behind it. That purpose or reason might be something we, as humans can't comprehend or even fantom cause...

They ain't like us...they're alien, u'know.

Even though you are being a smart ass... that has to be the most real and believable post I've seen.  ;)

Hive Tyrant

Hive Tyrant

Quote from: Milan on Mar 31, 2010, 04:15:51 PM
Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Mar 31, 2010, 02:30:19 PM
Bit of a throwback to earlier in the discussion as to whether or not Predators have honour and why they hunt & kill humans: maybe it's for a reason we, as humans, cannot fathom? An emotion we do not experience?

Who knows. They're aliens.

Yeah, I understand that them being Alien might cause us to comprehend their motives and the way they are living wrong...but It would be a boring discussion if every thing we see and think we know about them from the movies and/or comics would be wrong, just because they're Aliens.

Think about it,
I can actually kill every statement about them by using the; "because they are Alien" argument,
and it becomes valid because the statement originated from a human.


Statement: Sometimes the Predator uses a projectile for long range attacks...

No, a Projectile is a human description, this thing, it's alien.
And we misstake it for a projectile, cause it looks and functions as a projectile but that's from a humans POV.
On a deep technical level, we can't even tell what it is, cause it's made of a material that can't be found in the periodic system, so one can say that it doesn't exist.
And it's purpose, long range attacks...
Again we are dealing with something alien, long range is about distance, the Predators are aliens and they might not think like us or messure range like us, in other words, long/short range attacks, is how we describe the distance from were an attack originated, for a predator it might be just an attack.

A projectile is an object travelling through the air at pretty high speeds -- regardless of it being a coconut or a bullet, or even if it's something not on the periodic table. What the object is is irrelevant, only the situation it is in. Quite a shitty metaphor, if you ask me.

About the attacks; if it is an action actively undertaken to harm or damage, it is an attack... well, no arguing about that. I think nobody is going to disagree Predators know what they do when they blast someone with a plasmacaster. They end up dead. You'd think they would stop doing it if it didn't achieve the desired results, non?

I get the point you try to make -- and I do not believe they do it for reasons we cannot comprehend... just playing the devil's advocate here -- but you're not doing a very good job at making it. Whether the Predator considers it a long-range attack or not isn't going to make any difference... again, why they do it is what I'm putting at stake here. Not how they think about their methods of doing so. Or whether they measure distance (which they probably do, or they won't know when to stab with their wristblades or fire their speargun... silly point of yours there).

I can be a smartass too, you know.

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