Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, Feb 14, 2010, 05:34:49 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 89,219 times)



Quote from: PulseRifleman on Feb 27, 2010, 04:26:50 PM
Quote from: Brother on Feb 27, 2010, 04:20:08 PM

You know buddy, you really should READ my post before you go along your merry way and post me a link to subtly inform me that this topic belongs elsewhere. Don't really appreciate it. If you read, you'd realize that this is personal experience, and not a review.

Anyways...thanks to the rest of you for replying. I'm glad to hear that some people also enjoy the new AvP more than MW2. If I told people this, I'd be met with wide eyes.

Glad you enjoy the game! As a bit of advice. Sometimes the match making can be really annoying. As in, take years to get into a game. Don't let that discourage you. If this is happening ignore it and do player matches instead. Don't hit quick match, browse games instead. What's cool about player matches is that you can find games instantly. Not only that but when the game ends you can remain in the lobby and play with the same people. This game has quickly become my favorite game. Good luck! Oh, and if you need any advice feel free to ask. A lot of good people will be willing to help you.



Too bad you bought it on 360. :(. Cool that you got it anyway though. I have it on the 360 too but wont play anymore. it should have been made just for PC thb. ^^. Bought a new rig just to get it. Yeah that`s right, huge fan.



Quote from: kaljo on Feb 27, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
Too bad you bought it on 360. :(. Cool that you got it anyway though. I have it on the 360 too but wont play anymore. it should have been made just for PC thb. ^^. Bought a new rig just to get it. Yeah that`s right, huge fan.

I don't mind it on 360 but had I owned a PC for gaming, that's where I would be playing it.

It was made for the PC. It looks the best on it and is probably smoother gameplay than what is on the consoles.



Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 27, 2010, 05:45:42 PM
Quote from: kaljo on Feb 27, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
Too bad you bought it on 360. :(. Cool that you got it anyway though. I have it on the 360 too but wont play anymore. it should have been made just for PC thb. ^^. Bought a new rig just to get it. Yeah that`s right, huge fan.

I don't mind it on 360 but had I owned a PC for gaming, that's where I would be playing it.

It was made for the PC. It looks the best on it and is probably smoother gameplay than what is on the consoles.

Eh, too bad it suffers from a horrible consoleish matchmaking system which is really ruining the Mp experience. :(



This game makes me want to rip my hair out sometimes. Maybe it's just because I'm used to MW2 and not all of this close combat stuff but some of the things are so aggravating.

- Multiplayer wait times(although it seems to be improving)
- Team killing
- Killing each other at the same time
- Getting hit by someone and not being able to recover at all, I get all spinny and can't even run away.
- Only doing decent with Xenos, can't do shit with anything else.

Also, does anyone have any hints on doing good with the Preds? It seems like when I'm a Marine, I never see the Predators but when roles are reversed, they see me coming a mile away..



Quote from: AintGotTimeToBleed on Feb 27, 2010, 08:13:13 PM
Also, does anyone have any hints on doing good with the Preds? It seems like when I'm a Marine, I never see the Predators but when roles are reversed, they see me coming a mile away..

If you sprint, energy will flicker around your Predator. In combination with the motion tracker, this allows Marines to easy spot you and draw a bead on you if you take obvious pathways at a fast pace.

Whenever possible, use the Predator's focus jump to get up high and survey the area. Get a plasma caster/spear/disc (preferably not the disc), choose a target, and rain death from above.

If you're going to enter melee range, don't just run up to them. Either come from behind, or pounce (preferably also from above). If you initiate the pounce from a decent range, they'll get knocked down and you've got 'em.



Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 27, 2010, 05:45:42 PM
Quote from: kaljo on Feb 27, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
Too bad you bought it on 360. :(. Cool that you got it anyway though. I have it on the 360 too but wont play anymore. it should have been made just for PC thb. ^^. Bought a new rig just to get it. Yeah that`s right, huge fan.

I don't mind it on 360 but had I owned a PC for gaming, that's where I would be playing it.

It was made for the PC. It looks the best on it and is probably smoother gameplay than what is on the consoles.

Well it was MADE for the 360 originally. Hence the bad MP System.



Quote from: MadassAlex on Feb 27, 2010, 10:36:02 PM
Quote from: AintGotTimeToBleed on Feb 27, 2010, 08:13:13 PM
Also, does anyone have any hints on doing good with the Preds? It seems like when I'm a Marine, I never see the Predators but when roles are reversed, they see me coming a mile away..
Whenever possible, use the Predator's focus jump to get up high and survey the area. Get a plasma caster/spear/disc (preferably not the disc), choose a target, and rain death from above.

When you use focus jump, a cloud of debris flies up wherever you land, allowing Marines to get a bead on you as well.



Quote from: VEF214 on Feb 28, 2010, 02:42:25 PM
Quote from: MadassAlex on Feb 27, 2010, 10:36:02 PM
Quote from: AintGotTimeToBleed on Feb 27, 2010, 08:13:13 PM
Also, does anyone have any hints on doing good with the Preds? It seems like when I'm a Marine, I never see the Predators but when roles are reversed, they see me coming a mile away..
Whenever possible, use the Predator's focus jump to get up high and survey the area. Get a plasma caster/spear/disc (preferably not the disc), choose a target, and rain death from above.

When you use focus jump, a cloud of debris flies up wherever you land, allowing Marines to get a bead on you as well.

The cage around the focus point tells you how much noise/dust you're going to make when you land.



OK, I finally finished all 3 campaigns on Hard. Now I can review. There will be spoilers ahead, but Spoiler tags will be used appropriately. ;)

--NOTE-- This review is for the Xbox 360 version of the game --NOTE--

Single Player

I plunged into play as the Predator first, seeing the E3 footage assured me that this was a whole new Predator experience, the definitive Predator experience I had been waiting for since Concrete Jungle.
Oh boy, was it awesome.
I cannot stress how much it irritated me that in AvP and AvP2 your hands were as cold as the environment. Now it's fixed, and the thermal vision is perfect. The best it has ever been. I love the distorted voices and the heart beat. The sound of changing vision modes is spot on.
The story was great, I loved how they expanded on the lore. The only thing that seriously annoyed me was that
you don't get the Alien vision until the middle of the campaign, and that you have to wear that God awful Lord mask.
The majority of the Predator's trophy and stealth kills are the best and most interesting for me, especially the one when the Predator plunges his wristblades into the Marine's eye sockets and then back hands his neck with his left wristblades, decapitating him brutally.
I do prefer the red Alien vision in the previous games to the newer vision mode, but that's probably only because
once retrieving the Ancient Mask you next have to go up the winding cliffs and you first encounter the Jungle/Runner Aliens
I fell off the cliff edges numerous times due to the blurry grey background whilst trying to avoid them.
The trophy belts are nice little collectibles and make the replay value go up, I collected the remainder of the belts I missed on the easy difficulty. As of today I now have all 45 trophy belts and an extra 15 Gamerscore under my name.

I did alternate through the levels by playing; Predator, Alien, Marine and then back through the cycle. I'll talk about the Alien campaign next.

First word that comes to my mind, short.
I played this through on my Purebreedalien XBL account in two hours on Hard. Two hours. On my primary account, Deadpool 199, it took far longer due to alternating between the three campaigns. It seemed longer too, but after finishing in two short hours, I realized how tiny it really was. Despite the length, it was an amazing experience.
I've never felt more like an Alien than I did in this game, skulking in the shadows and striking from the walls never felt more right. The sound design is just beautiful. I must admit, I stopped for a few moments sometimes just to admire it, the sound your talons make when you sprint against the grated metal is amazing, and the splash of the water when you strike it with your tail. It all helps with the immersion, and that's what this campaign does best.
The story was pretty much nonexistent but that didn't detract from the gameplay overall, well, not for me anyway. Although, I did find an error. The Alien campaign happens before the Marine and Predator campaigns, so
when the Queen is killed by Rookie during the Marine campaign, Six is weakened by her death and doesn't appear to recover until after she is taken off of the planet. So why weren't the other Aliens in the Marine and Predator campaigns affected by the Queen's death? Why didn't the Praetorian you fight as the Marine become the next Queen?
it did make me wonder if Rebellion had really though the overall story arc through.
The Alien has some particularly brutal stealth and trophy kills, my favourite of which is the stealth kill when the Alien rips the Marine's throat out and his jugular vein is twitching from being torn.
The royal jelly canisters are fun to locate, although some of their locations are... questionable.
When you need to find your way into the building before you are trapped by the Marines, there are two Jelly Canisters in the vents beneath the building. Why were they there? Did the scientists crawl into the vents and hide them in there for safe keeping?
It doesn't make much sense.
There was one visual glitch which got on my nerves.
When fighting the two Predators before fighting the Elite Predator if the player attempts a stealth kill on one of them some of the top mandibles would poke out of the mask. Also, when the Elite Predator fights you, I couldn't help but think that some people would get confused and think that they were fighting Wolf from AvPRequiem even though he died.

Now onto the Marine, who had the best story overall. I loved the lighting in the campaign, the level design and character models were superb. I did think in some places it was too dark, however, the flares did help. I only wish that more than one could be put down at a time.
The campaign is scary, but the quality of the levels do decrease, and then towards the end, increase. There are some jumpy moments in the campaign and the intelligence of the Aliens definitely add to that, they know how to flank you and they know how to remain unseen. The boss battles are extremely fun and challenging.
The Predator you battle in the Combat Arena is also intelligent and knows how to take you down, I was killed numerous times by his heavy attack. The Predator knows how to use his cloak, melee and ranged weapons to gradually deplete your health bar over and over again.
I was unimpressed by
the Praetorian battle. The Praetorian went down far too easily in my opinion, it seemed to hang back and send its weaker Alien minions to dispose of me, whilst it just stood back and watched. The Warriors are easily knocked to the ground which gave me a chance to unload a few pulse rifle clips and grenades into the Praetorian's torso. If it attacked me when the other Aliens were attacking me it would have been much more difficult.
The final boss battle and the fight before it was very challenging and also irritating.
As soon as the cut-scene ends and Weyland tells his Androids to "Take care of him" (him being the player) you are thrown back into the game, faced with two Combat Synthetics armed with shotguns and you hold just a pistol. First time I was killed by backpedaling into boxes which are directly behind the player. The only way to survive is to turn and run whilst changing weapons. The smartgun helped a lot but I couldn't help but notice that the Synthetics seemed to have increased in strength and health since the previous levels. The Weyland fight was the most irritating. He instant killed me everytime, until I had to do what I didn't want to do. I had to run away until I could gather more ammo and start sprinting round in circles gradually draining his health. It was almost enjoyable because it was so impossible.

Overall I enjoyed the Predator campaign the most. The feel of the Predator was there and I loved stalking my prey from the trees and disposing of them in gory and violent ways.

Pros and Cons


+ Strong story for Marine and Predator
+ Great visuals
+ Amazing sound design
+ Adrenaline pumping musical score
+ Blood and gore
+ Respects the established canon and expands without screwing with it
+ Lots of replay value


- Weak Alien story
- Some graphical glitches
- Marines have a tendency to repeat the lines; "Don't relax just yet, Marines." "Don't let your guard down." way too frequently.
- Very slow Matchmaking
- Stealth kills seem to teleport players half way across the map
- No host migration
- Crouch button was sometimes needed


TJ Doc

TJ Doc

^ Basically what he just typed.  :D

I would, however, like to applaud Rebellion for sidestepping the obvious by
letting us fight something other than the Alien Queen for a final boss. Weyland was (as Purebreed noted) a little annoying, but being able to shoot Lance Henriksen was still awesome. Although I thought his "RAWR! I'M STILL ALIVE!" moment at the top of the stairs was just a little funny.



Quote from: TJ Doc on Feb 28, 2010, 09:57:45 PM
^ Basically what he just typed.  :D

I would, however, like to applaud Rebellion for sidestepping the obvious by
letting us fight something other than the Alien Queen for a final boss. Weyland was (as Purebreed noted) a little annoying, but being able to shoot Lance Henriksen was still awesome. Although I thought his "RAWR! I'M STILL ALIVE!" moment at the top of the stairs was just a little funny.


Agreed, I found it quite hard not to laugh.



Quote from: Purebreedalien on Feb 28, 2010, 10:00:22 PM
Quote from: TJ Doc on Feb 28, 2010, 09:57:45 PM
^ Basically what he just typed.  :D

I would, however, like to applaud Rebellion for sidestepping the obvious by
letting us fight something other than the Alien Queen for a final boss. Weyland was (as Purebreed noted) a little annoying, but being able to shoot Lance Henriksen was still awesome. Although I thought his "RAWR! I'M STILL ALIVE!" moment at the top of the stairs was just a little funny.


Agreed, I found it quite hard not to laugh.

My response:

"Whoa, what...oh."

*throws back head and just breaks down laughing*

TJ Doc

TJ Doc

I almost went -

'ZOMG ITS ZOMBIE ROBOT BISHOP!!!' out loud! His fall into the lava made up for it though. In fact I wish more developers would kill their villains off with style! Kudos to you, Rebellion.



QuoteDid the scientists crawl into the vents and hide them in there for safe keeping?


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