Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, Feb 14, 2010, 05:34:49 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 89,349 times)



Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Feb 18, 2010, 12:31:31 PM
Quote from: visagepoissons on Feb 18, 2010, 12:30:20 PM
Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Feb 18, 2010, 12:14:47 PM
Quote from: visagepoissons on Feb 18, 2010, 11:48:51 AM
OMG the dome skin IS the giger alien? :O Instantly become my favourite game ever I think. I thought that would be the runner, which doesn't seem to actually be a skin. Does anyone know the difference between warrior and warrior ridged?
I am loving predator hunt and species deathmatch. This game has done a lot better then I expected.

It IS the Giger Alien?!

... f**k yes.
Not EXACTLY but VERY similar.

That's good enough for me.  :D
Same here, I lub dem. =3



Quote from: Baasje92 on Feb 18, 2010, 12:25:18 PM
Most of the maps are jungle based, i was told (pred maps mostly)

Yeah, like he said. Almost every map played in the jungle or ancient ruins. The only map i know so far reminds of alien movies is the refinery from the demo. There are no LV426 indoor maps or any from the alien freanchise at all. Maybe the one on the survivor mode + refinery.



Most of the maps are kind of icky to play in as the alien. :/ I like the refinery. I kick ass there. But maybe that's just because I'm used to it. As I get used to the other maps maybe I'll get better at those too.



Btw saw some movie on youtube, and inferstation mode looks the most promising.



Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 17, 2010, 04:54:48 PM
Quote from: federico8221 on Feb 17, 2010, 03:40:47 PM
Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 17, 2010, 10:53:11 AM
for 360/ps3 players.....

Whats the difference in the retail gamefrom the demo if any?

Just curious.........


I would like to know this too.. nice question.. is anybody able to answer this? Graphic? Gameplay? Balance between species?

Thanks guys!!

Somebody please answer!?!?!

Ok then, it just arrived to me (London - UK - today at 11.30!! I am having a brake just now... :D
Well it's basically the same of the demo. (X360) Graphics are the same, maybe a bit more polish but not really that much to say: WoW or yep, that was just a pre-release!!
Gameplay is improved a little, especially the jump controls on predator. Alien seems to be a bit dodgy to control 'coz the surfaces control switch doesn't work really functionally: you basically will find yourself on the ceiling without pressing anything. Anyway, it's pretty nice, smooth and probably there'r some differences in the controls between the demo and the full game, they appear to be more responsive.
I just have one word for the Marine campaign: awesome! I've just played every campaign for 30 mins each tho..
Pred campaign is very nice as well.. i like it a lot so far!
But all these evading sounds are in my opinion too similar to the alien ones. You find yourself to realise that at the end of the story you are doing the same things over and over: distract - separate enemies - STRIKE & KILL! That's all unfortunately.
Alien campaign is not that much fun and intense as i was aspecting but still, nice to see how many stealth kills there'r in the game!

Multiplayer.. well, that's it! I really think this game is a multiplayer one. Lots of game type, nice maps (the demo map: refinery SUCKS!) - (actually to make a point here, Rebellion just drop a demo which is absolutely horrible.. C'MON GUYS!! D E M O - DEMONSTRATION!!!! WTF is DM in refinery???)

- The actual game, campaign and especially multiplayer, is a lot of FUN!! GREAT JOB!!
- Nice gameplay, smooth and quite easy to take over controls. (have't said so, don't compare it to COD, is not better, but is not worst even.. I honestly think it is just a completely different FPS)
- GOOORE RULEZ!!! Stealth Kills are awesome!!
- Marine campaign really scares the crap out! nice Lights effects and ambience.
- SOUNDS are totally GREAT and 100% realistic! Nice job on that!

- GRAPHICS!!! Is absolutely not that bad at all, but still, I hope that the PC on DX11 will do the job because on the X360 I have to say this, Rebellion had to spend more time on them.
- Pred & Alien campaigns are not so intense to play, every mission is almost the same..
- MP XP unlocks just skins..
- ARGHHH I was expecting different Alien Hisses!!! (this one can be uncounted :P)

I'll definitely says overall 7.5/10 without doubts!
Great MP game modes ( Infestation and Predator Hunt in the pyramid which "change configuration" during the game like AVP is really outstanding!)

I'll suggest this game to all my friends!!
Lot's of fun, maps are really nice.. Let's the battle BEGIN!



Guys...I friggin LOVE this game!!! I've never been a PC game player so I missed out on AVP and AVP 2, I hear you guys rave about them all the time and maybe someday I'll give them a try. The only Aliens/Predator/AVP games I've ever played were the ones for consoles...Alien Trilogy, Resurrection, Concrete Jungle and AVP extinction...of which Concrete Jungle was my I gotta just say...for those of us who don't play PC games...this is the game I've been waiting for!

I've played as far as the hive part as a marine...had to quit before I got to the end of that part since I read the spoilers here and know what's coming...thought to it for tomorrow, you need I saved and was gonna hit the sack. Then I thought well let's take a peek at the alien campaign and ended up playing through the entire first part of it. I'm soooo tired but want to keep playing...

Anyway, my point is that for me this game is everything I hoped it would be and I haven't even explored the online stuff yet. Happy camper here  ;D



pyramid is very alieny, to be honest i like the mix of maps. i suck at the more open ones right now cause i'm not used to them, but i've seen enough aliens win on the open ones. it just takes very different strategies to refinery and i'm just figuring out my way around, let alone the best tactics.

in the ruins map, being down on the ground floor and in the grassy areas is terrifying.

the very high canyon type walls some maps have seem great for aliens to get behind people. that's one area i've been having success.



how to choose maps(in ranked matches)?
and why are non ranked matches so empty?

Hive Tyrant

Hive Tyrant

Quote from: TheAlien on Feb 18, 2010, 02:38:41 PM
how to choose maps(in ranked matches)?
and why are non ranked matches so empty?

You don't get XP there. Boooring.



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 18, 2010, 09:48:01 AM
Not at all. You just need to fully grasp the controls. You can become quite fluid with the Alien when you completely understand the controls.

This. I played the entire game on hard mode and found the Alien, by far, the most fluid and reliable in terms of getting kills.

I got a few things to say about the game, anyway, starting with the negatives.

No-one else seems to have commented on the sense of atmospheric inconsistency within the game. I don't really mean the environmental changes; if anything, they do wonders to prove the consistency that is there. In one outdoor section, I realised, with some dread, that the Aliens were swimming towards me under the cover of the shallow water, blending in with the reeds and vegetation. Behavioural adaptions like that are a really powerful indicator of the deadliness of the Xenomorph in narrative terms, and the care Rebellion have given the game in design terms. So it's a bit odd when some Aliens spit slow-moving gobs of acid at you, as it smacks the immersion around a bit. If the acid attacks were quick, short-range, disorienting attacks of opportunity, they'd be frightening, but as it stands, they just come across as a goofy, ham-fisted attempt at gameplay variation.

Part two of the issue is some of the larger Xenomorphs you fight. Alright, so a boss health bar isn't going to do anything for immersion and Rebellion knows this. Aliens vs. Predator is a game that thrives on old-school gameplay conventions and for that it can't be criticised, because it's not an indication of quality as much as it's an indication of flavour. Where the Praetorians in the original game were slightly larger than your average Alien and were a bit more formidable in combat, these ones are huge in comparison. We're talking about twice the size of your average cock-headed space abomination. It begs the question: why? Aliens thrive on sneak attacks, mobility and blending in with the environment. What good does a big one do when a normal one already batters down steel doors? This issue is exacerbated later on in a situation that's much less Aliens than it is Serious Sam's Adventures in Freya's Prospect.

The Predalien fight is another enigma. Much like the situation mentioned above, it's not really reminiscent of something I'd want to see in an Aliens vs. Predator game. While the cut-scene that follows the fight justifies it through sheer badassery, the fight itself feels overly forced and not as characterful as I'd have liked. The good news is that the Predalien has a decent design for once. Perhaps the head is a tad bulky in relation to the rest of its body, but it actually resembles a Xenomorph moreso than it does a Predator. Finally, and thank goodness.

But the point of this whole tirade was atmospheric inconsistency, and thus it ties into one of the positive aspects of the game - when you're not fighting a boss, the game is overall brilliantly atmospheric. From fighting your first Alien as a Marine, to stalking hapless humans as a Predator, all the way to the brilliant subterfuge of the Alien, the game is tense and nail-biting. Unfortunately, this is what causes the boss battles to be so jarring, as they don't exactly fit. It's like someone at Rebellion came in during the level planning and said, "Hey, you know what'd be totally badass?" without proper thought towards the progression of the narrative or the level design. In the entire game, about four of the boss battles are really plot-justified, with the others serving only as filler.

The storyline itself is no great shakes. Events within the game seem loosely associated at best, and the way the game itself progresses, I can pretty much tell that the story was written to justify the gameplay and environments. It's a shame, since the setup is so effective: Weyland Yutani set up  a colony on an ancient Predator hunting world and discover a buried temple. They open it, thus activating a galactic beacon that can be picked up by any Predators within like a billion parsecs. Thinking nothing of it, the Weyland-Yutani goons take some Alien eggs. Lab-bred Xenomorphs are no different from their wild counterparts, however, and as soon as a power failure loosens their bonds, the whole colony goes to hell.

The Alien campaign wins the award for the most disappointing use of the plot, probably because it has the best opening. In fact, the first couple of missions support the plot quite nicely in particular, but after that, disassociation begins to set in and it feels like a string of random occurrences thrown together, which it pretty much is. Special mention has to go to the fourth mission, though, which is sincerely brilliant in its character, design and approach. It may in fact be my personal favourite, as it encompasses everything that is Alien: vent-loitering, fear-mongering, back-stabbing and inexplicably causing all the problems in the universe. Indeed, apart from the first mission, the fourth Alien mission is where it flirts with the plot most overtly, bringing everything together with a thin but powerful bioglue. Overall, the Alien campaign is probably the strongest in terms of gameplay itself, with the Alien's stealth, hissing, agility and sensory adaptions being the most intuitively used abilities in the game.

The Predator campaign is stronger in plot, although still a bit meandering in relation to the Marine campaign. Luckily, the gameplay saves this once again. Setting up kills as the Predator is satisfying. There's a sense of victory in pulling a Marine away from his comrades and gutting him like a fish dinner. Many people have noted that your wristblades are your primary weapon, but that's not exactly true. They're more like your constantly at-arms fallback weapon, whereas the weapon you select will be doing most of the work, especially towards the end of the game when you fight more resilient foes. In particular, once you get the spear, this campaign starts to become much more tedious than tense.

Most powerful is the Marine campaign, but it's also the most telling of a narrative designed as an excuse to progress through a range of environments rather than to tell a story. You'll visit a variety of cold, metallic structures not unlike the ones we're used to, but eventually the campaign gives way to the native forest and even more mysterious things. It would've been nice if there was a sense of backtracking, in a "I've been in this general area but never in this specific location" kind of way. Returning to an area for something that's just become plot relevant is a great way to strengthen the a story and change the conditions concerning the area. Instead, it's just "OKAY NOW GO HERE", which prevents any one location from feeling that important. Either way, the journey is a tense one. It reminded me of Dead Space at times. Dead Space is probably more compelling in terms of atmosphere, but only because it understands entirely the point I made a couple of sentences ago; by keeping the environments strongly linked and codependent, it brought both a sense of relevance and desperation to all of your gameplay input.

The other negative I want to mention is completely, utterly subjective. Even moreso than the previous points.

Alright, Rebellion. You like Predators. We get it. But there's no canonical justification for them ever really being stronger or more resilient than Aliens. The canon does not support this. Claims to the contrary are the invention of comics that weren't as Alien or Predator as they were Generic Space Monsters Gets Its Ass Kicked By Bronze-Age Hero. It doesn't do credit to the concept of either creature and there's no reason the gameplay would demand it. For instance, a Predator boss fight could be a much more powerful experience if the weapons that negated its cloaking weren't so readily supplied. That way, its relative vulnerability is offset by its invisibility. This is, overall, much more characterful as the way the Predator boss fight was actually implemented ended up giving it attributes unsupported by canon while destroying one of its most iconic attributes in the process. Sorta like the AvP comics, I guess.

Issue further exacerbated when fighting Predators as an Alien - apparently they're badass enough to throw you around if you attempt a stealth kill. Also, it seems their light attacks knock you down, even if they're blocked, so being attacked by one is essentially a case of being knocked down, the Predator going in for a trophy kill, you intercepting its attempt and then running away to regenerate your health. I think the sheer Predwanking that went on in this game actually exceeds AvP2, which says one hell of a lot. Sure, in that game they had ridiculous amounts of health on the harder difficulties and killed you in one hit, but at least they didn't completely break and subvert a combat system to show you how much they rule.

Yes, Predators should be more challenging than Marines, especially in a hand-to-hand fight, but there's absolutely no reason for them to be so goddamned powerful. Why put in a combat system just to subvert it? Why not put in more, weaker Predator adversaries? After all, dead Predators were scattered around the Predator campaign without much explanation. It all begs the question: why did Rebellion make such a big deal out of the combat system when it really applies only to the Predator in an Alien vs. Predator fight?

So I'm disappointed that canon was undermined, yet again, to make Predators look more powerful. Especially since this came at the expense of the Alien.

Alright, now for positives.

As previously mentioned, the atmosphere is above and beyond what most games can hope to touch. The lighting, sound and visuals diffuse into one-another amorphously as you progress through the game. Also previously mentioned was the gameplay, which suits each species near perfectly. The Alien is a terrifying master of surprise, while the Marine is a glass-cannon gun emplacement, with the Predator acting like a sniper that gets his hands dirty. Overall, these are the two most important aspects of any Aliens vs. Predator game and Rebellion have nailed them. Playing as each species feels better than it ever has.

This game is a remake of  AvP'99 in every way - from the strengths of its atmosphere and gameplay to the weaknesses of its narrative. To be fair, however, each ending does either allow for or overtly hint at a sequel, which might validate the narrative of a game that, in retrospect, feels very much like a prequel. An excuse for future events. Of the endings, the Predator one is free from flaws. The Alien one is also brilliant, but gets held back by an act of what might be considered fan-service that quickly becomes underwhelming after a bit of thought. Rounding off the Marine campaign is a compelling invitation into the next game, although, like the Alien ending, it suffers from a flaw born of comic book logic and a failure to understand the simple effectiveness of the source material.

I've spent most of my time here bitching, but this game is an overall worthy addition to any gaming library. It has its flaws, but they're peripheral overall and mostly fail to impact on the core values of the game. Sci-fi fans might feel a bit left behind, as the gritty plausibility of the setting makes it feel more like an extrapolated history more than sci-fi proper like Star Wars or Metroid. It falls far more neatly into the realms of thriller, stealth and beat-em-up.
In the absolute simplest sense, this is a great game held back by poor polish and poor narrative planning. Play it for the gameplay, play it for the atmosphere.   



Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Feb 18, 2010, 11:47:48 AM
Review copy, PBA.

Damn. Make sure you enjoy it twice as much for me, since I won't be getting it until tomorrow. ;)



It's sad that I have to admit this, but this game was a very big let down.

Spoilers Ahoy

Single Player

The Alien campaign showed promise but it was over before it began. Harvesting was neat but the same animation used over and over made it a 'Meh' moment.

The Marine campaign was really well done but came unraveled at the end where to have to fight Bishop. God that sucked. Oh and talk about lazy. When Bishop falls into the lava, there's no splashes. It looked so cheap. Ugh. The minute you go to confront Bishop, the charm of the Marine's campaign was lost in the lava lit temple. The addition of the Synth-Combat Droids were welcome IMO.

The Predator campaign was a yawn fest. Plain and simple.

This game felt like something I should've played 2 years ago or more. It looked and felt dated. 

I'm going to play more Multiplayer this evening but not expecting a revelation.

Also, my Facehugger's tail was half ripped off due to whoever packaged it at the factory wound the tail up too tight.



Quote from: Hive Tyrant on Feb 18, 2010, 02:39:42 PM
Quote from: TheAlien on Feb 18, 2010, 02:38:41 PM
how to choose maps(in ranked matches)?
and why are non ranked matches so empty?

You don't get XP there. Boooring.
hopefully once people get the skins they want they'll move on. i know that's the main reason i'm playing ranked right now. i want my grid skin!




Get yourself a new Facehugger for free. :)



Impressions after playing all day & completing the Ailen ( on HARD & mission 2 of the marine on HARD )

- The Mouse Lag issues, still exist regardless of their turn off option.

- in some random sections of MP maps, you can get into a position where only shadows render and your floating in pea soup space.

- Marine movement is worse that the movemnt in Dead Space ( and thats a bold statment )

- General marine animations are sluggish and feel like they are playing out in slow-mo at times

- Alien Section more of a joke section, like rebellion said "lets waist what could have easly been the best part of the game, because we can't beassed to come up with more than 1 hours game play"

- AI is well lame in all accounts, i have seen humans bumping into stuff / standing still / not seeing you when your like 5 foot away

- The Marines repeat the same phrases over and over and over and yeah you geussed it.

- The Navigation is abisimal in the menus its slow / feels almost gritty like your dragging a cheep wired ball mouse across the screen even if your seting are maxed out and also on your mouse driver.

- Epic Fail on the whole Facehugger broken thing / horrid packaging of SE's

- The transition into vents on for the alien really kill the flow when your trying to get somewhere fast.

- When playing the Marine i have bumped into objects rederd in the floor like panels busted doors that have been impassable unles si take 2 steps back an try again.

- Sections appear to be very short, and things to are generic for all of the species.

- The Pulse rifle has the Accuracy of an areasol can anywhere over 10 Foot.

- The Alien Transition system is flawed, its jittery latches onto stuff you did not tell it to, some times refuses to let you run up something or away some thing because of erm . . . . . .  No reason

- That Friggin Auto Aim Causes you to get beat down and die more than it does help melee become easyer.

- Flamthrower is still broken.

- Melee Autoaim magically enables predators wristblades to reach up walls and ceilings in maps, i have been killed by predators when im like 20 foot up a wall, and last time i checked predators dont have extendable arms.

- Infestation mode is a joke, your in the game for around 5mins and its all over, its way to easy to kill the marines if your an alien and by the time there are 2 aliens regardless of the marine side it's game over for them in under 5 mins. . . marines shold have more powerfull guns in this mode.

- Where the f**k are my Pre-order skins ? ? ?  ?

And now your going to say "YEAH BUT DUDE YOU ONLY PICKED BAD THINGS" - The reason for this is because the bad thing greatly outweigh the good things but ill make  alist of the good things, so peopel wont bitch.

- Its got Aliens / Marines / Predators
- The Graphics are Decent
- The abaility to smash lights and throw bodys around by attacking them once dead
- It Sounds like the movies
- The Marine levels are Tence and atmospheric and are well polished, this is the A class bit of game in here.
- XP is not easy to comeby in matches :) so no spending all day just to level up you have to have skill !

Im so glad i only payed 20 GBP for this, first impressions are below average.
There are seirous issues that need to be adressed before i could even consider saying this is better than an average game, it feels unfinished mechanics & storywise but not graphically or franchisewise.

Lets hope the patches fix some issues, or its going to be keeping Operation Flashpoint : DR & BioShock Company on my shelf and with infestation boring the hell out of me and im sick of the demo map allready. . .

From this i'll give the game a 6.5/10 i think with some patching to fix issues it all get a 7/8 from me

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