A clarification on "real Predators" please?

Started by Mystic Ninja, Dec 05, 2009, 02:23:47 AM

A clarification on "real Predators" please? (Read 26,598 times)


Least 2 metres tall. Wears a distinctive mask. Silent. Deadly. 3 red dots. Growls. Invisible. Cool weapons. Know when challenging a worthy prey.

Activates the mother of all bombs when defeated.


Athletic.  Winston. Got this whole mime-shit going on.  Its ultra cool and anyone who tries to re-invent it fails.


Quote from: Aran on Dec 05, 2009, 02:42:01 PM
Least 2 metres tall. Wears a distinctive mask. Silent. Deadly. 3 red dots. Growls. Invisible. Cool weapons. Know when challenging a worthy prey.

Activates the mother of all bombs when defeated.

I wouldn't agree with 'growls'.  The growling in the AVP movies was too OTT.  Its a quieter 'lizard' like clicking.


Quote from: Jigsaw85 on Dec 05, 2009, 08:44:38 AM
There is no such thing as a "real predator" or "true Predator" a Predator is a predator no matter how they look or act, If the title of the movie is "Predator", "Alien vs Predator" or "Predators" then the damn creature in the movie is a predator, pure and simple. Most of the people who spew this "true Predator" crap are just predator fanboys who can't deal with the fact that the predators are not gods. think about it, who are the only predators who are considered "fake Predators" right now? The AVP predators. and why is that? It's not because they were teenagers, listen to Paul Anderson's commentary on the DVD and you'll hear him say that they were stronger and more experienced then the first two predators. So why are they considered fake? Because they died easily. even though the AVP predators were going up against the Ultimate Prey and logically could die easily, the predator fanboys still cry "bullshit!" and now here we are 5 years later and what do we get? 3 predators going up against some of the most dangerous humans on the planet. And they die fairly easily granted not without taking the others with them (save Royce) still the predator fanboys take issue with this, even though a predator got his ass handed to him by a LA cop in Predator 2. when you look back at the original 2 predators, what did they have in common? they stayed invisible for more then 90% of the time. So logically the definition of a true predator is a predator who stays invisible and kills people when they least expect it. But a lot of Predator fanboys don't see it that way, no, they see the predators as skilled unstoppable gods who can not be touched, AVPR is proof of this. The predator fanboy ego is so big it made it's way onto the big screen. Wolf walks around and pwns everything in sight even though logically the aliens should have killed him in 5 seconds on multiple occasions. The strause brothers and AVPR are a reflection of everything that is wrong with the predator fanbase, they say he pwned because he was experienced but anyone with half a brain can tell you that's a load of shit.

To put it simply, the predator fanboys NEVER stop to think about who or what the predators are going up against. For example the AVP predators were going up against the ultimate prey. the aliens are 8 feet tall, strong, agile, and stealthy and most importantly, can see the predators when they are cloaked. It makes perfect sense that the aliens can kill them but of course the predator fanboys don't care about logic they just want the predator to look good. in Predators the predators get killed by some of the most dangerous humans on earth who use their skill and intelligence to kill the predators. so whats the pattern here?

1. the first predator who stayed invisible whenever he could and killed people when they least expected it and got pwned when he could be seen is considered a true predator.
2. the one in Predator 2 who stayed invisible when ever he could and got his ass kicked by a LA cop is considered a true predator.
3. the predators in AVP who are more skilled and stronger then the other two predators go up against the ultimate prey and can't use their invisibility to hide from them are considered fake predators.
4. the predator in AVPR who does not go invisible when in human territory (except when he really didn't need too)makes countless mistakes and just walks around crushing fake aliens using no skill whatsoever and never getting killed or even scratched when he logically should is considered a true predator.
5. the super predators in Predators go up against the most dangerous humans on earth and have to fight them without their cloak tech because they all short out at some point and lose to the humans skill and intelligence are considered fake predators.

I don't see a pattern, do you?

and some predator fanboys just take issue with the way they look, a lot of them like to call the predators in AVP, fat. but in reality they were muscular. in Predator 2 we saw predators of all different sizes. so what qualifies for a true predator? does a predator have to have a certain body type to be considered a true predator? does he have to stay invisible the whole time? does he have to live for the whole movie? does he have to be a certain size? does he have to be flawless in everything he does? or just flat out be a god like in avpr to be considered a true predator? or does he have to have all of these features to be considered a true predator?

bottom line is: there is no such thing as a "true" predator, there is only the deluded predator fanboys.

Man... just by the things you say I can already tell that you aren't a predator fan, so why do you waste your time coming here and talking all this crap about them?

1- the first predator could have killed dutch's team at any moment but he wanted to enjoy the hunt, he wanted to play with them, make they fell fear. He acted like a real hunter, and he only died because he didn't killed dutch when he could  and of course because of the ''script immunity'' that dutch had, just like harrigan, ripley, wolf.
2- the second predator killed like all the gang bosses and members, man... he dominated the city, he used cloak but do you think a alien would do the same without stealthy and skill? He got shot many times shot by a shotgun, that nitrogenion gun, got his arm cutted off and harrigan not only had the ''script immunity sh*t'' but he has the most crazy, baddest cop in the city.
3- more skilled and stronger, you really consider the sh*t that anderson says something important? the strause brothers said in one interview that the aliens in avp were just drones and the ones in avp-r were warriors(stronger), that is why according to them they have ridged heads. Nothing that anderson or the strauses says should be considered anything else than bullsh*t. Man... the only reason the preds died is because anderson decided to make the alien tail extend to 3 meter just for the scene to kill chopper, and because celtic didn't used the spear, dagger and shuriken that he had.
4- most of the time wolf used his plasma canons, and i don't think a alien can survive that. But you are right, they were kind of stupid in the movie, but they have been like that since 'Aliens'.
5- I will wait for the movie to talk about this.


Quote from: jordan on Dec 05, 2009, 02:50:04 PM
Quote from: Aran on Dec 05, 2009, 02:42:01 PM
Least 2 metres tall. Wears a distinctive mask. Silent. Deadly. 3 red dots. Growls. Invisible. Cool weapons. Know when challenging a worthy prey.

Activates the mother of all bombs when defeated.

I wouldn't agree with 'growls'.  The growling in the AVP movies was too OTT.  Its a quieter 'lizard' like clicking.

true. but you gotta agree wit me Celtic owned the roar when facing Grid.

Friendly Wise

Quote from: Dark Pred on Dec 05, 2009, 03:43:11 PM
Quote from: Jigsaw85 on Dec 05, 2009, 08:44:38 AM
There is no such thing as a "real predator" or "true Predator" a Predator is a predator no matter how they look or act, If the title of the movie is "Predator", "Alien vs Predator" or "Predators" then the damn creature in the movie is a predator, pure and simple. Most of the people who spew this "true Predator" crap are just predator fanboys who can't deal with the fact that the predators are not gods. think about it, who are the only predators who are considered "fake Predators" right now? The AVP predators. and why is that? It's not because they were teenagers, listen to Paul Anderson's commentary on the DVD and you'll hear him say that they were stronger and more experienced then the first two predators. So why are they considered fake? Because they died easily. even though the AVP predators were going up against the Ultimate Prey and logically could die easily, the predator fanboys still cry "bullshit!" and now here we are 5 years later and what do we get? 3 predators going up against some of the most dangerous humans on the planet. And they die fairly easily granted not without taking the others with them (save Royce) still the predator fanboys take issue with this, even though a predator got his ass handed to him by a LA cop in Predator 2. when you look back at the original 2 predators, what did they have in common? they stayed invisible for more then 90% of the time. So logically the definition of a true predator is a predator who stays invisible and kills people when they least expect it. But a lot of Predator fanboys don't see it that way, no, they see the predators as skilled unstoppable gods who can not be touched, AVPR is proof of this. The predator fanboy ego is so big it made it's way onto the big screen. Wolf walks around and pwns everything in sight even though logically the aliens should have killed him in 5 seconds on multiple occasions. The strause brothers and AVPR are a reflection of everything that is wrong with the predator fanbase, they say he pwned because he was experienced but anyone with half a brain can tell you that's a load of shit.

To put it simply, the predator fanboys NEVER stop to think about who or what the predators are going up against. For example the AVP predators were going up against the ultimate prey. the aliens are 8 feet tall, strong, agile, and stealthy and most importantly, can see the predators when they are cloaked. It makes perfect sense that the aliens can kill them but of course the predator fanboys don't care about logic they just want the predator to look good. in Predators the predators get killed by some of the most dangerous humans on earth who use their skill and intelligence to kill the predators. so whats the pattern here?

1. the first predator who stayed invisible whenever he could and killed people when they least expected it and got pwned when he could be seen is considered a true predator.
2. the one in Predator 2 who stayed invisible when ever he could and got his ass kicked by a LA cop is considered a true predator.
3. the predators in AVP who are more skilled and stronger then the other two predators go up against the ultimate prey and can't use their invisibility to hide from them are considered fake predators.
4. the predator in AVPR who does not go invisible when in human territory (except when he really didn't need too)makes countless mistakes and just walks around crushing fake aliens using no skill whatsoever and never getting killed or even scratched when he logically should is considered a true predator.
5. the super predators in Predators go up against the most dangerous humans on earth and have to fight them without their cloak tech because they all short out at some point and lose to the humans skill and intelligence are considered fake predators.

I don't see a pattern, do you?

and some predator fanboys just take issue with the way they look, a lot of them like to call the predators in AVP, fat. but in reality they were muscular. in Predator 2 we saw predators of all different sizes. so what qualifies for a true predator? does a predator have to have a certain body type to be considered a true predator? does he have to stay invisible the whole time? does he have to live for the whole movie? does he have to be a certain size? does he have to be flawless in everything he does? or just flat out be a god like in avpr to be considered a true predator? or does he have to have all of these features to be considered a true predator?

bottom line is: there is no such thing as a "true" predator, there is only the deluded predator fanboys.

Man... just by the things you say I can already tell that you aren't a predator fan, so why do you waste your time coming here and talking all this crap about them?

1- the first predator could have killed dutch's team at any moment but he wanted to enjoy the hunt, he wanted to play with them, make they fell fear. He acted like a real hunter, and he only died because he didn't killed dutch when he could  and of course because of the ''script immunity'' that dutch had, just like harrigan, ripley, wolf.
2- the second predator killed like all the gang bosses and members, man... he dominated the city, he used cloak but do you think a alien would do the same without stealthy and skill? He got shot many times shot by a shotgun, that nitrogenion gun, got his arm cutted off and harrigan not only had the ''script immunity sh*t'' but he has the most crazy, baddest cop in the city.
3- more skilled and stronger, you really consider the sh*t that anderson says something important? the strause brothers said in one interview that the aliens in avp were just drones and the ones in avp-r were warriors(stronger), that is why according to them they have ridged heads. Nothing that anderson or the strauses says should be considered anything else than bullsh*t. Man... the only reason the preds died is because anderson decided to make the alien tail extend to 3 meter just for the scene to kill chopper, and because celtic didn't used the spear, dagger and shuriken that he had.
4- most of the time wolf used his plasma canons, and i don't think a alien can survive that. But you are right, they were kind of stupid in the movie, but they have been like that since 'Aliens'.
5- I will wait for the movie to talk about this.

You sounded like this....


The Demon

I think the very first Predator should be the foundation of what a Predator is. Anything after that is left for personal speculation..

Mystic Ninja

If it is accepted that Predators are a race of individuals then every Predator depicted in film to date is a Predator! Regardless, of size and behaviour, if they resemble a Predator then they are Predators!

I'm confused why some fans agree that Predators are a race of individuals but then dismiss Predators in AvP and Predators cos they don't look like the ones in P1 and P2. You can not have both? Predators are a race of individuals like humans in terms of looks and behaviour or they are like tigers, lions ect

Its like me saying Harrigan is not a true human being cos he looks nothing like Dutch from the original! I would never say that cos its just plain retarded but I hope you see my point?

Johnny Handsome

QuotePredators in AvP and Predators cos they don't look like the ones in P1 and P2.
I dismiss them not only because they don't look the same, but because they don't sound the same, don't behave the same, don't see the same etc etc

They just simply don't feel the same, they don't feel or behave like Predators in any capacity, that's why they are shit.
Anderson tried to reinvent the character, he made them all behave and look the same, he didn't even try to make them individuals, he just goes like "Look, that is the Predator now, and there aren't going to be any other ones besides mine!!"

They all have the same body, the same armour, the same weapons.

How creative  ::)



Quote from: Doomofman on Dec 05, 2009, 10:08:59 AM
'Real' Predators are athletic hunters. They hunt for sport but they don't kill when there's no challenge. Their appearance should be like the ones from P1 and P2 IMO. The one from AvP:R wasn't too bad either but his behaviour wasn't what I'd consider a true Predator to be like. As for AvP, they looked anything but the nimble, athletic Predator we saw in the first 2. And thus far the BSP sounds like it's going to be similar, an overly large, armor clad warrior rather then an athletic hunter. The triple headed plasma caster is overkill and basically means the BSP stops being a skilled hunter and just becomes a killing machine.

The appearance isn't as big a deal as the behaviour as I firmly believe that any species of creatures is going to have a wide range of different physical representations. Even on earth we've got tonnes of different races and all shapes and sizes of people. I reckon Predators would be the same.

Having said that. I don't go to Predator movies to see anything other than the Hunter we got in the first two movies...

I like how you say they're individuals and then base what a "true Predator" is on behavior. Humans have different sizes and shapes ... and they also have different cultures. Pacifists and warlords, scientists and rednecks, African pygmies and New Yorker fashionistas.

Quote from: Johnny Handsome on Dec 05, 2009, 06:17:21 PM
QuotePredators in AvP and Predators cos they don't look like the ones in P1 and P2.
I dismiss them not only because they don't look the same, but because they don't sound the same, don't behave the same, don't see the same etc etc

They just simply don't feel the same, they don't feel or behave like Predators in any capacity, that's why they are shit.
Anderson tried to reinvent the character, he made them all behave and look the same, he didn't even try to make them individuals, he just goes like "Look, that is the Predator now, and there aren't going to be any other ones besides mine!!"

They all have the same body, the same armour, the same weapons.

How creative  ::)

Uh, I think you're stoking your own outrage.  :P

They were kids. Kid Predators. They were fighting Aliens. Of course they're going to act differently, fight differently, be equipped differently. In fact, most folks agree these guys are from an entirely different clan.



Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 05, 2009, 06:08:15 PM
If it is accepted that Predators are a race of individuals then every Predator depicted in film to date is a Predator! Regardless, of size and behaviour, if they resemble a Predator then they are Predators!

I'm confused why some fans agree that Predators are a race of individuals but then dismiss Predators in AvP and Predators cos they don't look like the ones in P1 and P2. You can not have both? Predators are a race of individuals like humans in terms of looks and behaviour or they are like tigers, lions ect

Its like me saying Harrigan is not a true human being cos he looks nothing like Dutch from the original! I would never say that cos its just plain retarded but I hope you see my point?
All this confusion arises from the fact that between the fans, there is no consent. If I say that the Predators in AvP (for me personally) fit the pattern, 10 people will scream that I am not a real fan.  :D
Each of us has his own vision, each of us is an individual.  ;) You do not have agreement and never will.
As I wrote earlier - Predators of the P1 and P2 designate one limit of "file" called "Predators appearance and behaviour", and AvP Predators appoint a second boundary. Depending on our preference, we prefer the more the P1-appearance or AvP-appearance. But the BSP does not fit within these limits. He is too bizarre.
BTW tigers and lions also differ in appearance and behavior. Just like people.  ;)

Johnny Handsome

QuoteThey were kids. Kid Predators.
I never heard them say that in the movie though, making it irrelevant.

QuoteOf course they're going to act differently, fight differently, be equipped differently.
Differently from what?
From the whole ship at the end of AvP? Or the elder Predator that also looked the same? Because they all looked the same.

QuoteIn fact, most folks agree these guys are from an entirely different clan.
What clans?
That's never explained in the movies or even mentioned.They even have the same ship from Predator 1, that would suggest that they are from the same 'clan', if there are any different clans in the first place.

They simply f**ked up, there is no explanation for it. They were lazy and uncreative, making the Predator into something they wanted to avoid : "We consider ourselves the gatekeepers of these creatures, we want to put our own stamp on it without reinventing the creatures"

Congrats ADI, you failed miserably.  :)


Looks like a football lineup or something from WWE. 



QuoteI'm confused

No, you're not; you're just bored.

You can apologize for shit "Predators" until you're blue in the face; they're still shit.

Quality and lack of quality have been shown in the movies, and they are far and away from each other.

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