A clarification on "real Predators" please?

Started by Mystic Ninja, Dec 05, 2009, 02:23:47 AM

A clarification on "real Predators" please? (Read 26,597 times)

Mystic Ninja

Ok let me get this straight:

1. Most of you dislike the BSP cos they don't look or behave like real Predators.

2. You don't consider the Predator in AvP a true Predator but the the Predator in AvPR is a true Predator. Correct?

3. Anytime and Pussyface are true Predators.

4. Most of you agree, that Predators are a race of individuals - like humans they can look and act different.

I love the original movie but excuse my ignorance, what the f**k is a real Predator meant to look like? How can you believe in point 4 but yet dismiss the BSP and the AvP Predator?

I'm confused and needs some clarification since I'm no expert on Predators


Real predators look like the ones in one two and avp:r. AVP"s predators were teenagers basically, as for the BSP your guess is as good as mine.

The Demon

The Demon

Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 05, 2009, 02:25:58 AM
Also posting a picture of Anytime or Pussyface does not answer my question.

That's what I would of done. Its what the first Predator was. Predator 2 was brilliant because it brought a Predator equally as good. Then AvP gave us 3 fat idiots. AvPr did their hardest to bring us our beloved Predator back and in my book, they did a damn good job.

Alot of us fanboys are getting real worried with these SBP.

Its just like Alien Ressurection when they had the New Born. Think about it that way.

Friendly Wise

Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 05, 2009, 02:23:47 AM
Ok let me get this straight:

1. Most of you dislike the BSP cos they don't look or behave like real Predators.

2. You don't consider the Predator in AvP a true Predator but the the Predator in AvPR is a true Predator. Correct?

3. Anytime and Pussyface are true Predators.

4. Most of you agree, that Predators are a race of individuals - like humans they can look and act different.

I love the original movie but excuse my ignorance, what the f**k is a real Predator meant to look like? How can you believe in point 4 but yet dismiss the BSP and the AvP Predator?

I'm confused and needs some clarification since I'm no expert on Predators

Imo, Predator's should be what you like and not the personal opinions of others. You should decide what a real Predator is.

Pvt. Hicks

Dude, f**king, just, I don't know, just use the first two movies as a reference. The AvP:R one was not a legit pred, yeah it somewhat "looked" it, but his head was too big for his body, he acted nothing like a pred, and they damaged the face beyond repair. And that growl at the end...



There is no such thing as a "real predator" or "true Predator" a Predator is a predator no matter how they look or act, If the title of the movie is "Predator", "Alien vs Predator" or "Predators" then the damn creature in the movie is a predator, pure and simple. Most of the people who spew this "true Predator" crap are just predator fanboys who can't deal with the fact that the predators are not gods. think about it, who are the only predators who are considered "fake Predators" right now? The AVP predators. and why is that? It's not because they were teenagers, listen to Paul Anderson's commentary on the DVD and you'll hear him say that they were stronger and more experienced then the first two predators. So why are they considered fake? Because they died easily. even though the AVP predators were going up against the Ultimate Prey and logically could die easily, the predator fanboys still cry "bullshit!" and now here we are 5 years later and what do we get? 3 predators going up against some of the most dangerous humans on the planet. And they die fairly easily granted not without taking the others with them (save Royce) still the predator fanboys take issue with this, even though a predator got his ass handed to him by a LA cop in Predator 2. when you look back at the original 2 predators, what did they have in common? they stayed invisible for more then 90% of the time. So logically the definition of a true predator is a predator who stays invisible and kills people when they least expect it. But a lot of Predator fanboys don't see it that way, no, they see the predators as skilled unstoppable gods who can not be touched, AVPR is proof of this. The predator fanboy ego is so big it made it's way onto the big screen. Wolf walks around and pwns everything in sight even though logically the aliens should have killed him in 5 seconds on multiple occasions. The strause brothers and AVPR are a reflection of everything that is wrong with the predator fanbase, they say he pwned because he was experienced but anyone with half a brain can tell you that's a load of shit.

To put it simply, the predator fanboys NEVER stop to think about who or what the predators are going up against. For example the AVP predators were going up against the ultimate prey. the aliens are 8 feet tall, strong, agile, and stealthy and most importantly, can see the predators when they are cloaked. It makes perfect sense that the aliens can kill them but of course the predator fanboys don't care about logic they just want the predator to look good. in Predators the predators get killed by some of the most dangerous humans on earth who use their skill and intelligence to kill the predators. so whats the pattern here?

1. the first predator who stayed invisible whenever he could and killed people when they least expected it and got pwned when he could be seen is considered a true predator.
2. the one in Predator 2 who stayed invisible when ever he could and got his ass kicked by a LA cop is considered a true predator.
3. the predators in AVP who are more skilled and stronger then the other two predators go up against the ultimate prey and can't use their invisibility to hide from them are considered fake predators.
4. the predator in AVPR who does not go invisible when in human territory (except when he really didn't need too)makes countless mistakes and just walks around crushing fake aliens using no skill whatsoever and never getting killed or even scratched when he logically should is considered a true predator.
5. the super predators in Predators go up against the most dangerous humans on earth and have to fight them without their cloak tech because they all short out at some point and lose to the humans skill and intelligence are considered fake predators.

I don't see a pattern, do you?

and some predator fanboys just take issue with the way they look, a lot of them like to call the predators in AVP, fat. but in reality they were muscular. in Predator 2 we saw predators of all different sizes. so what qualifies for a true predator? does a predator have to have a certain body type to be considered a true predator? does he have to stay invisible the whole time? does he have to live for the whole movie? does he have to be a certain size? does he have to be flawless in everything he does? or just flat out be a god like in avpr to be considered a true predator? or does he have to have all of these features to be considered a true predator?

bottom line is: there is no such thing as a "true" predator, there is only the deluded predator fanboys.

Uncanny Antman

You can make all the excuses you want, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is what's on screen.   There may not be any such thing as a 'true' Predator, but there is definitely such a thing as a 'looks like shit' Predator.


Quote from: Uncanny Antman on Dec 05, 2009, 08:48:25 AM
You can make all the excuses you want, but at the end of the day the only thing that matters is what's on screen.   There may not be any such thing as a 'true' Predator, but there is definitely such a thing as a 'looks like shit' Predator.

true dat.



Nice rant, Jigsaw. Not really disagreeing or agreeing with you ... just wanted to point out you called AvP:R Aliens "fake."

Pretty ironic considering you're going after Predator fanboys and their "true" Predator concept.  :P


Yea... Impressive. Very impressive.
But ad rem, that is what I personally think what mean "the real Predator".
Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 05, 2009, 02:23:47 AM
OK let me get this straight:

1. Most of you dislike the BSP cos they don't look or behave like real Predators.

2. You don't consider the Predator in AvP a true Predator but the the Predator in AvPR is a true Predator. Correct?

3. Anytime and Pussyface are true Predators.

4. Most of you agree, that Predators are a race of individuals - like humans they can look and act different.

I love the original movie but excuse my ignorance, what the f**k is a real Predator meant to look like? How can you believe in point 4 but yet dismiss the BSP and the AvP Predator?

I'm confused and needs some clarification since I'm no expert on Predators

# appearance - is not as important as some fan-boys believed. But  there are limits here . I believe that all previous figures of Predators are within the broad scheme of things. P1 and P2 designate one border, AvP appoint another one. Another issue is the intentions of RR, which creates the image of BSP. It does not fall within any limits and it causes protests. Mutations, black blood, etc.
# behavior - though we will analyze the current behavior of Predators and draw any conclusions - this what suggests RR does not fit in any scheme. Why? Predators are looking for the most valuable preys. The greatest challenges. They hunt for the trophy.
BSP hunting their prey breaks all the rules. He moves the victims to his own land and deprives their greatest assets, trumps. This makes them weaker. Using the famous triple plasma caster -what BSP gets as the trophy? Homogenized tissues? Shreds, or even less. What does he hang on his trophy wall? Why does he hunt? His whole behavior is meaningless. It's make him stupid, bloodthirsty monster. We have many monsters in another movies. Enough. Predators always were something more, something different.
It's only 2 reasons. There are more, much more...
I don't persist about Space Samurai. But innovations of RR breaks every rules until now, every concept existing in our imagination.
It's simple - his movie is not about Predators. It's about BSP.
As fan-girl (if I have to call myself, I'm not a fanboy, firmly), I watch all this movies for Predators. It's meaning characters for me. Not human. I agree, changes could be good. But it have to contain within the limits.


'Real' Predators are athletic hunters. They hunt for sport but they don't kill when there's no challenge. Their appearance should be like the ones from P1 and P2 IMO. The one from AvP:R wasn't too bad either but his behaviour wasn't what I'd consider a true Predator to be like. As for AvP, they looked anything but the nimble, athletic Predator we saw in the first 2. And thus far the BSP sounds like it's going to be similar, an overly large, armor clad warrior rather then an athletic hunter. The triple headed plasma caster is overkill and basically means the BSP stops being a skilled hunter and just becomes a killing machine.

The appearance isn't as big a deal as the behaviour as I firmly believe that any species of creatures is going to have a wide range of different physical representations. Even on earth we've got tonnes of different races and all shapes and sizes of people. I reckon Predators would be the same.

Having said that. I don't go to Predator movies to see anything other than the Hunter we got in the first two movies...



Quote from: Ijapa on Dec 05, 2009, 09:41:00 AM
Nice rant, Jigsaw. Not really disagreeing or agreeing with you ... just wanted to point out you called AvP:R Aliens "fake."

Pretty ironic considering you're going after Predator fanboys and their "true" Predator concept.  :P

I know but The strause brother's need to portray a "true" predator on screen rendered the aliens to small helpless punching bags. The AVP preds and the super preds weren't helpless. Thats the difference and that's why the aliens in avpr really deserve to be called fake.


Quote from: Doomofman on Dec 05, 2009, 10:08:59 AM
'Real' Predators are athletic hunters. They hunt for sport but they don't kill when there's no challenge. Their appearance should be like the ones from P1 and P2 IMO.

Quote from: Doomofman on Dec 05, 2009, 10:08:59 AM
The appearance isn't as big a deal as the behaviour as I firmly believe that any species of creatures is going to have a wide range of different physical representations. Even on earth we've got tonnes of different races and all shapes and sizes of people. I reckon Predators would be the same.
True. Pure true. And more:
They should be full of charm. Them skills should be visible for the first sight. Them fight should be like dance with the Death. Slim or more muscled, bigger or smaller mandibles, more or less teeth, color of skin, the length of dreads - there are details, not so important.
As representatives of one species certainly differ in morphological detail. It's obvious. As representatives of different clans, certainly used different techniques, weapons, etc. It makes them so interesting. They may not be clones. They are individuals. That is obvious.
Therefore adult Anytime and Pussyface differs from the behavior and appearance of immature individuals from AvP.


damn op dude you make so many topichs


Quote from: Mystic Ninja on Dec 05, 2009, 02:23:47 AM
Ok let me get this straight:

1. Most of you dislike the BSP cos they don't look or behave like real Predators.

2. You don't consider the Predator in AvP a true Predator but the the Predator in AvPR is a true Predator. Correct?

3. Anytime and Pussyface are true Predators.

4. Most of you agree, that Predators are a race of individuals - like humans they can look and act different.

I love the original movie but excuse my ignorance, what the f**k is a real Predator meant to look like? How can you believe in point 4 but yet dismiss the BSP and the AvP Predator?

I'm confused and needs some clarification since I'm no expert on Predators

Predators are suppose to look like the preds from Predator 1 and 2, hunt the most strong creatures and take trophys
Even thought the preds are suppose to look like differents individuals, the predators from avp were just too diferent. Not only by their body, dreads, mandibles being bigger but their armor looked like too human, I dont care if predators use more armor but the armor from avp looked much different from the ones from the end of predator 2.
But the main problem in avp is that all the preds were the same, they all looked fat, have those reallly big dreads, and their faces were just crap. And its the same with the armor, unlike the ones in Predator 2 that looked like differents individual with their own style, the ones in avp weared the same thing and used the same weapons. Its like if paul andreson wanted to create his version of predators.
Wolf is considered a ''true pred'' for most of the predator fans because he looked like one of the preds from the end of Predator 2. Wolf had a different armor, hist own kind of weapons, he has unique. I still wont say anything about the ''super preds'', I will wait for the movie.
About their behave in the movies I am ok with it. The first pred was a smart, pacient and experient hunter, the second was more like young, rookie, big game hunter. the ones from avp were different too in some way, celtic was really rookie and prefered hand-to-hand fights, scar was more smart and tactiful, chopper... well he was the worse of them. Wolf was like a experient, baddass, crazy(he wanted to take out all the aliens by himself) hunter.

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