whats the big deal

Started by Highland, May 10, 2009, 04:17:43 PM

whats the big deal (Read 5,050 times)



I'm seeing a few post hoping this "is a sequel" and not a "reboot" but what exactly is the difference???!

Predator 2 had a number behind it but....was it the same story?...no? did it have the same characters....no? did it follow on from the last ......no? did it have the same creature doing the same thing...yes? 

So whats the big deal? if a bunch of predators make the 3rd movie on a different story line, how is that any different from a hunter in the city? (with different weapons, hunting different trophy's, on a different time line, with a different cast)

Johnny Handsome

Johnny Handsome

That's the thing, if it was considered as a sequel we would know they would follow the original concept with a different spin and respecting the things that were established before.

Now that it is considered as a reboot we don't know how much of the great things we love about the creature and its behaviour will be left, especially with Rodriguez talking about that the old movie is outdated, which it clearly isn't.

The Special effects aren't outdated (or at least a larger number of them), the suit still looks great, the facial expression is the best i have seen on any creature in any film, it doesn't look like a great animatronic effect (like it did in Predator 2), it looks real.

The action isn't outdated, the acting is fine the pacing is perfect... all things are still great and fresh on this movie, and Rodriguez sounds like he wants to do a reboot for special effects sake, and that's just stupid.

You talk about how it isn't a bad thing that the same creature hunts different people in a different environment in a different storyline, and the answer is nothing, but how do you know it will be the same creature? How do you know it will act them same, feel the same?
That's the thing with reboots, to reboot something and make it different.

Multiple Predators hunting together already sounds shit if you ask me, they work much better and are much more effective on screen when hunting alone. It makes it mysterious, creepy and uncanny and of course, stronger.

We don't need to see Predators communicate and see very little bit of what makes them tick to do things. It works best if the creature just pops up to scare the audience.

For all we know, the Predator we like will never be the same and going by his script the man is full of shit smear ideas for this franchise.

Fact is this Reboot is pointless in every regard, we don't need to see an updated version of the original, we don't need to see a different version of the creature, all we need is a sequel for f**ks sake, and even if we wouldn't get a sequel its fine as it is. Predator is a classic, Predator 2 a fun movie and great sequel, its great as it is, leave it and move on. A great movie doesnt need to have multiple sequels for the sake of it, it just gets worse then(Best example: Alien franchise).

The PredBen

The PredBen

I agree , the difference is in a sequel , we usually follow the same story. But... in some cases we don't. But the ideas and concepts are the same. Lets say there was a movie called , UFO MACHINE , it was about a monster sneaking out of a UFO and killing townsfolk. Now the monster is a cyborg that hates water. In the sequel , he attacks a different town but he is still a cyborg and still doesn't like water. The ideas and concept of a cyborg afraid of water terrorizing a town is the same. But in the reboot of UFO MACHINE , the cyborg is instead of being 6 foot 7 , he's 7 foot 9 and is scared of nothing. He also likely terrorizes a large urban area. See... different , the Predator 2 film , took the creature and dropped him into an urban area. Same story though , a wild alien hunter from space seeks prey and takes his kills a trophies and must fight a mono to mono fight with a hero... although Glover isn't really an action star.

Bottom line - a sequel keeps whats established in the first film.
A reboot doesn't , hell they could make Predators scared of guns and be wimpy creatures who rely on slave like animals to help them hunt... But as long as they are Predators with masks etc. its the same franchise. :P



To say that they'll change the predator is just pure speculation, why would they? what makes reboot = 20 foot predator with fangs? nothing. The predator is the predator, maybe he will have a few changes, but they can't be any worse than what we've had with AVP? 

So basically you want "the Rock" facing off with the predator in Africa? how about you just put 3D glasses on and watch predator again, it'll be the same movie with a slightly different look and a number 3 title.

Predator does not have the characters, story or depth to make sequel, or you'll just get Highlander...3...4.....5.....

Johnny Handsome

Johnny Handsome

QuoteTo say that they'll change the predator is just pure speculation
All we got for now is speculation, but going by RR's comments and his script he doesn't have a clue about what he's doing.

On the other site, saying that he wont change it is pure speculation either.

Quotewhy would they?
Why did they change the Predators into fat tanks in AvP?
Why would they make a reboot instead of a sequel?
Why cant they for once do something that the fans really want?

Quotemaybe he will have a few changes, but they can't be any worse than what we've had with AVP?
WOW, it cant get any worse then the utter shit!!
What a great solace.

What about this, don't change anything and make all fans happy? Its great how it is.

QuoteSo basically you want "the Rock" facing off with the predator in Africa?
No, but i don't want to see cloaked humans killing Predators either  :P

Quotehow about you just put 3D glasses on and watch predator again, it'll be the same movie with a slightly different look and a number 3 title.
Or what about this, i watch Predator and Predator 2 without the glasses with a cold beer and have a hell of a time without having to worry about a 3rd movie or a f**king pointless remake.

Predator 2 wasn't the same as number one, it wasn't all adrenalin driven, it got much more character development, it developed the Predator (in a really great way) and added something which i actually liked.
It can go into a different direction, just not what RR is approaching for. This is a no-go, we all knew it when we read AvP-R's script and we all know it now.

Predator does not have the characters, story or depth to make sequel
I'll put it this way, there was everything we needed in Predator, it had great action, great special effects, a great cast and a great ending with the good guy beating the bad guy.
Predator 2 had a hard time developing something new, all that was left a mystery was the Predator, and they developed that great in Predator 2. its not like with the Alien, the sequel only worked so good and is considered as something new is because the first Alien movie was so minimalistic. It didn't had gunfire and explosions and it told you very little about the Alien other then its life cycle. In Aliens they took the Action approach and therefore it was a new concept. In Predator its not that easy to come up with something new because you already had everything in one movie. Just look what happened after Aliens, it went downhill because there was nothing left. Same with Predator 2.
They couldn't beat the action because it couldn't be beaten, same for the characters, the setting and the direction of the movie, still they made a great, fun movie and a good sequel.
Its exhausted, we don't need another movie.. and we don't need a shit smear reboot of a great movie which sounds horrible from the start. They realised they couldn't do something new so they didn't made a sequel, so whats next? Reinventing the story and the character, which in this case is the Predator.

So of course it wont be the same character that we have seen, and with RR on board it will never be the same, and that's actually a BAD thing.

The PredBen

The PredBen

I third Predator would be good... just do what they did in Predator 1 , have a team in the jungle stalked by a Predator , maybe change it by adding in a new fact on Predators.  A prequel would be okay , same with a sequel , but a remake or a reboot would ruin it fully.



(johnny and everyone else with that opinion)I'm really struggling to find the reason why you would want (after about 20 years), the same kind of movie with the same kind of story with the same kind of...well everything by the sounds of it. 

I agree i don't want them ruining the concept, but the concept is as basic as you get- beast comes into mans territory-beast hunts man-beast gets defeated.

Why exactly, if I'm a run of the mill movie fan, am i going to go pay $15 for the same shit? It's not like Rambo or rocky where we've been completely starved, we've had predators ruining our screen for the past 6 years.

If your going to make that movie, why bother? predator 1 and 2 are just fine for me.

Johnny Handsome

Johnny Handsome

QuoteIf your going to make that movie, why bother? predator 1 and 2 are just fine for me.
That's what I'm talking about the whole time.

I didn't wanted any sequel, or reboot, or re-imagining, or remake. I was fine with the two movies.

BUT, if there absolutely has to be another one, i would much rather see a sequel where i know that it will follow the character i like (which is the Predator) with a different storyline. But the basics should be the same, comes to earth to hunt humans.
I don't need no reboot for trying to change it for the sake of changing it only because it was made 20 f**king years ago. Which is exactly the reason for why this reboot is being made.

Die Hard
, shit blowing up in different locations with the same spirit of good old John McClane, worked out 4 times, Aliens killing people in different locations, worked out 4 times, Terminator, machines from the future trying to kill John Connor, worked out 3 times.

I don't see your point in changing the concept for the sake of changing it. It wont make a movie good automatically if you keep the same concept, yes, but it wont make it great either if you're changing it for the sake of having something entirely new.

We already had different concepts in the AvP movies, Predators are going through a manhood ritual by killing Aliens, worked out better? No. Predator gets to earth because of crashed ship and has the mission to eliminate an Alien thread, worked out better? No.

You're acting as if Predator and Predator 2 were exactly the same movies when infact their not. They took the basic concept of the original and worked with it to get a cop/detective story going. You're also seeing that the government is chasing this creature for technology's sake, then, there is this little revenge story because a good friend got killed and of course a war between the drug lords and the Police.

Basically, taking the successful concept of the first movie and make a different movie with different characters and a different spirit. Thy didn't even bother to try and find a huge, muscular dude to replace Arnold, they took the exact opposite of Arnold and all the characters that were in the first movie. They got as far away from the jungle as it gets.

Saying that i want the same movie over and over is just wrong, because i don't. Just take the same concept (which is the Predator hunting humans) and work with it to make something fresh.
We don't need huge muscular dudes, we just need a strong character that is the hero we can identify with, AvP changed that, worked out better? No.
If anything is exactly the same, it were the Alien movies, taking the same character 4 times to kick Alien's ass, but thats what the fans wanted because it worked out the best, same thing with Predator.



Everything Johnny has said in this thread is right.

*Points finger*

"Follow Johnny! He will show you the way!"  :D

The PredBen

The PredBen

A third Predator would be well done... maybe. A sequel is where they take the concept( if it doesn't have a continuing plot , ) and bring it to a different setting. In a jungle with the army one day , in a city with cops and detectives the next. In Predators , the concept of Predators hunting may be different. Predators could be the victims in this whole thing , maybe a the crazed military man is hunting them , would that be the same concept? no. So I agree the first two films are fine , but done right , a third is only good. Hint -  I said done right!



I really don't care either way about Predator, but the general concept of reboots irks me.  It's like the people rebooting like some aspects of the original, but because they can't or don't want to stick to established rules and guidelines, they re-write it to suit themselves and call it a 'reboot; or 're-imagining'.  eg. Battlestar Galactica.

My thoughts are 'If you don't like certain aspects of the original to the point where you're changing to much - take them out and keep the stuff you do like and apply it to something ORIGINAL rather than standing on someone elses shoulders, and relyong on the fanbase they worked hard to generate'.

I'm half wary/ half excited for the new Star Trek flick for this reason.

Based on the previous Predator films rebooting seems utterly pointless.  They could do plenty by sticking to the established rules and history, without lazily rewriting the original.



Quote from: Johnny Handsome on May 11, 2009, 01:16:10 AM
That's what I'm talking about the whole time.

I didn't wanted any sequel, or reboot, or re-imagining, or remake. I was fine with the two movies.

Saying that i want the same movie over and over is just wrong, because i don't. Just take the same concept (which is the Predator hunting humans) and work with it to make something fresh.

I agree with most your points also, but you say you want "the same concept and work with it to make something fresh" ----- This IS a reboot, whats the difference?. From the material that we have been given so far, this sounds like what is going to happen. So I'm hearing your words, but you sound like your just sounding off for the sake of it. 

All i'm saying is what does it matter if its predator 3 or a re-boot, it's the same thing. Its a new predator, in a new setting, with different actors and a different story.



It depends what they change whether it'll be seen as a reboot or sequel.  Considering there's so little actually concrete about the Predators from the 2 Predator films, they could add a lot without actually altering anything.



Quote from: Johnny Handsome on May 10, 2009, 05:11:55 PM
Fact is this Reboot is pointless in every regard, we don't need to see an updated version of the original, we don't need to see a different version of the creature, all we need is a sequel for f**ks sake, and even if we wouldn't get a sequel its fine as it is. Predator is a classic, Predator 2 a fun movie and great sequel, its great as it is, leave it and move on. A great movie doesnt need to have multiple sequels for the sake of it, it just gets worse then(Best example: Alien franchise).

Agreed. Whats wrong with just another film set in the Predator movie world, the same world of 'Predator' and 'Predator 2'? It doesn't have to be 'Predator 3', but it certainly doesn't have to be a reboot or remake.
Reboot suggests a total disregard for the previous works, hence the term and remake is, well, just that.
Remakes never succeed because you cannot capture that one off moment again.
I also agree that sequels for sequels sake are blunderous as well. Look at Elm street or, as stated, Alien.



Quote from: SM on May 12, 2009, 06:13:32 AM
It depends what they change whether it'll be seen as a reboot or sequel.  Considering there's so little actually concrete about the Predators from the 2 Predator films, they could add a lot without actually altering anything.

Thank you, This is exactly my point SM, i think you've worded it a little clearer.

I think the people scared of the word re-boot should just calm down a little. Re-boot, re-make or sequel, this film won't damage anything that has'nt already been damaged. They are very simple action movie's.

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