AVP3 Ideas

Started by Originalsin, Jun 06, 2007, 08:25:09 PM

AVP3 Ideas (Read 365,060 times)



QuoteWell, one. Change the date, get rid of WY. Problems solved.

Do people not get that USM serves the exact same purpose as WY?  They're essentially a public sector version of the Company.  You could even argue they're wose because they intend use the Aliens directly for things like urban pacification.  The Company has some level of distance from something like that.  They're like Lockheed Martin.  They may not use the weapons themselves, but would happily sell them to anyone who would.

QuotePredator and Predator 2 are set in the late 80s to late 90s.


QuoteThen Comes AVP Movie 1 and AVP Movie 2 which are set later in the timeline around the  year 2000(Forgot the exact date)


QuoteSo now Alien begins where Ash having his orders by the company to protect the alien and to get it back(we all know that the company already knew about the aliens existance by now.

And they entrusted something so vitally important to a bunch of ignorant tug jockies.  Boy that Comapny sure is sharp!



"Shouldn't we send a team that knows what's going on?"
"Dean, seriously. This is why you don't get payrises."



Quote from: SM on Jan 14, 2010, 11:19:02 PM
QuoteWell, one. Change the date, get rid of WY. Problems solved.

Do people not get that USM serves the exact same purpose as WY?  They're essentially a public sector version of the Company.  You could even argue they're wose because they intend use the Aliens directly for things like urban pacification.  The Company has some level of distance from something like that.  They're like Lockheed Martin.  They may not use the weapons themselves, but would happily sell them to anyone who would.

QuotePredator and Predator 2 are set in the late 80s to late 90s.


QuoteThen Comes AVP Movie 1 and AVP Movie 2 which are set later in the timeline around the  year 2000(Forgot the exact date)


QuoteSo now Alien begins where Ash having his orders by the company to protect the alien and to get it back(we all know that the company already knew about the aliens existance by now.

And they entrusted something so vitally important to a bunch of ignorant tug jockies.  Boy that Comapny sure is sharp!

On your last comment if you look at it that way, why didn't they send scientist and marines and just set up shop around the derelict. instead of the shake and bake colony. unless that was part of their plan to make the air breathable then go in?
They'd be better to go with my idea i posted a couple of pages back then once that is done they would be free to move the franchise into what ever direction they choose. and maybe follow the games stories etc.



[quote\On your last comment if you look at it that way, why didn't they send scientist and marines and just set up shop around the derelict.[/quote]

My last comment was sarcasm.

If they really did know all about the Alien and wanted one and knew there was one on LV-426 - they would've been more cautious about obtaining it.  ie.  Send a proper bio wepaons team.  Since they sent tug jockies, it would follow they didn't know all about the Alien.

Quoteunless that was part of their plan to make the air breathable then go in?

Why wait 57 years to do this?



Quote from: SM on Jan 19, 2010, 02:10:12 AM
[quote\On your last comment if you look at it that way, why didn't they send scientist and marines and just set up shop around the derelict.

My last comment was sarcasm.

If they really did know all about the Alien and wanted one and knew there was one on LV-426 - they would've been more cautious about obtaining it.  ie.  Send a proper bio wepaons team.  Since they sent tug jockies, it would follow they didn't know all about the Alien.

Quoteunless that was part of their plan to make the air breathable then go in?

Why wait 57 years to do this?

Yes it was 57 years after alien but the colonists must of been there for at least 20 years prior cause the shake and bake colony takes decades.
I still think the company new something about the alien as ash had orders to bring it back at all costs

by the way this is what James Cameron had to say about AVP
After viewing Alien vs. Predator, however, Cameron remarked that "it was actually pretty good. I think of the five Alien films, I'd rate it third. I actually liked it. I actually liked it a lot."[

Mystic Ninja

Mystic Ninja

Everyone has one shit film that they like.

A guilty pleasure

The Demon

The Demon

Mines AvPr.  ;D

and if you consider the later Freddy movies shit, then those too. 4-6.



I want to see a GOOD AvP film. I think that it has a lot of potential it just needs the right people working on it. I feel that the first two were wasted opportunities, and we all have some ideas of what we want the 3rd one to be. Well here's my idea. P.S Its quite long but hopefully you'll think it's worth it and if you don't like it don't read on.

One Pandora like planet, Wayland Yutani has got it's eyes on it this planet because of the "natural resources". These resources are of course aliens. There is quite a hive on this planet and Weyland Industries want it. The mining colony there has protection from no other than colonial marines in all there pulse rifle toting, badass glory.Unbeknown to the marines is that there is a five man predator ship heading to the planet to catch a queen for the reasons seen in AvP. These Preds are the real deal, duel Plasma casters and wristblades, cool helmets, all acid proof, all heavily armoured motha fu**as. A small group of Aliens attack the mining colony and the colonial marines go out in force to kill them. A 12 man team is sent out to kill what is believed to be a small infestation. The aliens have dug in deep in this palnet and have turned the native populace into dribbling killers. The aliens range from looking like our standard guys with spikes on to looking like a praetorian, due to the eccentricity of the hosts (Our main alien character who is faster smarter and all together more deadly looks awesome). They also have different abilities such as spitting acid. The three species meet in a deadly battle at the mouth of the cave. The Predators lose 1 guy while the marines suffer a 4 man loss. The aliens whose initial guard count is 20 retreat after 8 go down. There are far more in the hive of course but they are not as packed together. The marines run into the cave from one entrance and are fitted with a bomb which they want to place in the egg chamber. The Predators take another entrance. After a few scary bits,the marines and predators splitting up because it is a horror film, story and character development the medic predator with embryo removing tech gets ironically dragged off, after a one on one with a deadly alien type, other predators die, from both the marines and aliens, until there is one left. He has been impregnated and has to go the the centre of the hive if he wants to survive and use the tech from his cocooned buddy to save himself. The remaining marines get there asses handed to them by strong alien numbers as they approach the centre of the hive. The remainders get cocooned but get out before impregnation, they see the predator with the tech also. The three marines left decide to plant the bomb here and get out. Our character alien knows that the only way to stop the bomb is to stop the detonator, which means killing the marines. The final Predator is cutting his way to survival by going deeper into the hive, The marines are trying to shoot there way out of the centre. And the aliens as usually want to capture or kill anything that moves. The predator gets cured and gets out, the last of the marines left, the other two dead, detonates the bomb but our character alien survives. The Predator now wants the marine dead also as he destroyed what the Predator sought. The three survivors fight one another, the marine on his last clip, the Pred badly wounded and with only his wristblades intact and the alien also wounded the fight begins. Eventually the victor is the human and he goes back to the colony to see that it has become infested by aliens, all the aliens charge at him he looks at his ammo counter, 13, he begins to fire. We get a face on zoomed out look at the lone marine and we see a lot of Predators de- cloak behind him... FIN.

Please tell me your thoughts, I know it is unoriginal and a bit cheesy and cliche but I'm only 14. If you read this far thanks!!!! ;D :D ;D

Giant Ox

Giant Ox

the first AVP was so bad the 2 preds died so fast , AVP 2 was alright



That was alright, but i don't think you can end it like that, and the idea of one smart alien kind of takes away from the species i think. (that would be more for the queen)
Here is my idea what do you think?

It should start about a six months to a year after AVP-R, but it will have the company of now Weyland-Yutani Corp. back in Gunnison, Colorado examining the landing pod in the lake that the predator used in AVP-R then transporting it back to a research facility. Then you can show another team in Antarctica getting the frozen Alien Queen out of the water (She was still alive when she was sinking). Once they get her out, they transport her to the same Weyland-Yutani military research facility complete with military personnel, where they took the landing pod, on a remote tropical island somewhere. They thaw her out and chain her up, in order to produce more eggs. They then maybe have military prisoners and use them as hosts for the aliens. Have to have someone comment on the notes made by Lex(AVP) that the aliens appeared in about 10 minutes, now they are taking hrs (in alien it must of been maybe 2 or 3 hours?)and the other creatures (predators) must of been giving the queen some sort of drug to accelerate the process.

There would have to be the inevitable disaster in order to get the Aliens to start running a muck. Then we see a ship that looks like the ship that was found in the first Alien movie and seen in the extended edition of Aliens, this ship is used by the Space Jockies (the big creature in the chair in Alien) and the Predators to transport Alien eggs to other hunting grounds. While they are passing by Earth they do a scan for the heat and conflict they crave, the monitors could show some battles in Iraq and Afghanistan and then they discover that the Aliens are running a muck on the tropical Island with the Weyland-Yutani installation.

So they cloak the ship and land at a remote spot on the island. All 3 Predators leave the ship and the lone Space Jockey is left behind. Some scientists and military personnel at the facility noticed the atmospheric disturbance from the ship and see it land and with the thermal suits (like Predator 2) they do a recon mission to the ship (do not go inside). They place a sophisticated homing device on the outside of the ship and return to the base. While this is going the remaining military personnel, scientists, Aliens and Predators are fighting it out on the island.

The Queen and a drone can end up escaping and on the way to the ship she lays her egg that will house a super face hugger with a Queen and drone embryo(as in alien 3). She then instructs the drone and face hugger that is out of the egg to head to the ship (just as she instructed the drones in Aliens to back away from Ripley). She then turns back to fight the remaining 2 predators.

The Drone and face hugger make it to the ship where they go to the observatory with the big telescope, where the drone knocks out the Space Jockey and then it is impregnated by the face hugger. All the Aliens are killed on the island and 1 Predator remains and after he kills the queen he boards the ship to leave. (There will be NO explosion to kill everything on the island) The predator takes off in the ship and once the ship is on course he then proceeds to the observatory room where he sees the space jockey against the wall passed out. He scans the jockey and sees the queen embryo gestating inside.

The same face hugger tries to impregnate the Predator, but the he kills the face hugger. Then the drone emerges and a fight happens between him and the Predator. In the final blows of the fight, the Alien is thrown to the floor and he stabs the Predator through the neck with his tail and with his last breath the predator decapitates the alien and collapses on top of the acid bleeding drone. The acid melts a hole in the deck (Like the hole in Alien.) and the now melting predator falls down the hole with the drone.

You could then go back to the Weyland-Yutani scientist tracking the ship, and then go back to the Space Jockey ship a few hours later when the Space Jockey comes to. He then hops into the big telescope chair and then you can show the Space Jockey convulsing with the Queen trying to get out, he uses the telescope chair to locate a planet to land / crash on, he then resets the computer to land / crash on a planet LV-426(from Alien and Aliens) He then sets the computer to issue the warning signal, after that the Queen bursts out of his chest killing him. The ship crashes and the hull breach occurs and the atmosphere gets in and makes the space jockey look as if it has been fossilized, And then the Queen chestburster goes down the hole made by the drone.

Once the ship comes to a stop the last thing you see is the Queen going through the ship and then the camera pulls back and you see of all the eggs that Kane saw in the first Alien movie complete with the mist and the blue barrier. This is how Weyland-Yutani Corp. knows about the ship and Alien in the first Alien movie, because it has the homing device on it. Plus it has the warning from the space jockey that mother and Ripley deciphered in Alien.

I think this would be a good way to meld the story lines together.
Perhaps Shane Black, who has written a few action films and even starred in the first Predator movie could write and direct it to bring a familiar element into the mix.



That was alright, but i don't think you can end it like that, and the idea of one smart alien kind of takes away from the species i think. (that would be more for the queen)
Here is my idea what do you think?

I liked your idea quite a bit actually, didn't think i would as it was set on earth though. I think it's a bit short though but I loved the way you branched the stories together, that was a fantastic idea well done! :) I think you should post this like I posted my idea, bulk the story up a bit and see what other people think.
P.S How would you end my story? and I wanted the character alien in my story to be independent like the alien from alien or like grid, but i didn't want the queen to be the focus point of it I wanted something unique, I mean the queen is awesome but she's 24 years old we need something fresh. But anyway thanks for reading and if you voted what did you vote and if you didn't please do. :)

Commander Griker

Commander Griker

Cool Idea



The End with the two armies look at each other is epic. :)
It's a really good idea, but we should know how the Aliens got here (or the explanation is here and I in fact didn't see it...) :)
Oh, and the director should be Emmerich, with all those "colossal" proportions. 8)



Quote from: Geraint95 on Jan 29, 2010, 07:07:23 PM

I liked your idea quite a bit actually, didn't think i would as it was set on earth though. I think it's a bit short though but I loved the way you branched the stories together, that was a fantastic idea well done! :) I think you should post this like I posted my idea, bulk the story up a bit and see what other people think.
P.S How would you end my story? and I wanted the character alien in my story to be independent like the alien from alien or like grid, but i didn't want the queen to be the focus point of it I wanted something unique, I mean the queen is awesome but she's 24 years old we need something fresh. But anyway thanks for reading and if you voted what did you vote and if you didn't please do. :)

Here is how i would of ended it. If the marine is the last one standing he could try to get back to his base and at the top of the hill a few miles away he can see his base, swarming with aliens, and there are a few preds making a last stand they set off the nuke and the marine is left and gets picked up by a drop ship.

Or in your ending actually show the aliens over run the marine, then pan into orbit and show a predator ship  looking at the infestation and it then takes off into deep space? i don't know endings are hard.

Reaper Pred

Reaper Pred

My idea of avp 3..
scientists capture a bad ass predator!!, on another planet ...
enter: aliens ...
the predator has to be brought back to earth ....
the scientists call in the marines...
their mission bring back the pred to  earth ..
But....the aliens start to get the better of them..
and the humans hav to release the pred to fight them off...kinda like ninja assassin when Rain's caught ...
may have huge plot holes...but after all its just an idea!

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