All Star Wars

Started by CELTICPRED, Dec 13, 2006, 05:23:55 AM

All Star Wars (Read 2,936,191 times)



The last time I even felt like a spoiler ruined a movie is way back when Titanic came out. Just before going, a friend of mine told me
the ship sunk.
Totally ruined it for me, didn't bother going after that.



Another ok so-so star wars film just in time for christmas.

joy! :)

Mr. Xenomorph

Mr. Xenomorph

Literally just got back from seeing it. I'm going to be griping and mentioning plot points, so DO NOT LOOK if you don't want to be spoiled.

What a bunch of plagiarised dreck. I have seen Empire and Jedi a lot - I mean - a lot of times, and it hit me immediately that they ripped off Empire right off the bat. Everything went to hell and the Rebels (hell, that's what they are) escaped like the Battle of Hoth, after that Snoke conveniently calls like Palpatine on a hologram ("Lord Vader, the Emperor commands you to contact him."). Then it started ripping off Jedi. After getting their asses handed to them. Then the Rebel fleet amasses at not-quite-Sullust-but-it's-Sullust just like Jedi, and then Laura not-quite-Mon Mothma Dern addresses everybody. Then it's Empire again. Rey goes and finds Luke who's the obligatory Yoda placeholder on a far-off planet who first doesn't want to train Luke- er, Rey, but then Yoda- er, Luke, gives in and trains her anyway. Then they even rip off the dark part of Dagobah ("That place! A domain of evil it is!") Then a few original things that kind of felt like Jabba's palace in that Casino world (hell, they even reference Jabba's sailing barge). Then the Jedi part where Vader- er, Kylo, kills the Empero- er, Snoke, and Snoke actually says "strike me down," as if they didn't lift that directly from Palpatine's dialogue. ("Strike me down with your anger, and your journey towards the Dark Side will be complete!") Then Vader -er, Kylo, kills Palpatine -er, Snoke by betraying him. Then Kylo actually says the words "...we can rule the galaxy..."which, couldn't exactly be ripping off Vader in Empire  when he says "Join me, and I will complete your training. Then we can rule the galaxy as father and son!" Or could it?? Then they had the moment when Leia was out in space and she and Luke have that moment. Yeah, where have I seen that before? Oh, yeah!! When Luke is about to fall off the bottom of Cloud City in Empire ("We have to go back!") Then they go to the Imperial base where the evil part Imperial Probe droid, part BB-8 shows up, the obligatory betrayal scene of Lando turning over Han and co. to Boba Fett (except now it's Benicio Del Toro who even says "I made a deal," which is directly lifted from Lando's dialogue in, you guessed it, Empire. ("I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever.") Then they decide that they need to take out Snoke's ship like the Executor in Jedi ("Concentrate all firepower on that super star destroyer!"). Then after that's done, they actually make it to not-quite-Hoth so that they can rip-off the snow battle, and then everyone makes it out on the Falcon ("Transport, this is Solo! We can't get to ya! Take off, I'll get her out of here on the Falcon!" and the obligatory Vader character shows up just in time for it to leave.... The parts where the Falcon was flying through the canyons was the second Death Star all over again. They even lose the dish again. Oh, and can't forget that moment when they're talking about evacuating where Threepio conveniently starts listing statistics...kind of like his lines in Empire when they're going into the asteroid field ("The odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately three thousand, seven-hundred-and-twenty to one!") This was a greatest hits compilation plain and simple. They completely ripped off both movies, but then added just enough difference and changed the story structure around like no one was going to notice it when they surrounded it with a few new things. The. Hell. Disney? I expected better from you than straight up ripping off plot points of movies I love and changing them just enough to get around saying it's recycling. Star Wars deserves better than this.

Ash 937

Ash 937

Quote from: Scorpio on Dec 14, 2017, 10:51:20 PM
"Best Star Wars film since The Empire Strikes Back" lol never trust critics when it comes to Disney.  More like worst SW film of all time.

Disney has them in their pockets.  This isn't a Star Wars film. 

Title should be changed to "The Least Jedi." 



Yeah, really didn't like this.

Loved Mark Hamill, loved Laura Dern, but the film doesn't focus on them. In fact no character takes particular focus - the film has a lot of story threads, some of which feel like a waste of time to give side characters something to do. The lack of focus results in the film feeling like it drags on about an hour longer than it does, and it's already not exactly short.

Johnson creates some cool imagery, particularly towards the end. There are lots of cute animals, and like Force Awakens the sets and effects mostly have a pleasing physicality to them, as opposed to Lucas' prequel CG-scapes. But that's about the extent of the positives. I didn't feel that the film had any standout, future-classic action sequences - even Menace and Clones had the Jedi v Maul and Obi v Jango fights that genuinely thrill and stick in the memory, for all those films' numerous flaws. I didn't detect any new themes in John Williams' score, and honestly it felt overbearing and gave me a headache (Force Awakens did too, FWIW). Some of the mysteries set up in Force Awakens are clumsily handled, and certain characters do not feel treated well. The script does manage to generate a sense of tension, and high stakes, but mostly just... clumsy is the word. Certain elements made me very disappointed, which is impossible to discuss without getting into spoilers.

Specific details. Only click if you've seen it

The treatment of Luke. This is the big one. He's the original series' character I was most looking forward to seeing, the entire basis of that trilogy. Star Wars is first and foremost about the Jedi and Sith as far as I'm concerned - dueling elemental forces of life and death, passion and control, sublimation and self-denial, and this was embodied in Luke. His character was the richest, and he was our perspective on the universe. Also, Mark Hamill is great, and has only gotten better in the decades since the first film.

I'm very happy we finally got to see him, and he's good in this film. But I wanted to see more of him. He wasn't a core focus, and his story between Return of the Jedi and Force Awakens, despite being fleshed out a bit more, remains just as irritating and plausibility-stretching to me as it did when the latter film came out. There's something a bit off about how he's written here, too, and I can't put my finger on it. All together, it doesn't feel respectful, and it doesn't sit right. And it seems like a waste. It looks like we're not going to be seeing much of him in future, so this was their opportunity.

Anyway. Also really liked Laura Dern - she's always great, but brought something new to this role that I hadn't seen from her before. Definitely elevated the material. But, again, she didn't get that much screen time, and now she's gone. Waste.

The treatment of Snoke and the Force in general was disappointing. Force Awakens really made it seem like they'd go another way with Snoke, hinting that he and Kylo Ren might (in their own minds at least) tread more of a middle-ground between the extremes of Jedi and Sith. But it turned out he's just another evil dictator, and as someone else very accurately said, is no more than a poor man's Sidious. And we still don't know who the f**k he is, or how he and the First Order gained so much power. Or what 'First Order' even means, or the significance of 'Supreme Leader' in a political context. It probably doesn't matter now.

(I'm also still a little bummed that Snoke isn't actually a monstrous giant, like his Force Awakens hologram. Would at least have given him a unique aspect in the series.)

And yeah, with the Force... it's still unexplained how Rey is immediately one of the galaxy's most proficient Force users within minutes of discovering its existence, and if anything that's now even weirder given the apparent revelation of her parentage. The toll it took on Luke didn't really sit right either, but I'd have a hard time explaining that one.

Right, negativity aside. And I do have a lot of it. Did Luke see Anakin on the rock near the end, or was that just me seeing things?



I do sometimes wonder how hated the original trilogy would have been if the internet had existed back then.



I just saw it. My first impression will be a balance to the fairly negative reactions in this thread so far. 

Overall, slightly below the level of TFA imo. Still 8/10 for me.
And of the 18 films that were released this year that I've seen in theaters, "The Last Jedi" is my favorite so far.




Absolutely hated it, worst star wars yet. CGI cool, everything els, awful.  Terrible dialogue, cuts between shots, and awful I MEAN AWFUL, film making decisions.

If you like it good for you, but I am seriously trying to find a silver lining in this BS.

Gotta agree with Hicks though, every star wars is just an enjoyable film. Really despise the decisions in this though.

Gut wrenching is an understatement.



Quote from: 426Buddy on Dec 16, 2017, 01:09:02 AM
I do sometimes wonder how hated the original trilogy would have been if the internet had existed back then.

I think the original trilogy had a fair amount of people who didn't like it at the time, we just weren't there, or we don't remember it  ;)



God where are you at a time like this



Just saw it.  Loved it.  Really had no idea what direction it would take.

Mr. Xenomorph

Mr. Xenomorph

Wow. The audience score is lower than Justice League and, worse, Episode I.



I loved the movie but alas it was in no way worth the 30 some year wait.

@Vertigo, yes that was exactly who you thought it was.

All I wanted for Christmas was some Luke Skywalker action and all I got was a f**king after image. Plus, was Snoke's only purpose... to die? I totally loved how Kylo-ren became the big bad and went all Frieza on Snoke though. Also loved the old ladies and the young ladies in the movie. Disney really is trying to level the playing field, no doubt about it.

However the big take away is that Darth Vader is still around and still very much E-V-I-L... right?

I definitely think this ESB/RotJ remake is better than TFA but no where near the OT... so at the moment it's a weak number 4 in my opinion.

Quote from: Mr. Xenomorph on Dec 16, 2017, 04:03:13 AM
Wow. The audience score is lower than Justice League and, worse, Episode I.
I can totally understand it but for me the movie was still fun as balls even though it is a major let down. However Dragonball Z fans will probably like one scene at least... ;)



Worst of the series Imo. I'm literally shocked. Choppy editing, poor plot, oddball decisions, bad acting from the newcomers, dumb dialogue, pointless exposition, Star trek problem solving, and the blue milk scene. HOLY WTF.



Forgot to post my review!

Has some fun moments, but not as good as it should have been. The pacing could sometimes drag and some attempts at comedy (especially early on) were too blatant and detracted from the atmosphere it was trying to create. With that said, there were a few nice character-building scenes and visuals in general.

The military side of it was exceptionally badly handled, it must be said and, while the Resistance characters get more fleshed out, the First Order ones seemed even more inept than ever (with the exception of Snoke, but he never manages to be as intriguing, sinister or charismatic as Palpatine was). If you thought it was odd Starkiller Base never bothered to get a fighter patrol up until shit was blowing up, you'll be cringing even more at a number of scenes here. The First Order just come across like little kids who have all the cool toys, but no f**king clue how to protect them, much less properly use them. There are spoken references to things such as "support ships", but the writer clearly had no idea how a fleet would actually, well, support itself... The 'Rebels' show has me enjoy Imperial characters like the Seventh Sister, Tarkin and Thrawn because they're relatively competent and force the main characters to out-think them. There isn't anyone like that in this and it suffers as a result. It's all about folks like Poe slamming an X-Wing around and mindlessly yelling, "WOOO!" When we see the supposed personification of the First Order's military genius, Kylo and Hux, spend most of their time childishly bickering, the lack of a focused Vader-like character feels obvious.

Yes, there are dramatic scenes. A few nice moments, but can't say there was much in them which left a memorable impression on me. There was one scene where a certain character is floating/gliding like an angel, which I think was meant to come across as hair-raising and magical, but it just looked silly to me. The better material is in Rey's continuing journey of learning about the nature of Force and all that.

Entertainment-wise, both 'Force Awakens' and, especially, 'Rogue One', were better and I honestly think children could get a bit bored in certain places. The pacing needed tightening up and there were sections which neither advanced the story at large or caused the relevant characters to meaningfully change their way of thinking, which rendered them pointless. Parts like that could easily have been removed and wouldn't have affected the film.

Still, it's fun enough for the festive season and taking friends along will probably make for a good time. Watch it as a time-killing adventure with some expensive effects. It's not as bad as the prequels, though nor does it out-class the rest.

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