Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 277,468 times)


Blast (1997)

So here we have 'Die Hard' in an Olympic stadium haha well its actually based around what could of happened if the Atlanta Olympics (1996) had come under siege from the terrorist attack which the FBI actually stopped in reality.

Despite that interesting plot it does come across as 'Die Hard' in a stadium, Ashby is the sole hero/janitor who can save everyone and his wife in this complete plot rip of 'DH'. Of course the difference here is the acting is bad, fights and action are poorly executed and its clearly more of a TV film as the whole stadium consists of about 20 people not including the terrorists. The way Divoff tries to plays it so hard, cool and serious as the baddie top dog is hilarious plus the sight of Rutger Hauer with a weird Native American Indian style haircut complete with braids is pretty peculiar.


Born To Ride (1991)

A good boys own type adventure yarn with all the right elements for viewers of all ages and both sexes, but with an eye on motorbikes, smoking and looking cool in a James Dean kind of way the guys will probably enjoy more.
You could compare this to classics like 'The Great Escape' or 'Where Eagles Dare' accept the cast is young and unknown but this works well in the film and the story. Its alittle silly, a young hotrod biker is given the choice of jail or helping the army teach its recruits to ride bikes, unlikely but who knows. There is much tomfoolery and crossed wires of course as the biker punk gets to grips with his new role but its enjoyable to watch and throw in a soppy romance between him and the Colonels daughter so all bases are covered for all.

Things get even better as the young troops get sent on a mission to Spain, in a bike race oddly, which equals alittle bit more gritty action against nasty Germans/Spanish with some killing going on but nothing graphic. A good Sunday afternoon flick to watch with a nice happy ending to lift you, can't spoil the film as its pretty obvious what will happen :)

Crazy Six (1998)

Another Pyun film with a good cast roster hmmm this guy reminds me of Uwe Boll in that he makes generally poor films yet somehow manages to recruit good actors most times. Another boring dull film with a plot that really doesn't interest thus you lose the plot out of boredom and not caring, it could of been reasonable sure but it clearly has a very limited budget, is filmed in the oddest location and having Burt Reynolds ponce around a crumbling run down Eastern European town in his cowboy hat and cowboy boots acting like a 'Walker Texas Ranger' Clint Eastwood wannabe is pretty dumb...yet possibly the best thing in the film.


Hubbs is the Roger Ebert of this site, it seems. More prolific here than anyone.


^ Hehe I watch allot of films before and after work  :P and I'm on the film section the most as I find you can only talk so much about Aliens and Predator ;)

Mean Guns (1997)

Not a bad concept from Mr Pyun this time, a crime boss gets all his enemies in one place and holds a competition to win 10million, thing is the competition is an outright killing match between everyone with no rules accept survive anyway you can. This of course equals a mass of gun fighting and violence as baddies scramble to win and survive which could of been totally cool but Pyun has gone down the lighthearted route and added a silly soundtrack of upbeat tunes along with a black/gallows type humour. I like the idea of gallows humour but I just feel this could of been much better as an out n out serious hard action flick. Still its pretty good, has afew of Pyun's regular favourite cast and the always annoying mistake that allot of action flicks suffer...a seemingly never ending stream of henchmen/cannon fodder which always leads you to ask yourself...'where did they all come from?'.



Quote from: Hubbs on May 29, 2011, 12:16:29 PM
Haha is mine, you have hehe!

Space Sweeper

Quote from: Alienseseses on May 31, 2011, 12:43:41 AM
Hubbs is the Roger Ebert of this site, it seems. More prolific here than anyone.
C'ept I don't hate Hubbs.  :laugh:

Quote from: Hubbs on May 31, 2011, 04:16:13 PM
I find you can only talk so much about Aliens and Predator ;)
Oh so very true...


Oh, I dunno. I've gotten very passionate about Aliens on occasion...


Streets of Fire (1984)

Very strange mix of 50's noir, musical and light hearted soft action which didn't really work for me, I was rather surprised as its a Hill production I expected a kick ass adult action flick but instead you get this curious blend which comes off like a high budget TV film. Great casting with allot of big names that weren't back then of course...Paxton with a dubious haircut, Moranis trying to be a tough guy and failing miserably, Pare being a plank of wood with his deliveries and Dafoe looking worryingly gay in his shiny black PVC outfits. The whole thing is pretty lame really and the dialog is laughable not to mention the acting from everyone, plot is stupid and pointless but it does look ok with all the old cars and dingy looking sets.



Let me start by saying, forget yr 'X-Men: First Class' and 'Pirates of the Caribbean' THIS is THE film for action so far this year period.

I'm not gonna lie to you but this film borrows from every top film you can think of, there are many elements taken from the likes of 'Star Wars', 'The Matrix', 'Blade Runner', 'Blade', 'Aliens', 'Wild Wild West', 'Judge Dredd' and some visual styles from classic Westerns. All of which can be seen throughout for sure but this does not take away from this stunning post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller.

The start of the film is excellent with a gorgeous animated intro sequence explaining this films fantasy universe and what has gone before, the sequence is great stuff and is easily an animated series franchise in the waiting ready to go up against 'Clone Wars', I would watch it :)
From there we get introduced to a very 'Blade Runner' heavily influenced city which is constructed in the form of 'Mega City 1' from the 'Dredd' universe (a city behind massive walls where outside there is nothing but wasteland), yes its not too original but by golly it looks damn good. Everything you see is stylishly designed from clothes, buildings, signs to room interiors, to the smallest detail and it all looks practical too, this includes the amazing looking speeder Batbikes...sorry motorbikes that are used, merely a turbine engine with a seat haha, they look powerful and slick.

I was hugely impressed with the first 20mins of the first and really wanted to see more, unfortunately from there we move into the wastelands where it goes to a more sci-fi Western theme which is still nicely done but it gets a tiny bit hokey, the landscapes you see are fantastic. We see Urban doing his best Clint thing along with his Clint hat, the fact that he is the main villain was obvious and also kind silly really, why is it all people that are best friends with the hero, that get killed by the enemy, then come back from the dead blaming their best friend for their death!?

Anyhows as the film moves on we do get some silly 'Matrix' style slow-mo fighting with a rather dubious way of killing the 'Hive Guardian' but none the less it doesn't detract. The vamps in the film look awesome and scary, their heads look slightly like Giger designs but they work well with steady cgi and with the mix of vamp slaves (humans that are half vamp, think 'Blade), the larger guardians and the mysterious Queen there is a good species evolution here for further exploration.

Casting is good here too with recognisable names but not big names which always works better in my view, Bettany is excellent here with his calm Jedi-like performance, you could see him as a Jedi easily haha same can be said for Maggie Q with her decent Jedi-like performance, both are not over the top but more understated and reserved as they battle along. Urban is more comicbook but he looks cool admittedly, its a shame the finale gets too comicbook-ish over the stylised future we were given at first.

This isn't gonna win any Oscars and from what I've read it hasn't wowed allot of people, why I don't know because I found it tremendous fun with gorgeous graphic design work used throughout making it a highly stylised distopian future set noir least for the first 20min. Yes it gets abit silly as it progresses through and I wish they could of remained in the city (hopefully the sequel eh) but its still a vampire flick bottom line. I feel for Bettany as I enjoyed 'Legion' with its John Carpenter-like style and presentation which was underrated, this too is HIGHLY underrated and has immense promise with its vampire mythology and universe. I can't understand why people would enjoy semi decent fluff like 'Pirates of the Caribbean: Stranger Tides' and knock a visually impressive and promising fable like 'Priest'!
If you liked any of the films I have mentioned before then I see no reason why you won't like 'Priest', think 'Blade' set in the future or Jedi fighting vampires in a Blade Runner/Western world ;) highly recommended.


Kung Fu Panda 2

The first film was good and visually stunning, this sequel is just as good and just as visually stunning :)
Dreamworks have had a rather inconsistant run of cgi animated films in my opinion with the best up till now being 'Over The Hedge', 'Monsters Vs Aliens' and 'How to Train Your Dragon' but Kung Fu Panda for me is the clear winner in their roster by far.

My love of the East of course makes me slightly biased towards the subject matter but no one can deny the beautiful visual display this film offers from start to finish, every frame is luscious, crisp, sharp, full of energy and bubbling over with life. Not only is this fantasy world colourful and fantastically well animated but it actually looks pretty close to real Chinese countryside and Pagodas etc...The atmosphere and design work is the best I've seen for along time with so much detail and this is just the background!

The characters are all great fun too with their own unique fighting styles, movement and personalities, I love how Dreamworks have created each character with their individual look and way of interacting as a team. None of the main heroes ever seem left out and all get some amusing lines, the bonus in this film is we get more fighting creatures with their own unique styles yet they all fit in so well and don't seem wasted. Each animal uses his or her body shape/physicality's to their advantage for fighting, it sounds simple enough but you try and think of a way a crocodile or ox could be martial artists and look good doing it ;)
I loved the whole team when they are together near the finale, its just such a kick ass team each with their own moves, would make a great 'beat em up' for console gaming. Same goes for the baddies too, all the wolves look damn cool whilst 'Shen' the Peacock again works so well when its come to movement/style and across the board (for once) all the voice work is perfect to every character, Seth Rogan and 'Mantis' being my favourite :)

I should also mention the fantastic delicate oriental paper puppet style animated sequence at the start of the film which explains the story leading up to the main plot, truly beautiful sequence worthy of any real life historic tale. Can Dreamworks keep up the good run? Kung Fu Panda 3 I'm sure will be here soon (judging by the end) and I can't wait.


f**k, Hubbs, do you do anything BUT watch films?  :o Bravo


I tend to watch allot yes hehe I'm a film buff  ;D thing is I never watch TV ever!! nothing, and I don't often play on any consoles either so watching films is my only thing really.


X-Men: First Class

The problem with this film is its too soon since the trilogy and isn't needed, the whole film felt poor in every aspect especially the dreadful effects throughout the film. Bad use of greenscreen and cgi made action sequences look very average, the characters looked plain silly eg. the Beast makeup was just terrible compared to 'Last Stand', Azazel looked like a bad halloween job and Mystique just looked poor..very poor indeed, her transformation effects were terrible! not a patch on the trilogy.

Its not all bad I admit as the first 30min of the film is pretty solid stuff with good character building mainly with 'Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto', we also get a nice recruitment sequence to boot, always a winning move that, nice to see the different characters brought together into a team ready for action. The same build up for the baddies is also good with plot building surrounding Shaw and Frost just a shame we don't get anything for their henchmen eg. Azazel. The plot? its an overflowing mess of Nazi Germany, Cuban Missile Crisis, teen angst/romance (as usual) and civil rights for mutants, in short there's too much going on plus the many super freaks running around all squeezed in.

I think the film designers did well to make the film look dated back to the 60's with sets, designs, wardrobe and dressings, the X-Men outfits are pretty decent too much like the black numbers from the trilogy, but of course the main casting is probably the best thing in the film. Bacon, Fassbender and McAvoy all add a much needed element of class to the film which is sorely lacking from the younger cast who are all pretty dire to say the least, in short the three main guys save the film with straight stoic performances which are believeable and they do look kinda similar to the earlier films.

I still had issues with the film as it concluded like the constant 'side swapping' that happens here and there with the characters, why does Magneto suddenly decide to go against Xavier at the end? why does Mystique go with Magneto when she loves Beast? why did Angel go with Shaw? why at the end does almost everyone just go off with Magneto dumping Xavier? also should Shaw and Darwin get killed? I read differently about their comicbook incarnations and how come Magneto can fly all of a sudden at the end? guess I'm not fanboy enough huh. In the end this just felt strained, some things looked good whilst other things were pretty bad but remember this is an honest review from a guy in the middle, I'm not gonna say its a great film simply because everyone else says it is and its the new X-Men film, if its poor I will say so and this was deeply average.


Troll Hunter (2010, NOR)

So Scandinavia has trolls it seems hmmm well you could believe it after watching this film if 'The Blair Witch Project' hadn't been made first of course ;) and there is your problem really, the way the film is made from start to finish is really a rip of 'TBWP' right down to the text warnings at the beginning/end of the film. You really can't help but compare the two, the only difference being one is witches one is trolls.

Let me be clear that's totally fine as the film is actually a pretty neat mysterious/doc type flick with plenty good moments, nothing that's gonna scare the pants of you and nothing that's gonna amaze you but its solid stuff. The whole film is of course in hand held cam mode (or so it seems) for realism which works, the actors all play along with innocent naive expressions on their faces as they learn of the fairytale wonder before them whilst the gruff, bearded, emotionless, big game troll hunter mooches around barking instructions to the camera crew and generally being a mans man.

Its enjoyable light stuff which is directed really well and does succeed in making you kinda believe, you do of course see some trolls, mainly at night or through night vision, so its actually hard to tell if the effects are any good or not, they seem to look good but I actually couldn't decide wether they were cgi or possibly stop/go animation. None the less the finale is the highlight of the troll chasing with a decent looking 'Jurassic Park' style sequence which looks good but like the film is abit of an anticlimax right at the very end.


Your Highness

Well I never thought I would hear Natalie Portman say 'cock' or swear even, shes such a little miss perfect type haha well this film was full of surprises such as that, the fact its foul mouthed and quite a vulgar film for one. This brought thoughts of Mel Brooks 'Spaceballs' and 'Men in Tights' straight away when the film kicked off yet not as funny simply or rude, I wasn't impressed for some time to be honest, the verbal was off putting and hardly funny whilst the whole thing looked cheap, cliched, dated and pointless.

Danny McBride is of course the main source of laughs and well cast (never heard of him before though) yet I got the feeling that Ricky Gervais would of been perfect for this role. He is the best thing in the film character wise but admittedly his servant 'Courtney' played by Rasmus Hardiker did bring some good moments of dialog, Justin Theroux is decent and humorous at times as the evil sorcerer and Charles Dance gets slightly carried away and takes it all rather seriously haha damn good wig though.

I think of this as an 'Evil Dead: Army of Darkness' type flick with moments of gratuitous violence and quite strong adult humour mixed with silly visual gags, some of which are actually quite funny whilst some are abit childish and make you cringe as they are shoved in your face (the f***kening!?). A cocktail of all sorts which works here and there, definitely not a kids film (as I thought) and still surprised Portman was involved.

Belladonna: 'How are you going to make me love you?'
Leezar: 'If your vagina is anything like my hand, there will be no problem'

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