Mechanics Needing To Be Changed

Started by Xenomorphine, Jan 21, 2010, 02:27:51 AM

Mechanics Needing To Be Changed (Read 78,862 times)


My opinion on the OP:

Alien 'growls': Indeed. A new wave sound is highly recommended. Some sort of nervous and agressive 'with treble growl'.

Predator HUD/Vision modes: zoom lines are just annoying; something most subtle might be made to report the gamer he's into zoom mode. On vision modes: Transition with the good ol' whipcrack sound are a must. Maybe just lowering the volume to increase stealth factor... but hey.. enemies around are not supposed to hear it but yourself, who is wearing the biomask. I miss some sort of soft metalic audio filter for the thermal vision mode. The later is just an idea though.

Predator functions: If true, then your suggestion sounds good to me. Although I've to check this myself into the game.

Predator voice mimic: Looks very good and promising according to what I've seen in those videos. On mimick sound locations and so on.. I'll be brief here.. Today, there're weapons to make you think you're talking with God. ;)

That's all for now.


Quote from: Giger_Incubator on Jan 21, 2010, 02:56:56 AM
What your talking about won't be patched. It's over.

Actually, there's a good chance it will be. :) That's why I'm referring to things which should be easily fixable, but, for whatever reason, just haven't been. I'm hoping that, if they can't be altered before final release, then they will be in a patch.

Quote from: l3awl3ag on Jan 21, 2010, 03:07:30 AM
I agree with all of your points appart from the predator vision one. I don't have any legitimate reason to other than that I absolutely hate games that allow you to switch between first and third person perspective, sorry lol. It's a bit of an immersion killer for me. I know that's kinda daft, what with the fact that I'll be playing an alien, but still..

I understand what you mean, but it's the only way I think of to straddle both movie authenticity and allow for seeing in the human wavelength, with any sort of continuity. I'd actually quite like to see a third-person option, to be honest! I think there was a 'cheat' (although, quite why it was labelled as such, I don't know) for either the first or second game, which allowed you to do just that. The only problem was that the camera didn't always adjust well to compensate for walls and the like (which wasn't really a problem, as it wasn't really an official feature).

QuoteAlso I find it causes problems online. Players using the predator would be able to "corner camp", i.e. hide behind cover and observe the area infront of them without actually exposing themselves. That might not be a huge problem in a game as fast paced as this, other than the possibility of plasma caster abuse, but after playing G.R.A.W I've grown to hate it.

Isn't that what a Predator's meant to do? :)

Ambushing is a legitimate tactic for any of the species to use, in any case. Making it difficult for people to do so should be something covered by level design: Aliens can see Predators, no matter what, regardless.

Quote from: z0diac on Jan 21, 2010, 03:11:07 AM
How can we assume this is a near final build?  We have no idea when or where the footage surfaced from (besides the MSXbox site).  Besides, it even gives indication of being a "Work in Progress" via the watermark.

Though you do bring up some valid points that I too questioned while watching the videos, but nevertheless, all of these are just assumptions until the final build/retail version is released and reviewed.

Agreed, but the final product is only about a month away and these are apparently part of the official campaign, being as they're part of a series (a 'ten minute long' theme). I can't see them using old stuff closer to the release date and, as I say, a lot of it is more advanced than what we had seen.

I think that what's depicted in them is at least the most advanced footage we have to hand, even if the actual release might differ.

Quote from: Private W Hudson on Jan 21, 2010, 03:34:50 AM
I've never nitpicked on this game yet, But after seeing the alien gameplay for 10mins i was a little dissapointed with how it's working out the AI is pretty bad.. what happend to all the panic and screams from avp1, What's with the workers not moving when they see a alien. Dare i say it i even saw a glitch or somthing the alien was climbing and was performing a stealth kill but nothing happend the marine just dropped dead was pretty bad. The voice acting ain't the greatest either, and when you harvest and the facehugger is fininshed the bodies flop like something is wrong with the physics or is that just they're nerves. Honestly the best campaign i've seen so far is the marine one. The noobie players make it worse.

The AI does need improving. I didn't have any problem with the facehugger hosting or anything like that (I liked the look of it, but astill wish they explained where they're coming from), but it'd be nice for the AI to have some kind of 'WTF is that'-mode, where a character is just plain confused] or simply acts more cautious (with a chance, ideally, for you to simply remain stealthy and get them to calm down after a while).

Now, there might be that (and we do know that civilians do panic to try adn commit suicide, which is an excellent gameplay mechanic), but in these videos, the soldiers are basically eithe ron patrol or incredibly aggressive. There's apparently nothing in between.

Here's hoping that there will be, though!

Quote from: Eidotemit on Jan 21, 2010, 03:46:19 AM
Absolutely agree on this. Hell, I don't even mind an occasional growl, but the fact that it happens with every move that you make is a bit annoying and I would much rather have them not do it.

Yeah. I don't mind the rare odd instance, here and there, but announcin gits presence to the world, every time it leaps, is a bit much (especially when nearby characters don't actually react to it doing so, rendering it slightly pointless!).

QuoteI would also prefer the snapshot zoom seen in the original movies. What is in the game now doesn't really bother me, but I would rather have it be like movies. The lines, I don't really mind those at all.

I just don't understand the purpose of the lines. Not at that magnitude. I remember rumours, a while back, about how they were probably going to be removed from the final version, but so far, nothing. There are easier and subtle ways of representing magnification levels, without it obscuring the view.

QuoteI don't see it.

Told you it's difficult to explain! :) Maybe it's just me, but with a lot of games, it feels like the gun is just taped ot the actual screen, specifically because it doesn't move while you move. It doesn't feel like somehting you're holding. It feels like it's physically attached to your helmet or something, rather than being carried around in hands.

As I say, though, this is relatively trivial, but acfter the really beautiful implementation of hte elevator doors, flares, nest material and so on, it would be nice to see this also looked at.

QuoteThis doesn't bother me at all, I find it perfectly reasonable that the predator mask can have a visible light mode. I do somewhat agree on that opening video, but meh.

See, to me, I realise it might be kind of necessary for casual gamers, but it sort of removes the feel of 'being' the Predator. Considering it's meant to be getting portrayed like a brick shithouse in the game, it would even be a way to stop Predator players from dominating everything in multiplayer.

The other solution, as someone once said around here, is to do it by difficulty level: Veteran and so on, meaning that you can't see in human wavelengths. We've seen how 'natural' Predator eyesight is like, in the films and they shouldn't be able to perceive things how we do.

Why they have to virtually 'canonise' it as what a Predator really can do, by putting it in the cinematic, though... That's what I don't get. Just have the cinematic first-person part done in thermal.

QuoteYeah, I thought the voice throw was strange. Why can't the pred be the source? Wouldn't it have been fine to mimic something and then you move? Add a bit more challenge, and is more authentic.

Exactly what I was thinking: It adds a challenge. Giving them an ability to throw a voice, is something I'd happily do away with, in favour of being able to carry out kills while in cloak.

Quote from: gss on Jan 21, 2010, 01:15:28 PM
Totaly agree about everything. I noticed that in predator trailer zooming is fine (snapshot), but in demos we saw it's not....

That's where I originally picked up on it, yeah. we got the first Predator footage through and I remember posting how it's a bit strange, because the adverts portrayed it differently: Which came first? Did the advert people deliberately edit it different, aware of that being how it should be? Or ere they given a more advanced version of the thing?

It's a shame, either way. One of the weird things I always thought was a bug in the second game and here it's getting repeated.

Quote from: The_Silencer on Jan 21, 2010, 01:21:11 PM
Alien 'growls': Indeed. A new wave sound is highly recommended. Some sort of nervous and agressive 'with treble growl'.

I really don't mind hte hisses, although still think they should be quieter: The Alien gameplay experience is supposedly meant to be about stealth, after all...

QuotePredator HUD/Vision modes: zoom lines are just annoying; something most subtle might be made to report the gamer he's into zoom mode. On vision modes: Transition with the good ol' whipcrack sound are a must. Maybe just lowering the volume to increase stealth factor... but hey.. enemies around are not supposed to hear it but yourself, who is wearing the biomask. I miss some sort of soft metalic audio filter for the thermal vision mode. The later is just an idea though.

Ah yes! The audio! I forgot that! I'd like to hear those human voices slightly more distorted, too.

QuotePredator voice mimic: Looks very good and promising according to what I've seen in those videos. On mimick sound locations and so on.. I'll be brief here.. Today, there're weapons to make you think you're talking with God. ;)

Oh, I know. :) Considering Predator masks don't have a massive great speaker on the front, though, I'm not sure I'd buy that... ;)



Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jan 21, 2010, 04:31:27 PM

QuoteI don't see it.

Told you it's difficult to explain! :) Maybe it's just me, but with a lot of games, it feels like the gun is just taped ot the actual screen, specifically because it doesn't move while you move. It doesn't feel like somehting you're holding. It feels like it's physically attached to your helmet or something, rather than being carried around in hands.

As I say, though, this is relatively trivial, but acfter the really beautiful implementation of hte elevator doors, flares, nest material and so on, it would be nice to see this also looked at.

if you look at the videos you`ll see the gun drag and move as a result of physically moving or simply looking around. it`s subtle, but it`s there :)


Cloacking VFX in Electric blue instead of pure white color.. hey.. wait a sec. Something has changed... :P


Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jan 21, 2010, 04:31:27 PM
Quote from: Giger_Incubator on Jan 21, 2010, 02:56:56 AM
What your talking about won't be patched. It's over.

Actually, there's a good chance it will be. :) That's why I'm referring to things which should be easily fixable, but, for whatever reason, just haven't been. I'm hoping that, if they can't be altered before final release, then they will be in a patch.

We're not talking about a bug, or a balancing issue.  This is a design that they decided on after months and months of planning.  It won't be changed, at all. 



Then a modification can maybe do the job.


Lol. G_I.. That's sounds to me so.. absolute?.. :)

The devs are currently polishing the game so you may expect whatever they do decide to put in the retail version... and/or the demo..



Quote from: AJL on Jan 21, 2010, 12:55:06 PM
You know whats Real stupid about most games (or all games) ? They are all soaking in
huge numbers of unrealistic features which make the characters easier and stronger...

- They run the same speed to all directions (they go faster backwards than I go forward)...
- Running and jumping and stuff like that have little or no effect in the accuracy...
- They can shoot their big rapid firing machine guns with little or no recoil...
- They can carry truckloads of weapons and ammo in their pockets...
- They have simple health system that is nothing more than numbers...
  (being near dead won't hinder them in any way)
- ...

But then when the characters become too damn powerfull and they need to
make them weaker and harder to play to balance things...

What do they do ??

Do they diminish those unrealistic strengths and advantages to gain balance
and realism at the same time ?? NO! Of course not... Neveer! ;D

No no no... They invent and throw in some new artificial feeling and of course
again unrealistic feature to weaken them... :-\

Mutch win i sense in this quote ;D



Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jan 21, 2010, 02:27:51 AM
Predator vision: I still say that a much better way to allow the user to 'see' on the human wavelength, would be to allow that if the user switches to third-person view, but prevent it if only seeing from the creature's perspective. Since they're not doing that, however, I'm going to be hand-waving it as one of those 'silly, but what can you do' things, like the magically appearing facehuggers. What is weird, however, is that they're including the Predators apparently seeing things in that way, as part of the cinematics! See that 'mask recording' of one they're playing? What was wrong with portraying that part exclusively in thermal?

It could have been nice if they would have implemented that blurry red shade vision we
see at the end of the Predator1 movie. But only as optional feature. (Something you can
turn off if you want to...)

But... In cutscenes shown through preds eyes the vision should never be normal visible
light vision...


Quote from: The_Silencer on Jan 21, 2010, 05:16:48 PM

Lol. G_I.. That's sounds to me so.. absolute?.. :)

What, you calin me a Sith or something?  lol

I just don't think a design issue can be fixed when its not something they apparently want to fix.

Did I mention I would much rather have the Pred's zoom from the movies?


I was just looken at this picture and thinking back to the trailers ect ive seen for the game and something kinda hit me.

I know its not a biggy but it still is something they should of fixed prior.

Alright if you look at the picture the predy is facing us, the laser mount is on the right side of the bio "helmet" and his backpack with his cannon is on the in game from the scenes i recall the laser turns on on the right hand side of the screen when your looken through as the predator and the cannon shoots on the left

I mean its kinda not big but again..detail.

if your not following if the laser mount is on the right on the pic that means when we play the laser when it turns on should be on the left side of the screen rather the right. and the backpack is on the left side of this picture above but ingame the cannon shoots from the left side..get me?

If iam wrong and nuts..w/e iam tired lol

Steve C

Steve C

I just want the predator sounds (weapons and ESPECIALLY vision modes) to be pulled from the first two movies rather than AvP-R.  Seriously, what's so hard about that? 


Quote from: Steve C on Jan 22, 2010, 12:20:26 AM
I just want the predator sounds (weapons and ESPECIALLY vision modes) to be pulled from the first two movies rather than AvP-R.  Seriously, what's so hard about that?

A lot, copyright wise.



Quote from: Giger_Incubator on Jan 22, 2010, 12:22:39 AM
Quote from: Steve C on Jan 22, 2010, 12:20:26 AM
I just want the predator sounds (weapons and ESPECIALLY vision modes) to be pulled from the first two movies rather than AvP-R.  Seriously, what's so hard about that?

A lot, copyright wise.

Well its hardly a problem for Rebellion copyright wise, buddy as they have the agreement from FOX and FOX owns all the rights from the Predator franchise, hence there should be minimal if even non-existant issues regarding sounds and other movie related matters.

After all they would not even be allowed to name this game Aliens vs Predator let alone to work on it, if they would not have the approvment from FOX Interactive (20th centruy Fox etc.) in order to make this game ;).

So I doubt that this is much of a problem.

Rebellion is actually allowed to use everything that is within the license from FOX in order to create this game and that includes the sounds, the graphics, the names asf. .

Edit: That then depends on the higher ups and "heads" from FOX whether certain things are allowed or are being seen as mental property of maybe certain people (directors like JC or RS or JMcT or the authors/script writers etc.) that do not want that certain things are being stolen or altered from their original concept. You know this is something that they have to take care of and talk with the corresponding people in order to get the approvments, apart from that they are allowed to use everything that is within the license like I said.


Quote from: Tomar on Jan 22, 2010, 12:30:47 AM
Quote from: Giger_Incubator on Jan 22, 2010, 12:22:39 AM
Quote from: Steve C on Jan 22, 2010, 12:20:26 AM
I just want the predator sounds (weapons and ESPECIALLY vision modes) to be pulled from the first two movies rather than AvP-R.  Seriously, what's so hard about that?

A lot, copyright wise.

Well its hardly a problem for Rebellion copyright wise, buddy as they have the agreement from FOX and FOX owns all the rights from the Predator franchise, hence there should be minimal if even non-existant issues regarding sounds and other movie related matters.

After all they would not even be allowed to name this game Aliens vs Predator let alone to work on it, if they would not have the approvment from FOX Interactive (20th centruy Fox etc.) in order to make this game ;).

So I doubt that this is much of a problem.

They said they were having licensing issues with other aspects such as movie based levels and similar things.

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