Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 276,848 times)



Se7en Review

VisualFx: (89%)

the visual effects are great and realistic, scenes where people get killed are great. The atmosphere is amazing and makes you part of the movie. They're very little CGI is used in the movie, there some of the stunts are done in CG but it manages to pull them off nicely.

Storyline: (92%)

Well the movie is about a detective named David Mills (Brad Pitt) has just moved into the city with his wife, Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow) in hope of finally settling down. Mills will take over the job of Detective Lt. William Somerset (Morgan Freeman) an old cop who has seven days until his retirement begins. Later they found a deranged serial-killer named John Doe and is involves choosing seven victims who represent egregious examples of transgressions of each of the Seven Deadly Sins. The story is amazing and makes you kept confused throughout the film. The concept of the seven deadly sins for killing people is amazing. They're very little movies with the same concept but fail badly. But Andrew Kevin Walker did amazing on job on this concept.

SoundFx: (90%)

The sound is good, and the score is amazing. The score fits very well with the movie and fits well with the movie scenes that happen in the movie. The score is creepy and it fits perfectly with the tone that the movies has.

Violent Factor: (80%)

There is a lot of blood in this movie. There scenes where you see people get killed and blood all over there body. There is a lot of disturbing scenes in the movie where you see dead bodies on the ground and people without there skins on their body. There no sex scenes in the movie but it a gory.

Overall: (87%)

Overall this movie is great and everything about this movie is amazing. The made brilliantly by David Fincher and it was big improvement over this last movie at the time (Alien 3). The only thing I don't like about the movie is too slow at the first but the movie gets way better in the middle and end of the movie. This movie is must buy and people who like Mystery or Horror movies will enjoy it.

War Wager

War Wager

Requested by Ratchetcomand

VisualFx: (74%)

Many of the creature CG is pretty good, better than A:R and Anaconda of that year but nowhere near as good as Independance Day or Godzilla. A lot of the creature effects are suit work which also gives the creature a creepy, real vibe.

Storyline: (63%)

The basic story of humans being killed by muatnt bugs is nothing new, very cliche and cheesey. But this movie makes it work and instead of opting for your classic fun bug movie goes for a real dark, moody horror movie that just makes it stand out even further. I also thought that the reason the bugs are being introduced to combat a deadly disease that infects children was genuis idea.

SoundFx: (86%)

Nothing really stands out during the first part of the movie but when the real horror takes place in the sewers, the movies sound is just brilliant. Very detailed sounds in the sewers themselves make them come to life and inturn make the Judas Bugs even more terrifying.

Violent Factor: (58%)

Doesn't have a great deal of blood or gore. One thing I admire about this movie is that it does what few horror movies have the guts to do = kill off kids. I was pretty shocked at how violent the kids death scenes were and I guess that really makes you hate the JB even more.

Overall: (75%)

One of the few horror movies of the 90's that really got to me. Great creature effects, sound design and and overall scary tone. A very creepy score really helps with the horror. Great acting from all the cast, espiecally Dutton (who by the way sacrificed himself 5 years earlier to another nasty monster  ;)) Another two crappy sequels followed but this is the real deal.

War Wager

Requested by Ratchetcomand

VisualFx: (93%)

Pretty impressive stuff overall, one of the few movies that is on par with Jurassic Park. None of the CG looks fake or crappy exept mabye a few parts in the end. The light reflecting on the babies scales doesn't really look good at all. Apart from that awesome effects all around. 

Storyline: (58%)

I'm personally sick of movies being set in New York, but when I first saw when I was 8 I obviously didn't care. It actually scared me quite a bit seeing this enoumous beast waltzing right through the city without a care in the world. The best part of the story overall for me is the whole Madison Sqaure Gardens Nest in the movies finale. Pretty classic in my eyes and showed you that size doesn't really matter...  :P

SoundFx: (75%)

The vocals of Godzilla himself are just genius. Very iconic and mutant-like. The gunfire in some scenes is just brilliant and the overall noise of the city really sucks you into the movie.

Violent Factor: (27%)

No blood whatsoever, basically people being killed off screen.

Overall: (82%)

An awesome movie that left me in aw back when I saw it at the cinema. I thought this was really happening and I had and still do have a blast watching it. An obvious popcorn movie, but an excellent one. The overall acting is very average but eveything else is just breathtaking. One of the few remakes that are superior to the orignals.


Have you seen any of Toho's Godzillas?

War Wager

War Wager

Requested by Ratchetcomand

VisualFx: (59%)

Pretty good for the time. I expected worse but was suprised at how real some of the CG is. Saying that some of it is pretty iffy. Scenes where you've got a Werewolf standing still or hardly moving are ususally the best ones as the fur effects are really good.

Storyline: (37%)

Very basic, very much like a trashy teen travel movie at the start. Going on later to a trashy murderous cult movie. A must admit I do like it being set in Paris. Although Werewolfs are seen as muderous creatures they appear in this movie as a sort of mix between killers/romantic. I don't know what it is, I just got that vibe...  :P

SoundFx: (55%)

Very average, although the Werewolf vocals were very good. One scene in which one uses the vocals from the first movie was a nice touch.

Violent Factor: (75%)

A lot more bloodier than the original. One horrible scene in the first one is obviously the transformation, but in this movie it's been reduced to a quicker, less painful looking one, probably to reduce the certificate. A lot of the violence also comes as humour, like a when the undead womans organs keep falling out and blood just keeps pouring out.

Overall: (64%)

Has nothing on the orginal but is a fun movie in it's own right. It's very underrated, although it's slapstick and not-so-serious vibe is probably what causes it to be. Acting isn't too good and the plot is little to be desired. Other than that, it's just a fun movie to watch. Definitley not the worst Werewolf but... wait... no it could be worst.



Blade Trinity Review

VisualFx: (72%)

The CGI is really good, it was an improvement from Blade 2 and I pretty surprised at how real some off the CG is. The action VisualFx are nice but there not good as Spider-man (And it Sequels) or X-men 2. The one thing I did like about the Visuals was some light reflecting in the movie. It not bad but some parts of the reflecting makes some scenes look dull and burning. 

Storyline: (34%)

The movie takes place 3 years after Blade II. Blade has been joining forces with two vampire hunters, part of a group called the Nights talkers, as they tackle the powerful and ruthless villain named Dania Talos. The story is pretty basic and there nothing more to it. I also I didn't like Ryan Reynolds character that much. He didn't have that much development and he was very burning to like. He was annoying for half the film. Another bad thing about this movie was Blade Trinity has as much bad laughter with the characters like Darke (Who also know as Dracula). He was one the worst villains in the Blade Series and I also hated the actor that played as him. Blade role in the movie is bad and he doesn't play that much in the storyline. Yet another flaw is that movie has stuff in the movie that is useless like Whistler has a daughter. Who really cares if Whistler's has a daughter? So in the end, the story is not very imaginative and is crap from start to finish.

SoundFx: (65%)

Nothing really special, pretty average in many ways. Although the opening theme was good and some of the music that where playing in the fight scenes where good. I still don't like The Rap music in the Blade movies and I never have. But other than that I really did enjoy the music score that the movie had. The song "Weapons of Mass Distortion" by The Crystal Method that was played in the finale was great.

Violent Level: (90%)

Just like the other Blade movies, the movie has a lot of Blood and Gore. There are scenes where you see people get killed and dead bodies everywhere. When Blade slices into his victims with his sword is very bloody. So if you don't like Blood or Gore then is warn because this movie has a lot of it.

Overall: (49%)

So overall the movie is worst in the series and Blade Trinity was a big disappointing. This movie was a terrible way to end a good movie franchise and they should have ended the series with Blade II. I would love to see another movie but it not going to happen due the frailer that this movie had. This movie would have been so much better if Blade had a better role and if the movie didn't had that much humor in the movie. I was disappointed that some of the movies that Mr. Goyer has written are excellent films (Like Batman Begins) but this movie was not excellent. So in the end, Blade Trinity is not worth your money or your time.


Do a review on Rob Zombie's Halloween Plz



Quote from: Zero on Mar 31, 2008, 11:00:24 PM
Do a review on Rob Zombie's Halloween Plz

Sure. I do it later.


I want to know what somebody else thought of The Fountain.

It's my new favorite film.



Quote from: Alienseseses on Mar 31, 2008, 11:27:14 PM
I want to know what somebody else thought of The Fountain.

It's my new favorite film.

I haven't seen it yet but your review is good.

War Wager

VisualFx: (0%)

No CG usage at all.

Storyline: (88%)

Robin Williams dressing up a Scottish nanny  just to be with his kids is pretty comical, but underneath it all it has a very strong message about family, love etc. Of course one of the most loved parts of the movie is that it's just so dang funny. I literally had tears running down my face as some parts when I first saw it. Definitely one the funniest movies of the 90's.

SoundFx: (50%)

Your average of a movie.

Violent Factor: (2%)

No real blood or anything drastic, exept mabye at the end where Maranda's boyfriend is chocking in the resturaunt might be seen a 'violent'.

Overall: (85%)

A really fine movie with an original plot and terrific acting from Williams and Field. A quirky and somethimes touching score from Harold Shore suits the scenes perfect. Definitely one of Robin Williams best movies, proving that he's just as great with drama aswell as hilarious comedy. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet... shame on you!  ;)


I saw it on a TV on a bus.  :D

War Wager

VisualFx: (63%)

Pretty average stuff. A lot of the coaster crash is CG which is pretty good. The movie obviously features a lot CG blood, which a lot of is pretty decent. At least better than one AvPR.

Storyline: (80%)

Probably the best one yet. The teens esacpe deaths grip as usual, although this time the main character Wendy has clues in which how her friends will die. This allows audience to take part in the movie, trying to figure out what will kill who. A found myself doing exactly this and being quite suprised at what the deaths actually turned out to be.

SoundFx: (53%)

Nothing really stands out exept the coaster crash at the beggining which I thought used great sounds.

Violent Factor: (77%)

Third movies are usually the bloodiest in a franchise and FD3 is no different. All the deaths are pretty brutal and and definitley make you wonder if that could actaully happen to you. I've never been on a roller coaster before, or a tanning bed or used a weight lifter in a gym but I don't think I ever will know...

Overall: (79%)

My favourite of the series, probably because it really chooses great settings for the deaths and really takes you into the movie with guessing them. A great theme tune and an overall creepy score works well with the scenes. A suprisingly superb performance from the lead, she looks set to be quite a star in the future. An overall fun, entertaning movie with a great plot, great characters and great ideas.



Halloween (2007) Review

VisualFx: (5%)

Very little CGI was used in the movie. There some scenes that were made on a green screen but that about it. The movie didn't have that much CGI because Rob Zombie was trying to make this movie have an old school feel to it. Which is not bad because movies like these don't use that much CGI?

Storyline: (45%)

The story is based on a 1978 movies made by John Carpenter but it not a really remake. It a prequel telling about Michael Myers history as a kid. The story is about a 10 year old kid named Michael Myers who just kill his mom and his other family members and now be sending to Jail. 17 years later he returns to his hometown to find his baby sister but he also being track down by a guy named Dr. Sam Loomis, now he is going to kill anything in his path. 95% of the movie has nothing do with original movie what so ever. The whole movie feels rush and try's to focus more on Michael Myers then the other characters. The other characters in the movie where lame and had no development. The ending from the original movie is change and different from the 1978 movie. The movie was too short as well and it one of those movies where you wanted to see more because the character development was bad and you wanted to know more about them.

SoundFx: (75%)

The sound is very good in the movie which surprises me because movies like this have very bad music in this. The opening them is very good and it a nice remix of the original them. Some of the score works well with the movie because there scenes in the movie where the score makes the movie feel dark and scary which works great.

Violent Factor: (89%)

The movie is very violent and it has a lot of blood. And it has a lot of gore and rape. There are scenes where Michael kills people with his knife and it very graphic. There scenes in the movie where you see Michael torturing animals to death and there is a rape scene as well. So don't let your kids see this unless there older.

Overall: (54%)

So in the end, Halloween is just another bad remake of a classic. It was cool seeing Michael Myers past and all but the movie just so bad due to it has nothing due with the John Carpenter Halloween. The movie also sucks due to it Rush Story and bad character development. The dialogue was bad and the movie try to better then 1978 version but failed. The main reason why this movie was so bad because the movie focus too much on Blood and Gore unlike John Carpenter version. The original movie was so great because it was based on suspense and had great character development, not blood and pointless gore. The major problem with is this is a film that DID NOT need to be remade, he should just made a prequel and it called "Halloween Zero" then remaking it. If you're Halloween fans then you may like it. The movie is worth a rental and nothing else. Just see the original movie because it 10 times better than this Garbage.



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