Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 276,680 times)


Quote from: Zero on Apr 01, 2008, 01:23:26 AM

Well, it was.



The whole film is VFX, and pretty darn good, too.

Niel Gaiman and Roger Avary made a good script for this. Instead of just taking the original story, they made it thematic, with arcs and full circles and themes. I love it.

I have to admit I jumped a few times in this film because of shocks, aided by loud sounds. The soundtrack is top notch as well.

This film got away with a lot of blood with a PG-13 because it was animated. Imagine it was R.

Great film. Won't satisfy all, but nicely done.



Spawn Review

VisualFx: (78%)

The movie came out in 1997, so the visual effects where great at the time. It outdated now but some parts of the movie are still good. Some CGI in this movie i did not like was Spawn cape, it looks fake and wired. Malebolgia looks horrible as well, his mouth didn't move at all. The costume and devices of the costume are fantastic and looks very nice as well. The hell scenes look pretty cool for it time, the backgrounds in hell look very fake and ulgy looking.

Storyline: (55%)

The Movie is based on a comic with the same from Image Comics. The story is about a guy named Al Simmons is murdered by his boss in Korea. After Simmons died, he was send to hell and he made a deal with a demon named Malebolgia, who will make back to life if he helps him lead his army to earth. After he came back to life, he came back as a Hellspawn and he must take down his boss before he takes over the earth with his killer virus. The story is not very good because it has very little do with the comics. The story it self feels rush, like they where puting a buch of issues into one. If they made it based on issues 1-8 then it would be good. The script was pretty week, both simplistic and confusing at the same time. People who never read the comic book woun't know that much about the story. The movie it self is too silly and not dark as the comics. It should have been The Devil's Advocate meets Darkman. Instead, it is Ghost Rider meets The Mask.

SoundFx: (10%)

You can't say anything about the flim score because there not really a score to this movie. You will hear some rock movie but that about it. The song "Satan" from Metallica and Orbital sounds pretty cool in the opeaning of the movie.

Violent Factor: (29%)

No blood whatsoever, you see people get shoot that are being killed off screen. That about it really. You see Simmons body get burn into flames but that the most violent thing in the movie you ever see. Most of the action in this movie is very cartoony and has the same level of violences is the same as the Batman movies and Steel. So it ok for your kids to see this movie.

Overall: (60%)

I like it when i was 8 but i when i got older and read the comics more then i did back then, the movie is not very good. Overall Spawn is a poor comic book adaptation but it still a very good popcorn flick. If your a Spawn fan (Like my self) or like action movies you may what to rent it first. It's still a good enough DVD for a lazy afternoon, but just as a one time rental.



I'm bored and i made another review.

Hitman Review

VisualFx: (63%)

Pretty average stuff and nothing new. Most of the action scenes where good but there nothing special. Most of CGI you have seen before in most movies like Die Hard or Blade. 

Storyline: (48%)

The movie is about a guy named Agent 47 who is hire to take down a Russian military in Eastern Europe. He also team up with a mysterious Russian woman and it up to agent 47 to save the day. The story is not bad but it not very good. It just the movie was so boning and you expect the movie to have a lot of action because the movie is based on a video game of a people who kills people without fear. The movie is dull and don't have that much character development. You really don't care about the characters other then Agent 47.

SoundFx: (50%)

Your average action movie. The soundtrack is dull and boring, not something you would listen to now and then. The action sound effects are loud just like another action like Transformers and King Kong (2005). So everything in the sound in the movie is average except the ending theme is very good. I enjoy listening to it and some scenes fit well with the concept of the movie.

Violent Factor: (60%)

The movie is pretty violent but not violent as the Saw movies though. There some parts of the movie where you see blood on the ground but that about it. The movie didn't need an R rating but the deaths are pretty brutal in the movie. So this movie may not be for everyone under 15 or over.

Overall: (62%)

Overall Hitman is just another average action movie and it not worth your money. Hitman is better than the other video games movie such as Mortal Combat, Resident Evil and Alone in The Dark but it still not that great. If your fan of the games then you may like it but if you're not fan then don't waste your time seeing this movie. This movie is worth a two day rental at blockbuster.


VisualFX:(80%)The whole "Camera" was what made it special.We hardly see any of the Witch throughout the movie,until the very end.

SoundFX:(70)The sounds made by the "Witch" creeped the f**k out of me.The weird buzzing noises outside the tent aswell.

Storyline:(80%)Three College Students are doing a Documentary on "The Blair Witch".They first get eyewitnesses.Then,they go in search of the Cemetary where the 7 murdered children were.Basicly,they hear f**king creepy noises throughout the way and back.Then one of the characters,Josh goes missing.At this point,the audience is on the edge of the seat.

Violent Factor:(50%)The only real violence in the movie were either offscreen,or hidden.I won't give alot of info out.

Overall:(89%)I really enjoyed the movie and even though Several people told me it was shit and boring,it  shows a "what if" situation.If you enjoy Hardcore movies that f**k with your own mind,watch this.



I'm bored and i want to make another review. It bit crappy because i'm too tired to type (It almost 12:00 AM).

Hellboy Review

VisualFX: (85%)

The visual effects are awesome even though the movie has a low budget (The budget is 66 million). The monsters in the movie looks great and Hellboy look great. The CGI is awesome as well and Guillermo del Toro systel is great. If you liked X-Men or Spider-Man don't expect the movie to have a simple story because some parts of the story is hard to understand unless you didn't read the comics. The movie has some good scenes and it a fun movie to check out.

Storyline: (70%)

The movie is based on a comic with the same name (Hellboy). The story takes place in WWII where a group of Nazis attempt to use black magic to aid their dying cause but find a baby demon and they don't know what is it. They later named it Hellboy then Sixty years later, a young FBI agent named John Myers is sent from Quantico has came to New York City, and is identified as Squeaky Clean Waste Management Services. Later Hellboy who is defending the city and he must pair up with John Myers to stop a evil force. The story is pretty good and it flows the comic book pretty well. But people who never read the comic book, would hard time to understand the story. The story is nice but it not for everyone.

SoundFx: (53%)

Nothing really stands out but it pretty good. Some parts of the music is good but it average. The scenes in the battles are cool but i seen better. I also can't say that much because i didn't care about the music that much.

Violent Factor: (40%)

Not really violent and there is no blood. There is a lot of fighting and some shooting. It not graphic but some scenes may scary younger kids (4-10). So it not violent and but it ok for your kids to watch.

Overall: (75%)

Overall Hellboy is a very good movie and it worth checking out. The character development is good and Hellboy is a awesome superhero. This movie is not good as Spider-man or X-men but it a still fun movie.

Dark Passenger

Quote from: severen76 on Apr 01, 2008, 01:29:17 AM
Quote from: Zero on Apr 01, 2008, 01:23:26 AM

Well, it was.

no it wasn't..


VisualFX:  Not much but there is a cool opening sequence where you see the inside of the human brain and all the neurons.  Has great camerawork and visual style as well.  No shot in the movie looks fake (except that penguin but it's probably supposed to look like that). 90%

Storyline:  This is more to do with characters than story but it is about a guy who starts up a secret club where men go to fight eachother and that eventually evolves into a terrorist group that wants to takes revenge against corporations.  I reallly can't say much more without giving it away. 75%

SoundFX:  Pretty good - the sounds of the punches are realistic, has a great score too. 85%

Violent factor:  Very violent and sometimes gory as we see people getting bashed to a pulp with bloody faces, and other violent scenes. 97%

Overall:  One of the best black comedies ever made. 95%



American History X Review

This review has spoilers

VisualFx: (50%) Not much but there is a cool opening sequence where everything is in Black and White which fits well in the theme when Derek Vinyard kill someone for shooting. Other than that, there very little CGI.

Storyline: (97%) The story is about a Neo Nazi named Derek Vinyard is tried and sent to prison for three years for the murder of two guys who tried to steal his truck. 3 years later, he returns from prison to find his younger brother, Danny, caught in the same web of racism and hatred that landed him in prison. I really don't want to spoil the movie too much; I can't say that much of it. The story is very original and one the most powerful movies I seen in years. The performances were amazing and I love Edward Norton role in this movie.

SoundFx: (90%) The score is amazing and the opening theme is amazing. I love every bit of the score and the music that was playing in the basketball game is great. The gun shots and the other action scenes are very realistic.

Violent factor: (80%) The movie is very violent and there is a lot of fight scenes in the movie. There is a blood in this movie but that much of it. At the end of the movie where Derek brother got shot is very bloody and there is a lot of gore at the scene of the movie.

Overall: (95%) Overall American History X is amazing movie and it won the best movie of 1998. The story is dark and deep, it shows all the bad stuff between the blacks and whites. The stuff is still happening today! The movie has the most powerful story that you will ever seen. So the movie is worth checking out for sure. I got the movie for like 10 dollars at the movie bin at Ebgames and you should buy or even rent it.


Lets see some reviews of "American Gangster" and "Into the Wild"



2010: Odyssey Two Review

VisualFx: (82%)

The visual effects are awesome for a movie that came out 24 years ago. The computers, monitors, and graphics in the movie are great looking and the artwork is very nice. The CGI is outdated now but it was great looking back then. I love how Peter Hyams had to recreate the models from scratch for 2010.

Storyline: (75%)

The story takes place after 9 years after 2001, Dr. Heywood Floyd is going to Jupiter to find out what happen to Bowman, him and his crew must find reactivate HAL-9000 to know what happen after Bowman left the ship. Another thing I like about the movie is that it answers some of the questions that the first movie left off. The story is easier to follow and learn then the first movie. The thing I didn't like about the movie was Hal and Dave Bowman had small roles in the movie but it was nice seeing the actors who played as them return. The story may not be amazing and don't have the same feel that first movie but the story is still great.

SoundFx: (69%) The movie has some pretty good music and it has a great score as well. Some parts of the score are very good but the score is not mind blowing like the first movie had. I didn't like the ending theme that much. Other then that the music is pretty good.

Violent factor: (5%) Just like the first movie, the movie is not violent at all. There some scenes where the person gets hurt from falling down but that about it.

Overall: (82%) So in the end, 2010 is a good sequel and it good movie as well. It not amazing as 2001 but it great movie to watch because the storyline is more understandable. The performances in the movie are great but the book is better. If you like the first movie then you may like 2010 as well. So overall 2010 is a great sequel to a great movie and it is worth checking out. 

That Yellow Alien

Quote from: Ratchetcomand on Apr 09, 2008, 10:45:25 PM
At the end of the movie where Derek brother got shot is very bloody and there is a lot of gore at the scene of the movie.

Thanks for spoiling it.



I fogot to add spoilers. Thanks for reminding me.


Quote from: Zero on Apr 01, 2008, 01:23:26 AM

You asked for a review you got it.  ::)



American Gangster Review

VisualFx: (10%)

Not much visual effects are used in the movie. Some CGI is used in the action scenes but that about it. The visual effects not amazing as "Transformers" but nothing else you can say about them because the movie used very little CGI.

Storyline: (89%)

The story takes place in the 1970's where a guy named Richie Roberts, who is a detective that works to bring down the drug empire of Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington). Then later his product is superior is now currently available on the street in New York City and his prices are lower. I don't want to add more because I don't want to spoil movie. The story itself is great and the characters are great as well. The scenes in the movie are fun to watch and it also based on a true story as well. The only problem of the movie is that it was too long (Over 2 hours) and the story starts off too slow.

SoundFx: (70%)

The score is very nice and the opening theme is nice as well. Everything about the music is good expected for the rap music in the movie. I think having rap music in the movie was pointless and makes the movie look silly at some points. Beside the rap, the score is great.

Violent Factor: (57%)

Nothing terribly bloody but there scenes where people get shot and you seen blood that about it. There is a lot of sex though. There also a scene where a man set a flame and then shot which is bit violent.

Overall: (90%)

So overall, American Gangster is a great movie and it Ridley Scott best movie in a while (His movies went down a bit since 2001). I recommend to gangster movies fans or Ridley Scott fans, actually to those viewers who enjoy good movies because this movie is the movie is great and the art view in the movie is amazing. The movie may not be action pack like Scarface but the story itself is very good because it has interesting facts about the drug deals in the 70's. So in the end, American Gangster is awesome and it won the best movies of 2007!

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