Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics!

Started by Secret Hero, Mar 07, 2008, 07:25:42 PM

Film Reviews - AvPGalaxy's Own Critics! (Read 276,681 times)

War Wager

Hey, it roared in the first one too!  ;)

VisualFx: (28%)

Pretty horrible even for the 90's. Jurassic Park was made 7 years earlier and they haven't improved a bit.

Storyline: (74%)

Not actually that bad. The fact that a cure for Altziemers is found in the brains off Mako sharks might seem a little farfeched, but I think it pulls it off. Theres also a moral leason thats not to screw with nature or it will screw with you which I think is pretty powerful.

SoundFx: (62%)

Nothing really special to be honest.

Violent Factor: (83%)

It's a shark movie so of coarse theres gonna be a lot of blood.  :P A lot of the horror is usually sucked out by crap CJ, particularly the death that results in a twitching leg.

Overall: (80%)

Great popcorn movie that has just the right amount A-movie horror and B-movie lines. Good acting from all the cast especially from Safron Burrows and Samuel L Jackson. Great animatronic effects and a iconic score that I find better than Jaws.


Quote from: War Wager on Mar 09, 2008, 07:31:48 PM
Hey, it roared in the first one too!  ;)

VisualFx: (28%)

Pretty horrible even for the 90's. Jurassic Park was made 7 years earlier and they haven't improved a bit.

Storyline: (74%)

Not actually that bad. The fact that a cure for Altziemers is found in the brains off Mako sharks might seem a little farfeched, but I think it pulls it off. Theres also a moral leason thats not to screw with nature or it will screw with you which I think is pretty powerful.

SoundFx: (62%)

Nothing really special to be honest.

Violent Factor: (83%)

It's a shark movie so of coarse theres gonna be a lot of blood.  :P A lot of the horror is usually sucked out by crap CJ, particularly the death that results in a twitching leg.

Overall: (80%)

Great popcorn movie that has just the right amount A-movie horror and B-movie lines. Good acting from all the cast especially from Safron Burrows and Samuel L Jackson. Great animatronic effects and a iconic score that I find better than Jaws.

80%!??! It's one of the worst films ever!  :o


Somebody Please do a review of "A Series of Unfortunate Events"



10,000 B.C Review

VisualFx: (65%)

The woolly mammoths look great but everything else look fake and outdated.

Storyline: (20%)

The story is about prehistoric epic that follows a young mammoth hunter's journey and free Evolet and his tribes people. The story sucks because it lacks in depth and most of it is predictable. The movie also dons't follow history rigth (I don't remember pyramids in the ice age). 85% of this movie is boring and i almost fell asleep during the first hour of the movie and it too long as well (The movie is over 2 hours). The charachters where forgettable and i didn't care about them that much.

SoundFx: (70%)

The sound is great, the action is loud and the music is very good.

Violent Factor: (40%)

Theres a few blood splatters here and there but nothing drastic at all.

Overall (50%)

Overall the movie is not good at and disappointing effort from Roland Emmerich, the only good thing about the movie is Camilla Belle was hot. This movie is not fun to watch at all and it just borning. Independence Day and Stargate where way better this movie. Just rent it on DVD when it comes out.

War Wager

War Wager


VisualFx: (63%)

The movie isn't a special effects bonanza but the few it does have are pretty average. It could be that come of the stuff is meant to look bad becasue of the 'not-too-serious' vibe it has. Some of the stunts are done in CG but it manages to pull them off nicely.

Storyline: (70%)

Classic story. Set in a rural middle-of-nowehere town where a deadly gas has been released that causes the natives to turn into ugly, stupid, cannibalistic zombies. Cheesy, but classic. It aslo has a really great comic undertone and some pretty hilarous lines too which just makes it all the more watchable.

SoundFx: (82%)

The weapon, blood and explosion effects are great. It sounds very real although the kill effects (like when a zombie is squished by a bus) might sound sweet but are a little tiresome.

Violent Factor: (95%)

In-your-face head booms and over-the-top blood splatters run amuck in this flick. They're very cheesey but it's just nice to looks at. Some of the effects are actually pretty realstic too.

Overall: (92%)

Zombies, babes, guns and gore - what more could you need?  8)

War Wager

VisualFx: (89%)

All of it is pretty dang good. Since it needed the most CG shots out of all the movies, it's good that they were better than before. The 'Pheonix Rising' scene were Wolverine/Storm are fighting Juggernaut/Calypso and Prof X battles Jean is definitley has the best.

Storyline: (37%)

I expected more since the first two have pretty decent stories. There were parts in the story that I just got bored with and I wasn't truelly into the movie until the 'Last Stand' begins. It took a risk by killing off two of the heros but in the end, I guess it gives the movie a more serious and real life vibe. The introduction of the cure I thought was a genuis idea because you've got many mutants that hate their power and few that love them.

SoundFx: (64%)

The complete chaos of when Jean becomes Dark Pheonix and she completely destroys her surroundings was amazing. Hearing everything from rubble crumbling, glass smashing etc really puts you in the situation.

Violent Level: (48%)

The most violent outta the lot but obviously nothing too over-the-top. Saying that the noises of when Wolverine slices into his victims with his claws I thought were pretty brutal for a younger audience.

Overall: (66%)

I really enjoyed it when I first saw it, but when I looked past the amazing effects, brillant score and great fight scenes I really saw the plot as a really big let down. My favourite part about the whole thing is that Jean Grey, who was one my favourite heros before, has suddenly become evil. I got quite a few suprises with her, especially when she kills off her boyfriend minutes into the picture.  :P




Visual-Fx: 20%

Well, for a low budget comedy/horror movie what can u expect? They are no t the best let me put it to you that way!

Storyline: 40%

Compared to the rest of the movies in the series this one has the most enjoyable and fun storyline to it. It a mindless mayhem of fun but if you want something with great depth, then screw off :P! I mean a leprechaun in Las Vegas? What else do you need :P

So what you get is a Leprechaun loose in Las Vegas, and he is trying to find his gold shilling. A verity of different characters find this shilling. When u have possession it grants you one wish, and as selfish as they are they all use it with ignorance! But at the same time you have to good characters who are trying to fight the leprechaun. In the processes the main characters of the film is bitten by the leprechaun and is slowly turning into one. He must kill the leprechaun befor he fully transforms.

Sound-FX: 20%

Nothing special at all. Quite average for its type of film.

Violent Level: 90%

You have body's expanding and blowing up, robot hookers electrocuting men, people getting chainsawed in half...and more! So yes, this leprechaun doesn't play nice.

Overall: 78%

If you like mindless fun movies with lots of gore and dark humor with rhyming leprechauns! This this movie is for you!

War Wager

War Wager


VisualFx: (89%)

The JP movies always seem to have the best CG and /// ain't an exeption. A lot of the shots they combined Winstons animatronics with CG versions and they look almost exactly the same. Some terrific CG on all the dinosaurs especially the newly introduced Spino.

Storyline: (32%)

The first two had very good, strong stories all thanks to Micheal Crichton. As soon as I heard that he had no input whatsoever, I knew this movie would suck storywise. It all seemed very rushed and that it didn't have much thought put into it at all. Saying that it was nice to see a new bad boy on the loose, deeper insights into Raptor intellignece and new dinosaurs.

SoundFx: (64%)

Nothing terribly impressive but the sound of the tropical forest is just excellent. Great vocals from the Spinosaurus and the Raptors too.

Violent Factor: (60%)

Each movie seems to get more an more violent, and this one takes the risk of losing a PG rating. A lot more blood this time around plus a rather nasty kill when the Raptor stabs in guy in the back with it's lethal foot claw.

Overall: (74%)

Lacks the story of the first two, but is definitley the most action packed and exiting. Awesome Spinosaurus attacks and chase scenes with the Raptors. All usual the classic JP theme is a joy to hear and the overall acting from the cast is very good. All I can say is that I'm dieing for IV.  ;D

War Wager

(Requested by Zero)

(Haven't seen this in ages, so bare with me)

VisualFx: (57%)

From what I can remember the movie had a few CG shots of sattalites in space, but thats really about it. I think there was also some CG shots of when the sattalite piece is eaten by the croc, which were pretty average at best.

Storyline: (33%)

On the whole it's basically about a croc that eats a satalite piece that falls from space, daft agents are sent to retreive it and Steve and Terry capture the croc, unknown to them that they look like their trying to steal the piece for themselves. Very basic plot but easy for kids to follow.

SoundFx: (55%)

Nothing really stood out, pretty average in many ways.

Violent Factor: (5%)

Being aimed at a young audinece, it's has no blood whatsoever. The croc nabs a cow and tries to grab a woman in a tree at one point, but I guess that would still count as violence.

Overall: (58%)

From what I remember I really liked the movie when I saw it in the cinema (I must have been 12 at the time) It's kid-friendly approuch meant that adults enjoyed it too and I guess thats what made it do so well. Although the movie itself while fun, it was pretty average. But the great thing about it, is that is sends a clear message to care for the world and all the animals that live in it, something Steve had been so pationate about. I guess I wouldn't enjoy it as much now, being older, but I think the movies message is what makes it loved, if your young or old.

RIP Steve Irwin




Escape from New York Review

Escape from New York Review

VisualFx: (20%)

The movie don't have any CGI because it a movie that came out in early 80's. Some effects where good for it time but not good as The Shining or Tron.

Storyline: (90%)
The story takes place in 1997 where New York City is under lock down due to all the crime in the world. Then a new prisoner named Snake Plissken is offered his freedom if he goes in frees the President and finds a tape with important information for the conference. Snake agrees but to ensure his co-operation he is injected with a small but powerful explosive that will only be destroyed if his mission is successful. The story is great and I just love it! I love the dark setting and the grimy feel that movie has. I love the concept of the movie has (With New York City being a Huge Jail wasted land).

SoundFx: (82%)

The weapon and explosion effects are great. The music is great and I love the opening score. The music fits well with all scenes in the movie.

Violent Factor: (10%)

The movie is not that violent, there some blood but that about it. There is a lot of shooting but it not bloody.

Overall: (95%)

Overall I highly recommend this movie; it has a great story and an amazing action hero. This movie has great action and this John Carpenter film is easily one of his movies next Halloween and The Thing.



Well it has been 9 years since Stanley Kubrick death, so i'm going to review his last movie.

Eyes Wide Shut Review

VisualFx: (3%)

This movie really didn't have any CGI (Not the last time I remember). Some scenes contain computer-generated people in the foreground obscuring some of the more explicit sexual action to avoid a NC-17 rating.

Storyline: (70%)

The movie is about a New York City doctor, who is married to an art curator, pushes himself on a harrowing and dangerous night-long odyssey of sexual and moral discovery after his wife admits that she once almost cheated on him. The story is not bad but the movie's pacing is slow and it hard to understand at first. The ending was wired like when   Dr. William tells her everything, and they screw.

SoundFx: (64%)

The score is brilliant but everything else is average.

Violent Factor: (1%)

The movie is not really violent but there is tons of graphic sexuality, like the orgy scene for example. This movie has a lot of graphic sexuality, so it not a kids movie.

Overall: (69%)

It a good movie and it was nice to see Kubrick last movie to be seen. If you like other movies that were made by Stanley Kubrick then you may like it. This movie is a good Drama Thriller and it worth checking out. You may want to rent it first because it not for everyone and people who don't like Drama won't really like it. But other than that, the movie is a good movie and you may want to check out the director cut on DVD.

RIP Stanley Kubrick

War Wager

Had to be done...  ;D

VisualFx: (0%)

None (Probably a good move after seeing Jaws 3's attempts)

Storyline: (1%)

Pathetic. The first three had normal, everyday Great Whites with an inceased size. The Revenge has a pshycic mutant murderer that deliberatley goes after the Brody family. The worst story I've seen in a movie... peroid.

SoundFx: (38%)

Very average.

Violent Factor: (65%)

Not as nasty all Jaws 3, but still has a lot of blood for a PG rating. The attack at the start of the movie is only violent because of the quick editing. Same with Ellen's 'Dream Attack'.

Overall: (8%)

Not a lot I can saw about the movie ^, it's just really really bad. To think Universal started off with the best shark movie ever made and ended up with the worst. Thought the story is dire, the cast works well with what they get although it's clear Micheal Cain is only in the movie for publicity purposes. He was even asked once why he done it in the first place and he replyed "I wanted to buy a nice big house."  :)


I Agree, Shallow & Pedantic.



I'm bored so i'm going to make another review.

End of Days Review


VisualFx: (85%)

The movie has some really good effects. The Devil at the end of the movie looks great and visual effects like the atmosphere is great and the dark tone fits very well with the movie. The only things I don't like about the visual effects are is the lighting. Some parts of the movie where dark and you count see what going on. Other then that the visual effects are great.

Storyline: (60%)

The movie is about a cop named Jericho Cane who is under deep depression because his family was killed bay evil force. Later on his job he goes out to catch a crazed priest who robs a bank and he just before he can catch him, the priest said "The 2000 years have ended and Satan will be release out his person" then he get shot later. So later he must find a girl named Christine and rescues her from a group of Catholic assassins. It also turns out that Satan tricks Jericho into leading him to Christine then Christine is taken by Satan and his followers, with Jericho beaten and left for dead. The movie ends in a church when Satan's assumed body has been destroyed when Jericho kills his self then New York celebrates the start of the year 2000. The plot is pretty good if the movie didn't have so many plot holes. I like the idea of how "666" is "999" to scared people of the Y2K back in 1999. If the movie didn't that many plot holes then I would love it.

SoundFx: (73%)

The score is great, the opening themes great and dark. I love the sound effects in the movie like the rubble crumbling, glass smashing etc that happens in the movie that really puts you in the situation. The only thing I didn't like in the movie when the rock music that plays in random parts of the movie (Like the rap music that plays in the sex scene).

Violent Factor: (89%)

The movie is very violent and there is tons of blood in this movie. There is tons of shooting in this movie and scenes where you see Jericho Cane (Arnold Schwarzenegger) hang on a cross and you see blood on his face. There also a scene where you see an old lady setting on a bed with blood everywhere on the ground. This movie also has a sex scene in it and some graphic sexuality. So this movie is not kids under 15 and for people who scared of blood.

Overall: (65%)

Overall the movie is not bad as everyone said it is and the movie has some cool moments. This movie is different from the other Arnold Schwarzenegger movies (Like Predator and Commando) and I like the idea of Number of the Beast from the Book of Revelation. If you like horror movies or a Schwarzenegger fan then you may like it. This movie is not bad I as remember it was back in 2003 or 2004 (I saw the Crappy TV version). All I can say is to rent the movie if you like it then buy it.



The Fountain

The visual effects are great and realistic, but they do not take the cake here. The visual style of the photography does. This is probably the best looking film I have ever seen. We always get a sense of emotion from it. It is beautiful, be it in ancient Spain or a nebula in the future.

The storyline is unfocused. You are kept confused throughout the film, and even a little bit after. Good. That is exactly what is wanted from you. You draw up your own conclusions from this. It was unfocused, and therein lies the beauty of the film. The writer juggles ideas and never drops a single one. This is also the first film I remember crying from. Touching. 90%

SoundFX -
The sound was fine. I was watching it on an HD TV, and the speakers were built in. I heard everything, and a small part towards the end made me jump. The sound is good, and the score is amazing as well. 89%

Violent Factor
We only see blood when we need to. Nothing is excesive. In fact, many times it is off screen. People do die, but in realistic ways. The only time I cringed was in a scene involving a man tatooing his finger by cutting it. Other times were only in line with the story. 30%

One of the best films I've seen, even if a tad confusing. This is up there with the greats. The acting was solid and everything felt real. Critics didn't like it so much when it first came out, but many didn't like 2001 either at first. They'll see.


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