The Predator Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Sep 11, 2018, 07:41:05 AM

What is your score for The Predator?

Loved it! (5/5)
26 (10.4%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
37 (14.7%)
It was okay (3/5)
70 (27.9%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
39 (15.5%)
It sucked (1/5)
49 (19.5%)
Hated it! (0/5)
30 (12%)

Total Members Voted: 251

The Predator Fan Reviews (Read 100,174 times)



Yo quick question for those who saw it : any spine rip in this movie ? I mean human spine... Without details (no who or when please)  ;D



I mean I wanted to like it

I've waited years for a Predator film that I can actually see in the cinema and it had the right stuff, blood, tech and lore.
It dug into predator canon a bit more, but, this film has Prometheusitis.
The entire thing left me with more questions than answers, the biggest reveals were unwhelming and they focused on the wrong things.

Also the movie wasn't self contained at all as I remember reading.  It totally tries to set up a sequel.

It was good to see a modern Predator film. It had all of the effects and everything it needed, but it left too much unexplained and that god damn f**king ending

It didn't need that f**king ending



No there aren't



So i finally got to see The Predator this evening, i must say after reading many of the reviews i was expecting a downright shoddy mess with poor editing, no plot, terrible dialogue and dreadful cgi, my expectations where low.

(I'm generally shit at typing out my thoughts and rarely use anything other than wasd so apologies if this review doesnt read to well)

Let me just say that alot of what the film has been criticised for is true to an extent, however i really did have a great time watching this movie first time around, taken totally at face value it's a pretty fun ride.

Although the characters could have used more development, there wearn't really any who i disliked or found greatly annoying in anyway (I liked none in AvP/AvPR for the record).

Fugutives breakout scene was awesome, to be honest seeing and hearing this guy in action was one of the main highlights of the film for me, the suit, the facial animation effects, the movement (practical parkour stuff was a nice touch) and the sounds where all solid, i loved everything about him and really wished he was in things for the duration, for me this guy was all the Predator this film really needed with the upgrade lacking that physical presence of the practical suit approach (though he did have a few cool moments) The dogs where a bit awful aswell i thought.

I did feel the movie took a noticeable dip towards the end, from the point everyone enters the woods until the scene on upgrades ship felt crammed in and rushed and lacked direction in all honesty, i wouldn't say it was a complete deal breaker that ruins the film, but it is noticeable, as are one or two slightly less than stellar CGI effects, however as a whole the visuals all seem to work and i feel some reviews made an overly big deal over them.

Story wise things are a bit all over the place, you never really seem to have a solid grasp on whats happening (or why) however things still seem to somehow work and hang together enough to get you to the next action scene,  as already mentioned there is very little downtime in this movie and the pace does keep things moving quickly enough for the plot holes and inconsistencies to get masked somewhat. One funny thing to note is that for all the negativity towards the kid being in the movie, he actually was one of the standout parts of the movie and played his part well.

I liked the loonies alot, alot of the humour worked great, however some of the stuff was a bit hit or miss, but this is defo the best group we have had post 1987, though alot of the Baxley/Tourettes stuff was uneccessary (IMO), Trevante Rhodes was pretty solid.

A few lines regarding his father and past predator encounters would have been nice from the Keyes character, even taking the Traeger character from the lab scene and giving extended screen time to Busey to give some development wouldnt have done any harm, i'm sure the majority of people had no clue who he actually was (including those who have seen P2, probably)

All in, is it the Predator sequel we wanted? Probably not, however its far from being a complete failure in my eyes, and has a good deal going for it, i'd say more good than bad really, maybe just enough to forgive the shortcomings, BUT, that ending......(Scratches head)

What the actual f**k?  ???

6/10 for me, with a total lack of comprehension/anxiety over where they will go from here franchise wise.



Good to see positive comments from die hard fans.



Just watched it here is what I think.

I personally had fun with it, However I can see some Predator fans getting really pissed off with the humour and tone of this new predator film.  For me this film has no suspense, tension and Dredd like the original predator film did.  But surprisingly the jokes and one-liners are actually pretty funny (well most of the time) with the exception of one or two cringeworthy ones. But the problem with the jokes and witty one-liners is that they are constant and never f**king stop. In the original predator film, the was plenty of over the top jokes, and cock measuring between the team. But when the action happens and shit got real the characters acted serious and scared, making you feel that the Predator in the first film was a real major threat. In this new film, the jokes and one-liners are constantly flowing and you never feel like the characters are in any serious danger, because he or she will continue saying shit when the Predator is f**king them over. And when a character does get killed off, you won't be left feeling someone important is missing from the team, like you did with the first Predator film. The closest thing I can think from the top of my head? is the constant non stop witty one-liners in films like "The Avengers" but with a more adult theme to them jokes. Seriously if the first Predator movie was made today it would have Hawkins telling jokes to the Predator why his getting blasted to death. It would have Dillon picking up his blasted off arm and then slapping the Predator across the face just before the Pred stabs him with his wrist spikes. It would have Billy measuring penis size on the Bridge with the Predator, before he's killed by the predator. Dutch would literally be f**king Duke Nukem.

Basically you are either going to love or hate this humour. Ur not gunna get the funny jokes and then the serious and paranoia like you did in the first Predator film. Your just gunna get the jokes and funny one-liners till the end of this movie.

The Predators
I especially liked the one that's been captured the normal size predator. The CGI bigger Predator works pretty well but in some shots it looks a little too CGI and clunky. (That's to be expected) but overall the CGI predator looks cool, I also like his size and body physique. I think the decision to reshoot the day scenes into night works in favour for the upgrade predator, it was cool. The Pred dogs I think we're a wasted opportunity
the get killed off pretty quickly and the one that becomes friendly/lobotomize by a bullet seems to have its scenes cut-out. they could at least give it more human and Predator dog interaction. It's basically just turns up afew times and the humans get rid of it by throwing a ball. It's like just wandering around in the background like it's thick as f**k. I wanted more from this pred mutt.

Human Actors
If you like how the characters in films like The Avengers and Suicide Squad interact with each other with witty one liners and jokes, then you will like this team. You're not going to remember them like you did with the original cast of the first Pred film. I never hated any of them, but not many of them stood out for me. I like Boyd Holbrook as an actor but he seems to give of the same vibe like he does with his previous films and TV shows, and thats being a cocky badass. It sorts of works for this tone of predator film. The only other person I really recognised was Alfie Allen. I was worried that all I was going to see is Theon Greyjoy from Game of Thrones, but surprisingly that never happened. I am also glad that the boy was not annoying. He ain't no memorable child actor but he was not annoying. The rest of the team were a mix bag for me. Jake Busey characters should have got more screen time. I wanted to know more about his family's history but he was just some random scientist in the lab. have to admit I prefer the cast from Predators over most of this cast, but overall the casting was ok.

Had loads of cues from the original predator film was ok.

Gore and violence.
Alot of CGI over kill but has one or two cool kills. My favorite
when we see the first Pred who hanged the dude from the tree. The predator then gets knocked unconscious why its invisible. Above the Invisible Predator, is a half torn body and the blood falls from the humans guts on to the Invisible Predator. You start to see the shape of the face of the predator in human blood then the predator opens its eyes.
also a funny kill was
when the boy is wearing the predator helmet and his gone trick or treating and his helmet blows up that person who threw something at his head.
also love
when the upgrade Pred punches the regular predator in the face and rips his head off.

What annoyed me.
Why I liked most of the jokes and witty one-liners I think they should of toned down a little when the shit hits the fan. Also they is one or two cringeworthy  quotes that is a homage to the first film. All I say, it's a new take on "you one ugly mother f**ker" and "get to the chopper" felt a little forced to me. But rest on what I remember worked well enough.

The film has a lot of jumping and action scenes were the humans are taking some major hits from their surroundings like getting thrown about by the predators or jumping from Great Heights, especially later in the film. Then they seem to be fine and get up easily and walk away without any serious injuries. Yes I know Dutch fell from a waterfall in Predator and almost got blown away by the predator committing suicide. but That Fall from the waterfall/cliff itself felt like he could do some serious damage if he hits the water the wrong way. Stunts back then were mostly done by stuntman so the shot feels more real and grounded. These days CGI stunts can be over the top and overkill. Btw this is more of a nitpick from me. Some of you might not have issues with it. I had this problem in watching alien Covenant when Daniels was hanging off the ship why the ship was taking off.

The first predator Encounter.
just wished he had more screen time. As soon as the Upgrade predator gets his hands on him, he's dead. Would have been nice to see a little bit more screen time. Why I'm glad we never got the human team up it makes you think how much was cut with this predator. Same with Pred dog team up would like to see more interaction

The big reveal at the end. Not really a negative, I just don't no what to think of it?
obviously set up for a sequel and more Predators are going to come. that predator human suit looks cool but it looks like a human size mini Predator. Would rather the suit was made by humans that have reverse engineered stolen tech from the predators. Then predators giving us a suit of armour that they have designed for us puny humans for the next battle.

What I liked
The pace of the film was good

Plenty of Predator kills and gore

Predators communicating with each other.

The preds look cool.


Some of the jokes were actually pretty funny.

The kids and the helmet scene.

When the ship
takes off and the main character get stuck between the shield of the ship. Thought it was original

the upgrade predator using the voice translation took in the pred ship was cool.

They is probably loads of other stuff I can't think off right now? The film was above average for me, but below being great somewhere in the worth a watch category. give it a solid 7 out of 10. Has its moments.



Wow! That was one entertaining movie!! Baxley and Coyle the standouts!



I really liked all the spaceship scenes, of which there are many.

I liked seeing the Predator speak/ communicate, mainly the Upgrade from what I can remember. Especially when
He uses the translator to speak to the humans and gives them the head start.



I enjoyed it but it really did have some issues.

1st one,  either it was my eyes or the screen i watched it on but the 3D effect was down right awful, possibly the worst i have seen.  Very blurred with artifacts in the screen centre and just generally hard to watch, i will have to see again in 2D.

Some of the plot decisions are just ridiculous,  ship takes off, flies for miles, crash lands right where it took off from with the woman patiently waiting with the cloaking device.  Predator in the lab is heavily sedated without a single medical tube ready in a vein to top up quick if required,  how dumb are these people just calmly walking around with a deadly alien on the table.

That said though the first half of the film is very good, the standard Predator in the lab, getting a good look at him and the whole escape scene with the Predator fighting and running,  very impressive.  I thought the fight between the 2 Predators could have been longer,   standard Predator would have put up more of a fight, but who knows he could have still been groggy from sedation and was certainly wounded as we saw.  Sadly thats where it ends,  most of the rest with the upgrade Predator steadily gets worse until the end.  Felt like there was lots missing though,  there is a mich longer film out there waiting.

Also were some of the deaths cut?  im sure i didnt see the shuriken death where the guy gets his throat slit



Quote from: dave1978 on Sep 13, 2018, 07:23:47 AM
Also were some of the deaths cut?  im sure i didnt see the shuriken death where the guy gets his throat slit

The only shuriken death I remember was when one of the Stargazer guys throws one like a boomerang and it comes back and kills him. I think I remember that right. Could be wrong...

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: dave1978 on Sep 13, 2018, 07:23:47 AM
Also were some of the deaths cut?  im sure i didnt see the shuriken death where the guy gets his throat slit

It was in the truck with the
thumbs up

I saw it again with the lady friend yesterday (going again to see it on IMAX tonight with Shevvie and my Dad today) and my opinion stands. It's such a damn fun movie! I love the Loonies and all the action. The plot just falls apart towards the end.

Quote from: 343 on Sep 12, 2018, 09:16:20 PM
Corporal Hicks? Maybe you can start a rating-poll (from 1 to 10) in this topic so the people who saw the movie can vote?

I'll add shortly.



Great! Thanks, CH.



I cant help but feel the leaked script may have been better on screen than what we actually ended up with as a 3rd act.

Despite numerous concerns, it would have been executed using the same tone as the rest of the film.

For example: All the things that didnt look good on paper may have actually been interesting to see.

The kid, the upgrade, DNA tweaking. All ended up being perfectly acceptable and serviecable in the end product.


I now wish we got to see Predators in human pants, hybrid creatures giving chase to APC's and massive explosions. No matter how divisive these things were surely it would have been better than the generic 'forest at night' ending we received.

You can actually experience where the film drops off in quality. The 3rd act is just a mess.

At the very least from the scenes that were cut. General Woodhurst and additional Predators provided some specifics / motivation for the Fugitive coming to Earth in the first place.

And out of interest does anyone else get the impression that the "Predator Killer" was perhaps NOT what he was initially bringing on the ship. That Iron Man suit and tacked on ending just does not make any sense in relation to the film that came before it.

Get the feeling that the "cargo" was changed by studio meddling.

Great first 2/3rds and highly enjoyable. But that ending. Dear me...... Awful.



@andreaNZ you are not missing much, the 3D is not the best i have ever seen. In fact its actually quite flat a 2D showing would probably actually be better imo.



Saw it last night, and my honest feeling is that one day we'll see an Alien 3-esque assembly cut on Blu-Ray that'll have all the plot back and it'll be a thoroughly enjoyable ride. As it stands though it is crippled by horrible pacing. All i want from Shane Black is glorious Shane Black dialogue, not a movie that feels like a fourteen year old skipping to all the action scenes on a DVD. And for heaven's sake explain what is going on! I'm all for soft exposition, but no exposition is going a bit far.

Had the thing at the end been better designed I might have dug it, but it all felt so rushed. Traeger felt wasted, too, especially after the prequel book was a really good read.
Still, a least the two series now have a death dumb enough to rival Vickers', I guess

I dunno, where it worked it was exhilirating, but it was so clumsily put together. Weakest of the four in the version we have now. Oh, and the grand guignol madness of the original treatment ending would have been about a million times more in keeping with the rest of the film. It might not have pleased the purists, but it would have been much more entertaining.

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