AVP3 Ideas

Started by Originalsin, Jun 06, 2007, 08:25:09 PM

AVP3 Ideas (Read 364,453 times)

Mr. Xenomorph

Mr. Xenomorph

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jun 30, 2017, 07:59:19 AM
Quote from: Mr. Xenomorph on Jun 29, 2017, 09:37:19 PM
An agricultural colony (call it LV-87 or LV-79) with animals that humans have transported so that they can procreate and survive. A cornucopia of possible Xeno variations (Baboon Alien, Bull Alien, etc.) that the Predator has to deal with. Smugglers have ransacked the colony and the hot summer months of this planet are at its peak. One of the smugglers finds a cavern with a Xenomorph egg inside and all hell breaks loose (just have a few and the sequel can deal with where they came from and world build). A Yautja arrives to hunt and has to deal with the surprising annoyance of a Xenomorph outbreak while he's hunting.

I would love to eventually see several different variations of the adult Alien together on-screen (I'm not counting Chet or the Queen). I do think that if we get another AvP it wouldn't be a massive budget, though, so I can't imagine we'd get anything like that.

You never know. It depends on how much money they save on set design and how many practical effects they use. If it's an agricultural colony you just need open space and a few interiors. Predators pulled that off with a $40 million budget. If it had a Deadpool budget of $60 - $65 million, I think that they can pull something like that off.

I saw a fan film of AVP the other day on YouTube. It was short, had cruddy effects and was made for no money, but I enjoyed it more than both of the AVP movies, because it was what I wanted to see - Xenos and Preds in space on the Sulacco. If someone can do that for peanuts, then there's no reason why Hollywood can't.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Was it Redemption? The guy who made that is toying with doing another one.


Mr. Xenomorph

Mr. Xenomorph

Yes! I freakin' loved it.



My idea is we should deviate from Earth and took a place on a new planet. The story should be the Predators hunted the Military personnel on the planet but because of some breach the previously static Xenomorph in a hidden chamber started to wreak havoc. This time there's no "Enemy of my enemy is my friend", and this is a kill or be killed world. I would love the Predalien return and maybe the Runner. I would like a team up of the Drone and Warrior caste.

I agree with the statement that the Marines must be likeable and not a cardboard character. The Aliens also must to be a serious threat and even made the things worsen, like killing a few Predators or impregnate them. The ending should be the Alien conquers the planet, but at the stake of losing their Queen in an airstrike, the Predators left the planet because of being outnumbered and seeking a new hunt, and the Marines with some survive and returned to Earth, maybe with a twist that one of them is the host of the Queen.

My suggestion is there are epic battles of Drone or Warrior vs Predator, and many of them , not just one epic Predalien or Queen fight. I think this should be rated R. The Predator design should follow Anytime's design or Pussyface's.



Something close to Aliens but add 3 predators who are hunting a hive for a queen trophy so they can become clan leaders. But the suspense level needs to be WAYYYYYYYY up like in alien and predator. Not see them a whole lot along with the xenos. The other movies showed too much of them and it took away from who they are if you asked me. didn't make them seem that scary. But the twist of the tail is no human survives.
Think about it we loved hicks ( #hicks&2pacarealiveincuba) and ripley and in the movie you sort of know they will live and it seems in EVERY predator movie the pred dies.... Welp..... Predators win killing off the last human and clamming them as a trophy. movie ends with the head of hero being mounted on the trophy wall. imagine that reaction when the credits roll. Would make everyone watching the movie have a new perspective on who the "good guys" really were in the movie.



My idea,  wish I could sell it or have it looked at, if good enough.

AVP 3: Survival

preparing the hunt

First you see the predator home planet with predators stacking up their scout ship with many eggs and creatures as hosts, all in containment units set to open when the predators leave. One of the eggs is an Alien Queen which is vital for their hunt so her unit will open first. They travel to an unknown planet with a huge cave and many passages in a rocky mountain. Other creatures are seen near the cave so they too will will become hosts.
They set down the eggs and the creatures in the center of the huge cave so they can come back to hunt for another time.
From an outpost further away from the cave picked up a signal when the Predator scout ship landed. Two workers Taylor and Bob from the outpost go to investigate the unknown signal that they picked up where their scout ship landed using a buggy. They travel out to a big cave and spot the Predators spaceship. They climb on a ledge away from the huge cave as they see the Predators carrying big containments into it. They wonder what the Predators were doing and Taylor stumbles slightly on a rock and some fall down. One Predator turns suddenly and spots them. Taylor and Bob make a run for it back to the buggy and drive as fast as they can to the outpost but the Predator fires a shoulder cannon at the buggy making it turn tumbling a few times from the impact. Both men are are badly hurt from the crash but Bob manages to escape the buggy running but the predator wrist blades him. You then see Taylor trapped inside calling for Bobs help. Then the Predator grabs him dragging him out. He takes Taylor into the cave and drops him onto the floor next to the eggs containing the Queen. Before the Predators leave one of the Predators climbs above the entrance and marks a symbol in the crust to show the other Predators who'll be hunting to show this is their ground. The Predators head back into the scout ship and fly away.
Inside the cave all the containments open and the creatures walk out then Taylor looks behind him and sees the egg sack open and others around. A face hugger jumps at him he yells as it attaches itself to his face.
Workers from the outpost travel to see where Bob and Taylor are. They find the buggy which had crashed and see Bob hanged upside down skinned near it. They can only look in shock, Taylor's body was never found. They contact the main colony on the planet near them, their told to evacuate the outpost as marines are on there way to take over.

Signal spotted

On another planet next to the unknown one are based a colony. Their expecting a visit from the marine core to investigate the predator spaceship signal which was picked up by outpost's satellite. The marines finally arrive in a similar ship to the one in Resurrection, they call it mother ship. They travel down to the Colony to be briefed in a shuttle like the drop ship in Aliens but with a more futuristic look. By this time the eggs on the colonies second planet have now found their hosts and a Queen has been made laying more eggs.
There told about the signal but not about the killings. As the marines make their final check there told they have two colony workers that will assist them down since they worked on the planet and know the area. One is Carla quite tough and dedicated to her work and the other Richard which isn't tough and reluctant to go and acts like an asshole most of the time which no one likes. He thinks if he goes he might get promoted always challenging Carla since she is very good at her work and the colony bosses respect her loads. Ryder one of the main mail characters takes an interest into Carla but she's seems more interested in her work and finding out about the signal on the planet. Sparks a black American which is another main character and quite funny at times tries it on with Carla but she has none of it and walks away.
Ryder " Your Sparks aren't firing today maybe next time"
Sparks "what ever man, she wants me" looking a bit annoyed.

Predators prepare for battle

By now two elite predators get ready for the hunt one has a Celtic mask and the other a sharp menacing look to it. They both get on the scout ship and sent to the planet now infested with aliens. The predator scout ship drops them from space ready and armed one after the other. The marines have finally landed on the colony being briefed and head off to the unknown planet where the last signal had been spotted. There told if anything was to go badly wrong there's an old outpost with a complex which is not used anymore near the destination point. Once the marines have landed on the planet they start to explore the vast landscapes with rocky mountains and no other creatures are seen. They stand on a hill side and marvel at the view similar to Stargate with planets that look very close in the sky.
Sparks "have you ever seen such a beautiful view"
Ryder "maybe"
As he looks at Carla who looks a bit taken back but in a nice way and smiles slightly. The sergeant tells him to concentrate in a firm voice.
A marine named Thugs holds a electronic monitor which shows where there destination point is. Once they have checked the area so its safe they use the armoured car and travel straight to it. They use a different rout getting to the cave as they are told to go a back rout to come behind there destination point if they come under attack from anything.
As the predators reach the cave they realise there not the only ones who have landed as they see the marines drop ship land from a distance. Celtic Predator signals to the other to go and investigate so know one can track them down. He does and works his way to there drop ship not seeing the other marines as they took a different rout to him. Sharp Predator soon takes the pilots out in Predator style with one wondering around outside. He splunges his spear straight into one pilot as blood squirts out of him.
The other pilot inside comes out to see where the other one is he gets wrist blades through his body as Sharp predator lifts him up. He uses his shoulder cannon to destroy the drop ship and heads on back to the cave to do battle. Sharp Predator returns back to the cave.

Danger ahead

Back to the marines which have reached their destination point and spotted the predator pods which they came down in and wonder what they are. They notice a huge rocky mountain above with a symbol on it which the predators made to mark their hunting ground and they head straight for it. They leave the armoured car just below the entrance further down with there driver who will wait for them to return. As the marines climb higher they reach the entrance unawhere what dangers lies ahead.
Celtic Predator had already entered the entrance a while before and takes one of the corridors exploring the cave and its passages heading for the main part where the queen has nested her eggs. The nearer you get to the nest the more corridors have been altered to the aliens structure like in aliens where they sleep. The marines enter the huge cave and start to explore and split up into two groups down each corridor. Richard now having a few arguments with Carla and goes with the sergeant thinking he will have a better chance of surviving if he sticks with him. Carla now liking Ryder more follows him Sparks, Thugs and Blake a big marine , also another marines named Styles.
Thugs "thank god we don't have to put up with that asshole any more".
Sparks " Yeah it was about time I was about to use my rifle first on him".
Ryder "lets keep going marines".
Sharp Predator tracks back to the cave and sees there armoured car. He jumps on top of it and the driver inside comes outside to see what the noise was with a pulse rifle. He sees Sharp predator and starts firing but Sharp Predator uses his Spear gun and kills him. Sharp Predator then returns to the cave to begin his hunt.

The battle begins

The sergeants team gets further in as they notice the walls looking more alien like and wonder what the hell it is.
Richard "don't ask me"
sergeant "do you know anything".
Richard looks annoyed. One of the marines spot a figure near them on his tracker. They look up and see Celtic Predator right above them on another level. He immediately uses his clocking devise and fires a net weapon at one pinning him to the wall. The marines start firing at him and the nest awakens. Groups of warrior aliens crawl slowly along the walls nearer to the marines as they start to surround them from every where . They first attack Celtic Predator and tumbles him over in another part of the cave. His cloaking devise turns off as he truffles with dozens of aliens being ambushed. He puts up a good fight taking out some chucking them against the walls as it crumbles and slicing them with his wrist blades. He finishes off the aliens around him badly hurt from a head bite to the body and then cloaks himself from being spotted by any more marines and disappears.
The aliens now focus on the marines grabbing one taking him into the shadow yelling and then the other warrior aliens attack the rest of the marines. They take some aliens out but panic and run further down the corridors. The sergeant in charge tries to keep them organised but there's only chaos. Richard stays near the sergeant as he tries contacting the other group warning them and trying to get reinforcements as each one of his men get taken out one at a time.

sergeant "Do you read me were under attack from something, we need help"
Ryder "serge your breaking up I cant hear you"
sergeant "god damn connection"
The signals to bad to communicate. A warrior aliens creeps behind him and then using its head-bite killing him. Richard panics and runs further down as yells and other marines die from all over. He thinks he's safe but two warrior aliens climb out of the wall on either side. He looks terrified as they go for him and then just a big scream as they kill him.

Last group of marines

Ryder and the rest tried listening to the sergeants signal but all they could hear was screams and firing. They are nervous as they come to a large open space with a big nest of alien eggs just below. There's also other levels above them with other corridors which leads into different parts of the cave. They all have a stunned look wondering what an earth there looking at. There is a small cave just near the eggs which travels further in with the Queens egg sack hanging out but the Queen is not quite visible but parts of her body can be noticed. Warrior aliens start crawling from the corridors coming straight for the them. Carla yells to Ryder as they spot them coming for them and start firing trying to take each one out. Suddenly further away from the marines down where the eggs Celtic predator appears as he uncloaks himself.
He starts blasting everything in sight, then queen appears out of the shadow where the small dug in cave was looking menacing and furious as Celtic predator destroys her eggs with his shoulder cannon. She signals other warriors to take Celtic predator out.
Ryder and Sparks relies there in too deep and unprepared for so many aliens and get the hell out.
Thugs "what the hell is that thing"
Ryder "I have no idea but whatever it is, its taking out all those other things" "shit styles watch out".
Styles gets knocked down by an alien into the alien nest and then gets face hugged. Sparks pulls out a grenade.
Ryder yells "let's go sparks"
Sparks "I've got a little present for ya"
Then chucks it into the nest as it explodes and takes a few aliens an eggs out. They pull out firing their way through hordes of warriors. Blake leads the way taking as many as he can out. Sparks takes a warrior out and acid splatters on his armour, he yells Ryder tries to take it off him and then they carry on to the entrance.
Ryder yells into his mice trying to reach the driver of the armoured car to get ready to pick them up near the entrance but no answer. Another warrior goes for Carla Ryder shoots it just in time and they carry on as Thugs and Ryder helps Sparks back to the armoured car with Blake now just behind covering them.

Predators mean business

Celtic predator fires shots everywhere taking out as many eggs as possible and then gets pounced on by aliens needing help from his comrade who appears suddenly and fires a net weapon at one flinging it against the wall then another runs at him and he quickly pulls out his smart disc and chuck it slicing it in half. Sharp and Celtic kill whatever aliens left around them. They both try to eradicate everything in sight. An alien jumps on the sharp predator to the ground and he tuffles with it. The alien head bites him twice in the body wounding the him badly scraping his mask at the same time.
Sharp predator rolls the alien off him and punches the alien to stun it to the ground and holds it down as he rips the aliens tongue out violently. The Queen rips from its egg sack and gets behind sharp Predator who's now fighting another warrior. He digs his wrist blade into the warrior's head still holding it and gets whacked by the queen's tail and sends him flying. A face hugger jumps at him but he uses his wrist blades to slice it, then another grabs hold of him straggling him. While this is happening Celtic predator takes on the queen. He fires a cannon at her but aliens protect her and takes the hit and more attack him. He battles them using his spear killing a few chucking them across the air but unaware the queen sneaking up behind and impaling him with her tail as he screams in pain.
Sharp predator frees himself from the face hugger and stamps on it crushing it. He realises he is in serious trouble as hordes of aliens get ready to attack him not to mention the alien queen. He runs to his dead companion Celtic and detonates his wrist bomb and runs back through the corridors. The queen not being stupid realises what the predator has done and disappears. Sharp predator escapes the cave as fast as he can, as the huge explosion sends him flying down a huge ditch below the entrance.


The marines and Carla get back their armoured car and find the driver killed. As Blake steps into to drive Carla barges through saying she got to help sometime and gets on the wheel and drives them away. They drive back to the drop ship and see its been destroyed by sharp predator. They realise there only way of escape from the planet is to reach the outpost which is further away from the nest and contact the mother ship to be picked up from another drop ship.
Ryder "How fars the outpost"
Carla "not far"
Ryder "alright lets get go" and then goes back to comfort Sparks.
Back to sharp Predator who is leaning against a rocky wall below the entrance and is very angry that the humans ruined there hunt decides to go after them. Before he does so he uses his medi-kit form being badly wounded from alien attacks and the explosion. He removes his mask so he can use his breathing apparatus and also takes a strength injection. He then puts his mask back on. He then follows the marines trace and begins his new hunt. The marines drives to the drop-ship only to find it destroyed and panic. They relies there last escape is too reach the old outpost complex and head straight for it. They reach outpost and find a huge crane and vehicles which looks as if not been used for a while. The only way to get inside is by a Audio Analyser and needs to recognise a voice to get in. Carla quickly says the complex name and uses her voice but sharp predator has followed them using their trace from their armoured car and crouched on the huge crane above and recorded Carla's voice so he can then use it to get inside. He gurgles angrily as he figures his next move. The marines then park their car in the hanger of the complex.

Not safe yet

Its now night and the marines have a breathing space and time too relax.
Thugs "what the hell were those things, it was like a war was going on or some kind of hunt"
Ryder "Have you ever seen those things before"
Carla "No I only heard we picked up an unknown signal, two workers down here went to investigate which was near the cave and both died. They said one was found near the cave skinned hanging upside down, the other body was never found." "We were told to evacuate the outpost until you guys came in, that's all I know"
Ryder "whatever they are we carnt let any of them in here"
Moments later Carla says to Ryder "I'm Sorry I didn't tell you before Ryder we were ordered not to talk about it "
Ryder " Don't worry its not your fault"
Carla " thanks for saving me back there"
Ryder "No problem just doing my job" and smiles.
While he dresses up Sparks wounds from the acid.
she smiles back.
Carla helps thugs contact the mother ship to send another drop ship and be picked up. From a camera They notice the main entrance doors open but see nothing enter, they think nothing of it as the doors close. Sharp predator has used his cloaking devise and now looking for the remaining marines in the complex. Blake checks the complex to make sure its safe and no aliens have got inside. He's told to keep in contact with the others. Sharp predator comes across him using his spear to impale him against the wall and make little sound as possible and heads for the others.
They loose contact with Blake and start hearing banging on the walls from outside the complex, they look at the CCTV but they all suddenly loose their picture and they know that aliens have followed them to the complex and desperately trying to get inside. They realise now there's not a moment to loose and contact the drop ship to give them a new check point because the complex has become surrounded with aliens and too dangerous to lift off from.

Final Battle

The remaining head off to the hanger where a Power-Loader can be seen and get ready to leave the complex using their armoured car. They open the door and get inside the armoured car. As they get in they spot sharp predator above on the balcony. He gets attacked by an alien who jumps on his back. He flings it off in front of him and twists his wrist blades into it killing it. The predator heads off to the armoured car, Ryder tells them to close the doors quickly, as they do so sharp predator fires his shoulder cannon at the door leaving a huge dent. He jumps on top and tries punching his way into the vehicle as they try to start it up. Suddenly sharp predator gets whacked off by something strong like a huge tail. They finally start the armoured car up and a huge head bite smashes through the window and nearly kills Carla and Ryder shoots at it scaring it off.
The queen had gotten inside with warrior aliens and attack the armoured car trying to get inside as it rocks side to side. Carla being careful not to get face bitten trying to start the armoured car up. Then Sharp Predator manages to wipe out the last few warrior aliens with his cannon from a balcony above and the vehicle escapes the grasp of the Queen and barges passed it with full power and heads to the drop ship. The queen looks at the predator hissing furiously. Sharp predator looks back at the queen as to say its just you and me. He fires a shoulder cannon at her but she manages to dodge it as she comes jumping towards him. He jumps out of the way as she smashes against the wall and falls down.
Sharp predator jumps onto the queens back stabbing into her as much as he can with his spear, trying to stay on but is shaken off and whacked flying by the queens tail with his cannon being knocked off a bit further away from him. He's badly wounded from the hit and in a last attempt at killing the queen he chucks his spear straight at her which imbeds into her body, she screams with pain and pulls the spear out chucking it away. But she is still coming at the predator ready to finish him off and being a predator never giving up crawls towards his cannon and as he's about to grab it the queen digs her tail into the predators back and kills him once and for all.
The queen turns her head as to say it's now focused on the marines with its menacing look.

Last escape

The marines are now racing towards the drop ship smashing through hordes of aliens along the way which slow them down slightly giving the queen enough time to catch up. They finally reach the drop ship which lowers its elevator so they can get on. They race up the elevator getting out as Ryder yells telling the pilot to go but he says it's too heavy to lift off. They are fairly high and look at the end of the elevator and the queen is hanging on.
Ryder shoots it using his grenade round "f**king die you bitch" and the queen goes flying down. They fly off quickly into the air and nuke the site from orbit with a huge explosion below.
Finally the last four marines, Sparks badly wounded next to Thugs and Carla and Ryder looking at each other warn out and relived. She slowly rests here head on Ryder's shoulder looking content. The drop ship flies off into space.
The End



I hope they never make another avp movie ever again.

"James Cameron" They screwed the whole franchise



I would actually prefer a new AvP game to the movie.



Quote from: Wweyland on May 19, 2018, 05:57:19 PM
I would actually prefer a new AvP game to the movie.

Same. But at this point, I think neither is going to happen in the near future. If the predator flops, I think everything outside of novels and comics will go dormant for awhile.



Maybe that is for the best for now. The quality of books and novels has actually gone up recently.



Quote from: Wweyland on May 19, 2018, 08:17:39 PM
Maybe that is for the best for now. The quality of books and novels has actually gone up recently.

The novels have been wiping the floor with the movies lately. I found the novel of Covenant to be quite superior to the film. And cold forge had probably the best bad guy, movies or novels combined. I've said it many times, the novels are cheaper to fund, the scope of the story is unlimited, and they actually have aliens in them. Just compare the first avp novel to the movies, no contest. Or for the predator, the movie might not look great right now, but "if it bleeds" sure was a lot of fun. The written word is keeping these creatures alive and well, and I will in no way be disappointed if that's where they stay for awhile. And all of this is not counting the excellent audio dramas that have been getting made. If Earth Hive, Rogue, Labyrinth, or Gibson's Alien 3 ever get a treatment, I'd just love it.

The heck with the movies, give me a dozen solid novels and some good audio dramas instead.  :) Sure, they may be cheesy sometimes, but by golly they're fun, and that's what counts.



I agree completely. Just give me a couple of good games between the novels and I'll be happy.

Kel G 426

Kel G 426

I think it's crucial that the next film should not be called Alien Vs Predator.  Not many people get excited over an A or P title, it seems. Bill it as a COLONIAL MARINES movie. Focus less on the versus part and more on the big guns, big personalities, tension, and thrills. That's the stuff that made Aliens and Predator so popular, not just the monsters.

There should definitely be creature battles, of course, but not with out human characters present. For example, in AVP, everyone left the room just as the Grid/Celtic battle was getting started. That was a mistake because we weren't given a reason to care who won the fight. Next time, keep the main characters trapped and looking for a way out while the monsters battle. This makes the fight a ticking clock; they must escape before whoever wins comes after them. Keeping the humans involved adds the necessary tension.






Quote from: Kelgaard on Jun 25, 2018, 06:52:25 PM
There should definitely be creature battles, of course, but not with out human characters present. For example, in AVP, everyone left the room just as the Grid/Celtic battle was getting started. That was a mistake because we weren't given a reason to care who won the fight. Next time, keep the main characters trapped and looking for a way out while the monsters battle. This makes the fight a ticking clock; they must escape before whoever wins comes after them. Keeping the humans involved adds the necessary tension.

We weren't given a reason to care because we don't care about the human characters to begin with. We literally just witnessed Lexx Tank getting kicked in the gut and slammed into a wall, and she walks it off, when she should be on the ground, feebly crawling, trying to catch her breath.

The characters just sucked.

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