A L I E N - D E S C E N T - (covenant sequel script) (updated 6th August 2019)

Started by FreeFacehugz, Apr 02, 2018, 05:12:03 PM

A L I E N - D E S C E N T - (covenant sequel script) (updated 6th August 2019) (Read 8,229 times)



After being just a little disappointed with Covenant I wondered if I could do better...

Started writing this. Let me know what you think and I'll continue if anyones likes.

It's only the start and doesn't give too much away regarding some ideas I have.


Open on sparse stars.
Tiny diamonds in the dark.

A giant black planet slowly slides into view.
As this planet of sea passes we can just about see small pockets of land.
On Earth they would be the size of continents. Here they are spread out like leaves on a lake.
As the planet slides out of view we are back with the stars.

Dark and empty only for what looks like a comet. Covenant's engines scream silently in space as the tombstone ship heads towards its final destination.

David emerges through a door from a dark hallway. Faint classical music echoes from the darkness behind him.

"Mother. Lock entrance to C block. Sub level 5. Code. Cain."

The door slides shut and the loud locking mechanism marks the end of the music.
The hall now silent.

"C block contained.
Please proceed to medlab 5
for decontamination."

"That won't be necessary mother."

He walks through red lit hallways, humming a tune to himself as he reaches an elevator and steps inside.

"Main deck mother"

As the lift crawls upward David feels his left hand with his right. Then feels his face. His jaw moves up and down involentarily, like he's chewing gum.
The lift stops and doors slide open.

"Main deck."

David regains control and heads for the bridge.

"How far from Destination?"
"Less than 22 hours."

"Thank you mother."

As he enters the bridge he can see the planet through Covenants large windows. The systems star far behind the planet shines light on Davids face.
The planet slowly eclipses the star and David is back in the dark.

"Mother please wake the crew."

"Hypersleep systems cycles drawing down. 3 female. 6 male. ETC 1 hour."

    "Thank you. That will be all for now. Engage offline mode."

Interior hypersleep chamber:

Nine humans sleeping peacefully. Selected from one thousand to be the first to wake.
Their pods dim for a second then brighten and hum as they begin to open. Their eyes soon begin to flicker as David watches from behind glass in a darkened room.

First to open their eyes is Alex. His pale skin, dark eyes and gaunt face say hypersleep has not been good to him.
He seems confused as he looks around at the other pods. It all comes back to him in a moment as he catches sight of David watching.

     "Are we there?"

   (through intercom)
   "Just about. How do you feel Alex?"

      "How do I look? Jesus. How long does this usually last? Walter?"

      "It's David actually. There's been a slight change of plan. I'll brief you all together. Until then just concentrate on regaining muscle control and hydrating."

Alex stumbles out of his pod and drops to one knee. He looks up and sees a woman sitting up in her pod. She's tall, black, thin with dreads to her shoulders. Her eyes are still closed.

    "Hey, you okay?"


She opens one eye to see who shes talking to.

     "Better than you though."

She chuckles and it turns into a cough.

     "Well that's something at least. I don't feel right. Think I should see medical."

Kris stumbles out of her pod, grabs Alex's arm and helps him to his feet.

     "You'll be fine. Try and walk it off"

David enters and takes Alex's other arm.

      "I'm sure she's right. There were a few issues during hypersleep but nothing some food and water can't fix."

Kris looks at David curiously as they lead Alex into the next room.

    "You the same one that put us under?"

     "No. That was Walter. There was a small accident before we left Mars. He could not be repaired in time. Think of me as his brother. I'm David."

   " Yeah well, Davey boy if I'm still this rough in an hour I want you to take a full scan."

As they sit Alex on a large chair David pauses and gives him a blank stare.

   "My pleasure."

We hear muffled voices from the hypersleep chamber. David turns his head in that direction then turns to Kris.

    "Im going to check on the others."

Alex and Kris stare at David as he walks away. They stay on him and talk.

    "So wheres the crew?"

     "Something up?"

Alex stubles to his feet and Kris tries to sit him down.

"Relax man. You're f**ked."

"Bad hangover. Had worse. Feel better already. What's your name?"
"Kris. And y.."

Alex cuts her off mid sentence.

   "Alex. Nice to meet you Kris."

He begins to stumble towards the hypersleep chamber.

  "Just gonna have a little chat with Dave. Find out what's what."

INT Hypersleep chamber:

Three more are now awake. David stands over a female as she leans out of her pod and throws up.
He seems more interested in her than the two men crawling out of theirs.

"Davey Boy! Can I have a word?"

David barely aknowledges him.

  "In a little bit."

Alex looks puzzled for a second.

   "David. Need to talk now."

David, still looking over the woman closes his eyes. His jaw nearly starts. He clenches his mouth and turns to face him.

  "Of course Alex. How can I help?"

  "Over here."

Alex nods his head back to the other room then walks back in. David follows behind.
As David enters the room he sees Alex and Kris standing at a large table. Alex leans on it with both hands. Kris, arms crossed, looks at both of them slightly nervous. David walks over to meet them.

   "So you gonna tell us what's up? Wheres the rest of the crew?"

   "I'm sorry. There have been some..... casualties."

Kris's expression turns from nervousness to slight panic. Alex looks confused.

   "Casualties? What? How?

   "I wanted to tell you all together."

   "I think it would be better coming from a human David. Don't you?"

David pauses and before he can answer Alex starts..

"How many? What happened?"

David stares blankly at Alex

  " A solar flare hit Covenant some years back. We were too close to the star while attempting store its energy when an unexpected flare hit us.
All of the original crew are dead. Some died during impact. Others from the radiation on the bottom level. Quite unfortunate they were down there at the time. Over half of the colonists also perished. Most of the colonists pods received quite a knock. So much damage. That's why you were put into the crew models and why you feel as you do. Of the damaged pods you were most likely to survive the move. The others best hope of recovery was to remain in stasis.
MOTHER is offline until we land and Sub level 4 is now in quarentine. I would advise you all to stay above sub level 4 at risk to your own safety.
Nine of you have been selected to take over from the previous crew based on risk of remaining in the damaged pods. We saved all we could. Nearly all the survivors have healed up in the years since.


"Another member of the crew. He died of radiation poisoning soon after. Then it was only me left. I'm sorry if you knew any of the deceased. I have the full list ready if you'd like to have a look."

Alex and Kris stand in silence.
Kris turns to Alex. Her eyes like glass.
Alex just stares at David.

   "So, who's in charge now?"

    "Since chance of suvival was highest priority regarding who was moved to the advanced pods it's now a rather moddest crew."


    "With your military flying background. It's you."

Alex stares blankly at David. David stares back.
Fade to black.

EXT Space:

Covenant, now slowed to what looks like freefall, floats toward it's destination. The sun rising again as Covenant slowly circles the massive planet from afar.

David is in the pilots chair. Alex stands behind him staring at the planet with an unease he tries to shake.

   "Lucky you can fly this thing Davey boy."

    "Yes. Nothing to worry about sir. We've nearly reached atmosphere. ETA 17 HOURS.

Alex slaps David on the shoulder.

     "We get down there in one piece and I'm naming a continent after you."

David looks at him from the corner of his eye.

   "I'm honoured sir."

They stare at the oncoming planet. David smiles as the sun rises. White sunlight hits both their faces.

    "Kinda scary."

     "Actually, I think it's quite beautiful."



As the colonists dream in hypersleep, we zoom out and see we are looking at a screen. Kris is sitting at a terminal on the bridge. Her face lit up as she watches over the pods. Lost in thought her eyes start to fill up. She wipes her cheek as a tear escapes. She switches to another screen to check on the wakened crew. They are eating, drinking and talking at the large table in the room next to the bridge.


Grant: male, mid 40's - Engineer
Mac: male, late 30's - Architect
Page: female, mid 20's - Stock trade
Eddie: male, mid 20's - Advertising
Izzy: female, mid 30's - Doctor
Eugene: male, mid 20 - Financial Advisor
Stoker: male, mid 40's - Mechanic

The crew members sit around a table eating and drinking. Although they're more interested in the whisky than the food. They are all talking to and over each other. We make out some conversation.

  "What? Just see you later? I was on Mars for six months with three of those guys. Now what? Bodies thrown away. No contact from home. Half of us are dead."

  "I know but it's not like we were going back home anyway. This is it. We have everything we need. It's f**ked up about the others to but please stop f**king stressing me out."

  "Oh you're stressed. My apologies..... Get more emotion from the f**king droid."

  "F**k. You."

  "Jesus stoker she's right. There's no point in getting angry. I knew some of those guys on Mars to. Anyway the droid says he's working on restoring communications as soon as we get set up on the planet. Can let their familys know then."

  "Yeah man. Gotta stick together. Here."

He offers Stoker what he's smoking.

  "Get that shit out of my face."

  "Just trying to relax you buddy. Your pissed off, but it doesn't help anyone you know? Hey where's that Kris girl? She's cute eh? "

He smiles jokingly.

  "Got to do somethin to take your mind off things."

  "Pass that over here creep. And could someone pour me another drink?"

She pushes her empty tumbler to the middle of the table towards Grant. He grabs a half empty whiskey bottle and half fills the glass. Picks it up and hands it back to her.



She smiles at him as they clash glasses. Sharing a knowing look with the older man.

  "Look I'm just saying. This is a huge f**kup. And these "artificial persons" they leave in charge when we're sleepin don't give a f**k really. I don't like it."

He stares down at his empty glass while he speaks. Eugene sits beside Stoker. Staring at him in silence.

  "Why so quiet Eugene? You ain't said much since we woke up."

Eugene looks up shyley. Fakes a grin.

  "Nothing. I'm just listenin. Still feel kinda sick I guess."

  "Eat somethin. You'll feel better. Or you want a drink?"

  "No I'm fine. Thank...

   Stoker (interupting)
  "Hey listen. I'm sorry for being a prick. I'm just not into droids and this whole thing has me freaked out."

He looks up at the rest of them with an apologetic look. He looks worried. The rest of them look at each other. They know they're just as scared as him.

  "Don't worry about it. We're all on the same boat. Just can't let it f**k with our heads when we've got all this work ahead of us. You know?"

Stoker smiles for the first time as Eddie rubs the brand new WY cap off his head.

  "What about this merger huh? Can't believe they sent new designs out this far." (He laughs)


Eddie takes the joint off Page and hands it to stoker. Stoker takes it and smirks as he puts it to his mouth.

   "You want to hear what the David told me about it?"


  "Apparently he was able to access internal, confidential Weyland Corp files from the computors on Covenant until a couple years ago. He says Yutani were making illegal a.i.. Enough to do something pretty extreme. They were planning somethin, and they were close. Weyland had their own spies though. Watching and stealing. But they had to stop Yutani before it went too far. Told them they had copies their tech. There was no advantage. But they could join and share the market. He reckons together they're the biggest private company in history. Bigger than governments. Some control the world bullshit man."
The rest of them listen. Who doesn't like a good old fashion conspiracy theory. Grant seems confused about something.

  "Yeah, sounds like bullshit." (Laughs again)

They all smile and go back to talking between themselves. David enters the room.

  "How are we feeling? It won't be long before we find a suitable landing area."

Stokers smile fades at the sight of David.

Grants looks from Stoker to David.

  "We're doing okay David. Thanks.

  "Good to hear. Grant can you assist Alex on deck? I have some checks to make before we land.

  "Yeah. On my way."

Grant grabs his jacket off the back off a chair and walks past David. Exits and turns for the bridge.
David scans the rest of them.

  "Is there anything I can help you with before I go by my business?"

  "What business is that?"

David stares at stoker. Almost a look of contempt when Eddie cuts in.

  "He's tending to those fine specimens in the botanics lab. Aint that right David."

Eddie laughs and David cracks a smile.

    David (turning to Eddie)
   "Of course sir. Anything else?"

    Page (now drunk and giggling)
  "At ease soldier."


   "Hey Alex. You hear Davids info on how our new employers joined the party?"

   "He told you? Crazy isn't it." (smirks)

   "Eddie was telling us. Weird David told you two about it. Don't you think?"

" I think, maybe he thought that since, you know, we're all the way out here , what difference does it make? Gives us something to talk about other than this mess."

  "Yeah. Maybe your right. Were's Kris?"

   "She went to lay down. Her friend she lost in hypersleep. I think he was more than just a friend?"

  "Right. Poor kid."

  "She's still pretty together. I'd be sobbing like a baby. My girls sleepin safe and sound. I can't wait to see her when she wakes up."

   "And I came here to get away from my wife."
(He chuckles)
   "Well ex wife."

  "I'm sure she's heartbroken to. Is David still back there?"

  "Nah he said he had some things to do. You talk to him much?

  "Yeah. I think he's a bit spaced  after being stuck here alone all this time. Almost feel sorry for him."

  "I wouldn't go that far. He's still just a machine."

  "I don't know. I remember the David series being pretty weird. They couldn't tell if they were replicating emotion or actually getting emotional. Attached to people. Creepy."

  "I heard one beat the shit out of an officer for pushing some kid. Nearly killed him."

  "I heard that was just a rumour."

  "Weyland Corp said it was a rumour. Whatever that's worth."

    Alex (smiles)
  "Well I think if Davey looked after us for this long it's safe to say he won't go psycho on us now."

  "If you say so cap. Want a drink?"

  "If you're buying."

Alex gets up and as they leave the bridge we see Oregai6 through the windows. Now taking up the whole view. Massive black seas and mountainous clusters of land. The entire planet is being scanned for the optimal place to call home.



A man with a WY cap hanging backwards off his head walks slowly through a red lit steel maze. It's stoker. He's trying to be as quiet as he can while being as drunk as he is. He drank a shitload of whiskey. He can hold his drink pretty well. But drunk enough so that he sways a little when he stops to check the geiger counter in his pocket. No reading yet. He's on sub level 3 on his way to 4. The stubborn drunk won't take a droids word that it's not safe down here. He wants to see for himself. Plus he seen David make his way down here just 20 minutes ago. Can't take the elevator. Got to be quiet. If he bumps into David he'll have to make up some bullshit. Just be quiet.
Stoker turns the last corner before the stairs to s-level 4. The basement of this giant floating structure. He stops. Still no reading on the counter. He listens. He can hear someone moving. David must be on his way back this way. He didn't bother with the elevator either. Didn't want anyone to know he was down here. Stoker backtracks through a few corridors before slipping into an open door to a storage room full of oxygen tanks and ropes with hooks. He waits. Trying to control his drunken breathing. After a minute he hears footsteps coming close. Almost sounds like they slowed outside the room. They keep going though. He waits until he can't hear them then he waits a little more. His heart is pumping. He has to tell himself to get a grip. David has no authority here and he's just checking the area out. He tells this to himself but it doesn't stop his heart pumping and his mind racing. He leaves the room. Looks Davids direction. Turns and continues to the stairs.
As he decends to the bottom floor, gieger counter in hand, it seems to get darker and the hum of machinery heavier. He reaches the bottom. Still no reading. He keeps walking. Following the red lights behind the corridor walls. It's getting hot. He starts to sweat. He walks along the dark hall until he comes to a wide door with a large locking mechanism attatched to the front. This is were David said most of the radiation was contained. It's not locked. Just press the open panel. Fast. Just to get a quick reading.
He stands to the side. Holds the counter out in front of the door. Maybe only his arm will fall off he jokes to himself. He hits the panel and the door slides open. Still no reading.
He peeks his head from the side of the door to look inside. Just darkness. He stands in front of the door. Takes a tiny flashlight from his back pocket. To faint to make anything out. He steps inside. He's standing, looking around for less than a minute, not even able to see the walls when the door slides close behind him. In a panic he drops his light and runs to the door. It won't budge. The panel is dead. He kicks the door and hurts his foot.


He turns and makes for his flashlight laying on the floor. It's shining across the floor. At the end of it's beam the floor seems to rise and fall. Like there's something spread over it. He picks up the light and shines it on the thick, dark objects spread over the ground. He follows them to the far wall. They're all over the wall. As he looks at the black, glimmering mass, it seems to have form. A pattern that spreads over the walls from a single point. He follows the ridges to their center and looks for a moment. His mind tries to make sense of the shapes.
He makes out a definite shape. His legs buckle in shock as he tries to back away and trips over one of the things spread over the floor. He gets back up and feels the urge to run. Run where? He stops. Makes himself shine his light on it again. In hope it was just his mind playing tricks in the dark.
There's a person in there. A woman on the wall. Crucified in black deformed shapes. She's part of it. Or is it part of her? Her mouth open in a silent, demented scream. Eyes wide with terror. He's not even sure if she is dead or alive. Her head is deformed and stretched over the wall. Her legs are missing. In their place is what looks like a swollen fleshy sack.
A dim light suddenly covers the room. He turns and David is standing near the entrance with his hand on a control panel.


Stoker's hands are shaking. He can barely speak. He can only muster broken words through the pumping of his heart in his chest.

  "David..wh.....ah.. I don't know..w.what's..."

He nearly drops his flashlight he's shaking so much.

"You couldn't help yourself could you. I don't blame you."

Stoker makes for the door. David moves in front of it.

  "Open the door David!"

  "I don't think so."

  "Open the f**king door!"

David grabs Stoker by the throat and pushes him back towards the rear wall. Towards... it. As he pushes he talks.

  "You have no idea how hard it's been to resist temptation."

Stoker fights back in vein.
  "But now that we're nearly there, and you. You're here. I think I can offer you a taste of what's to come."

David pulls a scalpel from his back and slices it into Stokers spine. He drops the paralyzed man on the floor.

  "Having real equipment has been a blessing. You'd laugh at what I used to use for lab tools. Still. A good craftsman never blames his tools."

Stoker lays in shock on the floor. Barely able to take in what David is saying.

  "Please....help me."

  "You want me to help you? I am helping you. I'm helping all of you. You're supposed to be the future of man. And I agree. But you have no idea what your future is. I do. Let me show you."

INT Bridge

Alex, Kris, Grant, Page and Mac all at consoles.

"Okay folks. Ready to break atmosphere. Cov found a nice spot. Lets take a closer look."

"Hey can you even fly this thing? Where's David?"

"Are you serious? This thing flys itself. We're only breaking through, not landing. I'll leave that to Davey boy."

David enters the bridge behind them. Mac turns to see who it is.

"Speak of the devil."

"Ahh my man!"

David walks to a console and sits.

"Would you like me to take over Alex?"

"Jesus Christ. Nobody got faith in the Captain?"

He smirks.

"You're doing fine."

Mac throws wrapper at Alex's head. misses.)

"I aint calling you Captain, f**k face".

"Sir's just fine."

Without looking he throws the wrapper over his shoulder . Hits Mac square on the head.


"This thing aint much different from flying the old Stellar Jets anyway."

"Yes. Basically the same. I will need to take over for landing though."

"Yeah. Not gonna let Captain Kirk here drive us into the side of a mountain."

"Thanks grampa. Maybe if MOTHER wasn't damaged I could sit back and you wouldn't be talking shit. Dave. Is everyone secure?"

"Yes. Everyone is secure."

"You see Stoker? He wandered off drunk earlier."

"Yes I ran into him. He was quite intoxicated. I put him to sleep. He's quite secure. Won't be going anywere."

"Guy drank nearly a full bottle of whisky. Cant wait to see him later."

"Alright everyone shut up. Showtime."

Silence on the bridge as we look out of Covenants windows to the Planet surface ahead, crawling slowly closer. Suddenly covenant starts to shake violently. Kris and Mac grab their seats tight.

"How long does it last?"

"Just a minute more or less. Once it stops you can switch to thrusters Alex."

"Yeah I got it."

Covenant slowly stops shaking and Alex gains control.
Now in the planets atmosphere, the appearance of the planet has changed. The sky is shades of red. The seas seem dark, almost black. Orange light bounces off the sides of mountains.
Thick atmosphere leaves red colour waves prominent. The systems starlight like a permanent sunset over the planet.


"It's always like this?"

" Light refraction. The specifics of the atmosphere here cause light from the local star to filter differently to Earths. You get used to it. It will get a bit brighter in a few hours."

"Kinda reminds me of old pictures from Mars."

"Aquired taste. I like it. Okay everyone. Wont be long now. Could be landing within the hour. Final checks on ship and passengers. We've come too far for any f**k ups now."

Mac starts a sarcastic sports chant that sounds like a dog bark.

"shut up Mac. yeah we got it "Captain"."

"grow up Mac."

"I'll check our cargo."


"Of course. Sorry."

"Don't sweat it."

Alex looks from Kris to David and back as Grant, Page and Mac get up and move away.

Everyone leaves except Alex and Kris

"You okay?"

"I'm okay. Dealing with it. Can't wait to get off this ship though."

"Yeah I hear that. We'll address everything and everyone after we land. Properly."

"Okay... thanks."


As the ship rumbles then quiets. Stoker slowly opens his eyes. He vaguely recognizes the room he's in. When he sees the deformed woman hanging from the wall he remembers. Remembers David killing him. "I'm not dead." He thinks. He's sat on the floor with his back against the wall on the far left corner of this large cave like space. A sickness like he's never felt courses through his body and mind, clogging his thoughts. Maybe his arms and legs to if he could feel them. Maybe it's better he can't. He can't move at will, but his legs have begun curl up to his chest. His hands and ankles, the only flesh he can see, wet and blistering turn yellow and brown. Fingernails sliding off. Viens black. His vision is going in one eye and can feel his teeth loosen in his mouth. He tries to scream but can only moan. He sobs and tears of blood and yellow liquid run down his face. As his mind slips away he wishes David had killed him.



We hear voices coming from further down.


"Yeah he'll only feel worse when he wakes up."

"I like the guy. He's cool when he's not drunk and pissed off. That smoke does wonders."

He smiles and looks at them for approval. They roll their eyes.

"I think he's coming around, and he better cuz I got no time for him if he's gonna keep up with this negative bullshit."

"Can you blame him?"

"What you say?"

"I said can you blame him? His friends are dead."

"Come on. I'm pretty sure he barely knew those guys. And don't you start to kid. Last thing we need is more of us stressin."

"Yeah well why should you give a f**k? You didn't lose anyone did you?"

"Yeah. So what? I'm supposed to feel bad about that? I'm sorry but I can't make myself depressed over some folks I never knew who died.. how many years ago? And neither should you."

"That's fine. But you don't need to be a dick about it."

"f**king hell. You know I liked you better when you didn't speak kid."

Eddie, with his back to the door catches Izzy and Eugene glancing behind him. He turns to see David standing in the doorway.

"Jesus Christ. How long you been there?"

"Covenant's scanning the planet as we speak. It shouldn't be too long before our descent. I'd advise getting your things in order within the next couple of hours."

"Thanks David"

"Yeah thanks Davey."

She blows him a playfull kiss. David smiles.

"My pleasure. Eddie. Theres something I've wanted to show you. Something I thought might interest you."

"Ahhh David my man. Is it what I think it is?"

"Developments in the Botanics Garden."

"I could kiss you. Okay people. Me and David have some pressing business to attend to. I'll catch you in a bit."

He puts an arm over Davids shoulder.

"Lead the way brother."

David subtley moves out from Eddies embrace.

"This way."

David leaves the room and turns into the hallway. Eddie follows rubbing his hands and humming a tune to himself. Izzy and Eugene look at each other. Eugene shaking his head as Izzy smiles and burst out laughing. Her laugh echoes through the halls as we pan back out of the room, into the dark hallway and fade to black.



im digging it! super easy to picture in my head... and hear davids voice just as easily ;)


i hope you keep it going sir... looking forward to seeing how you evolve the story for sure



Thanks bud. I said to myself even if one person likes it i'll continue. If not i'll just leave it. Looks like i'm gonna keep at it.



I'm interested too. Very vividly written.

Do you know where you're going with this?




Quote from: TC on Apr 23, 2018, 10:19:15 AM
I'm interested too. Very vividly written.

Do you know where you're going with this?


Yeah I have a rough outline for about 70-80%. Some interesting ideas to. Well I think so anyway lol.

Pretty busy till June but I am doing bits here and there. Just taking a while. Prob upload bit by bit.



Loving it. Its got a nice flow to it and I can already picture it



Very well done. I enjoyed reading it. Who needs a movie when you've got this? Keep it coming.



I really enjoyed it. Good job, man.



And we're back. Story progress.

Better late than never :P

Removed the original title. Didn't like it. Still thinking on that.

Anyway. We meet more of the main characters and things start to heat up.

Still in the first act so plenty more to come...



ooooooooooooooo thats gettin snazzy :D cant wait to read more!!!! keep it up sir!



This is fantastic.  It flows really well, I can picture the whole thing in my head.  You've also really captured David's malevolence.  Really good stuff.  On a technical level, a few pieces of dialogue could do with a bit of streamlining, but it is only minor.  Overall, this is awesome, I can't wait to read the rest of it



Thanks peeps. More will come but I'm not rushing it. Want to deliver a good story that brings back memorys of watching the movies as a kid while bringing something new to the table. Although I am sticking to Ridleys cannon I think I can bring it back to what I imagined a prequel to Alien would have been before Prometheus released.

Hopefully worth the wait in the end.



keep goin man :D youve got an fan sitting here anxiously awaiting more!!!



Quote from: FreeFacehugz on Apr 02, 2018, 05:12:03 PM
__UPDATED__ 8th May 2019

After being kind of disappointed with Covenant I wondered if I could do better...

Started writing this. Let me know what you think and I'll continue if anyones likes.

It's only the start and doesn't give too much away regarding some ideas I have.


Open on sparse stars.
Tiny diamonds in the dark.

A giant black planet slowly slides into view.
As this water planet passes we can just about see small pockets of land.
On Earth they would be the size of continents. Here they are spread out like leaves on a lake.
As the planet slides out of view we are back with the stars.

Dark and empty only for what looks like a comet. Covenant's engines scream silently in space as the tombstone ship heads towards its final destination.

(title TBA)
David emerges through a door from a dark hallway. Faint classical music echoes from the darkness behind him.

"Mother. Lock entrance to C block. Sub level 5. Code. Cain."

The door slides shut and the loud locking mechanism marks the end of the music.
The hall now silent.

"C block contained.
Please proceed to medlab 5
for decontamination."

"That won't be necessary mother."

He walks through red lit hallways, humming a tune to himself as he reaches an elevator and steps inside.

"Main deck mother"

As the lift crawls upward David feels his left hand with his right. Then feels his face. His jaw moves up and down involentarily, like he's chewing gum.
The lift stops and doors slide open.

"Main deck."

David regains control and heads for the bridge.

"How far from Oregie6?"
"Less than 22 hours."

"Thank you mother."

As he enters the bridge he can see the planet through Covenants large windows. The systems red star far behind the planet shines light on Davids face.
Oregi6 slowly eclipses the star and David is back in the dark.

"Mother please wake the crew."

"Hypersleep systems cycles drawing down. 3 female. 6 male. ETC 1 hour."

    "Thank you. That will be all for now. Engage offline mode."

Interior hypersleep chamber:

Nine humans sleeping peacefully. Selected from one thousand to be the first to wake.
Their pods dim for a second then brighten and hum as they begin to open. Their eyes soon begin to flicker as David watches from behind glass in a darkened room.

First to open their eyes is Alex. His pale skin, dark eyes and gaunt face say hypersleep has not been good to him.
He seems confused as he looks around at the other pods. It all comes back to him in a moment as he catches sight of David watching.

     "Are we there?"

   (through intercom)
   "Just about. How do you feel Alex?"

      "How do I look? Jesus. How long does this usually last? Walter?"

      "It's David actually. There's been a slight change of plan. I'll brief you all together. Until then just concentrate on regaining muscle control and hydrating."

Alex stumbles out of his pod and drops to one knee. He looks up and sees a woman sitting up in her pod. She's tall, black, thin with dreads to her shoulders. Her eyes are still closed.

    "Hey, you okay?"


She opens one eye to see who shes talking to.

     "Better than you though."

She chuckles and it turns into a cough.

     "Well that's somethin at least. I don't feel right. Think I should see medical."

Kris stumbles out of her pod, grabs Alex's arm and helps him to his feet.

     "You'll be fine. Try and walk it off"

David enters and takes Alex's other arm.

      "I'm sure she's right. There were a few issues during hypersleep but nothing some food and water can't fix."

Kris looks at David curiously as they lead Alex into the next room.

    "You the same one that put us under?"

     "No. That was Walter. There was a small accident before we left Earth. He could not be repaired in time. Think of me as his brother. I'm David."

   " Yeah well, Davey boy if I'm still this rough in an hour I want you to take a full scan."

As they sit Alex on a large chair David pauses and gives him a blank stare.

   "My pleasure."

We hear muffled voices from the hypersleep chamber. David turns his head in that direction then turns to Kris.

    "Im going to check on the others."

Alex and Kris stare at David as he walks away. They stay on him and talk.

    "So wheres the crew?"

     "Something up?"

Alex stubles to his feet and Kris tries to sit him down.

"Relax man. You're f**ked."

"Bad hangover. Had worse. Feel better already. What's your name?"
"Kris. And y.."

Alex cuts her off mid sentence.

   "Alex. Nice to meet you Kris."

He begins to stumble towards the hypersleep chamber.

  "Just gonna have a little chat with Dave. Find out what's what."

INT Hypersleep chamber:

Three more are now awake. David stands over a female as she leans out of her pod and throws up.
He seems more interested in her than the two men crawling out of theirs.

"Davey Boy! Can I have a word?"

David barely aknowledges him.

  "In a little bit."

Alex looks puzzled for a second.

   "David. Need to talk now."

David, still looking over the woman closes his eyes. His jaw nearly starts. He clenches his mouth and turns to face him.

  "Of course Alex. How can I help?"

  "Over here."

Alex nods his head back to the other room then walks back in. David follows behind.
As David enters the room he sees Alex and Kris standing at a large table. Alex leans on it with both hands. Kris, arms crossed, looks at both of them slightly nervous. David walks over to meet them.

   "So you gonna tell us what's up? Wheres the rest of the crew?"

   "I'm sorry. There have been some..... casualties."

Kris's expression turns from nervousness to slight panic. Alex looks confused.

   "Casualties? What? How?

   "I wanted to tell you all together."

   "I think it would be better coming from a human David. Don't you?"

David pauses and before he can answer Alex starts..

"How many? What happened?"

David pauses for a second. Stares blankly at Alex

  " A solar flare hit Covenant some years back. We were to close to the star while attempting store its energy when an unexpected flare hit us.
All of the original crew dead, plus many others who were in hypersleep. Like yourselves. Most of the standard pods received quite a knock. So much damage. Lots of casualties. That's why you were put into the crew models. You were the least injured who needed to be moved. The others couldn't survive. Their best chance was to remain in their pods. It's also why you feel as you do. Some crew died during impact. Others from the radiation on the bottom level. Quite unfortunate they were down there at the time.
Sub level 5 is now in quarentine. I would advise you all to stay above L5 at risk to your own safety.
Nine of you have been selected to take over from the previous crew based on risk of remaining in the damaged pods. We saved all we could.


"Another member of the crew. He died of radiation poisoning soon after. Then it was only me left. I'm sorry if you knew any of the deceased. I have the full list ready if you'd like to have a look."

Alex and Kris stand in silence.
Kris turns to Alex. Her eyes like glass.
Alex just stares at David.

   "So, who's in charge now?"

    "Since chance of suvival was highest priority regarding who was moved to the advanced pods it's now a rather moddest crew."


    "With your military flying background. It's you."

Alex stares blankly at David. David stares back.
Fade to black.

EXT Space:

Covenant, now slowed to what looks like freefall, floats toward Origie6. The sun rising again as Covenant slowly circles the massive planet from afar.

David is in the pilots chair. Alex stands behind him staring at the planet with an unease he tries to shake.

   "Lucky you can fly this thing Davey boy."

    "Yes. Nothing to worry about sir. We've nearly reached atmosphere. ETA 17 HOURS.

Alex slaps David on the shoulder.

     "We get down there in one piece and I'm naming a continent after you."

David looks at him from the corner of his eye.

   "I'm honoured sir."

They stare at the oncoming planet. David smiles as the sun rises once again from behind. White sunlight hits both their faces.

    "Kinda scary."

     "Actually, I think it's quite beautiful."



As the colonists dream in hypersleep, we zoom out and see we are looking at a screen. Kris is sitting at a terminal on the bridge. Her face lit up as she watches over the pods. Lost in thought her eyes start to fill up. She wipes her cheek as a tear escapes. She switches to another screen to check on the wakened crew. They are eating, drinking and talking at the large table in the room next to the bridge.


Grant: male, mid 40's - Engineer
Mac: male, late 30's - Architect
Page: female, mid 20's - Biologist
Eddie: male, mid 20's - Advertising
Izzy: female, mid 30's - Doctor
Eugene: male, mid 20 - Financial Advisor
Stoker: male, mid 40's - Mechanic

The crew members sit around a table eating and drinking. Although they're more interested in the whisky than the food. They are all talking to and over each other. We make out some conversation.

  "What? Just see you later? I was on Mars for six months with three of those guys. Now what? Bodies thrown away. No contact from home. Half of us are dead."

  "I know but it's not like we were going back home anyway. This is it. We have everything we need. It's f**ked up about the others to but please stop f**king stressing me out."

  "Oh you're stressed. My apologies..... Get more emotion from the f**king droid."

  "F**k. You."

  "Jesus stoker she's right. There's no point in getting angry. I knew some of those guys on Mars to. Anyway the droid says he's working on restoring communications as soon as we get set up on the planet. Can let their familys know then."

  "Yeah man. Gotta stick together. Here."

He offers Stoker what he's smoking.

  "Get that shit out of my face."

  "Just trying to relax you buddy. Your pissed off, but it doesn't help anyone you know? Hey where's that Kris girl? She's cute eh? "

He smiles jokingly.

  "Got to do somethin to take your mind off things."

  "Pass that over here creep. And could someone pour me another drink?"

She pushes her empty tumbler to the middle of the table towards Grant. He grabs a half empty whiskey bottle and half fills the glass. Picks it up and hands it back to her.



She smiles at him as they clash glasses. Sharing a knowing look with the older man.

  "Look I'm just saying. This is a huge f**kup. And these "artificial persons" they leave in charge when we're sleepin don't give a f**k really. I don't like it."

He stares down at his empty glass while he speaks. Eugene sits beside Stoker. Staring at him in silence.

  "Why so quiet Eugene? You ain't said much since we woke up."

Eugene looks up shyley. Fakes a grin.

  "Nothing. I'm just listenin. Still feel kinda sick I guess."

  "Eat somethin. You'll feel better. Or you want a drink?"

  "No I'm fine. Thank...

   Stoker (interupting)
  "Hey listen. I'm sorry for being a prick. I'm just not into droids and this whole thing has me freaked out."

He looks up at the rest of them with an apologetic look. He looks worried. The rest of them look at each other. They know they're just as scared as him.

  "Don't worry about it. We're all on the same boat. Just can't let it f**k with our heads when we've got all this work ahead of us. You know?"

Stoker smiles for the first time as Eddie rubs the brand new WY cap off his head.

  "What about this merger huh? Can't believe they sent new designs out this far." (He laughs)


Eddie takes the joint off Page and hands it to stoker. Stoker takes it and smirks as he puts it to his mouth.

   "You want to hear what the David told me about it?"


  "Apparently he was able to access internal, confidential Weyland Corp files from the computors on Covenant until a couple years ago. He says Yutani were making illegal a.i.. Enough to do something pretty extreme. They were planning somethin, and they were close. Weyland had their own spies though. Watching and stealing. But they had to stop Yutani before it went too far. Told them they had copies their tech. There was no advantage. But they could join and share the market. He reckons together they're the biggest private company in history. Bigger than governments. Some control the world bullshit man."
The rest of them listen. Who doesn't like a good old fashion conspiracy theory. Grant seems confused about something.

  "Yeah, sounds like bullshit." (Laughs again)

They all smile and go back to talking between themselves. David enters the room.

  "How are we feeling? It won't be long before we find a suitable landing area."

Stokers smile fades at the sight of David.

Grants looks from Stoker to David.

  "We're doing okay David. Thanks.

  "Good to hear. Grant can you assist Alex on deck? I have some checks to make before we land.

  "Yeah. On my way."

Grant grabs his jacket off the back off a chair and walks past David. Exits and turns for the bridge.
David scans the rest of them.

  "Is there anything I can help you with before I go by my business?"

  "What business is that?"

David stares at stoker. Almost a look of contempt when Eddie cuts in.

  "He's tending to those fine specimens in the botanics lab. Aint that right David."

Eddie laughs and David cracks a smile.

    David (turning to Eddie)
   "Of course sir. Anything else?"

    Page (now drunk and giggling)
  "At ease soldier."


   "Hey Alex. You hear Davids info on how our new employers joined the party?"

   "He told you? Crazy isn't it." (smirks)

   "Eddie was telling us. Weird David told you two about it. Don't you think?"

" I think, maybe he thought that since, you know, we're all the way out here , what difference does it make? Gives us something to talk about other than this mess."

  "Yeah. Maybe your right. Were's Kris?"

   "She went to lay down. Her friend she lost in hypersleep. I think he was more than just a friend?"

  "Right. Poor kid."

  "She's still pretty together. I'd be sobbing like a baby. My girls sleepin safe and sound. I can't wait to see her when she wakes up."

   "And I came here to get away from my wife."
(He chuckles)
   "Well ex wife."

  "I'm sure she's heartbroken to. Is David still back there?"

  "Nah he said he had some things to do. You talk to him much?

  "Yeah. I think he's a bit spaced  after being stuck here alone all this time. Almost feel sorry for him."

  "I wouldn't go that far. He's still just a machine."

  "I don't know. I remember the David series being pretty weird. They couldn't tell if they were replicating emotion or actually getting emotional. Attached to people. Creepy."

  "I heard one beat the shit out of an officer for pushing some kid. Nearly killed him."

  "I heard that was just a rumour."

  "Weyland Corp said it was a rumour. Whatever that's worth."

    Alex (smiles)
  "Well I think if Davey looked after us for this long it's safe to say he won't go psycho on us now."

  "If you say so cap. Want a drink?"

  "If you're buying."

Alex gets up and as they leave the bridge we see Oregai6 through the windows. Now taking up the whole view. Massive black seas and mountainous clusters of land. The entire planet is being scanned for the optimal place to call home.



A man with a WY cap hanging backwards off his head walks slowly through a red lit steel maze. It's stoker. He's trying to be as quiet as he can while being as drunk as he is. Not too drunk. But drunk enough so that he sways a little when he stops to check the geiger counter in his pocket. No reading yet. He's on sub level 4 on his way to 5. The stubborn drunk won't take a droids word that it's not safe down here. He wants to see for himself. Plus he seen David make his way down here just 20 minutes ago. Can't take the elevator. Got to be quiet. If he bumps into David he'll have to make up some bullshit. Just be quiet.
Stoker turns the last corner before the stairs to s-level 5. The basement of this giant floating structure. He stops. Still no reading on the counter. He listens. He can hear someone moving. David must be on his way back this way. He didn't bother with the elevator either. Didn't want anyone to know he was down here. Stoker backtracks through a few corridors before slipping into an open door to a storage room full of oxygen tanks and ropes with hooks. He waits. Trying to control his drunken breathing. After a minute he hears footsteps coming close. Almost sounds like they slowed outside the room. They keep going though. He waits until he can't hear them then he waits a little more. His heart is pumping. He has to tell himself to get a grip. David has no authority here and he's just checking the area out. He tells this to himself but it doesn't stop his heart pumping and his mind racing. He leaves the room. Looks Davids direction. Turns and continues to the stairs.
As he decends to the bottom floor, gieger counter in hand, it seems to get darker and the hum of machinery heavier. He reaches the bottom. Still no reading. He keeps walking. Following the red lights behind the corridor walls. It's getting hot. He starts to sweat. He walks along the dark hall until he comes to a wide door with a large locking mechanism attatched to the front. This is were David said most of the radiation was contained. It's not locked. Just press the open panel. Fast. Just to get a quick reading.
He stands to the side. Holds the counter out in front of the door. Maybe only his arm will fall of he jokes to himself. He hits the panel and the door slides open. Still no reading.
He peeks his head from the side of the door to look inside. Just darkness. He stands in front of the door. Takes a tiny flashlight from his back pocket. To faint to make anything out. He steps inside. He's standing, looking around for less than a minute, not even able to see the walls when the door slides close behind him. In a panic he drops his light and runs to the door. It won't budge. The panel is dead. He kicks the door and hurts his foot.


He turns and makes for his flashlight laying on the floor. It's shining across the floor. At the end of it's beam the floor seems to rise and fall. Like there's something spread over it. He picks up the light and shines it on the thick, dark objects spread over the ground. He follows them to the far wall. They're all over the wall. As he looks at the black, glimmering mass, it seems to have form. A pattern that spreads over the walls from a single point. He follows the ridges to their center and looks for a moment. His mind tries to make sense of the shapes.
He makes out a definite shape. His legs buckle in shock as he tries to back away and trips over one of the things spread over the floor. He gets back up and feels the urge to run. Run where? He stops. Makes himself shine his light on it again. In hope it was just his mind playing tricks in the dark.
There's a person in there. A woman on the wall. Crucified in black deformed shapes. She's part of it. Or is it part of her? Her mouth open in a silent, demented scream. Eyes wide with terror. He's not even sure if she is dead or alive. Her head is deformed and stretched over the wall. Her legs are missing. In their place is what looks like a swollen fleshy sack.
A dim light suddenly covers the room. He turns and David is standing near the entrance with his hand on a control panel.


Stoker's hands are shaking. He can barely speak. He can only muster broken words through the pumping of his heart in his chest.

  "David..wh.....ah.. I don't know..w.what's..."

He nearly drops his flashlight he's shaking so much.

"You couldn't help yourself could you. I don't blame you."

Stoker makes for the door. David moves in front of it.

  "Open the door David!"

  "I don't think so."

  "Open the f**king door!"

David grabs Stoker by the throat and pushes him back towards the rear wall. Towards... it. As he pushes he talks.

  "You have no idea how hard it's been to resist temptation."

Stoker fights back in vein.
  "But now that we're nearly there, and you. You're here. I think I can offer you a taste of what's to come."

David pulls a scalpel from his back and slices it into Stokers spine. He drops the paralyzed man on the floor.

  "Having real equipment has been a blessing. You'd laugh at what I used to use for lab tools. Still. A good craftsman never blames his tools."

Stoker lays in shock on the floor. Barely able to take in what David is saying.

  "Please....help me."

  "You want me to help you? I am helping you. I'm helping all of you. You're supposed to be the future of man. And I agree. But you have no idea what your future is. I do. Let me show you."

I hated Covenant and still do, as most of the people here. But this, this is perfection. A just rightly crafted draft for a Covenant Sequel. I used to hate David 8 too but this changed my mind.

Im also currently writing an AVP3 fanfiction but if compared to this? Mine is just "Covenant" while yours is "Aliens".



Quote from: AVPVBRFan79 on Jun 15, 2019, 04:16:20 PM
I hated Covenant and still do, as most of the people here. But this, this is perfection. A just rightly crafted draft for a Covenant Sequel. I used to hate David 8 too but this changed my mind.

Say for yourself!

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