Splash Report Rumors

Started by ThePredatorUK, Feb 10, 2017, 09:01:54 PM

Splash Report Rumors (Read 63,752 times)



Lol that made me laugh predator88 that was funny the way you said that



Quote from: predator88 on Feb 17, 2017, 03:24:44 PM
Quote from: ROYCE_THE_PREDATOR on Feb 17, 2017, 02:39:39 PM
So far the plot sounds like The new 10 foot Pred is not only going to try and capture the Predator technology that was exposed to the humans but to also get back the Pred that crashed on his ship in Cuba.

So there are 2 main predators ?
Speculation by some based on vague rumors but not concrete.

QuoteAnd I bet the 10ft one will kill the regular one ala in Predators and done just as shitty

If there actually is a 10 ft predator that makes the final draft, I doubt Dekker or Shane would not have the foresight to see what has and hasn't worked in the past. This isn't their first rodeo.



Why is everyone upset about 10 feet tall Predator? The original wasn't too far from it, it doesn't sound like that much of a difference in a single race.



I totally agree Overthere. The Preds we seen so far are 7-8 feet but who knows how else tall and different looking they can be in there home world. Great white sharks are 20 feet long but there are other Great Whites that are about 12-15 feet long. Humans can get as big as 7 plus feet tall but the average human is about 5 foot 10. But it sounds like they like the ideal of a huge predator but don't like the ideal of it being genetically enhanced. If it was a normal/ classic predator who was just naturally 10 feet tall is what some are bringing up. I'm still confused on how this Pred is genetically enhanced. Did he do it himself somehow? Did the Preds do it for him? Maybe they did it for him because they know the military is not going to make it easy on him in fact it will be a nightmare for him to get back to the home world alive and with the exposed technology and while also trying to not get captured in the process. We need to know an official official official synopsis because the leaked synopsis was a bit confusing.

The Wolverine Predator

Shane Black on Twitter

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Well if you guys remember ADI was hired a few moths ago to create the costumes.




Quote from: The Wolverine Predator on Feb 17, 2017, 08:16:21 PM

Shane Black on Twitter

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bam! Told you guys those rumors are BS.



Quote from: Tangakkai on Feb 17, 2017, 09:19:40 PM
Bam! Told you guys those rumors are BS.

Let's hope that the ten foot tall genetically modified Predator is BS too.. If not, then at least the genetic manipulation part should be. And the whole hybrids thing.



I actually kinda feel bad for film makers in the digital age. Not only do they have to worry about leaks but also fake leaks , misinformation, and quotes taken out of context.. Half the time the people following these franchises have already made up their minds about the movie before they've even seen a second of footage.



Honestly? I'm not that mad, if you could even say I'm mad at all. Concerned, yes but... I'm not mad. More like cautious and just keeping my distance.

Go back seven, eight years ago... with PREDATORS, ho ho ho boy... I was mad.



Would you guys want to see another Avp film but truly done right this time? In space with marines in on the action too. We had 2 Avp films, 1st one was enjoyable and the 2nd flat out was so horrible.

The Alien Predator

The Alien Predator

Quote from: RakaiThwei on Feb 17, 2017, 08:14:06 AM
Guess this is gonna be a clash of different schools of thought here... The old EU showed that there were different Predator clans, but instead of telling us that they were different-- they showed us that they were different. However they were more similar to each other and the differences were very minimal. Of course, I am referring to the few instances when different clans were shown such as the Delta clan in Extinction. Also worth note, is that the old EU suggested that many Predator clans answered to a governing Council of Ancients, who more or less enforced the laws of the hunt which most Predator clans abided by.

I'm not sure if the new EU kept this concept but I doubt it that it did, and if it didn't... well, I don't know if the idea of NECA's Clan Leader idea of a Grand Elder is implemented or not. The only thing which I am telling you is what the old EU has informed it's readers for the past twenty something years before it was unfortunately dumped out for the new material.

These new Predators are different on the individual scale as well. No two ships look the same for instance, all their tech is custom made and modified. So in a way, we're shown differences even with the new ones too as well as some universal similarities among them as a species. You could say the differences are minimal here too, despite for example, their ships all being different and if you steal one ship and learn how to use it, then steal another you'd have to start over - they're still recognisable as "Yautja ships" by humans.

Well, the new EU does seem to have some Elders who are so respected, like Elder Kalakta, that multiple clans answer to them. But despite this, even when Kalakta made peace with humans, there were still Predator attacks being reported which the narration then says that "just like us, they did not all follow one leader."

Kalakta is also said to be a thousand years old, he could very easily be an Ancient. He is incredibly skilled in combat and has great strength despite his age.

Despite all that, some clans still defied him and hunted humans, and those probably weren't Bad Bloods, just clans who thought "eh, who cares what he said?"

Kalakta rose to such levels of respect by being such a skilled warrior. He wasn't born into it, he fought and hunted his way into it. He was deeply respected by other Predators who were so eager to fight alongside him.

So there's still lots of the old EU in there.

QuoteWe know that they are hunters and are a very proud warrior race. And we know that they hunt for the thrill of the sport, and also the challenge. However going by what the old EU had told us, they also hunted for a variety of reasons. The right to acquire better hunting gear and weapons. The right to breed. The right for hunting grounds. And also to climb a social ladder. This is likely something which has been ingrained into them while they were evolving on their homeworld, and they've revolved everything around the hunt. To them, it's something almost sacred. Do you dispute this or not?

I don't, most of this is in the new EU anyway. You'd be surprised at how much of the old stuff is in Rage War alone. I think Lebbon may have done some research on Yautja besides just using the name because so much of their old habits do remain, but in my opinion, a bit more "refined."

Like, I was thinking last night about that caste I was reading on Xenopedia. The "Untouchables" which are invalid or disabled Yautja who are apparently treated horribly by their brethren.

To me, I thought it just made them predictable savages.

I liked what Lebbon did with a crippled female. She lost her legs in a hunt, so she was on some mechanised platform that allowed her to move around and had a cybernetic eye. It goes to show that despite them being the way they are, they're also a social and compassionate species among themselves.

They took this invalid, treated her wounds and put her to use elsewhere. She is a scientist instead. "You can't hunt, but you can research and build us better gear" makes so much more sense than "you are now useless and we'll leave you to starve."

QuoteI never once did say that they were a monoculture, and I think it's here where you're getting lost in assuming that. Let me explain. I am not saying that they are following one culture, but from what the old EU tells about the governing Council of Ancients-- they answered to a single authority, who enforce certain traditions and rules, and most especially laws on how the hunt was conducted. I'm sure that many clans from different continents or territories on homeworld have their own cultures and customs, which is fine and dandy but what I am saying is that the Council of Ancients, at least in the old EU, governed over a majority of numerous clans. And even if we look at the Hish-qu'ten version of the Predators, this was similar with a Conclave where the ruling heads of many clans answered to a Supreme Elder who gave their final word on how the Hunt was to be conducted.

But sometimes you seem to act like they are a monoculture. As soon as they deviate from the usual trope or cycle, more often than not, it doesn't click with your idea of what they are meant to be.

Like with "they answered to a single authority", no my friend, 'some' answered to a single authority. Just like with the Kalakta example above, many clans followed him but there were those who also chose their own paths. I think it's the same with the Council of Ancients, I assume the majority of the clans will answer to them but there will be the independent (and not Bad-Blood) clans who will follow their own rules and paths.

Later on in that paragraph, you do correct yourself with "the majority of clans", "many clans" following these leaders. That's exactly the same thing with what the new EU has shown us so far.

QuoteHere is the thing about the Super Predators. We were told that these guys were supposed to be Outcast, that they were supposed to be genuinely psychotic, evil Predators who were sent onto the Preserve Planet as punishment. We were told this by Word of God from Mr. Robert Rodirguez and Nimrod Antal in a Hungarian magazine interview. We were never shown this in the film, we were never even given exposition through dialogue in the film. Nothing was shown or given as to how or why these guys were Outcasts. I think that if we were shown this, or explained this, they might have been seen more than just another "rival" clan. And as much as NECA's backstories aren't canon-- I like the idea that the traditional Yautja view the Super Predators as an entirely separate race and as heretics.

If there has to be rogue clans (and I know that there were many in the old EU but they were seldom seen) then explain why and show how they are rogue clans which are completely different from the ones we've seen in Predator, Predator 2, and AVP.

Rodriguez and Antal may have said those things, but some things film makers say don't have to be taken at face value. What ultimately matters is what's shown on screen.

And what we've seen so far, Jungle Hunter and Super Predator clans seem to despise each other. Maybe they were banished here and then ambushed Jungle Hunter and stole his ship (hence how Berserker was able to blow it up as it took off), I think they used that same ship to kidnap our characters.

Assuming they didn't have their own ships, which they might have had due to the ending hinting at it and the sequel comic showing us other Super Predators. I have doubts they're "rogues", just a different clan who does things so differently that the Jungle Hunters can't stand.

The Hish-Qu-Ten clans were similar, their customs were so strict that entire clans would go to war with each other just because some of them disagreed on something sacred.

Who is to say Super Predators don't see the classic Predators as heretics? Or weaklings for refusing to "better" themselves when they can easily do so?

QuoteThe Super Predators were made for the rule of cool because Rodriguez and Litvak felt as if the original concept wasn't scary anymore and obsolete. That's one half of the problem with the Super Predators that I have with them. The other half was that they were hyped and failed to meet the hype. The original Bad Blood concept was done great, without the gimmick which the Super Predators needed. It was a psychotic Predator. It was the Jeffrey Dahmer of Predators, quoting the narration boxes in the comic and it was executed greatly.

I'd agree that the original Predators can't be outshined and will never be obsolete. I am not opposed to them adding new Predators like 2.0 or Supers as it adds diversity among them and shows a bit more of their culture, how some are more modified than others.

I think your issue is you take what Antal and Rodriguez said too seriously. If we ignore for a second that they're meant to be the "Ipods" of the Predators and actually see what was shown on screen, you'll see that they're really not that better.

Classic put up a good fight to Berserker, a dehydrated, starved and crucified Classic. I think Anytime from the first film might have even mopped the floor with Berserker's dreadlocks.

QuoteI like them as a concept for a rogue clan. I think there are plenty of them out there, probably just as bad or worse. I accepted them more than the Super Predators, because in Three World War, as underwhelming as that storyline was-- the exposition of their backstory was given out, they were shown to be why they were considered an outcast and rogue clan, and why, according to Machiko-- many of the traditional clans, viewed them as heretics and aimed to drive this clan into extinction-- and seemingly came close to it, to where they were sent into hiding and made into a memory. The Killer Clan was one of the things I think Three World War did right, they explained how they were a rogue clan, and they showed how and why they were a rogue clan. They did both of those things, which made me accept them. They achieved what the Super Predators couldn't as a concept.

I see. I would've liked to have seen some more explanations on the Super Predators as well. Because for all we know, they might not even be rogues. Just a bunch of space dicks making their own rules and being defiant reactionaries which pissed off the more traditional clans. But they don't seem to have taken things as far as the Killers did so as to vex all the other clans into zerg rushing them into extinction.

I mean, they do follow some rules among themselves. Falconer actually fought "honourably" and even waited for Hanzo to get up several times that he knocked him down before resuming the fight. I think it was Berserker and Tracker who were a bit more "lenient" on how they hunted. Tracker being the one to blast Nolan (I think it was him who did that) and Berserker shamelessly blasting at a fleeing Classic.

But this use of plasma casters doesn't make them rule breakers. Ahab gladly blasted a human who was clearly challenging him (while cloaked) and we are all familiar with Anytime's plasma spamming.

Different strokes for different blokes. They weren't being Killers or Poachers (what Delta clan was thought to have been in Extinction), just the equivalent of rich dudes taking lions to an island to hunt.

QuoteI didn't like the dogs because I prefer the Predators to be trackers on their own. They have keen senses which even Nolan had said that they could hear us and smell us. To me, having the dogs seems like it's cheating. Now I don't mind rogue clans doing this. Why? Because they're assholes. The Killer Clan used them to great effect because they didn't give a damn about the laws of the hunt, and this was a large reason why they were seen as heretics. The use of animals were seen as a no-no according to Three World War, based on the reactions of the traditional clan and the backstory Machiko gave out. I don't mind rogue clan's doing this and using animals if they wanna be assholes. But traditional clans? I don't see it.

You also keep on referring to the new EU and me the old... Well, then, I guess this might as well be one of Doug Walker's Old vs New segments!

Predators cheat often during hunts. They cloak, they use advanced weaponry against inferior prey, and some extremely advanced vision modes etc. I know they sometimes drop their stuff for a fair fight, but like I said, it doesn't change the fact that they cheated as well.

They're hunters. Hunters seek to bag the trophy. Like I've said before, Super Predators have their own rules and don't seem to mind using their hell hounds despite their own skills and abilities.

Sure, this'll irk the Jungle Hunters and any other very traditional Predators. But the Killers seem to have used their controlled Aliens to exterminate prey while the Super Predators are genuinely used theirs to flush out prey. The dogs didn't even attack anyone, they just rushed the humans and one was pinned I think but not mauled.

I think these dogs were more cannon fodder rather than "get 'im boy!", more of a "what's he capable of? Find out, boy!" XD

Because Tracker did recall the remaining dogs (or dog?) before they could continue anymore attacks. Then the Super Predators began their hunt.

Nothing really cheapens that, they were testing out the humans and their weaponry. I think it was more a preparation and to see how the prey performs under pressure. It sure made them alert and more wary and feel extra unsafe.

QuoteI don't consider NECA's backstories to be canon... While NECA does have some good ideas like the Super Predators separating from their cousin race because they viewed the laws of the hunt as something which should be tossed away-- I wouldn't consider it canon and I don't think it is.

Fair enough.

QuoteHaving different Predator cultures doesn't cheapen the race. On that, I agree but there seems to be a language barrier going on between you and me (not literally but...) which makes things difficult on what I'm trying to say to you. Here's what I'm trying to tell you on from what I've been told about the Predators from the films, and the EU which I surrounded myself with in the simplest way: Different clans, different cultures, different customs-- one ruling authority that enforces the rules. Those that don't follow are outcast clans. That's the simplest way which I can tell you. I mean if we look at Predator, Predator 2, AVP and AVP-R... seeing those Predators, do you think Diablo, Ghost, Scar, and Wolf were from the same clan? No, they weren't... but they operated in the hunt very similarly, and followed what seemed to be the rules of the hunt very similarly.

They were of different clans, different cultures and customs, but they clearly followed a set of rules closely-- if not rules than a set of guidelines (read this in Hector Barbossa's voice) more like it. And if you have to have a clan which completely deviates from this, show and explain that they are Rogues.

That's all I'm saying.

Similar thing with the new EU. You see in Fire and Stone, in Life and Death and even in the Rage War, the Predators operate in similar ways. They have a set of similar behaviours when it comes to hunting but they don't all answer to the same ruling authority. Which makes me think that a lot of their "ways" could be instinctual rather than cultural. (At least it's why I think Predaliens collect skulls and spines or skin and hang people and Predators upside down without actually doing anything with said trophies.)

The new EU states that Yautja are easily far older than humanity, many of their space habitats (and the pyramid in AvP2010) are older than modern hominids. If they've been hunting things and following similar rules for hundreds of thousands of years, it's probably bound to have become so deeply ingrained in their instincts.

And this is why I think some clans probably have 2.0 Predators, assuming none of this changes of course.

Like you said above regarding Rodriguez and Antal. Maybe what Black and Dekker are saying about 2.0 might not even happen on screen. For all we know, 2.0 might just show up as a huge elite alpha Predator to kick some ooman ass and take back gear without even a single hint of genetic modification.

We shall see how this all turns out.



Quote from: ROYCE_THE_PREDATOR on Feb 17, 2017, 10:35:59 PM
Would you guys want to see another Avp film but truly done right this time? In space with marines in on the action too. We had 2 Avp films, 1st one was enjoyable and the 2nd flat out was so horrible.

Space would be good (doesn't mean it will be 'good', though).  Don't care for marines, though.  Would rather see a colony like in the original AVP comic, without marines.



the predator that machiko fought to win her 1st hunt......

he was pretty big if I remember ....... waaay bigger



Sounds like a bunch of half-rumoured details slapped together into a fake synopsis by someone on the internet. And I hope that's the case, because I can't say it sounds particularly good. :-\

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