Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Feb 07, 2013, 03:27:34 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 227,391 times)



Quote from: ScardyFox on Feb 13, 2013, 06:28:49 PM
Quote from: HappyAlien on Feb 13, 2013, 06:27:32 PM
i've noticed that most of the people defending this game have less than ten posts on AVP Galaxy. Did Gearbox ask its employees to join this sight in the last 24 hours to defend the game or something?

What I'm talking about is forum members like Bugnubbinz, alekss, Vezner and CurseMonk have just popped up in the last 48 hours with the sole intent of defending the game and saying how good it is. Bugnubbinz seems to take it personally when people complain (rightly so0 ho out of date the graphics are. Much like someone who worked on the game would be defensive about it.

Not saying they actually work for Gearbox but i find it strange how most of the people on this forum giving it good reviews have only been with AVP Galaxy for no more than 3 days or have only started posting in the last 48-72 hours. the vast majority see the game for what it is below average. Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but this game is clearly sub par and badly dated. When compared to other FPS out there.



I wouldn't think anything of it besides the fact that a new game has come out, and we've gotten some new people in here days, weeks, and months before the release of the game. The same thing is going to happen when another major game, or movie related to whatever franchise is going to come out.



Quote from: Bugnubbinz on Feb 14, 2013, 03:57:03 AM
I know, I'm not saying it doesn't. I just meant I was sick of people griping about graphics (seriously, they weren't god-awful or unplayably bad graphics, just...lackluster).

Of course they weren't "unplayable." That would be a fault in the game play department.

They are, however, embarrassing for this generation of games. No matter how you slice it. Screen tearing, low rez fuzzy textures, lots of texture popping, geometry popping.  Incredibly nasty glitches with decals, corpses, and body parts hanging in mid air, or getting stuck and having a conniption in walls/floors/ceilings. None of that is acceptable in a AAA game... And that's just one aspect of the entire circus freak show that is this bug riddled mess known as Colonial Marines.



Quote from: PRI. HUDSON on Feb 14, 2013, 03:31:34 AM
Quote from: Alien³ on Feb 14, 2013, 02:15:48 AM
Or the staff at CEX bought it to have on shelves.

OMG, SHUT UP DUDE. STOP. We get it. You love this mediocre game.

Keep it clean. Remember we're all on this forum because we love the two franchises. It won't do you any good telling people to shut up because they like something you don't.

Please and thank you.



Ok well im not new here and i wana add my bit. I think people might be enjoying the game and making there own opinions rather than taking ign or gamespots.

I think the games Multiplayer is fun and it works. I have played it for about 6/7 hours and am enjoying it. I have been playing all the modes and extermination is great... getting the marines to the eggs and waiting to see if your gonna get hit with your motion tracker out... it remindes me of, well.... aliens!? I intend on playing it to death untill the game dies because of the neg reviews which are way over board imo. The multiplayer fun alone means it is worth a 7. AT LEAST. I have noticed NO LAG WHATSOEVER. If anybody here on this forum doesn't think i'm for real and wants to play or see why i like it or how i play and enjoy by all mean add me on xbox live gamertag LOGANSFOLLY. I will be on every night around 9-midnight uk time. I promise you can have fun with it online and get some good kdr's and get some unlocks...

I only hope they do realese the bug hunt dlc because i will buy it.



So, I finally finished the game last night (soldier difficulty).

You can tell that the game is really unfinished and just had pieces patched in by different people working on it.
The pathetic ending is not just a cliffhanger. When it ends, there is no flow. No end credits, just mission over and return to the main menu. As if they literally added the final cutscene and said go, go, go, get it gold to be over with!

I also played the first 3 chapters co-op (Ubadass) with 3 other people and I didn't get the improvement some people are claiming to be.
It wasn't harder, just cheaper when fighting Mercs and with less health.
The MP while not bad is nothing special and needs serious balancing.

The biggest let down with this game is that it really had potential. In the hands of a developer that actually gave a f@ck about polish and production value this could have been a great game. Shame!

And yes, the demo they showed and the amazing screenshots before release was a different game. This was false advertising.



Quote from: teras on Feb 14, 2013, 09:48:19 AM
So, I finally finished the game last night (soldier difficulty).

You can tell that the game is really unfinished and just had pieces patched in by different people working on it.
The pathetic ending is not just a cliffhanger. When it ends, there is no flow. No end credits, just mission over and return to the main menu. As if they literally added the final cutscene and said go, go, go, get it gold to be over with!

I also played the first 3 chapters co-op (Ubadass) with 3 other people and I didn't get the improvement some people are claiming to be.
It wasn't harder, just cheaper when fighting Mercs and with less health.
The MP while not bad is nothing special and needs serious balancing.

The biggest let down with this game is that it really had potential. In the hands of a developer that actually gave a f@ck about polish and production value this could have been a great game. Shame!

And yes, the demo they showed and the amazing screenshots before release was a different game. This was false advertising.

Why does the multiplayer need balancing? Do you not need to get better?



Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
Why does the multiplayer need balancing? Do you not need to get better?

No, it really does need some major balancing. The marines clearly have an advantage. The aliens are suffering from a buggy walk-walk and a badly functioning pounce for the lurker. There are other issues too. It has problems.

Salt The Fries

Salt The Fries

I maxed out the game on my laptop with 4 gb ram, i5 processor and Geforce 520MX on 1366x768 yet for example much of the second level feels like a game made in 1999 using LithTech engine...I AM HONEST and SERIOUS not trolling at all. Sometimes I thought I'm playing Blood 2 by Monolith but that was 1999.



Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 14, 2013, 09:53:07 AM
Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
Why does the multiplayer need balancing? Do you not need to get better?

No, it really does need some major balancing. The marines clearly have an advantage. The aliens are suffering from a buggy walk-walk and a badly functioning pounce for the lurker. There are other issues too. It has problems.

The wall walk works ok. Yes there are some problems with invisable walls ect but i find that if you jump from surface to surface and wait and stalk the marines rather than chaseing them round the map then you can get a few good kills... you will die but you will take marines with you and if you have a team of aliens that also understand this you can easily over power the marines. Also the whole point is that you switch sides.... so if you dont enjoy the aliens part of the mp... soon its marine time and then you can get your scores up and have fun playing the game with your tracker out shittin your pants esp in extermination... i'm not trying to sell you the game.. am trying to tell you it is not as bad is being made out (mp only)



Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 10:11:35 AM
The wall walk works ok.

Yeah. Okay. "it's ok." It's not as good as it could be. It's sluggish, especially when transitioning, which has gotten many people killed. Enough so that they have felt the need to ask in games i've been in if anyone else was having trouble with alien navigation. the front, back, and side motion gets switched around sometimes depending on which plane you are and which direction you are. Plus all the invisible clipping, which has blocked, but also knocked me off in places. This was never a problem in AVP or AVP 2. Gearbox should have taken notes.

Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 10:11:35 AM
you will die but you will take marines with you and if you have a team of aliens that also understand this you can easily over power the marines. Also the whole point is that you switch sides.... so if you dont enjoy the aliens part of the mp... soon its marine time and then you can get your scores up and have fun playing the game with your tracker out shittin your pants esp in extermination... i'm not trying to sell you the game.. am trying to tell you it is not as bad is being made out (mp only)

That's unacceptable in a game where kill count is the way to victory. If I kill them, and they kill me, it's a stalemate.

It's not a matter of liking one side over the other. I have no major preference. Marine is simply the easier one to pick up and play, and part of that has to do with the fact that the xenomorph controls are really shoddy. I'm a long time veteran of the Alien and AVP games, this isn't some noob crying foul over some new and mysterious shit. Gearbox tried to be cute and a little different with the alien design. The problem is their formula has taken the xeno game play experience away from what worked, and worked very well.

The combat in particular is built on this goofy idea that the alien stops moving when he attacks(Except for special attacks which you have to hold down.). They really should have replicated the functionality of AvP2. They didn't though. So the next best thing for them to do is fix what's fundamentally buggy and broken here. Navigation is vital. I shouldn't have to overcome buggy controls to become good at the game. That's not how it works.



Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 09:51:31 AM
Quote from: teras on Feb 14, 2013, 09:48:19 AM
So, I finally finished the game last night (soldier difficulty).

You can tell that the game is really unfinished and just had pieces patched in by different people working on it.
The pathetic ending is not just a cliffhanger. When it ends, there is no flow. No end credits, just mission over and return to the main menu. As if they literally added the final cutscene and said go, go, go, get it gold to be over with!

I also played the first 3 chapters co-op (Ubadass) with 3 other people and I didn't get the improvement some people are claiming to be.
It wasn't harder, just cheaper when fighting Mercs and with less health.
The MP while not bad is nothing special and needs serious balancing.

The biggest let down with this game is that it really had potential. In the hands of a developer that actually gave a f@ck about polish and production value this could have been a great game. Shame!

And yes, the demo they showed and the amazing screenshots before release was a different game. This was false advertising.

Why does the multiplayer need balancing? Do you not need to get better?

Because the damage feels random. Sometimes I find it very easy to do double kills as an Alien with the tail splash against marines that shoot at me from close range and others I may strike one from behind a couple of times and get killed with one shot.

As a marine sometimes my bullets don't seem to connect with the hitboxes of the Aliens and they can kill me with one strike.
Others i can kill 3 or 4 of them in a row as they dash on to me without a problem.

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

Quote from: ShadowPred on Feb 14, 2013, 08:54:39 AM
I wouldn't think anything of it besides the fact that a new game has come out, and we've gotten some new people in here days, weeks, and months before the release of the game.

When AVP2010 came out, suddenly we got a load of new members giving the game 9/10 etc.  When the movies Predators or AVP:R came out, new members giving them 9/10 etc.  Coincidence? Perhaps.  However I've spoken to people who work in the industry and they told me that it is very common to have people who are paid to simply go around the internet and hype whatever product is being sold at the time. I'm not saying that everyone who likes A:CM is a paid stooge however it may be more likely than you think.



Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 14, 2013, 10:20:36 AM
Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 10:11:35 AM
The wall walk works ok.

Yeah. Okay. "it's ok." It's not as good as it could be. It's sluggish, especially when transitioning, which has gotten many people killed. Enough so that they have felt the need to ask in games i've been in if anyone else was having trouble with alien navigation. the front, back, and side motion gets switched around sometimes depending on which plane you are and which direction you are. Plus all the invisible clipping, which has blocked, but also knocked me off in places. This was never a problem in AVP or AVP 2. Gearbox should have taken notes.

Quote from: LogansFolly on Feb 14, 2013, 10:11:35 AM
you will die but you will take marines with you and if you have a team of aliens that also understand this you can easily over power the marines. Also the whole point is that you switch sides.... so if you dont enjoy the aliens part of the mp... soon its marine time and then you can get your scores up and have fun playing the game with your tracker out shittin your pants esp in extermination... i'm not trying to sell you the game.. am trying to tell you it is not as bad is being made out (mp only)

That's unacceptable in a game where kill count is the way to victory. If I kill them, and they kill me, it's a stalemate.

It's not a matter of liking one side over the other. I have no major preference. Marine is simply the easier one to pick up and play, and part of that has to do with the fact that the xenomorph controls are really shoddy. I'm a long time veteran of the Alien and AVP games, this isn't some noob crying foul over some new and mysterious shit. Gearbox tried to be cute and a little different with the alien design. The problem is their formula has taken the xeno game play experience away from what worked, and worked very well.

The combat in particular is built on this goofy idea that the alien stops moving when he attacks(Except for special attacks which you have to hold down.). They really should have replicated the functionality of AvP2. They didn't though. So the next best thing for them to do is fix what's fundamentally buggy and broken here. Navigation is vital. I shouldn't have to overcome buggy controls to become good at the game. That's not how it works.

Kill count the way to victory...? Not always... try something other than team death match? When does the alien stop moving to attack? Only the one button finishes and if you use those when you sneak behind a marine....? I don't blame my controls as much as you... when i die i die. It can be the poor controls fault but it's not as often as your making out. NO you don't have to over come the controls to become good at the game but you can't just rush a pack of marines from a wall or celing either... i can't understand your points and don't agree because i can play the game and am having a LOT of fun with it. Navigation is vital as you say... find a place to lie in wait... ambush the marines or marine. What's you being a vetran got to do with anything this isn't an avp game it's an aliens game... if you wanted more of the same play the old aliens games or COD? There the same year after year.

Please note i am not saying this is perfect BUT it's not completely broken either and it IS fun.

Porkus Maximus

Porkus Maximus

QuoteWhen does the alien stop moving to attack?

Most melee attacks. The "flurry" ability is specifically unlocked to give you a melee attack that you can use while moving.

And if you haven't had any problems with wall walking you're very, very lucky.

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