Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 324,630 times)




Spoiler Warning!

Right from the offset I must point out that I do not understand why people are saying this film isn't really a prequel to the classic 'Alien', let me put the record straight here and tell you all that this film is very much a prequel to 'Alien' in every sense. I have read numerous accounts of how Alien fans should go in with their expectations lowered as they will not see the film they want, epically incorrect.

The story is everything you could want for the prequel and has numerous hints and homages to the first three Alien films and even 'AvP'.

As with the original classic the story unfolds with some typically beautiful interior spacecraft work from Scott as the crew awaken from their deep sleep. Scott clearly tries to recreate the same opening from 'Alien' with this new crew and he does make it look good but it still can't compare to the original. I realise its a different kind of ship to the Nostromo but I just preferred the gritty, dirty, grimy sweat inducing environment of the original, you could almost taste it.

The plot in general is very similar to how things develop in 'AvP' but that may be a simple coincidence. The Prometheus lands on 'LV-223' with the same kind of camera/model shots exactly as the Nostromo did on 'LV-426', the crew then disembark and explore the ancient alien tomb in virtually the same way as the Marines from the 'Sulaco' (minus the hardass act).
We see corridors reminiscent of the hive corridors in the bowels of the nuclear-powered atmosphere processing station in 'Aliens', of course we see the main chamber with the big head (we all know what that looks like) and then of course within about 30min of the film starting we see holograms of the 'space jockeys' or as they are known now...the 'engineers'.

As things get heated up the crew must evac the tomb and you hear the cry 'David we are leaving!' which as you all should know is the line 'Hicks' uses in 'Aliens'...'Drake we are leaving!'. Later on the film we see our heroine having to remove an unusual foetus from inside herself which harks back to 'Alien 3' story lines, acid in the face moments, there is evidence of an overgrown facehugger type creature towards the end and then you have all the 'engineer' plot hints that give clues to 'Alien', its very satisfying.

Visually the film is a fudging masterpiece as you would expect from Scott. Everything looks gorgeous and so real it could actually work, the ships (the Prometheus looks beautiful with her roaring blue/white glowing engines) , the equipment, the outfits and the sets are all stunning, epic in stature and perfect in reality.
The effects are also excellent and handled with ease. At first I was disappointed in the reveal that the engineers were in fact ancient humans (exact DNA match), that's a hard pill to swallow, but the design of the face is simple yet so damn good. They actually look very intimidating with their big black eyes and strong body frames, the suits they wear still look really quite eerie but solid and the famous 'space jockey' features are well Incorporated after all these years, it works tremendously well.

Cast wise I must confess to being a little disappointed after all the hype. Don't get me wrong the film is not ruined by lack of effort but Fassbender really is the only decent performance on show here. His clear, calm, smooth demeanor is as suspicious as it is comforting, quite unnerving at times but his appearance and manner did bring thoughts of Kubrick's '2001' (the opening sequence of him and the empty ship whilst he has obviously been monitoring the crew in a 'Hal' like fashion).

Other casting I didn't really take a shine to. It was always going to be hard to use a female lead (again) as the hero and not have her compared to 'Ripley'. I think this was a mistake by Scott trying to recapture previous glory when it wasn't required, I also found her annoying, dunno why. Theron was miscast for me as she just doesn't fit this type of film in my eyes, Elba I think is an actor of the moment and cast for his popularity in previous films hoping to transfer it to this one (common mistake) and Logan Marshall-Green I just didn't like a tall, something about his looks. Surprise hit for me was Sean Harris as 'Fifield', his character may have been total cliche, predictable and unoriginal but his rebellious appearance and nervous disposition is always a smile raiser ('Hudson').

Of course there are issues with the film that many have already mentioned, its not perfect. I was able to follow the plot for most of the film no problem but there are still unanswered questions revolving around the black goo, 'David's' intentions using the black goo, where the eel things actually come from in the first place and mainly how does an 'engineer' ship crash on 'LV-426' in 'Alien', still don't know!
If you ask me it does seem that those eel creatures lived on that particular planet before the 'engineers' got there and they just happened to cause grief, but how the black goo caused Rapace's character to get pregnant with an eel alien I don't know.

The other thing that bugged me was the fact the technology in this prequel seemed infinitely better than the original, shouldn't it be the other way around? There was also the fact that half the crew were excess, simply along for the ride to be killed off, a bit weak that Mr Scott.

So with some minor-ish questions aside I can confidentally say this film is an achievement for Scott and his crews. Yes the film stands as a good sci-fi film on its own but it also should please Alien fans as there is plenty to get your teeth into, just don't expect any actual recognisable xenomorphs this time round.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:14:31 PM

Spoiler Warning!
If you ask me it does seem that those eel creatures lived on that particular planet before the 'engineers' got there and they just happened to cause grief, but how the black goo caused Rapace's character to get pregnant with an eel alien I don't know.
The eels were the worms/grubs in the soil of the ampule room, mutated by the goo.

Shaw became pregnant after she had sex with an infected Holloway. She is basically a facehugger incubator as was Dallas, but fortunately she had a womb and wasn't face raped so she had a (painful) way out.



^ Yes but 'Holloway' only drank some black goo and it made him ill, so how did that cause a facehugger to grow within Rapace's character after sex? she only had contact with 'Holloway' who only drank the goo, neither had contact with any creatures, the goo is able to create aliens from nothing?



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:38:01 PM
^ Yes but 'Holloway' only drank some black goo and it made him ill, so how did that cause a facehugger to grow within Rapace's character after sex?

Because Scott/Lindelof, that's why.

It really is as simple as that. Not necessarily a bad thing, but Lindelof likes going down the road of raising questions for the hell of it and Scott just likes to be artistic for the hell of it. That's what you get with that sort of creative dynamic.

Scientific plausibility isn't generally a concern in a Ridley Scott film, just so long as Plot Device X does what he wants. The same applies to people like Joss Whedon, too.



Quote from: Xenomorphine on Jun 03, 2012, 09:44:36 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:38:01 PM
^ Yes but 'Holloway' only drank some black goo and it made him ill, so how did that cause a facehugger to grow within Rapace's character after sex?

Because Scott/Lindelof, that's why.

It really is as simple as that. Not necessarily a bad thing, but Lindelof likes going down the road of raising questions for the hell of it and Scott just likes to be artistic for the hell of it. That's what you get with that sort of creative dynamic.

Scientific plausibility isn't generally a concern in a Ridley Scott film, just so long as Plot Device X does what he wants. The same applies to people like Joss Whedon, too.

But that causes an important gap in the life cycle haha



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:55:14 PM
But that causes an important gap in the life cycle haha

I really don't think they care, to be honest. A bit tragic, but there you go.

If they did, they would've taken the opportunity to run with it in this one.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:38:01 PM
^ Yes but 'Holloway' only drank some black goo and it made him ill, so how did that cause a facehugger to grow within Rapace's character after sex? she only had contact with 'Holloway' who only drank the goo, neither had contact with any creatures, the goo is able to create aliens from nothing?

I take it that the goo is a catalyst for mutation, as in the opening scene. So Holloway has been altered, therefore his sperm is alien.

Darth Vile

Darth Vile

Quote from: Gash on Jun 03, 2012, 10:08:32 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jun 03, 2012, 09:38:01 PM
^ Yes but 'Holloway' only drank some black goo and it made him ill, so how did that cause a facehugger to grow within Rapace's character after sex? she only had contact with 'Holloway' who only drank the goo, neither had contact with any creatures, the goo is able to create aliens from nothing?

I take it that the goo is a catalyst for mutation, as in the opening scene. So Holloway has been altered, therefore his sperm is alien.
I think that's correct. There is no alien life cycle at this stage, other than a bit of chaos theory mixed in with a substance that can alter organic material. "Life finds a way"...



just got back from seeing prometheus here in the uk Tonight.

i'm going to avoid any major spoilers, but i don't take responsibility for mentioning things that hint at spoilers.

if you don't want to risk this, please don't read my review.

on with what will be a brief review for now:


whats the verdict?

its hard to give a direct verdict because my verdict differs based on two things: judging it as a film by its self, and judging it against the very original film that spawned it.

as a film by its self, i enjoyed the film, i'd give it a weak 7 out of 10.

the 3D experience was excellent, the cinematography was pretty good, particularly wide exterior shots.  soundtrack was good also.

script? i wasn't pleased with the script as much. i am fussy with scripts but i like scripts that feel more 'real' and inside the story and the characters itself. i don't like scripts that directly 'work' the audience with humour or anything.

i will say that i feel this film, Prometheus, has been overshadowed by the present era's expectations for humour and entertainment. which is a shame, because many parts of the film maintain the epic scope and novelty of the story while other parts made me feel it was in the same league as transformers with its blatant obvious lines and scripting designed to be humorous with the audience rather than between the characters themselves. all in all, it is no where near in the same calibre as ALIEN, and to be honest, ALIENS overall, has a better script for the same reason.


acting was pretty good, i can only really judge this based on multiple viewings, but i didn't see any problems with ability here in the acting, i think just the script and screen play of the film let it down.

How does it measure up to the original franchise?

well, its better than alien resurrection.

its not in the same league as ALIEN/ALIENS, its also not in quite the same genre, which is fine, i like its choice and its direction.

however, at best its arguably better than ALIEN 3 or as good, but in my opinion, it ISN'T better than alien 3.

its made me appreciate alien 3 a little more.

i really liked the design of the engineers, im not sure if i like them as part of explaining the original films mystery but in and of its self, separately, i thought it was very nice design.

Prometheus really does well in some departments :

its done a great job of inventing a new series within our beloved universe. its very much its own film.

i was surprises to see some hints and montage to ALIENS. its not a sci-fi action, or a sci-fi horror, this film is kind of the 'fight club' of the alien franchise. its a head twist.

at the end of the film, there is no clear explanation for anything, everything is out in the open and a mysterious puzzle that you are left thinking about when leaving the cinema.  as i write this i can't wait to discuss what i have watched with the others who have also seen it, there is ALOT to talk about and discuss/theorise.

spoiler warning here......... below is a gentle spoiler of sorts -

this film does not explain or show anything to do with the particular alien derelict that was discovered on lv426 in ALIEN. it does not explain what came out of the engineer in the original ALIEN.

spoiler over...

Prometheus is box filled with new ideas, knowledge, and questions! but you are left poking at answers, none are given in this film!



damn everyone in the uk is lucky only 3 more days for me  :'(



I was very excited to finally see this movie that I've been following since the first announcement of it's production, almost 2 years ago.

Being a big fan of Alien (Ridley Scott), Aliens (James Cameron) and the art/ decoration designs from HR. Giger, Prometheus gave me the nostalgic chills on some parts of the movie that made me feel like I was watching the original Alien film and that's a good thing. The bad thing for some BUT not for everyone, however, is that you'll leave the theater with a stomach full of unsolved questions (typical a Ridley Scott thing, remember Blade Runner) and a film that needed more like 180 minutes instead of 120. It feels in a way that it was made in a rush.

The theme of the story, is an exciting one and surpasses almost any sci-fi flicks from Spielberg, George Lucas and other directors and writers. Not the regular war between humans and aliens... Searching after the origins of the human being. I think that's a great story to think about.

Prometheus starts off with some beautiful camera footage of landscapes on earth and arrives to a scene that explains the beginning of the human being, how it all started, at least that's what I think the writers wanted to make us believe. But there are no further explanations that confirms if the viewer is either right or wrong and it's something that happens quite often over the whole experience. This can be enjoyable for some and less enjoyable for others.

Some questions remain unanswered like,

1.Why did David his "own" experiment or his own science on Holloway was he more intelligent then we think? Was it his experiment or had he received instructions from someone beyond Peter Weyland? Had David tears in his eyes at a certain point in the movie? Did he had emotions?

2.What's the relation between Vickers and David?

3.Vickers, robot or not? If she was a robot, is she really dead/ destroyed?

4.At a certain point we saw the giants (as holograms) run for their lives, from what? What happened? The giants created life on earth but why were they at war with the humans?

5.The alien that was removed out of Shaw's body, was it destroyed after wards or did it grow into the big octopus that kills the giant (where a new species of Alien comes out of its stomach) at the end of the movie?

6.What the hell happened with Fifield? How come he turned into a monster with enormous powers? If Holloway wasn't killed by the flamethrower, would he've been turned into the same monster as Fifield?

The biggest flaw of the movie is when Shaw gives an order to the captain (Janek) to destroy the giant's ship and where Janek decides to kill the rest of the crew with Prometheus in less than 30 seconds. "Oops, there goes the trillion dollars investment and 2 friends of mine."

Another flaw, the story behind each character.

What I liked, the whole setting, the environment, the atmosphere of the outer space and the planet, the death of space, HR Giger, the theme and main plan for the story. The climate of the planet, the storm, was very exciting and very original.

Some things that made the film a little retarded and could've been hold behind, the flute that was used in the giant's ship and Janek's accordion were totally unnecessary. The soundtrack wasn't that great either. How come they got better high tech equipment than in Alien?

Ridley Scott delivers a could've been classic film but I'm hungry for more and I really hope for more. And please Mr. Scott, take your time for the sequel! We need some information about lots of stuff!


First Blood

First Blood

So Janek willingly crashes the ship into the Jockey ship and kills himself along with the rest of the crew?

Nice guy. :P



Forgot all about the Engineers using a flute. Leave that sort of stuff to Spielberg, eh.

Quote from: First Blood on Jun 04, 2012, 02:26:01 AM
So Janek willingly crashes the ship into the Jockey ship and kills himself along with the rest of the crew?

Nice guy. :P
They don't mind at all. They go, "Oh Cap'n you suck at flying!" and decide to martyr themselves. Since they're non-entities throughout the film it doesn't really matter



Questions will hopefully be answered in the Bluray commentary :)

I forgot all about the flute bit, what was that about?

I must admit the 'turning' of 'Fifield' into a rage zombie is strange seeing as 'Holloway' didn't turn, I also thought 'Vickers' was being a bit harsh with that flamethrower, talk about over reaction.



Watching the film, I couldn't help but notice how the film is mainly made up of unused, scraped & original concepts from Alien.  From Dan's original draft, concepts from multiple Hill & Giler re-writes, cast, crew and fan theories ideas and things, from set pieces to story, Ridley Scott was unable to achieve back in 1979.  Flat screens and holograms, for example.  I personally found Prometheus very predictable.  Plus side, seeing Noomi Papace in 3D  ;D

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