Prometheus Fan Reviews

Started by Darkness, May 30, 2012, 05:46:52 AM

In short, what did you think of the film?

Loved it! (5/5)
143 (32.2%)
Good, but not great (4/5)
149 (33.6%)
It was okay, nothing good (3/5)
69 (15.5%)
Didn't care for it (2/5)
30 (6.8%)
It sucked (1/5)
27 (6.1%)
Hated it! (0/5)
26 (5.9%)

Total Members Voted: 441

Prometheus Fan Reviews (Read 324,464 times)



Quote from: 343 on Jun 02, 2012, 02:37:42 PM
Well...i have to see it, but The Thing remake was shit. What a joke.
And till now Prometheus is getting raving reviews in Holland:
Not so for The Thing 2011 (even tough it's dutch director):

im not saying the thing prequel is great or better than prometheus, but it is better in some ways that ive pointed out, probably has better character development too!.

i dont think the thing prequel was as bad as the critics say, but it was just a pointless movie and basically a total (but worse) repeat of the original.





The Thing "prequel" is not better than anything.

A pointless waste of a lot of potential, a decent cast and a talented director (who probably wasn't ready) on a cookie-cutter rehash of the same movie but with far less interesting people, decent screenwriting or half decent FX.  OH, TIME TO SHOW WHERE THE AXE IN THE DOOR GOES!  Tick the boxes!  And teeth?  Really?  The teeth?  Metal?



Quote from: Eva on Jun 02, 2012, 12:48:44 PM
Yeah, I'd agree with the creatures part. I've given it quite some thought and I can't find a coherent lifecycle logic that works within this film, not alone in context with Alien. The starbeast facehugger is my main gripe ... I can't make it fit anywhere...

The best I've come up with is that the black goo is very nasty stuff. If people come in contact with it, they turn into... sigh... zombies, while any other organism seems to evolve into some nasty creature with a desire to penetrate (giggle) people's mouths. I know it's lame, but maybe there's not supposed to be a clear lifecycle to the creatures at all. The black goo just finds a host, one way or another.



Lol no way I'm buying that first post up there^  Absolutely no way in hell.

New Thing was a horrible film, some of the worst dialogue and writing I've ever seen in a movie, in my life.

I even called the 'explain everything by the fire' scene, and they no shit really had one that ham-fistedly shoved every story element into the audiences' face, removing all mystery and making you wonder how the characters could even be sure of it in the first place.

If Prometheus makes me think of the new Thing at all, in any way, I'm coming back here.

And hell is coming with me.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Jun 02, 2012, 03:23:38 PM
Lol no way I'm buying that first post up there^  Absolutely no way in hell.

New Thing was a horrible film, some of the worst dialogue and writing I've ever seen in a movie, in my life.

I even called the 'explain everything by the fire' scene, and they no shit really had one that ham-fistedly shoved every story element into the audiences' face, removing all mystery and making you wonder how the characters could even be sure of it in the first place.

If Prometheus makes me think of the new Thing at all, in any way, I'm coming back here.

And hell is coming with me.
Classic hahahha

This is why i love this forum haha



Quote from: stroggificated on Jun 02, 2012, 01:52:14 PM
Final Post:

The Thing (2011) > Prometheus

Theres no question about it.

LOL.  Anyone who think or agreed that the shitfest The Thing was good or better than Prometheus should get their review card revoked.  Thanks for making this ridiculous comments because now I know to take your reviews with a tablespoon of salt.



Saw this movie last night in UK. Thought it was great. Tied up both the movie and Alien nicely. Space jockeys  were great. Acting could have been better tho. Expectation needs to be resonable as people will only compare this to Alien just like comparisions to Predator. They are both original and classics. Give the guy a break , im actually interested to see Promethus 2 should it be made! Closed out this movie great.



Firstly: yes, this film is a massive letdown. It is unquestionably visually stunning (especially in IMAX 3D), the nods to 2001 are very welcome and Michael Fassbender is surely one of the best Brit actors of his generation.

But the writing is beyond awful on pretty much every level. Dialogue is almost universally hammy and often poorly delivered. The actual sequence of events (AKA plot) is frequently nonsensical.

But worst of all (and this very much betrays the LOST background), questions are left unanswered, not in a tantalising and fascinating Alien-ish way (e.g. the Space Jockey itself, which was infinitely more interesting in the one scene we see it in Alien to the many times we see it here) but in a frustrating and unjustified way, either through a misguided attempt to re-evoke the Alien mystique, or just through sheer Lindelof-ish laziness/lack of intellectual rigour. Remember all those analyses of the murals in the ampule room? Our in-depth theories about what they might be? Well I'm none the wiser at the end of the film, not one bit. Why is there effectively a Xeno on the wall of that room? Still got no idea, and the film doesn't begin to answer it.

See, when we were all trying to piece together the chronology, I think in our worst nightmares none of us imagined the answer would be

actually everyone just gets screwed up in different ways with no real coherence beyond "that black sh!t is really, really bad". And still less did we imagine that different segments of the plot would involve characters with no real interest or even apparent awareness of any other. While I'm at it: wtf was the point of David trying to impregnate Shaw via Holloway, then not seeming to care at all that she'd had it removed, still less check what had happened to it? But in any event, what did that have to do with waking up the Space Jockey? And why did they all just let Shaw run around doing what she wanted when she clearly wasn't going to want them to complete their plan?

Also - the much touted secretive ending? I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet here, but I pretty much exactly predicted what it would be (from Lindelof's comments about an "encore") and it was done in the most obvious and uninteresting way possible. Not only that, it doesn't make sense AND it was the one part of the movie that was pretty poorly designed.

What I really can't tally together are the many interviews and promos Scott and Lindelof gave together and the actual film. Remember Lindelof talking about how the "characters in the film are having conversations about Gods" - nope. Well, about one brief mention of Darwin, but there's no coherence or depth, and given the Space Jockey part of the plot seems to just come down to

"they're building a military installation" and that's it, there doesn't even seem to have been a serious attempt to tackle that stuff.

Finally: was this even well directed? Scott is hit and miss for me anyway; this seems to me to be visually up to his best, but the lack of any real tension, and the good actors who go to waste here, have to be laid at his doorstep, surely. The opening scenes with David and the basketball...nicely done I guess. That was about the only scene, literally, where I felt he was rising above being a highly competent director-for-hire.

Sorry to be so negative, but I'm amazed anyone thinks this is even a decent movie. It isn't - it's poor. 4/10.

T Dog

T Dog

Saw the film last night. I thought it was quite BAD. I was left feeling so underwhelmed that I had to jot down some notes regarding it last night to truly vent. I thought the film was  pretty bad for these reasons:

EMPTY CHARACTERS who made unrealistic decisions. There are 3 decent characters in the film, Shaw, David and Janek. The rest have no personality and are utterly weakly written.

The first 40 minutes of the film or so build quite nicely and steadily and then people become seperated and there is no sense of cohesion within the movie. The music (while not actually being too bad) is just really innappropriate most of the time and eliminates all atmosphere / tension.

Basically the synopsis of the film is the only story whatsoever. Engineers created humans and now want to destroy them. THE END. That fizzles out within the first hour, the story-telling literally stops and is replaced by a sequence of unfocused creature threats.
People have been complaining about the lack of answers and they are right to do so. In the instance of this film the answers are and should be part of the story. It's a massive lazy cop out. All they really do is use Idris Elba's character to tell the audience what the contents of the ship are for which is simply a reiteration of what Ridley Scott has been saying for years. And they never even show any conclusion to how Janek came up with answers (sure you can fill in the gaps but the execution is terrible).

The characters and dialogue are straight out of the Damon Lindelof school of mediocrity. It makes you wonder how bad they were when Jon Spaights wrote it. Maybe they were better, maybe not.

Keeping the creature count down and letting one of them evolve would have been stronger.  This would have created more tension.


And by god how did they not see that the creation theme sounded exactly like the opening of Star Trek Next Generation.

God the more I think about this movie the lazier it all seems. So they make the Space Jockey a tall human. I assumed this was so they could interact with the crew in some fashion. The bloody thing doesn't show up until the last 20 minutes and doesn't exactly communicate making the whole humanising completely pointless. They could have had the space jockey creating humans while being the big exoskeleton giant ambiguous creature.

All in all the saddest thing about this movie is that ALL our speculation and theories were a million times more imaginative than this lazy piece of shit. It was just LAZY.

The other sad thing is how far over the hill Ridley Scott is. He should actually just retire and do his painting. I'm not trying to be mean, but he is a poor director and has been for a while now. You can't blame Lindelof entirely or Spaights or Marc Steitenfeld or the casting director or anything. The director wasn't steering the ship. He was arrogant enough to ok a truly mediocre screenplay with a ton of plot holes, bad dialogue, bad pacing, underdeveloped characters and most of all an underdeveloped story. He then persisted on editing the film in such a way that it created ZERO atmosphere/tension or fear.



Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Jun 02, 2012, 02:42:57 PM
Quote from: 343 on Jun 02, 2012, 02:37:42 PM
Well...i have to see it, but The Thing remake was shit. What a joke.
And till now Prometheus is getting raving reviews in Holland:
Not so for The Thing 2011 (even tough it's dutch director):

im not saying the thing prequel is great or better than prometheus, but it is better in some ways that ive pointed out, probably has better character development too!.

i dont think the thing prequel was as bad as the critics say, but it was just a pointless movie and basically a total (but worse) repeat of the original.



There is no damn way The Thing prequel is better then Prometheus.

The Thing prequel has alot of problems, it was not as good as the original.

The list of problems.

1. The Thing reveales it's self too quickly and never hides.
2. The story was very rushed. 
3. Boring Cardboard Characters.
4. Kate Lloyd was just made for the sake of being a Ripley clone with no character development.
5. More of a reboot because of all the major retcons.
6. Had way too many characters and killed them off very fast.
7. It rehashed some parts from the 1982 movie.
8. The crew of people was not very norwegian.
9.. It was more of an action movie then paranoia horror movie.
10. This did a poor job with the paranoia and distrust.

The prequel will never live up to the John Carpenter's The Thing.



Quote from: mastermoon on Jun 02, 2012, 06:25:01 PM
Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Jun 02, 2012, 02:42:57 PM
Quote from: 343 on Jun 02, 2012, 02:37:42 PM
Well...i have to see it, but The Thing remake was shit. What a joke.
And till now Prometheus is getting raving reviews in Holland:
Not so for The Thing 2011 (even tough it's dutch director):

im not saying the thing prequel is great or better than prometheus, but it is better in some ways that ive pointed out, probably has better character development too!.

i dont think the thing prequel was as bad as the critics say, but it was just a pointless movie and basically a total (but worse) repeat of the original.



There is no damn way The Thing prequel is better then Prometheus.

The Thing prequel has alot of problems, it was not as good as the original.

The list of problems.

1. The Thing reveales it's self too quickly and never hides.
2. The story was very rushed. 
3. Boring Cardboard Characters.
4. Kate Lloyd was just made for the sake of being a Ripley clone with no character development.
5. More of a reboot because of all the major retcons.
6. Had way too many characters and killed them off very fast.
7. It rehashed some parts from the 1982 movie.
8. The crew of people was not very norwegian.
9.. It was more of an action movie then paranoia horror movie.
10. This did a poor job with the paranoia and distrust.

The prequel will never live up to the John Carpenter's The Thing.

did you actually read my post that you just quoted where i said the words "im not saying the thing prequel is great or better than prometheus".............  did you also not read the part where i said the words (but worse) repeat of the original"....





Sorry I forgot to read that, I promise not to rush and post.



Quote from: mastermoon on Jun 02, 2012, 06:25:01 PM
Quote from: RICH-ENGLAND on Jun 02, 2012, 02:42:57 PM
Quote from: 343 on Jun 02, 2012, 02:37:42 PM
Well...i have to see it, but The Thing remake was shit. What a joke.
And till now Prometheus is getting raving reviews in Holland:
Not so for The Thing 2011 (even tough it's dutch director):

im not saying the thing prequel is great or better than prometheus, but it is better in some ways that ive pointed out, probably has better character development too!.

i dont think the thing prequel was as bad as the critics say, but it was just a pointless movie and basically a total (but worse) repeat of the original.



You must be kidding !!!
The Thing prequel was a pointless and totally laughable abomination
Prometheus was deeply flawed and a major disappointment but at least the 1st half of it was very good

I can't think of a single good thing to say about the stinking pile of faeces that was The Thing Prequel

There is no damn way The Thing prequel is better then Prometheus.

The Thing prequel has alot of problems, it was not as good as the original.

The list of problems.

1. The Thing reveales it's self too quickly and never hides.
2. The story was very rushed. 
3. Boring Cardboard Characters.
4. Kate Lloyd was just made for the sake of being a Ripley clone with no character development.
5. More of a reboot because of all the major retcons.
6. Had way too many characters and killed them off very fast.
7. It rehashed some parts from the 1982 movie.
8. The crew of people was not very norwegian.
9.. It was more of an action movie then paranoia horror movie.
10. This did a poor job with the paranoia and distrust.

The prequel will never live up to the John Carpenter's The Thing.

T Dog

T Dog

Quote from: red_otter on Jun 02, 2012, 05:42:14 PM
Firstly: yes, this film is a massive letdown. It is unquestionably visually stunning (especially in IMAX 3D), the nods to 2001 are very welcome and Michael Fassbender is surely one of the best Brit actors of his generation.

But the writing is beyond awful on pretty much every level. Dialogue is almost universally hammy and often poorly delivered. The actual sequence of events (AKA plot) is frequently nonsensical.

But worst of all (and this very much betrays the LOST background), questions are left unanswered, not in a tantalising and fascinating Alien-ish way (e.g. the Space Jockey itself, which was infinitely more interesting in the one scene we see it in Alien to the many times we see it here) but in a frustrating and unjustified way, either through a misguided attempt to re-evoke the Alien mystique, or just through sheer Lindelof-ish laziness/lack of intellectual rigour. Remember all those analyses of the murals in the ampule room? Our in-depth theories about what they might be? Well I'm none the wiser at the end of the film, not one bit. Why is there effectively a Xeno on the wall of that room? Still got no idea, and the film doesn't begin to answer it.

See, when we were all trying to piece together the chronology, I think in our worst nightmares none of us imagined the answer would be

actually everyone just gets screwed up in different ways with no real coherence beyond "that black sh!t is really, really bad". And still less did we imagine that different segments of the plot would involve characters with no real interest or even apparent awareness of any other. While I'm at it: wtf was the point of David trying to impregnate Shaw via Holloway, then not seeming to care at all that she'd had it removed, still less check what had happened to it? But in any event, what did that have to do with waking up the Space Jockey? And why did they all just let Shaw run around doing what she wanted when she clearly wasn't going to want them to complete their plan?

Also - the much touted secretive ending? I'm not trying to blow my own trumpet here, but I pretty much exactly predicted what it would be (from Lindelof's comments about an "encore") and it was done in the most obvious and uninteresting way possible. Not only that, it doesn't make sense AND it was the one part of the movie that was pretty poorly designed.

What I really can't tally together are the many interviews and promos Scott and Lindelof gave together and the actual film. Remember Lindelof talking about how the "characters in the film are having conversations about Gods" - nope. Well, about one brief mention of Darwin, but there's no coherence or depth, and given the Space Jockey part of the plot seems to just come down to

"they're building a military installation" and that's it, there doesn't even seem to have been a serious attempt to tackle that stuff.

Finally: was this even well directed? Scott is hit and miss for me anyway; this seems to me to be visually up to his best, but the lack of any real tension, and the good actors who go to waste here, have to be laid at his doorstep, surely. The opening scenes with David and the basketball...nicely done I guess. That was about the only scene, literally, where I felt he was rising above being a highly competent director-for-hire.

Sorry to be so negative, but I'm amazed anyone thinks this is even a decent movie. It isn't - it's poor. 4/10.

Fassbender is Irish. I totally agree with all your points otherwise. Including your score. It's a poor movie.



I've notice fans were expecting too much out of Prometheus and Predators, whats the problem with reviving the ALien and Predator movies?.

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