Prey Deleted Scenes
Posted by Darkness on October 30, 2022 (Updated: 02-Nov-2023)
Here you’ll find information about any deleted scenes from 2022’s Prey. There were a few shots from early teasers and TV spots that weren’t in the final film. Some more deleted scenes have been mentioned in interviews with the cast and crew. There were three deleted scenes on the Prey Blu-Ray. There weren’t many deleted scenes in Prey. The initial editor’s cut was around 90 minutes and Trachtenberg’s director’s cut was around 90 minutes.
Alternative Opening (Source: Blu-Ray)
The scene where Naru attempts to kill the hawk with her brother Taabe was actually going to be the opening scene of the film. It was shot entirely in Comanche when the filmmakers thought the whole movie would be shot in Comanche. It would have transitioned into English when Naru reached the tepee. In the 2-minute alternative opening, we’re introduced to her brother Taabe and the War Chief’s son Wasape.
Naru and her Tribe (Source: Trailer)
There were a few shots in the first full-length trailer showing Naru and her tribe preparing for battle. This must take place before the warriors go out to rescue the injured member of their tribe.
Chief Kehetu (Source: Julian Black Antelope Interview, Dan Trachtenberg Interview)
There were further scenes between Julian Black Antelope’s character Chief Kehetu, his wife Sumu (played by Stefany Mathias) and his son Wasape (played by Stormee Kipp). Chief Kehetu was dying and he was looking for a successor to lead the tribe.
In one deleted scene, Naru overhears Chief Kehetu and his wife talking about needing a new War Chief.
In another scene, when Naru falls from the tree and regains consciousness in the tipi, the conversation was going to be with Chief Kehetu rather than her mother. These scenes were all cut as the filmmakers wanted to keep the focus on Naru rather than other characters.
Big Warrior, Little Warrior (Source: Blu-Ray)
This scene features Naru fixing a little girl’s bow and it sets up a scene later when Naru’s bow breaks when attempting to hit the bear. It reinforces that the bow needs to be clean so it can function properly. It was cut as it was slowing the pace of the film and wasn’t necessary information.
Sunrise (Source: Trailer)
There’s a shot in the trailer showing Naru walking over a field as the sun is rising. This must take place at the start of the film when she sets out her hunt.
Feral Prepares For Battle (Source: Dane DiLiegro Interview, TV Spot)
A scene was shot after Naru leaves her campfire. The Feral Predator appears and pokes the fire with his combistick. He then takes his backpack off and starts loading his weapons. He prepares the net ball and cut clamp and he drops the bolt into the bolt gun. The bolt gun moment can be seen in the early TV spots. This whole sequence was replaced with the Feral vs Wolf scene as the filmmakers wanted to show Feral working his way up the food chain.
Alternative Bear Scene (Source: Angela Catanzaro Interview)
There were some different edits to how the bear was alerted to Naru’s presence. It was scripted that it’s the wind that changes, and the bear smells Naru’s presence. When they came to shooting, many of the crew felt it didn’t really make sense so it was changed to a rock falling which alerted the bear. When the film was being edited, again, they felt it didn’t make sense so they reshot it as it was originally supposed to be, with the wind changing.
In that scene, it is. It’s a sound that’s fully in scene, but yes, it takes us then to the bear scene. It does the cut. The bear scene itself was a very interesting scene that changed many times. At first, the bear was with a buck (a deer), and the Predator was also in that scene watching Naru watch the bear and the buck. The bear was on the near side of the river, then the bear was on the far side of the river. Naru knocked down some rocks, and that’s what alerted the bear to her presence. Sarii barked, and that’s what alerted the bear to her presence. We went through so many different versions of what this conflict is between Naru and the bear. We settled on the wind change. That is what motivates her. Once the wind changes, the bear smells her with his keen sense of smell. She knows she’s in trouble and then has to defend herself.
So, ultimately what we settled on was a product of a reshoot too. That shot of the wind change is, oddly enough, I believe, what they were planning to shoot originally. Then, they decided not to on the day that they were going to shoot it, thinking that’ll never work. Then, probably six months later, that’s what they came back to in the movie. I guess the first instinct was right there. Angela Catanzaro
Treetop Chase (Source: Dane DiLiegro Interview, Dan Trachtenberg Interview, Blu-Ray)
There was going to be a scene after Big Beard is killed but before the final mudpit sequence. It was scripted and prevized but not shot and featured Naru running through the trees and the Feral Predator is in pursuit in the treetops. They were going to shoot this practically with Dane DiLiegro running on the tree branches. According to Trachtenberg, both Naru and Feral were in the treetops and they were going to fight. When Prey was released on Blu-Ray, the previz sequence was released on there along with commentary from Trachtenberg. He said the sequence was cut for time and budget reasons.