Reproduction Method Official

Started by SuicideDoors, Oct 26, 2007, 08:01:45 AM

Do you like the new addition to the lifecycle?

Love it!
80 (21.6%)
Pretty Cool
135 (36.5%)
I expected more
31 (8.4%)
Hate it
40 (10.8%)
To hell with the makers of AvP: R
30 (8.1%)
Like some aspects of it, but think it contradicts too much.
54 (14.6%)

Total Members Voted: 324

Reproduction Method Official (Read 203,486 times)

Wolf Sazen

Wolf Sazen

Quote from: Ballzanya on Nov 10, 2007, 10:41:30 PM
Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 10, 2007, 10:07:53 PM
They been around a long long time....its possible for them over that time to devolp mutliple ways to reproduce,

well not all at once. They could theoretically evolve in millions of years to have a different or slightly different cycle, but why would they have so much redundancy? Nature wouldn't do that and the space jockeys wouldn't want them to do reproduce all over the place and make them more of a risk and thus harder to control in the event that they actually created the species.

Besides they have the egg morphing thing as the emergency means of reproduction. None of this molting into a queen or vomiting embryos make any f**king sense.
Even if egg-morphing is considered non-canon, it wouldn't mean that they absolutely have a backup way to reproduc, why would they? Just because they are deadly, efficient and highly adaptable doesn't mean that the rules of nature wouldn't apply to them, if they can't reproduce and survive the normal way then they'd die off, its that simple.

Predators surely don't have more than one way to reproduce or either do people(invitro fertilization doesn't count or cloning as those are artificial means and not of nature)

When are you gonna get it Ballzy?  The alien is like AIDS, it creeps up silently and kills you with no prejudice, and though it can be held off for a time, it always destroy's you eventually.  With that being said, that's what makes these creature's so f*ckin scary, we don't, and shouldn't know everything about them.



Quote from: Flaming Firefox on Nov 10, 2007, 11:15:14 PM
Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 10, 2007, 11:09:12 PM
Quote from: Flaming Firefox on Nov 10, 2007, 11:05:02 PM
In addition why would a highly adaptable creature go from a more efficient means of reproduction, queen that can lay many eggs quickly thus repopulating the species quickly to a less efficient system, actually hunting down a victim individually and impregnating the victim, sure you cut out the egg and facehugger which is more efficient, but you drastically cut down the ability to impregnate multiple victims quickly and it takes more time individually Chet would have to constantly be hunting victims to succesfully repopulate. Under this system if Chet dies then so does the species, under the queen-egg system even if the queen is killed theoretically eggs will still be around to repopulate the species.
not neccarily...under this a new warrior could molt as Chet did, good points with the origanal reproduction...this one is faster and in a hostile sitation were Chet couldn't set up shop and lay eggs this works better

We'll just have to see how long it takes Chet to "Molt" huh. That could determine its efficiency or not. If every warrior could molt and reproduce this way it would at least make some kind of sense but so far it appears it is just Chet.

Yes, a whole ARMY of face rape barf bag monsters. Last time i checked AvP didn't include the word Urosukidoji in it.

Wolf Sazen

Wolf Sazen

Quote from: Master on Nov 10, 2007, 10:18:40 PM
Quote from: Flaming Firefox on Nov 10, 2007, 10:00:57 PM
Quote from: Master on Nov 10, 2007, 09:57:45 PM
Quote from: Flaming Firefox on Nov 10, 2007, 09:52:41 PM
How the hell am I supposed to take this reproductive method seriously? It is totally illogical and doesn't fit with prior Alien reproductive methods. Their internal digestive organs would have to be tied into the internal reproductive organs. That is a very complex thing for an organism to make work.  ::)
I thought about exactly thesame.
Last post at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for the backup man!  :)

Always willing to backup wise people. ;)

Quote from: Wolf Sazen on Nov 10, 2007, 10:07:21 PM
Quote from: Flaming Firefox on Nov 10, 2007, 09:52:41 PM
How the hell am I supposed to take this reproductive method seriously? It is totally illogical and doesn't fit with prior Alien reproductive methods. Their internal digestive organs would have to be tied into the internal reproductive organs. That is a very complex thing for an organism to make work.  ::)
You guys kill me, acting like you know what your talking about scientifically.  Give it a rest man.  Watch the movie, I bet you like it.
Why I should give a rest to things that could have been done right, but two unexperienced guys wanted to leave their mark on them, and therefore f**ked them. I want good film! Not shitty or medium class.
Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 10, 2007, 10:07:53 PM
They been around a long long time....its possible for them over that time to devolp mutliple ways to reproduce,
Yeah they could. But it doesn`t make sense.
How can you call yourself a master, when you won't even look outside the box?  I'll say this, the thing they tried to do in "Alien-R" was terrible with the queen/Ripley sex thing, and the human looking alien.  That was a terrible blow to the franchise, but this method can tie right in with what we've seen before, and YES, make sense.  The queen needs a safe place to mature and get ready to begin nesting, so she needs drones/warriors to protect and help build a hive.  To achieve this end, initially she resorts to personally implanting several host's via mouth to mouth, but only to reach her ultimate goal of starting and maintaining a hive.  Even if egg-molting was canon, it seems it would take longer than this method which seems to be a back-up/emergency way to reproduce.  Besides, I think it will be much more shocking and scary to watch the queen regurgitate her embryo down a host's throat.  So in this initial phase/situation she takes the place of the face-hugger.  It's gonna work, believe in it.



I hear the term looking outside the box thrown around quite a bit. Personally I think if the film makers had done a lot more of that, then we wouldn't be here arguing now. There are so many other "out of the box" opportunities the films makers could have taken to leave their mark on the franchise. What they chose with the regurgitating impregnation, is so the opposite of outside the box thinking. When I see an idea that is outside the box, like Cameron addition of the queen and hive. The word genius immediately comes to mind. When I first read about the mouth to mouth impregnation, all I could think is how fecking dumb that was. My brain was immediately flooded by a cascade of illogical scenarios.

Putting it simply, there is no answer to explain why the queen doesn't retain that ability to adulthood. Its logical that she should, its quicker and more efficient. Why when she reaches her full potential is she suddenly muted?

The truth is, it can never make sense.

Accept it, and move on.

Forget the film ever existed like most have done with Alien: R and AvP.

If you're an Alien fan like me, email fox and beg them for a Cameron / Ridley combo of Alien 5.



Then what reproduction idea would you put in? You could probably come up with an idea, that we would hate maybe.



I wouldn't put any new reproduction idea in. Because it doesn't need it if the bloody story is good.  ;D

Flaming Firefox

Quote from: cliffhanger on Nov 11, 2007, 12:48:07 AM
ok, so i'd like to joint in here to give my meaning to this 'happening'.....

first of all, I am a nr1 fan of the alien & predator movies.....
sidenote, is that I think alien 4 / resurrection totally sucked ass, atleast from the part the gayish f**ked up alien 'humanoid baby' jumped in the movie. well offcourse the movie had to fail if you give it a french director....though he managed keeping it tight till that certain moment. the idiot 'alien-ish' bug at the beginning of that movie sucked ass too and had no clue or binding with anything ever but thats aside. the whole 'cloning' stuff worked out not bad I think and ripley was quite acceptable too with the alien dna.
that the Alien queen got a human reproductive system, first of all totally sucked ass, but since ripley got clone-screwed and had alien-genes, why couldn't the alien. it just totally sucked that it gave birth to such a total alien-series screwer xenodork. they could've done it far better, but lets not get this thread to a alien 4 discussion.

what the point there is, the movie 'flopped' to the true fans and story, and nobody really likes the end of it....
SO, you'd think people would learn from it and not f**k a lifespan/story again....

must say im quite concerned that theyre making that same mistake again, and by what i've seen and heard from this new movie, there are some lame ass donkeyraping dorks that direct this movie. given, the theatrical trailers look awesome.

I for one think the predalien doesn't look that bad, it just couldve been better.

but for the fact of the mouth regoritating (howdayaspellit), that is the most idiotic idea ever!
like said in the alien 1 movie, remeber, that movie is PARAMOUNT for anything that has to do with ALIEN, and alienS was GREAT for having a director that was made out of the same ideas and material as ridley scott! he 'invented' the alien Queen, and did an amazing job with it!
keep to the script!
anyway, the alien (embryo) takes over certain capabilities/characteristics from its 'host'. So in a human, that would have to mean the humanoid arms, legs, and 'skin' (head). remember the dogalien in alien 3?
still very similar to the alien species, only with a obvious doglike build, using 4 longer legs to 'walk', and a different body shape, but still obviously alien.
so that an facehugger embryo growing in a predator grows to a predalien,
I can still buy and think is a good aspect of the species.
So the side fangs are a acceptable appearance. maybe the hands of the alien are more like the predator, and the tail has a different design.
but as far as predator skin? I havent seen an alien with human 'peach skin'?
and as far as the dreads? haven't seen a alien with human HAIR???
I could accept the predalien in forms like these:
here the dreads arent too 'accentuated' in the design....
for as far as these designs:
I could still accept it.

but the new reproducint system is major sucking ass!
and what's this talk about EGG MORPHING?
didn't catch up with that, what does that mean? a human will morph into an egg?
so some girl f.e. named 'betty' gets a deeptroat facial like x-rated movie / porn
and she then becomes an egg?
or does she shit out an alien egg?
or puke out an alien egg?
what the hell?

I'd say, an alien QUEEN COULD be a morph from a 'warrior' if there is demand for it. F.E. how frogs have the ability to 'morph' into an opposite 'sex' if there is demand for it.

that alien queen will lay eggs and from there off itll grow to the insectoid pleague it is....

as a second reproductive system, I'd even concider a single alien being able to legg an egg, which will give birth to an alien lay eggs. also acceptable.

but just dumping the entire alien lifespan in the lew is totally lame!

HOWEVER, since I think this thing is not going out of the movie since itll be in cinema next month, only thing we can sitll HOPE for is the producers have not f**ked it up entirely....

I for one HOPE, itll only happen ONCE, and the embryo implanted via the mouth would be a baby Queen, and after that there will be no need for deepthroating....
ohterwise, there would be no need or logic excistence for a facehugger, which is a superb design
at itself, implanting the host with a just 'mixed' embryo, and then dying like a salmon when its done....then the host growing the alien inside as a 'warrior'. like an ant/bee working drone.
...though still the deepthroating will be a stupid thing, as an alien morphing into a Queen would be far more 'believable' then a mouth-dick....

and don't come up with 'its an alien, anything is possible' crap, that is 10 year old trash talk from dumbasses having no imagination and thinking discovery's 'alien planet' is cool and could happen...

anyway, one thing must not be forgotten, in the trailer, on pics and posters, we can obviously see, there are CLASSIC aliens.

so where the HELL will they come from?

from the predalien-oral-sexed girl's chest? maybe acceptable....if you accept the mouthdicking....
but that must be a queen then! since a normal alien would not be mouthdicking? so there certainly would need to be an alien queen in the movie! but I haven't seen it yet?
but if it will not be there, then where will the aliens come from?

surely not all the 'human'-grown xenomorphs wont all suddenly dickmouth everybody?
the answer clearly will be 'NO', since in the trailer, a man and his son got facehugged in the woods, and facehuggers, come from eggs (which I strangely enough didnt see in the woods),
so there HAS to be a Queen.....(since there were more then 1 facehugger).....

and for as far as the single predalien, shouldnt there be more? the predalien coming out of the avp1 movie, was the first one on the ship. surely it cannot kill ALL the highly-skilled & trained predators on board and cause it to crash all by itself, and then one 'wolf' predator is able to kill
ALL the aliens/predators on earth?

anyway, from the videos ive seen, the redband trailer, the population trailer and pics, I still think this movie will be kickass and I'll love looking at it.

I for one am not a aliens vs predator hater, I actually enjoyed the movie. Not as much as Alien 1 or 2, but still, i liked it and don't get why it would be so bad? surely if humans can catch them and keep them (alien 4), predators should find a way of using them too? and offcourse, without
that story, there could be no avp-requiem since a predator ship crashes into earth...(but where is the mothership?)

I just think the aliens i've seen in requiem look off from the cool look they had had in 1 & 2 (the head)....

ill just await the movie, hope its gonna rule

Thank you! Thank you! :)

Flaming Firefox

Quote from: Sh0dan on Nov 11, 2007, 02:47:04 AM
I here the term looking outside the box thrown around quite a bit. Personally I think if the film makers had done a lot more of that, then we wouldn't be here arguing now. There are so many other "out of the box" opportunities the films makers could have taken to leave their mark on the franchise. What they chose with the regurgitating impregnation, is so the opposite of outside the box thinking. When I see an idea that is outside the box, like Cameron addition of the queen and hive. The word genius immediately comes to mind. When I first read about the mouth to mouth impregnation, all I could think is how fecking dumb that was. My brain was immediately flooded by a cascade of illogical scenarios.

Putting it simply, there is no answer to explain why the queen doesn't retain that ability to adulthood. Its logical that she should, its quicker and more efficient. Why when she reaches her full potential is should she suddenly muted?

The truth is, it can never make sense.

Accept it, and move on.

Forget the film ever existed like most have done with Alien: R and AvP.

If you're an Alien fan like me, email fox and beg them for a Cameron / Ridley combo of Alien 5.

I so agree.  :)



Quote from: Plokoon111 on Nov 11, 2007, 02:53:40 AM
Then what reproduction idea would you put in? You could probably come up with an idea, that we would hate maybe.

Would you mind elaborating on why exactly a new reproduction method was even needed at all?

If ADI weren't lazy and wanted to sculpt eggs and more facehuggers in addition to all the predator shit, the predalien and aliens, we could have eggs to explain why more aliens are running around. (all would still be in the budget by the way, or at least should be, as Alien:Resurrection had eggs, facehuggers, alliens, a queen and the horrible hybrid known as the newborn, and it might have had a slightly higher budget, but it can't be by that much.)

Major Alan Schaefer

Quote from: Ballzanya on Nov 11, 2007, 03:56:59 AM
Quote from: Plokoon111 on Nov 11, 2007, 02:53:40 AM
Then what reproduction idea would you put in? You could probably come up with an idea, that we would hate maybe.

Would you mind elaborating on why exactly a new reproduction method was even needed at all?

If ADI weren't lazy and wanted to sculpt eggs and more facehuggers in addition to all the predator shit, the predalien and aliens, we could have eggs to explain why more aliens are running around. (all would still be in the budget by the way, or at least should be, as Alien:Resurrection had eggs, facehuggers, alliens, a queen and the horrible hybrid known as the newborn, and it might have had a slightly higher budget, but it can't be by that much.)
Fx gave AVP=R more money...i think that tells u they needed what we got it all they could afford



Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 11, 2007, 04:03:17 AM
Quote from: Ballzanya on Nov 11, 2007, 03:56:59 AM
Quote from: Plokoon111 on Nov 11, 2007, 02:53:40 AM
Then what reproduction idea would you put in? You could probably come up with an idea, that we would hate maybe.

Would you mind elaborating on why exactly a new reproduction method was even needed at all?

If ADI weren't lazy and wanted to sculpt eggs and more facehuggers in addition to all the predator shit, the predalien and aliens, we could have eggs to explain why more aliens are running around. (all would still be in the budget by the way, or at least should be, as Alien:Resurrection had eggs, facehuggers, alliens, a queen and the horrible hybrid known as the newborn, and it might have had a slightly higher budget, but it can't be by that much.)
Fx gave AVP=R more money...i think that tells u they needed what we got it all they could afford

yeah but come on, considering that there aren't too many cgi shots, and most stuff is done in camera and there are only 12 alien suits and one predator for most of the film, the budget should have been sufficient to show some eggs on the crashed predator spaceship. For f**k's sake, ADI would have to have some leftover from the first avp that they could slightly alter, re-paint..etc. (they'd only need like 6-7 tangible props, they could use in camera effects to make it look like there are more on the ship, the same way they made it look llike there were more cryotubes in Aliens than there actually were)

The budget is not a good enough excuse for this new reproductive method bullshit.  It might have been in the script before any budget was decided on for all we know.

Major Alan Schaefer

Well i think i'd be kinda ridicoulous to see the march of the Facehuggers...



Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 11, 2007, 04:15:55 AM
Well i think i'd be kinda ridicoulous to see the march of the Facehuggers...

lol. You wouldn't show them all leaving the eggs and running around in one giant clump, or like some follow the leader, with a lead facehugger(the equivalent of grid from avp. lol)

But rather some of the people looking for the hunter and his son could have been shown hugged and some more eggs would open up and it would then cut away, with the implication that about 20 facehuggers would attach themselves to hosts.

Major Alan Schaefer

Quote from: Ballzanya on Nov 11, 2007, 04:19:10 AM
Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 11, 2007, 04:15:55 AM
Well i think i'd be kinda ridicoulous to see the march of the Facehuggers...

lol. You wouldn't show them all leaving the eggs and running around in one giant clump, or like some follow the leader, with a lead facehugger(the equivalent of grid from avp. lol)

But rather some of the people looking for the hunter and his son could have been shown hugged and some more eggs would open up and it would then cut away, with the implication that about 20 facehuggers would attach themselves to hosts.
or a ship with that many eggs would make it to space jokey like....and i mean based on the amount the movie would need....



Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 11, 2007, 04:23:11 AM
Quote from: Ballzanya on Nov 11, 2007, 04:19:10 AM
Quote from: Major Alan Schaefer on Nov 11, 2007, 04:15:55 AM
Well i think i'd be kinda ridicoulous to see the march of the Facehuggers...

lol. You wouldn't show them all leaving the eggs and running around in one giant clump, or like some follow the leader, with a lead facehugger(the equivalent of grid from avp. lol)

But rather some of the people looking for the hunter and his son could have been shown hugged and some more eggs would open up and it would then cut away, with the implication that about 20 facehuggers would attach themselves to hosts.
or a ship with that many eggs would make it to space jokey like....and i mean based on the amount the movie would need....

20-30 eggs is space jockey like? Last time I checked there were hundreds if not thousands of eggs on the derelict ship.

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