Alien TV Series From Noah Hawley and Ridley Scott CONFIRMED

Started by Nukiemorph, Dec 10, 2020, 11:03:29 PM

Alien TV Series From Noah Hawley and Ridley Scott CONFIRMED (Read 227,528 times)

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It'll be a gangf*ck because the military is not trained, prepared or equipped to deal with monsters from outer space (or monsters created by a psycho droid if you want).

If they knew exactly what they are dealing with right from the start and acted very quickly then such an infestation could be contained.


The Aliens don't just, like, invade the earth. They spread across the globe and established themselves in hives before their numbers become noticeable. By the time a response could be mounted, the only option in most places was to nuke the site.

QuoteThose wars were lost because the powers that be didn't have the political will/the support from the public at home to it see through.
And they'd have the will or the support to nuke themselves? We can't even get people to support wearing a cloth mask to save themselves :laugh:


Quote from: HuDaFuK on Jan 20, 2022, 06:08:25 PM
Quote from: skhellter on Jan 20, 2022, 04:44:50 PMWe know the aliens haven't been to earth prior to Alien 3 otherwise they would have destroyed the whole planet.

Sorry for this tangent, but I've always found the idea of the Aliens taking over Earth incredibly silly. It's one of the main reasons I've got so little love for the original comics. They really wouldn't be a match for an even halfway competent military on that scale.

Even in Aliens, Cameron knew he had to neuter the Marines to make the Aliens a genuine threat.

Ya, i agree. (Which is why i don't mind the "upgrade" in reproductive abilities in stuff like Cadigan's Alien3).
Into Charybdis new tactics for the marines are all interesting and they support the whole "eh aliens probably wouldn't destroy a whole planet with proper military",

For the aliens to be a genuine global threat they'd have to be a lot smarter, for one.
(i suspect this is what Ridley wanted to do in the 3rd prequel but.. that's another even bigger tangent).


I think whatever government's borders they landed in would claim sovereignty and jurisdiction, bring them to somewhere to try to make profit essentially, acting in their own self interest then rinse and repeat until it's a planet not worth living on.

David Weyland

They might set the Earth aspect as a place of clues, mission control etc
The Xeno aspects could still remain off world and the story arc leads up to a lovely trip somewhere for a jolly



Quote from: The Eighth Passenger on Jan 20, 2022, 06:36:37 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on Jan 20, 2022, 06:08:25 PM
They really wouldn't be a match for an even halfway competent military on that scale.

Even in Aliens, Cameron knew he had to neuter the Marines to make the Aliens a genuine threat.

Not really when you're dealing with asymmetric warfare. A bunch of rag tag peasants with sharp sticks gave the world's most advanced war machine a bloody nose in Vietnam. Rinse and repeat in Afghanistan with both superpowers.

And what happens if you get an infestation in a densely populated urban area, eg Hong Kong or Bangkok? Tanks and planes and nukes are not going to be much use unless you don't mind killing thousands of innocent civilians in the process. You can send in troops but they'll get picked off by untold numbers of aliens hidden and lurking in the dense urban environment.

Not that simple in any of the four instances here. 

In Vietnam the first half of the war was fought against the Viet Cong who were all but completely obliterated halfway through the war and the second half of the war was fought against trained NVA forces who were supplied by the governments of USSR and China.  It was the hottest conflict in the Cold War.

Afghanistan was USSR's Vietnam in that they were fighting against people who were supplied by the USA and some of that supply was cutting edge tech that helped nullify the air power of Russia.

Iraq and Afghanistan in America's conflicts had huge influencers from dozens of different outside influences and was essentially a proxy battle between coalition forces and about a dozen of other regional powers like Iran. The lines got so muddy in both countries as to who was supporting who that it was crazy.  Pakistan was allowing the USA airspace to launch missions from, while simultaneously setting its own intelligence service lose in Afghanistan so they would have more influence when the coalition left, and allowing the Taliban and other groups to come across the border and hide and resupply in their mountains until spring without consequence.  Neither of the latter actions were really directed anger at the USA, if somebody took over Mexico, you know the CIA would be over here, and they simply don't want to spend what it would take to dislodge the Taliban from their side of the mountains.  But it isn't exactly a friendly action either. 

Iraq became a proxy battle with Iran.  Iran's Qud Force brought over and helped train insurgents of various groups in how to properly deploy EFP's to penetrate American armor.  There has even been rumors that Qud's and Delta have directly engaged each other in Afghanistan.  Even though for sure Delta killed Qud's force members with IEDs.

In terms of military prowess it is actually a huge testament to the coalition at first and the USA in the end in that you had a group of about 30,000 people the last  several years in Afghanistan (and even less so currently in Iraq) that were never overran, or even lost a battle in a country of tens of millions.  The war in Afghanistan was lost because of politics.  Afghanistan was hopelessly corrupt and the USA didn't want to do the things it has done in countries where it has had success, South Korea and Japan, and leave a permanent base to help project itself into those countries.  But after the shit show that was the Afghanistan withdrawal notice how they haven't left Iraq in the same fashion and how the Iraq government isn't so keen on them leaving anymore because they don't want to end up like Afghanistan's government. 

Aliens eat everyone without discrimination and would have no allies, they have no ranged weapons, no travel capabilities other than their own feet, and are essentially huge walking targets for the military who had weapons that can auto lock on target even when I got out.  Not just smart bombs.  But I had a CROWs system that you could hook a m240 a fifty cal or mark 19 grenade launcher to and shoot at targets with almost no human error.  A hundred years in the future and no telling what kind of gizmos we will have. 

After having been in, there is no way the Aliens could ever beat the military head on unless they get a serious upgrade in capability, but at the same time, the civilian population is huge and a soft easy target to always prey on. 

I think they would never win, but they'd never be dislodged either if we are talking about killing every single Alien on the planet.  A single drone running around axing civilians and polar bears in Alaska might not ever be found. 

Quote from: David Weyland on Jan 21, 2022, 10:51:21 AM
They might set the Earth aspect as a place of clues, mission control etc
The Xeno aspects could still remain off world and the story arc leads up to a lovely trip somewhere for a jolly

This is what i'm thinking as well.

I also considered this being a standalone series that just doesn't acknowledge the rest of the series because I don't remember them saying it was going to reference anything else. 


From what I remember official synopsis said something about combining the terror of Alien and the action of Aliens. That worries me a bit 'cause I'm not sure these two go together well. You gotta pick one

Also, didn't they say the same thing about Alien Resurrection ?


QuoteI think they would never win, but they'd never be dislodged either if we are talking about killing every single Alien on the planet.  A single drone running around axing civilians and polar bears in Alaska might not ever be found.

I agree 100%. Once they got here, if it wasn't contained immediately, they'd be out. And even if it was contained, if anyone kept a few, they'd pull a jailbreak eventually. But they'd never be a world ending threat either.


The whole point of the comics is that they get dug in too far before they were noticed to easily get rid of. High speed international travel allowed Aliens to reach every corner of the globe during their long gestation periods. They were also bolstered by cultists who facilitated their spread.

In the end it's not that they necessarily overwhelmed the army; they were just at a point where the only way to actually remove the bulk of the threat was to nuke the sites completely. What's the alternative? The comics are pretty clear that killing lots of Aliens quickly results in shittons of acid eating everything, and acid-resistant suits weren't introduced until Genocide (and even they were only so good). So you destroy infrastructure by nuking it or ou destroy infrastructure by killing the Aliens conventionality.

I think all things considered, nuking the site from orbit and abandoning the poor to their fates is pretty f**king accurate to what would happen, especially if there were other planets people could flee to.


You know your stuff eh Kimmy?



I know military history, and having been in the US Army for eight years in two different combat MOS, I know how our combat arms works. 

Acid is kind of bullshit honestly on a terrestrial planet.  If you can smoke the Alien from five hundred yards out as its trying to get you, then it is absolutely no threat.  Let it eat a hole into the earth.  Big deal. 

If it was in some poor suckers house, feel bad for that dude, whose probably dead anyways unless he was away from home...........but people's individual houses don't really matter in the grand scheme of things to military victories and defeats. 

It would be more of a problem in NYC or some big population congested place, but if the military knew how bad a place was they might not even go into it.  Just drop some arty on it, crush or blow up the Aliens inside, and move onto the next target. 

You can't underestimate anything, but if we are talking about the future with all the future tech we've seen, the Aliens could even infest ammunition manufacturing places on the earth, and the earth could still be resupplied from outer space from the colonies, without the resupply craft ever actually landing on the earth.

I just don't see it.  They'd have to be more than what we've seen on film or invade with somebody else like the engineers or something. 

Plus we are going to see a major uptick in drone (of the mechanical type) warfare in the future.  Automated forces will have lots less to worry about in terms of casualties. 

Trust me, I used to be that guy that thought the Aliens would be some death tsunami washing over the earth.  But then I saw a himars level a grid square and rethought my stance. 

Humans would have every single advantage against the Alien except up close. 

Quote from: Kradan on Jan 22, 2022, 08:33:46 AM
From what I remember official synopsis said something about combining the terror of Alien and the action of Aliens. That worries me a bit 'cause I'm not sure these two go together well. You gotta pick one

Also, didn't they say the same thing about Alien Resurrection ?

If they got away from the 80's rambo bullshit in Aliens then I wouldn't mind action in the series.  All the not aiming at what we are shooting at, and not moving in any kind of recognizable formation etc jumps out at you after you've been in for a while.  If it was done something like zero dark thirty's raid except with the Alien as the badguys then I give it two weinies up and say go for it.   


Oh, it's such a relief knowing that military has upper hand while Aliens are tearing my body apart and burning my flesh with their blood. Thanks, Kimarhi  :D

Seriously though, I  enjoy reading your thoughts on the matter. Paints a pretty good picture in my head



Quote from: Kimarhi on Jan 22, 2022, 09:30:11 PM
Acid is kind of bullshit honestly on a terrestrial planet.  If you can smoke the Alien from five hundred yards out as its trying to get you, then it is absolutely no threat.  Let it eat a hole into the earth.  Big deal. 
The Alien isn't going to rush you at 500 yards in an open field. It's going to stay covered and sneak from your sewers, in your subways, from the maintenance access, from basements.

Let the acid eat into the power grid, into waste management facilities, into water management facilities, into critical infrastructure, into major transport hubs, into high density housing.

Nobody's saying we can't slaughter them en masse, but that's also not the actual issue. If they get too established before you move against them you can't remove them without effectively taking everything else out around them at the same time.

That's literally why the Marines were nerfed in Aliens - they set up in critical, explosive infrastructure. And when you go in and try to take out the infestation you take out everything else with it.

At that point abandon ship, nuke the site from orbit, and send in the cleanup crews to pick out the stragglers before rebuilding.

Which is pretty much what happened.


Quote from: Kradan on Jan 22, 2022, 09:39:04 PM
Oh, it's such a relief knowing that military has upper hand while Aliens are tearing my body apart and burning my flesh with their blood. Thanks, Kimarhi  :D

Seriously though, I  enjoy reading your thoughts on the matter. Paints a pretty good picture in my head

I think there is a pretty good chance that the majority of people on the planet earth would be in some sort of military/militia if an Alien invasion actually occurred.  So you might be getting chomped on, but you'd be getting chomped on with the rifle your grandfather used in an earlier war.  You might go down, but you'd go down defending da earf. 

The US military at least is about a fifth of the size right now as it was at its biggest in WWII.  Two bases in Kentucky alone, Fort Campbell and Fort Knox are nowhere near max occupancy.  Campbell did away with one of its brigades, and Knox is way, way short of its maximum personnel.  People would be compelled to join their nations services if the choices were to die in your sleep as a nightmare creature snatched you from bed, or on your feet with a weapon in hand. 

Quote from: SiL on Jan 22, 2022, 09:44:11 PM
Quote from: Kimarhi on Jan 22, 2022, 09:30:11 PM
Acid is kind of bullshit honestly on a terrestrial planet.  If you can smoke the Alien from five hundred yards out as its trying to get you, then it is absolutely no threat.  Let it eat a hole into the earth.  Big deal. 
The Alien isn't going to rush you at 500 yards in an open field. It's going to stay covered and sneak from your sewers, in your subways, from the maintenance access, from basements.

Let the acid eat into the power grid, into waste management facilities, into water management facilities, into critical infrastructure, into major transport hubs, into high density housing.

Nobody's saying we can't slaughter them en masse, but that's also not the actual issue. If they get too established before you move against them you can't remove them without effectively taking everything else out around them at the same time.

At that point abandon ship, nuke the site from orbit, and send in the cleanup crews to pick out the stragglers before rebuilding.

Which is pretty much what happened.

Humans can survive without that.  Most of that shit is convenience.  We did well enough without all that stuff for most of our existence.  If you are in the military then you've experienced life without it in present times.  Not saying it wouldn't be tough, but the Aliens pushing humanity into full retreat mode, don't see it. 

The Aliens don't seem to not be able to rush at people.  Even Scott's new Aliens are always running right after fools. 


QuoteHumans can survive without that.  Most of that shit is convenience.  We did well enough without all that stuff for most of our existence.  If you are in the military then you've experienced life without it in present times.  Not saying it wouldn't be tough, but the Aliens pushing humanity into full retreat mode, don't see it.
You'd have billions of people displaced without power, without reliable access to food, without shelter. You'd basically have to rebuild from scratch.

Why go through all that hardship and add unnecessary extra loss of life when you have the option to take off into space, nuke from orbit, then come back down? If everything's going to be wasted anyway and the means are there, why not retreat?

You think politicians and the rich and powerful are going to approve measures that's would make their life miserable when there's a cushy way out? We can't even get them to all agree on wearing a f**king cloth mask, let alone nuking themselves.

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