Things You Liked About Aliens: Colonial Marines

Started by TheSailingRabbit, Jan 05, 2019, 02:49:37 PM

Things You Liked About Aliens: Colonial Marines (Read 27,031 times)

Local Trouble

Quote from: TheSailingRabbit on Jan 20, 2019, 11:56:12 PM
I'm still not convinced Verm is Scott.

Where's your evidence, Local?

Don't need evidence when you've got a gut-feeling.



Quote from: Xenomrph on Jan 21, 2019, 12:52:02 AM
Quote from: Hemi on Jan 20, 2019, 08:50:29 PM

V6 plays....different. But I agree that you can only play this stuff so often. The Xeno's might be fixed, but the game is still a mess.
Different how? Different in a good way or a bad way?

From Templar GFX V6 In general:

QuoteACM Overhaul V6 - Open Test

Version 6 is unlike any version before it and takes the game far past what it was when it was released, or even what it was supposed to be!

The star of the show are the Xenomorphs and they have had an additional 100+ hours of work done to them and it shows right away! This is not the same AI that you have fought in the original game or the previous versions of the mod.

I have created 3 entirely new AI states for the xenos by cobbling together unused portions and mashing sections together to create entirely new behavior!

Xeno's are now free to move around the level how they see fit, rather than the scripted directions and paths they were originally coded to use. This makes the Xeno's extremely unpredictable even for veteran players. It however mean that the Xeno's can go where they are not meant to, and get stuck. It happens only in a few places, but overall the Xeno's get stuck MUCH less than before!

I am biased, but I think these Xenos are the best Xenos you can face in a game right now! They are deadly, they are unpredictable and they are killing machines!

Xeno Changes :
New Movement State - Allows Xenos to go wherever they want, on any surface they want
New Movement State - Checks for Xenos standing still and gives them somewhere to go
New Movement State - Ensures distant Xenos get into the combat area quickly to put pressure on the player
Adjusted Path Mechanics - Rating of all path and poly nodes in the navmesh have been adjusted so that Xeno's prefer any surface but the floor
Adjusted Combat Positioning - Complete overhaul of the combat weighting to make Xeno's flank and attack from the sides or rear rather than head on (if viable)
Adjusted Combat Tactics - Xeno's try and kill their target quickly, and will back off and try again if they fail
Adjusted Melee Mechanics - Xeno's will deny you firing at them in close range and stay on all fours until right before they attack
Adjusted Movement - Xeno's are MUCH better at avoiding fire and making them hard to hit
Acid Blood Adjustments - Xeno Acid Blood is much more deadly, and will deal significant damage if you kill a Xeno up close. Visual effects of Acid are highly customised
Adjusted Targetting - Xeno's are more likely to go for AI

Soldier Changes :
Adjusted Pounce Mechanics - Soldier Xeno's can now pounce on you like a lurker

Ranger Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Rangers are now tougher, slower and prefer more direct combat

Lurker Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Lurkers will do more hit-and-run tactics more often and are MUCH tougher to kill

Human Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Humans prefer to fight at a distance, are more willing to use cover and blind firing
Adjusted Comments - Humans will talk more, give combat updates more and panic more
Adjusted Idle Actions - More likely to look around and search

Marine Changes :
Adjusted Pathing - Marines will stick closer to you, fall back to you in xeno combat, spread out and push human targets and just generally be much better.
Adjusted Xeno Combat - Marines are better at keeping track of and killing Xenos to help keep you alive (you will need it!)
Adjusted Combat actions - Marines will pull out the motion tracker if they are aware of a Xeno but cannot see it. Keep an eye out for an early warning
Marines CAN die! (although not all scenarios. If they die they will respawn when you finish the level or reload)
Marines can now throw grenades!!

Wey Yu Changes :
Adjusted Health - Weaker but with plenty of Armor. Assault grade weapons will make quick work of them
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Less likely to push forward and and more likely to give you a 'stand up fight'

Weapon Adjustments :
Auto Shotgun has gotten a damage boost
A bit less recoil on Hudsons Pulse Rifle

Graphics Adjustments :
Reduced Environment Map strength on many objects to stop them rendering oddly
Higher LOD particle effects from further away
Improved Texture streaming for higher quality distant rendering
In Game options now set good values (no manual edits required)
Dynamic and Static shadow casting turned on for MANY light sources. making the environments darker and scarier!
Higher resolution shadows for shoulder lamps

All manner of small Quality of Life changes that would take too long to write out :P

ACM Overhaul V6 RC4

Page 131 - READ before install...

QuoteChanges this update :

Adjusted Recoil mechanics - Another go at lessening the COD feel of the guns while still keeping it fun and action oriented. feedback is welcome

Updated Damange Feedback - More pronounced camera kick for feedback to try and better convey the damage your taking from gunfire. this helps alot in combat versus Mercs and makes Xeno swipes even more dangerous!

Fixed Death Ragdolls - Humans in particular die much better with their limbs reacting in a much more realistic fashion. Also applies to Xeno's but is mostly noticable when they aren't on the floor or leaping.

Blood and Acid Effects - More effects create decals on surfaces to increase the battle damage look (especially against Xenos). May be a performance hit, let me know

Buddy AI update - Another pass at getting the AI to stick with you, and prefer following your lead instead of running ahead.

Mercenary Weapons changed - Grunts can now carry SMG's or Shotguns without any grenades and instead carry a Pistol, which they will use in close range. Elites now carry the Assault rifle instead of the Battle rifle making them less dangerous however they do have grenades. The Brute still carries the Smart Gun

Buddy Marines can throw Grenades!

Adjustements to Xeno AI - Soldiers Pounce less often but are slightly more likely to try and kill you with their little mouth. Slightly adjusted their response to taking damage so they don't slow down as much. Lurker AI bug fixed that had them stand still sometimes (unfortunately for you they are even deadlier as a result)

Buddies can't die again but go down a bit faster and stay down a bit longer as a trade off.

Some global adjustements to graphics to try and squeeze a bit more quality out of the lighting and special effects.

Reduction in friendly fire damage

There are 3 primary changes in this version that need testing before I can do a full release :

Marines aren't allowed to Push - This is a feature which stops the AI from leaving you behind however it may have unintended side-effects in portions of the campaign I have not tested.

Weapon Recoil - The difference is subtle but the mechanic is different. Im interested to know what people think. These changes make the weapons feel more dynamic and less rigid.

Special Effects - Especially Blood splashes are boosted in rate and quality distances which does effect performance. the slider in the options should assist for older machines

These changes to Mercenaries and combat mechanics really improve the battles against Mercenaries with the grunts only having close range weapons and your AI preferring distant combat. The damage feedback being much more noticable also really helps you to stay alive in the larger open areas against the mercs making it less frustrating.
Xeno's are very dangerous but if you focus with the AI you will have an easier time against them giving you a bit more reason to care for them. With their improved combat they are actually helpful in alot of scenarios (maybe a little too good?) but in non scripted sections they get taken down very quickly to try and balance it.


And he's doing so much more to this game...


Oh and he's balancing Bug Hunt too... XD

QuoteThe problem with Bug Hunt solo is not really the money, its the pacing. The Xenos are too hard too fast for just one person. Instead I am balancing the enemy waves to make the first few rounds much easier, allowing players to get some cash together and open things up a bit before it gets hard.


Quote from: Hemi on Jan 20, 2019, 10:48:43 AM
I like TemplarGFX mod V6 for it, as it totally upgrades the game to a propper aliens game. Story is still rubbish, but the aliens bounce from ceiling to floor like crazy. It feels more like the stuff we seen in movie. Good stuff.

I'll have to keep an eye on's been almost 2 years since I played the version I have on my pc.

The Cruentus

Quote from: The Old One on Jan 07, 2019, 02:51:34 PM
It's not just Prometheus'd up- the layout is wrong.

Thank God and Al Hope for putting a respectful and correct version
in video gaming with Alien Isolation.

Actually it is not accurate in that game either, but much better than ACM. The pilot chamber is too large, apparently the entrance to the hold is in the wrong place and you got tunnels into the pilot chamber that didn't exist before but other than that I would still take it over ACM's version.

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Jan 11, 2019, 08:22:01 AM
You should know better than to engage him when his troll level is at 150%.

Something else I really liked about Colonial Marines was having the motion tracker off the HUD. I loved that.

I agree, I liked this too as it was a good balance and it could have added a lot of tension to the gameplay. Either keep your gun ready but unable to see where they are or keep your tracker up but liable to be caught off guard if a sudden attack happens.

Quote from: Local Trouble on Jan 11, 2019, 05:14:23 PM
As I understand it, my life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of AvPG.  I am the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite Corporal Hicks' sincerest efforts, he has been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision.  While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.  Which has led me, inexorably, here.

Are you enjoying your chair, laser pen and all those tv monitors?  :laugh:

Things I liked about the game.

The motion tracker mechanic.
The Alien designs, while the graphics are not the best I find the warrior designs to be more accurate than the ones in AVP2010.
The Raven. I like the idea of Aliens continuing to evolve, like the next stage to the warrior. Also the level was not bad either.
Weapon modifications and character customisation. Even if it was not the best, I do like being able to have options to make a more unique character.

The Old One

The Old One

The Pilot Chamber can never
be too large you fool!

I should've said it was a faithful
reinterpretation, as there's parts
of the original set that have been
changed to make more sense-
such as removing the large strut
from the edge of the room that
was present in the film version-
that was likely only there due to
budgetary constraints and using
the same wall for the cargo hold.

Otherwise you suggest an open
area to the right and left of the
Pilot chamber that continues on
a tunnel to each prong and we
know from H.R Giger's paintings
and Ridley Scott's Ridleygrams
that interpretation was not the

The main difference I noticed,
was that you don't climb up on
to the platform as the crew of
the Nostromo did, well you do
although it's much less of an
incline- but to pull a straw man-
the ground is covered in a grey
"gunk" so perhaps it's possible
that the floor has been "filled up"
by years of ash and dust at that

Still Collating...

Quote from: Hemi on Jan 21, 2019, 03:10:31 PM
Quote from: Xenomrph on Jan 21, 2019, 12:52:02 AM
Quote from: Hemi on Jan 20, 2019, 08:50:29 PM

V6 plays....different. But I agree that you can only play this stuff so often. The Xeno's might be fixed, but the game is still a mess.
Different how? Different in a good way or a bad way?

From Templar GFX V6 In general:

QuoteACM Overhaul V6 - Open Test

Version 6 is unlike any version before it and takes the game far past what it was when it was released, or even what it was supposed to be!

The star of the show are the Xenomorphs and they have had an additional 100+ hours of work done to them and it shows right away! This is not the same AI that you have fought in the original game or the previous versions of the mod.

I have created 3 entirely new AI states for the xenos by cobbling together unused portions and mashing sections together to create entirely new behavior!

Xeno's are now free to move around the level how they see fit, rather than the scripted directions and paths they were originally coded to use. This makes the Xeno's extremely unpredictable even for veteran players. It however mean that the Xeno's can go where they are not meant to, and get stuck. It happens only in a few places, but overall the Xeno's get stuck MUCH less than before!

I am biased, but I think these Xenos are the best Xenos you can face in a game right now! They are deadly, they are unpredictable and they are killing machines!

Xeno Changes :
New Movement State - Allows Xenos to go wherever they want, on any surface they want
New Movement State - Checks for Xenos standing still and gives them somewhere to go
New Movement State - Ensures distant Xenos get into the combat area quickly to put pressure on the player
Adjusted Path Mechanics - Rating of all path and poly nodes in the navmesh have been adjusted so that Xeno's prefer any surface but the floor
Adjusted Combat Positioning - Complete overhaul of the combat weighting to make Xeno's flank and attack from the sides or rear rather than head on (if viable)
Adjusted Combat Tactics - Xeno's try and kill their target quickly, and will back off and try again if they fail
Adjusted Melee Mechanics - Xeno's will deny you firing at them in close range and stay on all fours until right before they attack
Adjusted Movement - Xeno's are MUCH better at avoiding fire and making them hard to hit
Acid Blood Adjustments - Xeno Acid Blood is much more deadly, and will deal significant damage if you kill a Xeno up close. Visual effects of Acid are highly customised
Adjusted Targetting - Xeno's are more likely to go for AI

Soldier Changes :
Adjusted Pounce Mechanics - Soldier Xeno's can now pounce on you like a lurker

Ranger Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Rangers are now tougher, slower and prefer more direct combat

Lurker Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Lurkers will do more hit-and-run tactics more often and are MUCH tougher to kill

Human Changes :
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Humans prefer to fight at a distance, are more willing to use cover and blind firing
Adjusted Comments - Humans will talk more, give combat updates more and panic more
Adjusted Idle Actions - More likely to look around and search

Marine Changes :
Adjusted Pathing - Marines will stick closer to you, fall back to you in xeno combat, spread out and push human targets and just generally be much better.
Adjusted Xeno Combat - Marines are better at keeping track of and killing Xenos to help keep you alive (you will need it!)
Adjusted Combat actions - Marines will pull out the motion tracker if they are aware of a Xeno but cannot see it. Keep an eye out for an early warning
Marines CAN die! (although not all scenarios. If they die they will respawn when you finish the level or reload)
Marines can now throw grenades!!

Wey Yu Changes :
Adjusted Health - Weaker but with plenty of Armor. Assault grade weapons will make quick work of them
Adjusted Combat Mechanics - Less likely to push forward and and more likely to give you a 'stand up fight'

Weapon Adjustments :
Auto Shotgun has gotten a damage boost
A bit less recoil on Hudsons Pulse Rifle

Graphics Adjustments :
Reduced Environment Map strength on many objects to stop them rendering oddly
Higher LOD particle effects from further away
Improved Texture streaming for higher quality distant rendering
In Game options now set good values (no manual edits required)
Dynamic and Static shadow casting turned on for MANY light sources. making the environments darker and scarier!
Higher resolution shadows for shoulder lamps

All manner of small Quality of Life changes that would take too long to write out :P

ACM Overhaul V6 RC4

Page 131 - READ before install...

QuoteChanges this update :

Adjusted Recoil mechanics - Another go at lessening the COD feel of the guns while still keeping it fun and action oriented. feedback is welcome

Updated Damange Feedback - More pronounced camera kick for feedback to try and better convey the damage your taking from gunfire. this helps alot in combat versus Mercs and makes Xeno swipes even more dangerous!

Fixed Death Ragdolls - Humans in particular die much better with their limbs reacting in a much more realistic fashion. Also applies to Xeno's but is mostly noticable when they aren't on the floor or leaping.

Blood and Acid Effects - More effects create decals on surfaces to increase the battle damage look (especially against Xenos). May be a performance hit, let me know

Buddy AI update - Another pass at getting the AI to stick with you, and prefer following your lead instead of running ahead.

Mercenary Weapons changed - Grunts can now carry SMG's or Shotguns without any grenades and instead carry a Pistol, which they will use in close range. Elites now carry the Assault rifle instead of the Battle rifle making them less dangerous however they do have grenades. The Brute still carries the Smart Gun

Buddy Marines can throw Grenades!

Adjustements to Xeno AI - Soldiers Pounce less often but are slightly more likely to try and kill you with their little mouth. Slightly adjusted their response to taking damage so they don't slow down as much. Lurker AI bug fixed that had them stand still sometimes (unfortunately for you they are even deadlier as a result)

Buddies can't die again but go down a bit faster and stay down a bit longer as a trade off.

Some global adjustements to graphics to try and squeeze a bit more quality out of the lighting and special effects.

Reduction in friendly fire damage

There are 3 primary changes in this version that need testing before I can do a full release :

Marines aren't allowed to Push - This is a feature which stops the AI from leaving you behind however it may have unintended side-effects in portions of the campaign I have not tested.

Weapon Recoil - The difference is subtle but the mechanic is different. Im interested to know what people think. These changes make the weapons feel more dynamic and less rigid.

Special Effects - Especially Blood splashes are boosted in rate and quality distances which does effect performance. the slider in the options should assist for older machines

These changes to Mercenaries and combat mechanics really improve the battles against Mercenaries with the grunts only having close range weapons and your AI preferring distant combat. The damage feedback being much more noticable also really helps you to stay alive in the larger open areas against the mercs making it less frustrating.
Xeno's are very dangerous but if you focus with the AI you will have an easier time against them giving you a bit more reason to care for them. With their improved combat they are actually helpful in alot of scenarios (maybe a little too good?) but in non scripted sections they get taken down very quickly to try and balance it.


And he's doing so much more to this game...


Oh and he's balancing Bug Hunt too... XD

QuoteThe problem with Bug Hunt solo is not really the money, its the pacing. The Xenos are too hard too fast for just one person. Instead I am balancing the enemy waves to make the first few rounds much easier, allowing players to get some cash together and open things up a bit before it gets hard.

Wow, the videos are awesome! I can't wait to try it when the mod's released.  ;D


Wait, has the mod been released or not? Like, Hemi is apparently playing it, and he posted a download link.

Corporal Hicks


ACM Overhaul V6 RC4 has been released yes as a Beta for testing. You can wait for the official one of course. I think he's adding more and more stuff now. This will feel like a complete different game!

Still Collating...

I've seen that he's just adding more and more features, so I'm gonna wait until the mod is done, bugs fixed and all of his genius features added. From what I've now seen in the videos and his descriptions, it'll be worth the wait.


That awkward moment where you find yourself getting kind of hyped for ACM  :laugh:

The Old One

The Old One

Yeesh, are we that desperate?

There are very few things in Earth, Heaven or Hell that would even make me reinstall it.


I still have it installed.

At least the opening menu screen is cool with the Alien style music. Lol


Quote from: Hemi on Jan 22, 2019, 11:44:07 AM
ACM Overhaul V6 RC4 has been released yes as a Beta for testing. You can wait for the official one of course. I think he's adding more and more stuff now. This will feel like a complete different game!
Does he have an ETA on a final release?

The Old One

The Old One

17 days.

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