3 Rants - Science,Behavior, Religion (Spoilers)

Started by darcevil, May 21, 2017, 06:35:11 AM

3 Rants - Science,Behavior, Religion (Spoilers) (Read 537 times)



Alright, just got done watching the movie and I didn't see anywhere else to have a talk about these two subjects. While I feel like a lot of people, very split on the movie, there are three things that carry over from prometheus that have me confused and kind of angry: The lack of basic science in the movie, the lack of realistic behavior of the characters that are supoosedly trained in these exact scenarios, and the unfitting religeous overtones.

Science: Why on earth can't those multi-hundred million dollar movies do basic wikipedia searches? Right at the beginning of the movie I saw two very inaccuracies.

1. Wayland was talking about humans being the result of "random molecular chance". This is not how evolution works, we are the product of billions of years of natural selection. All our flaws and perfections comes as the result of previous animals being genetically selected against by their enviorment. Why would someone as smart as Wayland not understand this, and why would he assume that we had to have creators? It's a complete non sequitur.

2. When the ship gets hit by a Neutrino blast, why did it mess up their ship? Why on earth did the writers choose the one particle that almost never interacts with normal matter, so much so that scientists have to build giant lead detectors deep underground just to have a mere chance at detecting them? Why not a gamma blast, or antimatter or literally anything other than the least likely particle to do anything to the ship? Hell I would have rather he said Takeon Pulse and shrugged it off as a nod to scifi fans.

Behavior: Why do none of the characters act rationally? I'm not talking about general panic, I understand people can do stupid stuff while an alien rape monster is attacking them, but even under calm situations they did everything wrong.

1. Why did it take until they discovered wheat that they realized something was weird with the planet? You'd think that the very presence of earth trees would be enough to raise some eyebrows.

2. Like Prometheus, why did everyone assume the air was safe to breathe and harmful microbes wouldn't pose a problem? Why did they think it was okay to go wading around in water with who knows what growing in it? Even on earth we have brain eating amoebas killing a few swimmers every year.

3. Why did that guy assume that spore producing plants would be a good idea to stick their face in? Even on earth I wouldn't do that, but on an alien planet?

4. Why is it when they noticed they had infected crew they're first reaction was to get close to them, not worry about being infected via breath/saliva/mucus/blood and then try to drag them back onto the ship to potentially infect its surfaces?

5. Why did Walter, who supposedly was 100% committed to his crew, never tell any of them about David being insane despite having several chances to do so?

6. Why did the Captain stick his face in the egg when not 5 minutes ago he was willing to shoot David for showing affection for the xenomorphs?

Religion: Why is religion written into this film so badly? Why was Shaw so obsessed with it? Why was the Captain so obsessed with it? Why did the characters keep talking about faith and Creators? I don't mind having a religious character, but it seems so ham-fisted, did Riddely Scott become born again and has to tell everyone? The religious overtones never lead anywhere, the characters keep refering to it and the plot keeps beating you over the head with it but there never seems to be any message or moral. It seems like a very sad and obvious attempt to add artificial depth to the movie.


Regarding the religious aspect - Ridley Scott is not born again, he's an agnostic. Faith is in the film to show how flawed it is and how godless and cold the universe is.

Salt The Fries

A.D. 1 - I believe Weyland didn't refer to humans as we are now, but any intelligent species that we descended from
A.D. 2 - it was only initially mentioned that neutrino blast is coming, then Walter went into greater depth and revealed that there was actually a solar flare

then those other points:

A.D. 1 you're grasping at straws
A.D. 2 because it was telegraphed: "no toxins", "oxygen 19,5%, nitrogen 79,5%" plus the inital readings revealed it's even more habitable than Origae-6; maybe it wasn't overly in your face, and repeated a thousand of times but it was there
A.D. 3 same as point three
A.D. 4 they actually were concerned and voiced that a couple of times; Feris was definitely concerned and didn't want to risk contaminating others, but then things went to shit...and then they had to ditch any safety procedures...but even then they were still concerned and Oram voiced that when they were at David's hideout
A.D. 5 When did those chances appear? There was a line cut from the film when Walter brought up the fact that David hadn't received a maintenance in ten years and Oram asked what might the consequences of that be, to which Walter replied "I think we're about to find out". If it was communicated to the rest of the crew and to the audience, I think it'd be too detrimental to the subtlety of David's character / performance; it wasn't needed...remember that things in films are not only conveyed among characters but are also communicated to us, the audience; not every reveal would be helpful if you consider the audience;
A.D. 6 I'll just quote an amazing piece of analysis regarding this:

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on May 21, 2017, 04:18:02 AM
I think that Billy Crudup is the star of this movie and NOT Fassbender. I can see why people are up in arms over Fassbender as he plays two completely different characters in this movie, but those characters, to me, don't feel like down-to-earth realistic characters we saw in the originals. David feels quite Shakespearian and Walter just doesn't feel like an android. Crudup, on the other hand, really delivers human emotions and fear and you can feel his inner turmoil. He makes the entire situation feel real and grave. Him having this "short man's complex" for being a person of faith really plays well, and his wife really felt like this balancing force when it came to him and his awkward position and persona.

After the second watching I'm even more amazed by Crudup's performance. It's masterful. People complain about him being stupid for following David down to the basement, but at that point Crudup is at his wits end. He lost his wife and he has seen these hellish creatures tear people limb from limb, and now he has passed this purgatory leading to hell, facing the Devil... What he does doesn't make sense logically, but it makes sense in the state he is in, it makes sense in the mind of a feverish person that has transcended what is physically, mentally and emotionally bearable in the real world before you plunge through to the other side - into a world of menacing chaos and madness. There is no turning back. There is no logical conclusion.

Big applause for Billy Crudup.

For me the religious element of Oram's character wasn't over-blown and was convincingly merged with his crisis as a leader who really want to prove himself in front of other people and want to transcend his own inner complexes. It was way, way, way better handled than in case of Noomi Rapace's character. But then again she can only dream of having this kind of depth.

BTW I recommend you going there:



I've noticed and agree with all your points.The religious new captain that "nobody wanted in charge because he's a man of faith" is forced. Seemed so out of place.

Salt The Fries

Quote from: overthere on May 21, 2017, 10:29:17 AM
I've noticed and agree with all your points.The religious new captain that "nobody wanted in charge because he's a man of faith" is forced. Seemed so out of place.

The whole religious aspect of Alien 3 is more forced to me, and it has little pay off.


Quote from: Salt The Fries on May 21, 2017, 10:31:34 AM
The whole religious aspect of Alien 3 is more forced to me, and it has little pay off.

I have to rewatch Alien 3. All I remember about the movie is the dark, depressing atmosphere.

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