Scott says "Covenant is about mortality and immortality!!

Started by Pvt. Himmel, Dec 31, 2016, 12:13:06 AM

Scott says "Covenant is about mortality and immortality!! (Read 36,281 times)

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Might not strictly be related to Weyland. Or the Engineers.


We could very well be aliens on our own World as it is.*

We've upset the natural balance of the World we live on.  We've driven species to extinction (plants and animals).  We can't live without shelter that we must construct for ourselves.  We are affected adversely by solar radiation...  The list goes on.  Maybe we don't come from Earth.  Maybe we were seeded here..? 

There's so many indicators that we are not natural to this world.  Scott may be right.  Maybe the Engineers did create us.  Maybe we are the real aliens here, especially within the Universe he is bringing to life. 

Maybe Scott is the real Prometheus here by trying to take fire and light to give his cinematic creation life.  lol.


*I am framing this response within the context of 'PROMETHEUS'.


Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 31, 2016, 12:38:47 AM
The 4chan guy was bs, the crashed juggernaut is enough proof of that.

I hope you're right. I really do.


Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 31, 2016, 12:38:47 AM
The 4chan guy was bs, the crashed juggernaut is enough proof of that.

How so? Consensus seems to be his spoilers are legit.


There is no consensus, how can we agree about
something we do not know? Its all hearsay.


Quote from: Enoch on Dec 31, 2016, 12:56:26 AM
There is no consensus, how can we agree about
something we do not know? Its all hearsay.

True - it's possible he saw the screened footage and made up the rest. But there are other people online who have corroborated much of it. They could, of course, all be lying as well. Not super far fetched.

But doesn't Hicks also have on good authority that the spoilers were correct?



Yes, Hick confirmed the validity of that but how can we be so sure when
there are contradictory facts constantly popping up. Those fact simply are not
in alignment with 4chan guys statements. Hicks is reliable but he is not
a Covenant scriptwriter, his sources could be misleading him or whatever.
Maybe 4chan guy was right about few thing but not about complete movie...
Who knows, I wont believe until I see the movie.


Quote from: shawsbaby on Dec 31, 2016, 12:53:08 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 31, 2016, 12:38:47 AM
The 4chan guy was bs, the crashed juggernaut is enough proof of that.

How so? Consensus seems to be his spoilers are legit.
To the trailers yea, but everything else we don't know yet. However the guy says that David bombs Paradise in the opening... well it looks quite clear that the Juggernaut crash lands instead. Something he entirely omitted because he never saw the film. I thought it true at first because I thought Hicks knew someone who saw the rough cut but that was incorrect information. What Ridley's telling us and what that person said isn't adding up.

Quote from: windebieste on Dec 31, 2016, 12:47:46 AM
We could very well be aliens on our own World as it is.*

We've upset the natural balance of the World we live on.  We've driven species to extinction (plants and animals).  We can't live without shelter that we must construct for ourselves.  We are affected adversely by solar radiation...  The list goes on.  Maybe we don't come from Earth.  Maybe we were seeded here..? 

There's so many indicators that we are not natural to this world.  Scott may be right.  Maybe the Engineers did create us.  Maybe we are the real aliens here, especially within the Universe he is bringing to life. 

Maybe Scott is the real Prometheus here by trying to take fire and light to give his cinematic creation life.  lol.


*I am framing this response within the context of 'PROMETHEUS'.
Hey, it's us man.  8)

Plus that could and would actually work well with Ridley's own self stated beliefs. There's a problem though in that the engineers only enhanced evolution through their DNA donation, Scott's words. In some of the cuts the elder engineer tells the deadman he hopes they will find their way back home. I always assumed that was back to them and not somewhere else. Then again if we were seeded than that surely means back to "somewhere else".



Quote from: Enoch on Dec 31, 2016, 01:03:05 AM
Yes, Hick confirmed the validity of that but how can we be so sure when
there are contradictory facts constantly popping up. Those fact simply are not
in alignment with 4chan guys statements.

Which facts specifically are you referring to? I'd LOVE for the 4chan to be total BS since I spoiled it for myself ;-)

Ephemer Nine

Amazing; that was exactly what I wanted to hear. I hope these themes are a big part of the film.


Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 31, 2016, 01:04:04 AM
Quote from: shawsbaby on Dec 31, 2016, 12:53:08 AM
Quote from: whiterabbit on Dec 31, 2016, 12:38:47 AM
The 4chan guy was bs, the crashed juggernaut is enough proof of that.

How so? Consensus seems to be his spoilers are legit.
To the trailers yea, but everything else we don't know yet. However the guy says that David bombs Paradise in the opening... well it looks quite clear that the Juggernaut crash lands instead. Something he entirely omitted because he never saw the film. I thought it true at first because I thought Hicks knew someone who saw the rough cut but that was incorrect information. What Ridley's telling us and what that person said isn't adding up.

Quote from: windebieste on Dec 31, 2016, 12:47:46 AM
We could very well be aliens on our own World as it is.*

We've upset the natural balance of the World we live on.  We've driven species to extinction (plants and animals).  We can't live without shelter that we must construct for ourselves.  We are affected adversely by solar radiation...  The list goes on.  Maybe we don't come from Earth.  Maybe we were seeded here..? 

There's so many indicators that we are not natural to this world.  Scott may be right.  Maybe the Engineers did create us.  Maybe we are the real aliens here, especially within the Universe he is bringing to life. 

Maybe Scott is the real Prometheus here by trying to take fire and light to give his cinematic creation life.  lol.


*I am framing this response within the context of 'PROMETHEUS'.
Hey, it's us man.  8)

Plus that could and would actually work well with Ridley's own self stated beliefs. There's a problem though in that the engineers only enhanced evolution through their DNA donation, Scott's words. In some of the cuts the elder engineer tells the deadman he hopes they will find their way back home. I always assumed that was back to them and not somewhere else. Then again if we were seeded than that surely means back to "somewhere else".

Okay - this makes sense now re: the Juggernaut crashing and what David supposedly does from the ship not quite adding up.



Quote from: shawsbaby on Dec 31, 2016, 01:04:31 AM
Which facts specifically are you referring to? I'd LOVE for the 4chan to be total BS since I spoiled it for myself ;-)

Well obvious fact - Juggernaut crashed on the planet; He mentioned that David bombed engineers with the goo why omitting the fact that he crashed just moments after the act of bombing. He described that very well, yet he somehow forgot to mention that crash.... MORE THAN SUSPICIOUS if you ask me.

4chan guy said we ll not learn anything new about Engineers while Ridley just said totally different story. Even Wayne Haag spoke about Engineers technology and how we ll learn much more about that than the ultimate origins of the Aliens. Wayne mentioned that the doors for ultimate interpretations of their origins will remain opened.

4chan guy said Philosophy will not be so present like in Prometheus except that prologue scene with David and Weyland and thats about philosophy. Now Ridley again spoke differently.

Full transcription of 4chan guys words...


QuoteHere it is:

-Main character is Katherine Waterston's Daniels but Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, and both androids get good screen time

-I liked it fine, it was pretty spooky/intense when they first arrive on the Engineer planet and the ending sequence. As a Prometheus sequel, people might get upset. They explain what happened to the Engineers and the mummified corpses you see in set pics but there's not too much followed up on apart from the setting and black goo stuff.

-Shaw is only in flashbacks when David finds the Covenant crew on the planet. She's dead before the movie begins and she sent the beacon the Covenant ship tracks to the planet.

-The Neomorphs are spooky and burst out of a guys back and another ones throat. They run on all fours at first then stand upright later on. They also have fang teeth and two spike things on their back they can shoot.

-I guess the only new monsters are the Neomorphs and some wildlife that has changed due to black goo exposure.

-Score in the rough cut was the original Alien 1979 score, they said the OST wasn't done.

-Sort of, he plays it straight this time (regarding characters) as an Alien film. Though some of the characters are generic like Prometheus.

-Engineer planet is not populated by anyone except David. It's pretty much Earth-like but with crazy storms. You get to see the Engineer citadel and the city left behind.

-No, it's the wildlife on the Engineer home world called Paradise. They are spores that send out an airborne version of the black goo basically when triggered. Those cause the Neomorphs

-(would you say the characters are comparable to Alien?) I wish I could. Honestly, there are only a couple characters I really liked but the whole cast wasn't memorable like Alien. Walter is great, Danny McBride's character Tennesse was cool, and Daniels.

-(How big is the budget?)
Doesn't seem like it's too big, somewhere around 120-150.

-Not that I remember, maybe a fly or something.

-Daniels is good, she reminds me of Ripley in the first Alien. Similar arc.

-David is a straight up villain yes. He's got a creepy shop of horrors underneath the Engineer citadel set up that you can see in pics I've posted in thread. Brownish looking room with failed experiments. Basically he *beep* over the Covenant crew when he finds them so he can use them for Xeno experiments. Also he doesn't like Walter.

-When David first tells the crew of Covenant what happened to Shaw, he claims she died when the Jockey ship crashed on the planet. Later we find out David killed her or exposed her to black goo for testing.

-The atmosphere and general tone felt the most like the original yeah, but also a bit of the intensity of Aliens because theres more than one creature running around.

-Ending was fine. I was a little confused, but it does set up a sequel.

-She (daniels) doesn't start off a badass but grows along the way

Posted Image
-Engineer planet is pic related, they move through the forest and David finds them. From there they go to Engineer city and citadel. That's basically the location the whole movie.

-David saves the Covenant crew from a Neomorph attack in the forest and brings them to the Engineer citadel which is basically his home. He *beep* over the crew and gets people killed because he doesn't care about humans and wants to experiment.

-It's 10 years after Prometheus, David has been there the whole time. The Engineer planet was exposed to the black goo and it has affected the environment.

-David is able to somewhat communicate with the Neomorphs and wants to protect them

-The Neomorphs are the main creature up until the 3rd act. David is able to lure a character into his egg room and exposes them to a classic facehugger. This spawns the Proto-Xenomorph. It's not the classic one we know, but the closest to it. It is more animal in nature.

-It was just under 2 hours (runtime) I think. Rough cut looked good. Mostly practical stuff, real sets and on location filming. Just like Prometheus.

-It is more violent than Prometheus. The Neomorph bursting scene alone is more violent than that movie.

-Cinematography, set design, costumes, and everything looked great. I liked the locale of this film more. The forest setting was more interesting than the dull desert of Prometheus imo

-The Proto Xeno is basically like the Runner in Alien 3, but looks like the one from 1979 movie. Looked pretty cool, but a lot of the CGI wasn't finished on it.

-Deacon does not make an appearance

-I felt the pacing was a little off, and it moved fast in places but I guess those are my only complaints

-The Engineers are gone, at least on their home planet. David wipes them out.

-David creates a Proto Xenormorph by exposing someone to a classic facehugger, but it's not exactly the one we know. I guess he's responsible for the facehugger.

-Shaw is dead and David "dies" off screen

-The only stuff that was claustrophobic was the last 15 mins or so when they get back on the Covenant. My favorite action sequence was the Neomorph bursting scene that happens shortly after they land on Paradise, really intense. Also the Covenant stuff at the end was cool.

-Color tone of the movie I'm not sure how to answer. It was set on a planet with wildlife and Engineer structures.

- the Engineers are barely in the movie apart from corpses

-(philosophical and religious themes present?)Not much apart from the prologue with Weyland and David vs Walter later on

-Inside the Covenant, lighting was like some of the images I posted earlier with McBride and Ridley on the bridge. Blue ish with some corridors being grey and red.

-Space suits are closer to original film, bigger and not the bubble helmet design from Prometheus

-It ends with Tennesse and Daniels going back into cryo sleep for the long journey to their original destination before receiving beacon at Paradise. Walter closes their pods and goes down to the colonist bay wheres theres 2 thousand grown colonists and 1,300 embryos or something. Turns out he snuck two Proto Xeno embryos on the ship and puts them with the human embryos. He skips away and movie ends.(this one maybe false)

-David "dies" of screen after fight with Walter towards the end, Walter fights him because he tries to kill Daniels and Walter finds out David has been screwing them over the whole time.

-Shaw reattaches David's head during the flight to Paradise with David's help.

-I was confused by that myself. The whole film Walter seems to not like David screwing around with the Xenos or black goo then at the end it seems he has a change of heart.

-Proto Xeno is the result of David's experiments or at least the facehugger is.

-The crew have WY patches on their gear so I'm guessing in the 10 years between this and Prometheus, the merger happened.

-We unfortunately don't learn anything new about them. When the Juggernaut ship David and Shaw are in arrives at Paradise, David positions the ship above the Engineer citadel. Thousands of Engineers look up in the sky confused, then David unleashes the full cargo hold of black goo containers and it wipes out all of them. The corpses are mummified.

-The Covenant is massive and stays in a low orbit. The ship in these pics is a small drop ship the exploration team takes.
Posted Image

-When David takes out the Engineers, Shaw is still asleep in one of the cryo pods on the Juggernaut. She goes in there and tells David to wake her up when they arrive. David does it behind her back. "To create, one must first destroy."

-At the end, a Proto Xeno is on board the Covenant. Daniels and Tennesse fight it and she has on the space suit, it's bulky(maybe false).


In 2017, the followers of Sagardoa began persecuting the heretical followers of 4chan guy...  :laugh:



This excites me. I actually liked the spoilers, honestly, but was bummed I'd read them at all. This makes me hopeful for a fresh experience.

Quote from: Enoch on Dec 31, 2016, 01:11:36 AM
Quote from: shawsbaby on Dec 31, 2016, 01:04:31 AM
Which facts specifically are you referring to? I'd LOVE for the 4chan to be total BS since I spoiled it for myself ;-)

Well obvious fact - Juggernaut crashed on the planet; He mentioned that David bombed engineers with the goo why omitting the fact that he crashed just moments after the act of bombing. He described that very well, yet he somehow forgot to mention that crash.... MORE THAN SUSPICIOUS if you ask me.

4chan guy said we ll not learn anything new about Engineers while Ridley just said totally different story. Even Wayne Haag spoke about Engineers technology and how we ll learn much more about that than the ultimate origins of the Aliens. There will be open doors for ultimate interpretations of their origins.

Full transcription of 4chan guys fords...


QuoteHere it is:

-Main character is Katherine Waterston's Daniels but Billy Crudup, Danny McBride, and both androids get good screen time

-I liked it fine, it was pretty spooky/intense when they first arrive on the Engineer planet and the ending sequence. As a Prometheus sequel, people might get upset. They explain what happened to the Engineers and the mummified corpses you see in set pics but there's not too much followed up on apart from the setting and black goo stuff.

-Shaw is only in flashbacks when David finds the Covenant crew on the planet. She's dead before the movie begins and she sent the beacon the Covenant ship tracks to the planet.

-The Neomorphs are spooky and burst out of a guys back and another ones throat. They run on all fours at first then stand upright later on. They also have fang teeth and two spike things on their back they can shoot.

-I guess the only new monsters are the Neomorphs and some wildlife that has changed due to black goo exposure.

-Score in the rough cut was the original Alien 1979 score, they said the OST wasn't done.

-Sort of, he plays it straight this time (regarding characters) as an Alien film. Though some of the characters are generic like Prometheus.

-Engineer planet is not populated by anyone except David. It's pretty much Earth-like but with crazy storms. You get to see the Engineer citadel and the city left behind.

-No, it's the wildlife on the Engineer home world called Paradise. They are spores that send out an airborne version of the black goo basically when triggered. Those cause the Neomorphs

-(would you say the characters are comparable to Alien?) I wish I could. Honestly, there are only a couple characters I really liked but the whole cast wasn't memorable like Alien. Walter is great, Danny McBride's character Tennesse was cool, and Daniels.

-(How big is the budget?)
Doesn't seem like it's too big, somewhere around 120-150.

-Not that I remember, maybe a fly or something.

-Daniels is good, she reminds me of Ripley in the first Alien. Similar arc.

-David is a straight up villain yes. He's got a creepy shop of horrors underneath the Engineer citadel set up that you can see in pics I've posted in thread. Brownish looking room with failed experiments. Basically he *beep* over the Covenant crew when he finds them so he can use them for Xeno experiments. Also he doesn't like Walter.

-When David first tells the crew of Covenant what happened to Shaw, he claims she died when the Jockey ship crashed on the planet. Later we find out David killed her or exposed her to black goo for testing.

-The atmosphere and general tone felt the most like the original yeah, but also a bit of the intensity of Aliens because theres more than one creature running around.

-Ending was fine. I was a little confused, but it does set up a sequel.

-She (daniels) doesn't start off a badass but grows along the way

Posted Image
-Engineer planet is pic related, they move through the forest and David finds them. From there they go to Engineer city and citadel. That's basically the location the whole movie.

-David saves the Covenant crew from a Neomorph attack in the forest and brings them to the Engineer citadel which is basically his home. He *beep* over the crew and gets people killed because he doesn't care about humans and wants to experiment.

-It's 10 years after Prometheus, David has been there the whole time. The Engineer planet was exposed to the black goo and it has affected the environment.

-David is able to somewhat communicate with the Neomorphs and wants to protect them

-The Neomorphs are the main creature up until the 3rd act. David is able to lure a character into his egg room and exposes them to a classic facehugger. This spawns the Proto-Xenomorph. It's not the classic one we know, but the closest to it. It is more animal in nature.

-It was just under 2 hours (runtime) I think. Rough cut looked good. Mostly practical stuff, real sets and on location filming. Just like Prometheus.

-It is more violent than Prometheus. The Neomorph bursting scene alone is more violent than that movie.

-Cinematography, set design, costumes, and everything looked great. I liked the locale of this film more. The forest setting was more interesting than the dull desert of Prometheus imo

-The Proto Xeno is basically like the Runner in Alien 3, but looks like the one from 1979 movie. Looked pretty cool, but a lot of the CGI wasn't finished on it.

-Deacon does not make an appearance

-I felt the pacing was a little off, and it moved fast in places but I guess those are my only complaints

-The Engineers are gone, at least on their home planet. David wipes them out.

-David creates a Proto Xenormorph by exposing someone to a classic facehugger, but it's not exactly the one we know. I guess he's responsible for the facehugger.

-Shaw is dead and David "dies" off screen

-The only stuff that was claustrophobic was the last 15 mins or so when they get back on the Covenant. My favorite action sequence was the Neomorph bursting scene that happens shortly after they land on Paradise, really intense. Also the Covenant stuff at the end was cool.

-Color tone of the movie I'm not sure how to answer. It was set on a planet with wildlife and Engineer structures.

- the Engineers are barely in the movie apart from corpses

-(philosophical and religious themes present?)Not much apart from the prologue with Weyland and David vs Walter later on

-Inside the Covenant, lighting was like some of the images I posted earlier with McBride and Ridley on the bridge. Blue ish with some corridors being grey and red.

-Space suits are closer to original film, bigger and not the bubble helmet design from Prometheus

-It ends with Tennesse and Daniels going back into cryo sleep for the long journey to their original destination before receiving beacon at Paradise. Walter closes their pods and goes down to the colonist bay wheres theres 2 thousand grown colonists and 1,300 embryos or something. Turns out he snuck two Proto Xeno embryos on the ship and puts them with the human embryos. He skips away and movie ends.(this one maybe false)

-David "dies" of screen after fight with Walter towards the end, Walter fights him because he tries to kill Daniels and Walter finds out David has been screwing them over the whole time.

-Shaw reattaches David's head during the flight to Paradise with David's help.

-I was confused by that myself. The whole film Walter seems to not like David screwing around with the Xenos or black goo then at the end it seems he has a change of heart.

-Proto Xeno is the result of David's experiments or at least the facehugger is.

-The crew have WY patches on their gear so I'm guessing in the 10 years between this and Prometheus, the merger happened.

-We unfortunately don't learn anything new about them. When the Juggernaut ship David and Shaw are in arrives at Paradise, David positions the ship above the Engineer citadel. Thousands of Engineers look up in the sky confused, then David unleashes the full cargo hold of black goo containers and it wipes out all of them. The corpses are mummified.

-The Covenant is massive and stays in a low orbit. The ship in these pics is a small drop ship the exploration team takes.
Posted Image

-When David takes out the Engineers, Shaw is still asleep in one of the cryo pods on the Juggernaut. She goes in there and tells David to wake her up when they arrive. David does it behind her back. "To create, one must first destroy."

-At the end, a Proto Xeno is on board the Covenant. Daniels and Tennesse fight it and she has on the space suit, it's bulky(maybe false).

Quote from: Ultramorph on Dec 31, 2016, 01:13:09 AM
In 2017, the followers of Sagardoa began persecuting the heretical followers of 4chan guy...  :laugh:

But Sagardoa and 4chan guy have been saying the same things, no? (Perhaps are the same person...)


Quote from: Ultramorph on Dec 31, 2016, 01:13:09 AM
In 2017, the followers of Sagardoa began persecuting the heretical followers of 4chan guy...  :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Great comment.

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