Aliens vs Predator: Predalien

Started by Private Hudson, Sep 12, 2007, 01:48:33 AM

Aliens vs Predator: Predalien (Read 2,836 times)

Private Hudson

Private Hudson

                                     ALIENS VS PREDATOR: PREDALIEN PART 1

      A few years after the events of LV:426, the Weyland yutani corp knew all about the aliens known as xenomorphs, and on LV:893, they have thier very own labs. They managed to get thier hands on an alien egg which after time morphed and a Queen facehugger emerged from the egg when it senced the presence of a potential host.....humans. The company built thier base around a colony so that they could sneak into the colony and bring back(forcefully) human hosts. They set the humans into a cave and watched from security cameras the host be facehugged...

   Years later the company had a thriving hive to watch and study. But what they didnt plan on was they were being watched also. Predators were observing the base for quite a time and and could tell the time was soon coming to go for the hunt.So a lone Predator, a scout, was sent to find out as much he could about the base and its layout. He crashed to the planet within a pod sent from the Predator ship and was headed out to find the base...

  Days later the Predator reached his destination, the base, and hit on his cloaking device and ran to the nearest entrance. He turned off his electromagnetic vision and switched to thermal, he spotted two security guards, easy kills, they were armed with M41A pulse rifles but that couldnt kill a Pradator, the turrets that lyed beyond the tunnel could... The Predator jumped down and raised his staff for the kill..only to be shredded to near death by gun turrets."Looks like hes still alive" mentioned the nearest guard, the other said" Lets kill it..blow its brains out, whatever it is..""NO"Warned the other guard,"The scientists might want it..."

   The Pradator slowly opened his eyes to see red, his helmet was gone. He sat up to see he was strapped to a wall, and weakened by some rope, he tried cutting threw but it was too tuogh,and the turrets had hurt him too much to break out himself. Finally he was fully concious and he looked around..He was in a hive! He strugged even more and looked around to see an egg opening.

   "AMAZING!! The creature will be our new hosts! We must find more.." said the doctor before turning off the video feed to the cave. " Docter Hail, we must take caution! The creature may have been wounded by the turret but, but anything else would get shredded to peices! What would we do if we saw one? Pump it full of Pulse Rifle bullets?" said the commander of security." I dont turrets around the base perimeter.NOW!!!!"

 Ten days, ten days had passed since the scout had been missing, and ten days is how long it took to send 2 Predators in to rescue him and finish his mission. One was called Blood Scar as he had a huge scar on his chest from an alien Queen and survived! The other was called Half Face as he was gouged and bitten in the eye by an adult, ridges and all, alien warrior. They were being sent to the pods and wuold soon find out what happened to thier fallen comrad Predator.

  About 2 minutes later, the Predators landed on the planet and instantly turned on thier cloaking devices. Blood Scar moved forward and examined the area, then motioned to Half Face to look at the horizon..Thier were turrets everywhere! Half Face, an excellent thinker looked at the tall trees and motioned to Blood Scar to climb them. They did. And it turned out they had a straight path to the base. When they got to the entrance they expected resistance, but strangely, thier was noone thier. The two Predators moved in slowly, and Blood Scar stabbed the controll panel with his wristblades. Then, a fully matured alien jumped out at Blood Scar from the opened entrance...But luckily Half Face saved Blood Scar by a clean shot with his shoulder cannon and blew the alien to peices. Blood Scar thanked Half Face and they both looked up into the dark tunnel and saw that the base had had an outbrake of aliens! They moved in slowly and about a few steps in they saw a tunnel that led from the ground to a darkened cave. Blood Scar appraoched it but Half Face stopped him. He spoke in Predator touge and told Blood Scar that they must search the rest of the base for the missing Predator first, then they could dispose off the aliens. Blood Scar agreed and they looked at the door and noticed that an alien must have broken out by itself and let the aliens out, and by the looks of it, the alien must have been a powerful one.

   The alien was like none ever was bigger stronger and looked much like the host, a Predator, thought docter Hail as he was looking out the window of the safe room. " It's still thier, its waiting for us, and did you see what it did to Bob? It tore him in half!"said Docter Hail to the other scientists."I told you Hail, you shouldnt examine any live ones except on the camera feed, but no, you had to examine it up close, you had to touch it, what, did you think you could tame it?!"shouted one scientist to Hail. Hail didn't admit it, but he knew he should have not let it out of the cave for study, even if he did stun it with powerful stun guns. The creature escaped from the pen it was in and fought its way out of the labs to the cave entrance, and broke the panel to the cave, which proved this one was more smart than the other xenomorphs. It let the other aliens out in the process and then hunted down other people, including Hail, which was how he got into the saferoom...and couldn't get out.

  The two Predators could find nothing but other aliens and dead humanbodys. Blood Scar was getting ready to open a door to another lab room but turned around to see Half Face looking into a room with a bullet proof glass window with three shocked scientists. Half Face was about to hit the window with his wristblades before he was tackled to the ground by an alien, how the Predators didn't see it when they entered the room was a mystery, but Blood Scar instantly got shocked to see the creature...he only heared legends about these creatures from the Elders...but it was was right infront of him...a predator- alien hybrid...A PREDALIEN!!!

                                                 To Be Continued.....

                                                                PART 2

                   Blood Scar didn't know what to do. He couldn't attack the creature with his weapons with fear the acid blood would harm Half Face. So, the only idea he had was to charge the creature, so he ran as fast as he could toward the Predalien and lunged at it, knoking it of of Half face, and saving his life. The Predalien roared, rather like a Predator and leapt into a ventalationshaft before the two Predators could attack it. Half Face now had scars from where the Predalien was gouging him with his tail and slashing him with his claws. Blood Scar helped Half Face to his feet and they looked at the door the scientists were hiding in. Half Face walked toward the door, about to break in, but was stopped by Blood Scar. Blood Scar told him thier objectives were to find the missing Predator, Half Face agreed, and they said after they get the other Predator, they would get the scientists and kill them.

    "We must get out of here!! And fast!!" screamed a terrified Hail. As he said this, a grate in the cieling opened. The most quiet scientist looked in the shaft shing his flashlight into the hole in the cieling to reveal the horrifying face of the Predalien, which grabbed the man by the head and pulled him into the shaft. The man was screaming and all of a sudden it got quiet as blood poured from the grate. Then the Predalien jumped into the saferoom and slautered the scientists, including Hail.

  Blood Scar looked back down the dark tunnel in the direction of the screams. The Predators searched many labs but couldn't find the missing Predator. One more lab and they would then have to venture into the caves, where the hive was. Half Face ripped open yet another panel to reveal a xenomorph cage that was bitten threw, most likely the Predaliens holding cell. As Half Face moved in he was jumped by an alien which bit him multiple times with its second jaw. Blood Scar got the alien off of Half Face the same way he got the Predalien off of Half Face earlier. Blood Scar looked at the slashing and groulng alien he had his foot on, and shot it in the head with his shoulder cannon. He looked down at Half Face who was dead, didn't even have time to set his detonating device. A Elder once told Blood Scar never to mourn for the dead, so he didn't. Blood Scar looked up and saw aliens, about a dozen, on the ceiling. He threw his shuriken weapon at one, and woke the others up. They dropped down and some stayed on the walls, he shot at a few with his shoulder cannon and as one aproached, he stabbed it with his concealable spear, more came and he was spinning his staff around, jabbing with it. Acid was spraying everywhere, he got some distance, and threw his disc, which sliced two in a row, and returned to him. He looked around, thier were dead aliens all around him. One was sneaking up on him with stealth...before getting jabbed in the chest with a spear, it let out a shreak, which was pleasant to here, it made up for the death of his friend and fellow warrior, Half Face. He did not mourn, but took the dead Predators helmet and attached it to his back.

    As they agreed when they first entered the base, to look for the missing Predator in the base, then look in the caves for the Predator, Blood Scar headed back to the cave entrance. When he arrived at the cave entrance, he looked down the tunnel and then jumped. He landed in a dark room, the walls were covered in the strange way an alien built its hive. He walked for a while to be confronted by a small band of aliens, which he dispatched easily. He noticed that these aliens were fully grown by the head ridges on thier head. After awhile, he got to a room full of eggs, which, lukily for him, were empty. Looking into a corner, he saw the Predator he was looking for, with a hole in his chest and a dead facehugger beside him. Blood Scar was mad now, he turned around, about to head in the direction he thought the hive chamber, where the Queen would be, only to be confronted by the Predalien. It roared and Blood Scar raored back, then with suprising agility for such a big creature, it lunged at Blood Scar, who doged and fired a shot back to the creature with his shoulder cannon but missed, he threw his shuriken which hit the Predalien, but didn't kill it, but cut a piece of its mandibal off. It then lunged at Blood Scar, slashing its claws, and got a hit in. Blood Scar knew his spear wuold be useless, so he threw it at the creature and hit its arm, the Predalien grabbed the spear and pulled it out of its arm and threw it aside. This time Blood Scar made the move and got tripped by the creatures tail, Blood Scar looked up at the creature and rolled right before the Predaliens' tail hit the ground. Blood Scar noticed the creatures tail was stuck in the ground, so then, with a powerful strike with his wristblades, he stabbed the Predalien in the head and roared. Blood Scar took the creatures skull and strapped it to his back, then headed toward the hive chamber, to the Queen....

   Blood Scar entered the chamber and looked around to see the Queen standing in a corner looking at Blood Scar. Blood Scar shot his shoulder cannon hitting the Queen dead on, but not killing her, then the Queen charged, and slammed Blood Scar into a wall. Blood Scar dropped to the ground and charged the Queen, jumped, landed on her head, a weak point, and started stabbing her head. She finnaly shook him off and slashed at Blood Scar, Blood Scar doged the attack and thew his disc and shuriken simultainiously and cut off the Queens little arms on her chest. Blood Scar raored, and shot the Queen several times with faster but weaker shoulder cannon shots, she was enraged now, so she screamed and started furriously stabbing with her tail, a fearsome weapon. Blood Scar got hit in the shoulder and staggered, then he took his net gun and shot it at the Queen, it didn't pin her to anything but got wrapped around her head slowly digging into her head. Blood Scar knew she was weakened in the head now and shot her in the head once with a powerful and deadly shoulder cannon shot which exploded her head. Blood Scar roared with triumph and took the Queens giant skull and dragged it out the cave, then walked out the main base doors and knew, he had a successul hunt.


Private Hudson

Is anyone going to ever read this story I wrote? It is way better than my others.



ill have a look, it sounds good.



its ok, as a base line. you could write a much larger, more detailed stroy around it. but i like all the movie refrences. have a go at extending it into chapter, otherwise its very good

Private Hudson

So you think I should add more chapters/Parts? Maybe more after Blood Scar kills the Queen?



no. i think that story is more of a plot. id say, add alot more detail. make the first few chapters about how they find the egg and what they do to it, and dont add the predalien for a little while. maybe keep the predalien hidden till the end, but make sure people know its there.

Private Hudson

Ok, I'll change it in a minute... Crap, It won't let me edit the story!!



dont worry. re write it as a long story. but i must admit, that would be much better as a comic. ;) id love to see it in that form

Private Hudson

Ok, I'm going to rewrite it on another thread same name, but different. Ok? I should be done in about an hour. ;)

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