Neill Blomkamp: Alien3 & Resurrection "Went Off The Rails"

Started by Tough little S.O.B., Mar 02, 2015, 05:41:34 PM

Neill Blomkamp: Alien3 & Resurrection "Went Off The Rails" (Read 83,231 times)

T Dog

There's no guarantee that this film will be any good either of course.

Fanboy service is just as dangerous as the originator of the series returning to helm another film.

I.E. Blomkamp could f**k this up as much as Scott f**ked up Prometheus. Well probably not.....but this film could still have egregious issues.


Quote from: Samhain13 on Mar 03, 2015, 02:06:13 AM
Quote from: MCP on Mar 03, 2015, 01:55:52 AM
Quote from: Alien³ on Mar 03, 2015, 01:37:51 AM
The suspense will come from whether Lt. Elderly Cripley can even make it up a flight of stairs. :D

That's a little mean, dude.  If Arnold and Sly can do it, why not Sigourney?  I actually think it would be interesting to see an almost 70 year old woman in an action role.

Arnold and Sly have trained themselves in a way that we can take them seriously

Ordinary woman in extraordinary circumstances. That's Ripley. She shouldn't look like she's been body building her entire life or anything. These things should be a chore and a struggle for her because she never wanted to be doing them.

And if he's going down the retcon route, it should be many years after Aliens, and she should be allowed to seem safe before whatever kicks off kicks off again. She's not Sarah Connor, she doesn't have a calendar with the end of the world pencilled in. Post Aliens Ripley should be a woman re-building her life, not a haunted survivor any longer. y'know, something a bit different, something that this series - at it's best - does really well.


I'm sure there would be plenty of lawyers who would be paying top dollar to keep her, Hicks, Newt and Bishop's memory files safe, at the prospect of suing Weyland-Yutani for everything they possibly have... Along with back-compensation for criminal negligence to the relatives of the Nostromo crew, which, with interest, might be even more than that which would be paid to the surviving relatives of the LV-426 planetoid colony.


I for one am excited about having an Alien 5 movie at all. The fact that they will bring back Hicks and Ripley is a plus. And with the director, you know that there'll be lots of action to go along with it, and hopefully it comes with a engaging plot. 

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

Quote from: KiramidHead on Mar 03, 2015, 01:02:03 AM
Quote from: Game_Over_Man on Mar 03, 2015, 12:39:04 AM
I'd love to see Guy Pearce somehow involved.

Ohhh, he could be a head in a jar like in Futurama.

We had a head in a jar in the alien universe already....

Quote from: Valaquen on Mar 03, 2015, 04:10:02 AM
Quote from: RakaiThwei on Mar 03, 2015, 03:49:19 AM
Although there is nothing stopping that, I just don't want to see the movie take that route. Again, cheap cop-out. It would be better if Blomkamp did what The Return of Godzilla (Godzilla 1985) did, ignore the previous sequels and not acknowledge them in anyway, and just continue on from Aliens.

I imagine that is what he will do, especially after his comments about not rubbishing 3 and 4, but not continuing from them.

Alien fans will have two different sequels that they will hopefully like, and Alien 3 fans won't need to listen to folk bemoan Hicks and co, and so on.

Imagine that Alien 3.2 ends being worse than A3.1! And all A3.1 haters start appreciating it! That would be ironic... But no no, I hope A3.2 its a fabulous movie! (i doubt it tho..)

Quote from: CainsSon on Mar 03, 2015, 07:45:25 AM
Quote from: TheSulaco426 on Mar 03, 2015, 06:21:31 AM
Okay, this started a lot of in-fighting, well Blomkamp was a lot more harsh to the sequels than what I thought, but I really can't blame him.  As far as I see, he will make a film that will deviate from aliens and ignore the sequels.  I dont care to use the term retcon, mainly because that only applies if the sequels in the timeline of the official continuity are replaced and never happened. I could care less for the official continuity, and see this purely as a scenario that happens as the writer see it.  For me, making a sequel just for the sake of continuity does not guarantee a good film, lets see here, the 89 Batman series (ok I love Batman and Robin for just how stupid it its), Police Academy got worse with each sequel, the Matrix sequels, X-men 3 (which was retconned with Days of Future Past (huh, a film that was well received), Terminator Salvation, all the Jaws sequels, and the list goes on.
Point is the continuity of a film is ultimately pointless when a movie needs the bare essentials in order to be good such as good pacing, tension, developed characters, plot points need a set up and conclusion, the audience should be able to follow the film, consistent tone.  The restrictions of a continuity dont mean jack to me, it guarantees nothing, I don't want to see a film be restricted because another film screwed up, taking time to fix plot holes and make something stupid seem reasonable does nothing for the next film in a franchise but take focus from that films goal.  Alien Resurrection has a scene where they explain that Weyland Yutani was bought out by Walmart, I mean WHAT, and yes I think I heard that correctly (may be a scene only in the directors cut) but that nonsense doesnt need to be addressed in a future Alien film. Alien 3 is a better jumping off point for a sequel, the film had some really good scenes and ideas, but the rest was a jumbled mess due to the script. To me, I cant say if the next Alien film will be good, but maybe I can at least see Weaver and Biehn in their roles again

I agree with a lot of what you are saying here. And honestly, if he wanted to retcon out A:R, I wouldn't be so thrown by it. But ALIEN3 is a very loved part of the franchise and I cannot take a person seriously who says that it 'doesn't seem like it takes place in the same world' as ALIEN and ALIENS. I would agree with that statement with A:R and have criticized it for this myself but ALIEN3, has iconic imagery, unforgettable music and dialogue. Everything about it to me it IS the alien series. I can't imagine the series without out and it's just pathetic to me to see such a serious, even if fascinatingly flawed, piece of filmaking thrown away just because someone wants to see more marines or Hicks. Ripley in A3 is just incredible in Alien 3. Sigourney's performance wa the best of all 3 films, and Dillon and Clemens and the scene with bishop's torso and the funeral and f**king GOLIC!!! Gone from continuity! And the Bait and chase scene at the end, and the lice infestation, and that part where the guy hits the fan and her eyes open... WTF man? How could this guy think that ISN'T a necessary entry into the series and be such a big fan?

I'm just so disappointed in FOX and Sigourney Weaver and especially Blomkamp for even thinking that it's so disposable. AND I REALLY WANTED HIM TO MAKE AN ALIEN MOVIE since I saw DISTRICT 9!
I don't believe all these years of this 12 yr old mentality of just wanting more guns and Hicks back, has led to this kind of BS and I can't say I'm bothered by offending anyone here. This has effectively ruined the integrity of the series beyond salvaging.

Im not saying I wont like or enjoy the movie but that's not all its about for me. I liked A3's bad decisions. I liked David Fincher since he made Madonna videos in 1989. I was excited when he signed on to direct. I had seen Charles S Dutton off broadway in THE PIANO LESSON and loved him in the play and was fascinated to learn how he and Sigourney worked together in Theatre for years prior. I liked that it came out so good despite all of the writing problems. I liked learning about all the different ideas that lead to what ended up on screen and all the fantastic sci fi writers and directors who tried there hands in it. And I liked all the religious subtext and the fact that it went totally over my head for like 6 years! And the SCORE is my favorite of ALL TIME! And the cinematography during the opening credits sequence blows my mind! And Ripley was bald! But you know what!? Holy sh*t braugh! We got HICKS back! Woot! Woot! He gonna shoot some aliens up! Psh!

It's not the same thing that I can still watch it whenever I want. It should remain the dark misunderstood Sci-Fi Drama end to a very dynamic trilogy and like it or not it is an ICONIC film in this franchise, that has aged extremely well and won over every Alien fan I know over the years... I'll say this again, I have no idea who these people are that hate these films so much.

Here's hoping Blomkamp has some incredible idea and is gonna get the go ahead to make a 3 hour movie.

You made me cry, really. Bravo! applause! This!

Quote from: Alien Jockey on Mar 03, 2015, 12:18:46 PM
I'm not a fan of Neil Blomkamp at all. His work is not of my taste. I thought district 9 was ok. It had good action and the violence was great. The narrative was boring and uninteresting. I wouldn't want to watch it again. I'm not interested in any kind of sequel. Elysium was abhorrent. I didn't like anything about the film (but I'm a fan of Jodie Foster. She's like a country woman who became a city women. Jodie is even shaped like a country woman. My real name is Jody). I have no interest in Chappie. Neil has good style but his narratives are boring and uninteresting. I was hoping that Ridley Scott or James Cameron would direct the extremely overdue sequel. Alien 3 was good by itself, but compared to the first two films it's utter crap. Alien: Resurrection was ok but compared to Alien 3 is atrocious. Compared to the first two films it doesn't exist. Alien 5 needs a director who is used to making sic-fi stories. A director who knows how to create fantastic character development with excellent back stories.

I think David Twohy would be great for Alien 5 (if Ridley or James are too busy). David has done a brilliant job with the Riddick series. I wish the last two alien films didn't exist. I don't think it'll be an easy task to connect Alien 5 with the first two films and erase alien 3 (notice how I didn't mention A:R. It has very few great qualities. A chance to erase that film would be greatly welcomed. It's like a few steps up from a spin-off. It's was just too campy). I thought Alien 3 was good. The characters and the dialogue was really excellent (especially the dialogue from Dillon). Most hardcore fans such as myself would like for A3 and A:R to be erased. We realize that Alien 3 was really good (god the prisoners needed guns and other weapons. It would have made the film better), and that it killed off two great characters, Corporal Dwayne Hicks and Newt (Rebecca 'Newt' Jorden). Actually, it killed off three excellent characters including Bishop II. Hicks wasn't even show in the film. He was only mentioned. The writers really crapped on the characters. Erasing A:R will be a walk in the park, but for Alien 3 it'll be extremely difficult. With a great director this task can be achieved.

I think Neil is a good director, but we need a great director. I hope the film makers chose someone else. If Ridley and James are onboard as producers and/or writers I'd complain less (a little less). I wanted to see a narrative that took place on earth, continuing from A:R.

Fantastic concept art. Ellen looks like the age she would be after Aliens. She cut her hair a little. I like shoulder length hair. It's short enough to make the character tough and long enough to make her beautiful. I thought the guy in the cocoon was Bishop II with out hair.

David Twohy?? Are you insane? We where lucky we got rid of him in A3 already! He is a nice guy and the first Riddick is a nice B sci fi movie, but  his talents are mediocre.




Quote from: CainsSon on Mar 03, 2015, 07:45:25 AM
Quote from: TheSulaco426 on Mar 03, 2015, 06:21:31 AM
Okay, this started a lot of in-fighting, well Blomkamp was a lot more harsh to the sequels than what I thought, but I really can't blame him.  As far as I see, he will make a film that will deviate from aliens and ignore the sequels.  I dont care to use the term retcon, mainly because that only applies if the sequels in the timeline of the official continuity are replaced and never happened. I could care less for the official continuity, and see this purely as a scenario that happens as the writer see it.  For me, making a sequel just for the sake of continuity does not guarantee a good film, lets see here, the 89 Batman series (ok I love Batman and Robin for just how stupid it its), Police Academy got worse with each sequel, the Matrix sequels, X-men 3 (which was retconned with Days of Future Past (huh, a film that was well received), Terminator Salvation, all the Jaws sequels, and the list goes on.
Point is the continuity of a film is ultimately pointless when a movie needs the bare essentials in order to be good such as good pacing, tension, developed characters, plot points need a set up and conclusion, the audience should be able to follow the film, consistent tone.  The restrictions of a continuity dont mean jack to me, it guarantees nothing, I don't want to see a film be restricted because another film screwed up, taking time to fix plot holes and make something stupid seem reasonable does nothing for the next film in a franchise but take focus from that films goal.  Alien Resurrection has a scene where they explain that Weyland Yutani was bought out by Walmart, I mean WHAT, and yes I think I heard that correctly (may be a scene only in the directors cut) but that nonsense doesnt need to be addressed in a future Alien film. Alien 3 is a better jumping off point for a sequel, the film had some really good scenes and ideas, but the rest was a jumbled mess due to the script. To me, I cant say if the next Alien film will be good, but maybe I can at least see Weaver and Biehn in their roles again

I agree with a lot of what you are saying here. And honestly, if he wanted to retcon out A:R, I wouldn't be so thrown by it. But ALIEN3 is a very loved part of the franchise and I cannot take a person seriously who says that it 'doesn't seem like it takes place in the same world' as ALIEN and ALIENS. I would agree with that statement with A:R and have criticized it for this myself but ALIEN3, has iconic imagery, unforgettable music and dialogue. Everything about it to me it IS the alien series. I can't imagine the series without out and it's just pathetic to me to see such a serious, even if fascinatingly flawed, piece of filmaking thrown away just because someone wants to see more marines or Hicks. Ripley in A3 is just incredible in Alien 3. Sigourney's performance wa the best of all 3 films, and Dillon and Clemens and the scene with bishop's torso and the funeral and f**king GOLIC!!! Gone from continuity! And the Bait and chase scene at the end, and the lice infestation, and that part where the guy hits the fan and her eyes open... WTF man? How could this guy think that ISN'T a necessary entry into the series and be such a big fan?

I'm just so disappointed in FOX and Sigourney Weaver and especially Blomkamp for even thinking that it's so disposable. AND I REALLY WANTED HIM TO MAKE AN ALIEN MOVIE since I saw DISTRICT 9!
I don't believe all these years of this 12 yr old mentality of just wanting more guns and Hicks back, has led to this kind of BS and I can't say I'm bothered by offending anyone here. This has effectively ruined the integrity of the series beyond salvaging.

Im not saying I wont like or enjoy the movie but that's not all its about for me. I liked A3's bad decisions. I liked David Fincher since he made Madonna videos in 1989. I was excited when he signed on to direct. I had seen Charles S Dutton off broadway in THE PIANO LESSON and loved him in the play and was fascinated to learn how he and Sigourney worked together in Theatre for years prior. I liked that it came out so good despite all of the writing problems. I liked learning about all the different ideas that lead to what ended up on screen and all the fantastic sci fi writers and directors who tried there hands in it. And I liked all the religious subtext and the fact that it went totally over my head for like 6 years! And the SCORE is my favorite of ALL TIME! And the cinematography during the opening credits sequence blows my mind! And Ripley was bald! But you know what!? Holy sh*t braugh! We got HICKS back! Woot! Woot! He gonna shoot some aliens up! Psh!

It's not the same thing that I can still watch it whenever I want. It should remain the dark misunderstood Sci-Fi Drama end to a very dynamic trilogy and like it or not it is an ICONIC film in this franchise, that has aged extremely well and won over every Alien fan I know over the years... I'll say this again, I have no idea who these people are that hate these films so much.

Here's hoping Blomkamp has some incredible idea and is gonna get the go ahead to make a 3 hour movie.

I like this rebuddle, very well thought out point of view.  I wasn't trying to call out Alien 3, Resurrection is a film that bugs me more than anything else because it has the tone of a sci if parody film but I was just saying that the new film is being punished for being in an alternate universe.  I think its geared more towards Alien 3 more than anything else.  Alien 3 is certainly a film that is divided down the middle, and based on who you ask, the film has a lot of good qualities that people love and some bad qualities people absolutely hate, I fall somewhere in the middle in which I dont dislike the film or necessarily like it.  For me personally, most people I know dislike the third film, the die hard alien fans I know are angry that Newt and Hicks died, and the casual movie goers I know who saw it just thought it was boring without the tension.  If the new Alien film it god awful, and It just might, Alien 3 will always exist, and I can always enjoy it for what its worth, no  new timelines or movies can ever change that

Local Trouble

It occurred to me that A3 and AR could be Tyrell-style memory implants.  Why they'd do such a thing to Ripley is the question, but at least it's not something as banal as a dream.

I can imagine a scene like the one in Prometheus in which David was monitoring Shaw's dream though.  It wouldn't surprise me if they reference A3 and AR in a similar way.

Tough little S.O.B.

Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 03, 2015, 05:09:29 PM
It occurred to me that A3 and AR could be Tyrell-style memory implants.  Why they'd do such a thing to Ripley is the question, but at least it's not something as banal as a dream.

I can imagine a scene like the one in Prometheus in which David was monitoring Shaw's dream though.  It wouldn't surprise me if they reference A3 and AR in a similar way.
no, thanks.


Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 03, 2015, 05:09:29 PMIt occurred to me that A3 and AR could be Tyrell-style memory implants.  Why they'd do such a thing to Ripley is the question, but at least it's not something as banal as a dream.

No. It's worse. Why the hell would anyone do that? There's no logical reason.

I wish people would stop coming up with these utterly ridiculous ideas, like it will make the people sad to see the third and fourth movies go feel better.

Local Trouble

Quote from: HuDaFuK on Mar 03, 2015, 06:04:34 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 03, 2015, 05:09:29 PMIt occurred to me that A3 and AR could be Tyrell-style memory implants.  Why they'd do such a thing to Ripley is the question, but at least it's not something as banal as a dream.

No. It's worse. Why the hell would anyone do that? There's no logical reason.

I wish people would stop coming up with these utterly ridiculous ideas, like it will make the people sad to see the third and fourth movies go feel better.

I'm just spitballing.  I'm fine with A3 and AR being unceremoniously flushed down the toilet, myself.

Tough little S.O.B.

Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 03, 2015, 06:06:34 PM
Quote from: HuDaFuK on Mar 03, 2015, 06:04:34 PM
Quote from: Local Trouble on Mar 03, 2015, 05:09:29 PMIt occurred to me that A3 and AR could be Tyrell-style memory implants.  Why they'd do such a thing to Ripley is the question, but at least it's not something as banal as a dream.

No. It's worse. Why the hell would anyone do that? There's no logical reason.

I wish people would stop coming up with these utterly ridiculous ideas, like it will make the people sad to see the third and fourth movies go feel better.

I'm just spitballing.  I'm fine with A3 and AR being unceremoniously flushed down the toilet, myself.

You have no heart :(   


I find it amusing how so many people here think that Blomkamp is being a selfish, narrow-minded elitist for opting to ignore Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection with his new film. I've said it before and I'll say it again: He's actually coming from a far more common headspace of Alien fans here. It's far, far less common for people to like the third and fourth films than I think some members of this community realize.

Moreover, I don't think that anyone can just write off another person's credibility as a "fan" by basing it on whether or not they just like the first two films in the series. My dad and I totally disagree on Alien 3, but he's a huge fan of the series and has been since the release of the original film. I don't write off his opinion or love for the series just because his favorite entry is Aliens. Hell, the reason he's so adamant about his negative opinions on the latter films is directly because of his love for the first two entries.

The best option here, I think, is to just ignore A3 and A:R and continue the story from Aliens. Contrary to what certain dissenters of "rebooting/retconning" think, that actually does open up a lot more routes for creative stories than it would to just follow A:R. And before anyone asks, I'd be just as fine with ignoring Aliens and only following after Alien, but I'm rather positive that it's going to include Aliens in the canon of this new timeline.

I also don't think Blomkamp is going to 'sell out' and just retread Aliens. He's made it pretty clear that he's just as big a fan of the first film as he is the second, so I'm pretty confident that will play into what he comes up with. Especially since that one concept art seems to be indicating a return to the original "body horror" approach to the xenomorph's life cycle that was shown in the director's cut of Alien, while also including the Queen.


Quote from: tmjhur on Mar 03, 2015, 12:49:33 PM
There's no guarantee that this film will be any good either of course.

Fanboy service is just as dangerous as the originator of the series returning to helm another film.

I.E. Blomkamp could f**k this up as much as Scott f**ked up Prometheus. Well probably not.....but this film could still have egregious issues.

I am seeing some similarities between the language Blomkamp is using and the rhetoric used by the strause bros when they were peddling avpr.  It seems all to easy to get the fan base drooling by just mentioning that you're a fan of the first two films and not so much the last two.  Next he'll say he wants to "go back to the roots" and all the fanboys will hail him as the savior of the franchise before the movie is even out, just like what happened with the strause bros...  :-\

Born Of Cold Light

You know, there's nothing saying that, in later years, someone can't pick up the story from Resurrection and continue on...


Quote from: marrerom on Mar 03, 2015, 06:37:53 PM
Quote from: tmjhur on Mar 03, 2015, 12:49:33 PM
There's no guarantee that this film will be any good either of course.

Fanboy service is just as dangerous as the originator of the series returning to helm another film.

I.E. Blomkamp could f**k this up as much as Scott f**ked up Prometheus. Well probably not.....but this film could still have egregious issues.

I am seeing some similarities between the language Blomkamp is using and the rhetoric used by the strause bros when they were peddling avpr.  It seems all to easy to get the fan base drooling by just mentioning that you're a fan of the first two films and not so much the last two.  Next he'll say he wants to "go back to the roots" and all the fanboys will hail him as the savior of the franchise before the movie is even out, just like what happened with the strause bros...  :-\

That's not fair at all. Blomkamp is a proven director and delivers quality material. The Brothers were nothing more than clueless n00bs.

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