Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Sep 27, 2014, 12:50:11 AM

Fan Reviews (Read 115,662 times)



I don't think it's about randomness but about how carefully you watch out for the items. Otherwise I would had some moments where I could not find as many parts, but I always ran into stuff which I often couldn't pick up.

In the first playthrough I didn't collected so well and I still had always enough stuff to build and couldn't use all of them.



Loved the story and the atmosphere. Gameplay not so much. Really enjoyed Amanada's acting. I'd give it a 7/10

Tough little S.O.B.

Tough little S.O.B.

Just finished the game and I really liked it!

The Alien roaming, sudden appearing, the sounds etc and the impossibility to kill him, makes the game a really original one. One or two  steps further from other survival games.

The music, the designs and all that ALIEN look and feel are awesome! Many times I found myself looking the detail of the sets, the spaceships, the derelict etc. I actually loved being a character while discovering the derelict, I just wished I could roam those infinite corridors full of eggs and see what is this place about!

The story it's just a rehash from ALIEN but who cares. Better have a good Idea repeated than to create new bad ideas. It's a Game and for me Game are not canon (only movies are canon) but at the same time its cool that they don't disrespect the movie at all, and even add some cool concepts like the working joes.

Negative things, well the acting is horrible, but its a videogame, who cares.
I don't like any of the names, sebastopol, seegson, anesidora, torrents, the name of the characters etc. They are really really terrible but well it's not that important.

there is a moment that it becomes too repetitive and gets more tedious than thrilling.

I think all those cameras, air controls etc should have been more exploited, to be able to use more the environment in our benefit, not just lockers to hide, conduction vents as shorcuts etc.

The crafted weapons and bombs etc. most of them are usseles but I played the easy mode so...

There is no way I am playing the harder versions, I had enough tension suffering and frustration. Maybe in some months I'll do it but now I am so glad it's over...How many games do you know that you enjoyed so much and at the same time you are so happy and relieved to have finished them in this way?

Awesome game. Hope they make more, and add the posibility to roam everywhere once finished the game, and statistics about how many times you died, how many poeple you killed, how many aliens you scaped, time inside lockers etc etc.

PD: the end was the ultimate kick in the balls. Loved it but leaved me so frustrated!



About the randomoness of crafting... Playing the game, if you do not die, you will only see the contents of a container once. However, if you kick the bucket, the container that you visit and loot a second time will have different contents than the first time around; it's not just the behavior of the alien that is random, in other words.

This is not as noticeable on campaign, for me, as I do not seem to die that often, and have only played through once on Hard and Nightmare. But on Survivor, even if I do not die, I am still starting the level from scratch constantly. And this is when the randomness really starts to present itself. Each time you restart a level, the items reset and the alien has the potential to behave completely differently. The same is true on Campaign, but it's very long (by modern standards) and most people only play through it once.

Nightmare Asylum

Nightmare Asylum

So I've been slowly trekking my way through this, a little bit each night, and I am really loving it so far. I'm only a little into the fourth level, though I am already this is incredibly finding the experience to be incredibly tense and gripping. I can't imagine what it's going to feel like as I progress father into the game.

I continue to be wowed by the design of the Sevastopol every time I turn the corner and experience something new. Found one of those great little Blade Runner Easter Eggs, too.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

It's really at its best when you can just sit down with it. I've been working my way every so slowly through for my Hard replay and whilst I'm still shitting my pants (just finished the reactor, without dying. Eeek) it's not quite the same without being able to completely engross in it.



That first playthrough is always the most intense.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I wouldn't say it was any less intense. It still has me up the wall. Just that I can't get as engrossed in it without being able to give it significant periods of playtime.



Quote from: NickisSmart on Mar 25, 2015, 05:09:02 AM
That first playthrough is always the most intense.
I feel the same. Second time on hard instead of normal was easy going.



I found the best way to die was to get lost, which tends to happen less on a second playthrough.



When I found out, that the motion tracker shows the direction, I never got lost anymore. Found out pretty late though :D



Ah, right. I wish they'd let you disable that feature.



Sweet god. Just got through the game on Nightmare. I never actually beat the game on Hard because I wanted to try it out on Nightmare without a guide or reading about the ending. I had a weekend to play the game at my brothers but only enough time to start from Mission 16. I wanted to start from the beginning and collect as many items as possible but instead I had to play through the end levels with almost nothing. I suspect it would have been a lot easier with a stockpile of fuel and bullets -- that and provided I played with the gamma higher than the lowest setting, which I didn't, nor did I have any idea where to go. Lost in the dark, low on ammo, surrounded by aliens.

I died a lot: Towards the end, I was subsequently impaled, face-raped, perforated with buckshot, backstabbed, immolated, run over by runaway subway trains, and ejected into space. I have to admit, the jump scares and heavily scripted alien behavior in the final areas was a little disappointing, because I knew these areas wouldn't yield much replay value, but the execution was pretty great. It was like a roller coaster ride that got crazier and more turbulent until it shook itself apart. The flaming station surrounded Ripley like the expanse of Hell, forever burning (in retrospect, with the ship perpetually ablaze and falling apart, the fact that the life support was still operational seemed miraculous to say the least).

The music in the final stages was some of my favorite in the score, which is saying something because the music in this game is some of my favorite, ever. And the voice work of Andrea Deck was consistently great, as well. This game would have failed without a satisfying performance from the Final Girl and this one really pulled through. There were a few parts that seemed a little over the top, such as Ripley being pulled into the vent, waking up, and making it back to the Torrens in time; and Ripley somehow making it into the airlock after disengaging the locks on the Torrens and sending the aliens flying off into space. The final scare at the end was great, though, with Ripley coming inside a quiet, seemingly safe ship only to have an alien waiting inside. I loved that. It's straight out of the horror movie handbook, but it works, because this game is really just Amanda Ripley's worst nightmare come to life and that final experience with the creature was a great way to end it. Of course, I don't really think it was a dream, but the fun part is that it could be (sort of a Total Recall vibe when the light source shines on her helmet visor and her eyelids begin to stir).

This game revitalizes a dead series by returning to what made it great to start with. It's unrelenting, bleak, and nightmarish. It takes its time. It's a true classic in every sense of the word.




Alien Isolation is the sequel to Alien that I always wanted. Good story, Good Characters, great atmosphere, great tension, the Aliens are finally portrayed as they always should have been: as large, powerful, elegant beasts.Let's see Wolf try to grab one of these Aliens by the throat. ::) It's the best solo Alien game ever made, that's for sure. With that said, I have A LOT of complaints.

This game was one of the most frustrating games I've ever played in my life.

-The crafting system was beyond tedious. Why do I have to piece all this crap together, when there are other survivors on the station who, logically, should have put these things together themselves by now? The station is being run by Marshalls who have guns, surely they would have smoke bombs and flash bang grenades as well. I spent the whole game collecting crap to the point where every time I search a closet, it tells me the items are maxed and I STILL couldn't craft a smoke bomb by the end of the game. Also, A NOISE MAKER!? Seriously? Why can't I just take all this useless scrap I've been collecting and just throw them across the room? There you go, Instant noise maker. Next you're going to tell me I need to construct my own map.

-I ACTUALLY DO HAVE TO CONSTRUCT MY OWN MAP!!! WTF!?!?! Is there ANYTHING on this ship that is ready to be used?

-Health packs should not be crafted. This is a giant space station, there should be a med kit around every corner. You spend half the game in the medical wing, and you never come across one of those syringes? get the f**k out of here. Stop over-complicating things!

-I can't tell you how many times I've died because of a stupid glitch, I shoot a droid point blank in the face with a shotgun and the bullets go right through him. I hide in a locker and for no reason it tells me to hold my breath, that's because the alien animation didn't appear in time for me to know he was right in front of me. The amount of times I randomly got stuck in the floor almost made me throw this thing out the window.


- the droids are way to OP. Ash got taken out with a single strike to the back, so why are these inferior Seegson droids so goddamn hard to kill? I put like 4 bullets into his head and he just keeps coming. It also makes the game very boring when almost every enemy you come across is nearly indestructible.

- And worst of all it's WAY TOO LONG! And I mean HOLY SHIT! I was this close to just turning the damn thing off and saying "screw it, I'll check out the ending on Youtube." There's only so much slow tiptoeing I can take before I just get bored and turn it off. It just went on and on and on and on and ON and ON and ON! I lost count of how many times something in the station didn't work, and I had to spend ages looking for a generator or an alternate route to somewhere. By the end, it felt like the developers were trolling me. The very last mission when you get to the airlock, you are suddenly and pointlessly kidnapped by an alien and taken to the nest. For what reason? What did we learn on this little detour in the story? NOTHING! you kill a few facehuggers, you avoid a train and make it right back to the airlock, as if nothing happened. The game was already punishingly long, but this made me want to put my fist through the screen.

Overall it's a good game but for the sequel make it shorter, A LOT shorter and don't make every little mundane detail a goddamn minigame.




haven't played the game in months. tempted to play it again and see if my impressions have changed at all.

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