AvPG Previews Alien Isolation

Started by Corporal Hicks, Feb 10, 2014, 06:31:40 PM

AvPG Previews Alien Isolation (Read 50,178 times)



Quote from: SM on Feb 13, 2014, 12:56:37 AM
Quote from: DB on Feb 13, 2014, 12:09:19 AM
Well, after the DC I always figured she avoided capture the same way she avoided being found by other kids. She just went into places the Aliens couldn't get into, regardless of whether they knew she was there or not.

'Course, my friends probably don't see it that way - I'm guessing their reaction is simply based on their casual impression of what Aliens seem to be or do. I was actually kinda surprised since I expected them not to even notice, since one of the popular ways to see Aliens is as clueless Zerglings.

Considering Aliens smash down thick metal doors - I can't see them simply giving up when the little girl goes into a duct they can't fit into.  They'll simply smash their way in.

Which only leaves the option that they couldn't find her.

I'd agree with SM on this... Plus lets not forget that not ALL of the aliens were too big to fit into newt's hiding places; the facehuggers could have gone anywhere she went... Unless you believe the facehuggers stayed in the hive rather than travel out to find a host...



Quote from: SM on Feb 13, 2014, 12:56:37 AM
Considering Aliens smash down thick metal doors - I can't see them simply giving up when the little girl goes into a duct they can't fit into.  They'll simply smash their way in.

Which only leaves the option that they couldn't find her.

I suppose that depends on where she chooses to hide. I've no doubt there are places the Aliens can simply try smashing through, but whether they can get to her or not would depend on how many feet of steel they have to smash through. If, say, she hides in a small duct surrounded on all areas by meters of metal it might take too much smashing to break through. The poor fella might just crush his hand or head trying.

It's also a matter of numbers, even if the Aliens needed direct LOS there's lots of the f**kers running around at night (well, mostly), and I'd assume that other people must have tried to hide but Newt must have had some quality that allowed to live that others did not. This is a little bit of narrative analysis and speculative intent, but my impression is that the scene in the DC serves the narrative purpose of helping the audience understand how this meek little girl could survive monsters that eliminated everyone else beyond plot armor - making the story a little more believable and thus helping the audience immerse themselves in the story. At least, that's how I'd do it if I were writing a girl that survives the Aliens. I thought it was quite clever - a little like how in Them you can't help but wonder what the hell the girl does to survive the ants until later on you see other children apparently out of reach of the enormous ants.

It's a little too much speculation to be definitive, but it still strikes me as weird within the game. Even Newt simply hiding out of sight in ducts strikes me as a little more effort than simply crouching behind boxes but it is, after all, video game stealth and it is what it is. I would not consider it a deal breaker, as I'm far more invested on whether they can keep the Alien interesting through 9 hours of gametime.

As much as I like Amnesia, you do eventually start understanding the poor retard monsters too well for them to continue being scary. Other games might include many different enemies with different levels of awareness to keep you guessing, but my impression is that in this game the Alien is the primary antagonist. Supposedly the guy learns but the examples so far don't seem any more complicated than Mr. Freeze or Bane in the Batman games.

To give them the benefit of the doubt, they could actually use this to their advantage in a narrative sense. Perhaps at first the Alien does not really consider you a true threat, and thus, doesn't really care too much about whatever the hell your doing unless you obviously draw attention to yourself, but as the game progress and the Alien is foiled again and again it beings to focus more and more on you. Maybe you rescue some people from the Alien and that makes it mad. It learns about you just as much as you learn from it - as they kinda seemed to imply in one of the previews. Towards the later stages of the game the Alien might become more aggressive and meticulously perceptive, require proper use of weapons and traps to distract and disorient the more aware Alien. This makes the player need to apply everything he's learned until now and could keep things interesting.

It might be giving them too much credit, though.

TL;DR I bit.



I just can't see an Alien giving up when things get a bit hard.

Which all boils down to evasion.  Whether hiding behind some crates or in a duct, she managed to get around without the Aliens knowing.

Similar principle at work here.

Unless they track by smell, and there's some evidence from Alien3 and Resurrection that might suggest their sense of smell is way more sensitive than ours.  You could explain Newt's position being difficult to pinpoint because she holed up right under a big fan.

Simply hiding behind a crate may stretch credibility if this is the case.



Quote from: SM on Feb 13, 2014, 02:26:09 AM
I just can't see an Alien giving up when things get a bit hard.

Which all boils down to evasion.  Whether hiding behind some crates or in a duct, she managed to get around without the Aliens knowing.

Similar principle at work here.

Unless they track by smell, and there's some evidence from Alien3 and Resurrection that might suggest their sense of smell is way more sensitive than ours.  You could explain Newt's position being difficult to pinpoint because she holed up right under a big fan.

Simply hiding behind a crate may stretch credibility if this is the case.

Woah! What?!? Where's your evidence in alien 3 and resurrection that suggests the aliens have sensitive olfactory organ? I'm not arguing... I'm more just curious! I never picked up on that, and I can't recall a scene from either movie that suggests that. I could believe it for alien 3 for sure though! Inheriting traits from the host organism would mean the dog-alien would have a sensitive sense of smell compared to other aliens we've seen. But to take things a step further, the alien IS an apex predator, and predators tend to have very sensitive sensory organs regardless...



Vidya games gonna vidya game.

In mind I wouldn't exactly phrase it as the Aliens giving up out of laziness, but rather that they may not have had the physical strength and body structure necessary to remove all of the obstacles leading to Newt's capture.

A little like a cat chasing a mouse into a hole in a concrete wall versus chasing a mouse into some bushes where the cat may easily snap and break a few twigs to continue pursuit.

Even the Alien Queen seems to realize she can no longer pursue Ripley and seems to coincidentally stroll in Newt's direction, even though she may not have an exact idea of her location until further investigation.



I always took it that they didn't go into mindless killing spree the moment they knew a human was around.  Big Chap could've just dropped down in the middle of the Nostromo crew at any point and killed them after it grows full size.

Since the last cocooned chick just recently burst too it seems likely that they had been pulling other survivors from around the colony just a little bit before the Marines got there.

There is a saying in Afghanistan, "You might have the watches, but we have the time." 

In no hurry to capture what poses no threat.

I still always took it she went into hiding before the mass abduction of colonist though and the Aliens simply didn't bother pursuing where they couldn't naturally fit.  But even if they did know about her whereabouts I don't really see them knocking the whole colony over to get to one little girl.



Yeah I don't buy that.

'You want me to rip open those ducts to get the little girl?  It's not in my contract to do this kinda duty.  You wanna gimme some more slime I'll be happy to do it.  Let's talk about the bonus situation.'

QuoteWoah! What?!? Where's your evidence in alien 3 and resurrection that suggests the aliens have sensitive olfactory organ? I'm not arguing... I'm more just curious! I never picked up on that, and I can't recall a scene from either movie that suggests that.

Alien knowing about Ripley's embryo.  Ripley knowing about Purvis' embryo.



Quote from: SM on Feb 13, 2014, 04:40:55 AM
Yeah I don't buy that.

'You want me to rip open those ducts to get the little girl?  It's not in my contract to do this kinda duty.  You wanna gimme some more slime I'll be happy to do it.  Let's talk about the bonus situation.'

QuoteWoah! What?!? Where's your evidence in alien 3 and resurrection that suggests the aliens have sensitive olfactory organ? I'm not arguing... I'm more just curious! I never picked up on that, and I can't recall a scene from either movie that suggests that.

Alien knowing about Ripley's embryo.  Ripley knowing about Purvis' embryo.
Oh, I see. I could believe that, but I always just attributed that to the alien having an extra sensory, like some sort of psychic link or something... Hence their big banana shaped heads (something's gotta be in those domes!). Ripley made some other comments in resurrection that makes me think there's some sort of psychic link between the aliens too, like the "I can feel it behind my eyes" comment. Although, I do believe she distinctly says "I can smell it" when she is talking about Purvis now that I'm thinking about it; I suppose maybe a little of both are true...

Mr. Clemens

Mr. Clemens

Even if we go with only the first film alone (like A:I seems to be doing), it seems like Ripley does a pretty effective job of hiding behind a wall when she encounters the Alien on her way to the shuttle - she's got direct line of sight to the beast, but she ducks back and slowly sneaks away. So, there's a precedent.



Quote from: Mr. Clemens on Feb 13, 2014, 12:31:38 PM
Even if we go with only the first film alone (like A:I seems to be doing), it seems like Ripley does a pretty effective job of hiding behind a wall when she encounters the Alien on her way to the shuttle - she's got direct line of sight to the beast, but she ducks back and slowly sneaks away. So, there's a precedent.

True, and in the shuttle she managed to hide in the spacesuits room for a lot of time. The Alien is lethal if he spots you, but is not a "GPS terminator x-ray vision machine".



The Alien is said to have some pheromone thing in some lore, and psychic link in others. However these is all based from when the Alien had a Queen... which means the original Alien might not follow any of the 'known' features. All we know for sure is what it doesn't have, which is X-ray or IR vision, which would allow it to see through walls. There might be other receptors that allows it to sense, like a sharks, but we wont know till more info is released.



Quote from: gabgrave on Feb 13, 2014, 03:02:01 PM
The Alien is said to have some pheromone thing in some lore, and psychic link in others. However these is all based from when the Alien had a Queen... which means the original Alien might not follow any of the 'known' features. All we know for sure is what it doesn't have, which is X-ray or IR vision, which would allow it to see through walls. There might be other receptors that allows it to sense, like a sharks, but we wont know till more info is released.
Very true... But I was trying to stay away from the books and comics. Those tend to open up a whole new can of worms a lot of times. Lol. But yea, even in Aliens there were a couple of scenes that suggested some sort of psychic link, like the fact the whole hive went into a frenzy when the marines killed that first chest burster... I guess they could heard it/seen it and their hisses were a form of communication to the rest of the hive. But the queen also seemed to command the other aliens to back off when ripley threatened the eggs. There's a lot of speculation here, I know. But either way, I think if there was some sort of psychic link between the aliens, the dog-alien would have had it with the queen-embryo inside of ripley in alien 3.


Quote from: Kimo on Feb 11, 2014, 12:30:09 AM
As for DLC (if we do get it) i would like to play Newt surviving Hadleys Hope before the Colonial Marines arrived on Lv426. Can you imagine playing as newt and seeing the alien world through a child's eyes, With the same in game mechanics that alien isolation has?

I'm a little late to this discussion, but I absolutely love this idea. Ever since reading Newt's Tale as a kid, I daydreamed about how a child managed to evade 157 aliens. If "I can go places they can't fit" doesn't satisfy the skeptics, the best answer I can fathom is that the aliens went into a dormant state after breaking the barricade and capturing nearly all of the colonists. The absence of xenomorphs outside of the Atmosphere Processor for the first hour of the film would support this. It's not like the queen had a colony roster, taking inventory and saying "Jordan...Rebecca Jordan? We're one short, guys" (probably while wearing colossal reading glasses).

Someone suggested that she was left alive as bait, but it's more likely that Newt hid during the initial onslaught and was mostly free to move around once the aliens returned to the hive, mostly. The Xenos wouldn't have a reason to head across town searching unless there was something detectable. Ripley & Co were easier to locate because of all the noise--doors opening and closing, high-strung marines arguing over how f**ked they happened to be, and a massive pheromone signature (Hicks' manly musk accounting for most of it).

Or maybe she covered herself with mud :-) 



Quote from: Birth_Machine on Feb 13, 2014, 06:08:33 PM
Quote from: Kimo on Feb 11, 2014, 12:30:09 AM
As for DLC (if we do get it) i would like to play Newt surviving Hadleys Hope before the Colonial Marines arrived on Lv426. Can you imagine playing as newt and seeing the alien world through a child's eyes, With the same in game mechanics that alien isolation has?

I'm a little late to this discussion, but I absolutely love this idea. Ever since reading Newt's Tale as a kid, I daydreamed about how a child managed to evade 157 aliens. If "I can go places they can't fit" doesn't satisfy the skeptics, the best answer I can fathom is that the aliens went into a dormant state after breaking the barricade and capturing nearly all of the colonists. The absence of xenomorphs outside of the Atmosphere Processor for the first hour of the film would support this. It's not like the queen had a colony roster, taking inventory and saying "Jordan...Rebecca Jordan? We're one short, guys" (probably while wearing colossal reading glasses).

Someone suggested that she was left alive as bait, but it's more likely that Newt hid during the initial onslaught and was mostly free to move around once the aliens returned to the hive, mostly. The Xenos wouldn't have a reason to head across town searching unless there was something detectable. Ripley & Co were easier to locate because of all the noise--doors opening and closing, high-strung marines arguing over how f**ked they happened to be, and a massive pheromone signature (Hicks' manly musk accounting for most of it).

Or maybe she covered herself with mud :-)

I disagree about your dormancy theory. Newt said "they mostly come out at night... Mostly." That makes me think they were nocturnal, but still active.

Small update: to clarify a little, I don't think the aliens were dormant at THIS time, but they could go dormant/hybernate if needed. Hence how the eggs survived so long on LV-426, and the alien attempting to sleep (I think) in the nostromo's escape craft.

Update 2: sorry, I have to add this too... I don't think covering herself in mud would do much good, but perhaps slime/drool! Lol, jk.



I think they are just patient.  They would have just waited until Newt slipped up.

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