The SCP Foundation

Started by Dovahkiin, Aug 18, 2013, 06:20:23 PM

The SCP Foundation (Read 13,938 times)



Oh, it gets so cool. Here's another one for you guys that is seriously creepy.


QuoteItem #: SCP-022

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: A vault door has been installed following Incident 022-827 to seal SCP-022. It is to remain locked at all times, with the sole exception being the appearance of an instance of SCP-022-1. The original door to SCP-022 was destroyed during Incident 022-827, with attempts at replacement being met with failure. Security cameras have been installed to monitor for instances of SCP-022-1.

In the event that an instance of SCP-022-1 appears, automated systems should incinerate it the moment it leaves SCP-022. At this point the vault door may be unlocked to admit cleanup crews. Should the automated systems fail to destroy the instance of SCP-022-1, response teams are cleared to enter and neutralize it. Under no circumstances may any living human enter SCP-022 except at the order of Class-4 personnel for testing purposes. Class-4 personnel may also order instances of SCP-022-1 to be captured and held; however, they may not be removed from SCP-022 containment facilities.

Description: SCP-022 is a morgue in the basement of [REDACTED] Hospital in Great Britain. Until 198█, there were no reported anomalous occurrences within the morgue. Reports of strange activity were first received in November of 198█. The area was soon quarantined by the Foundation, with an official story being released that the entire building had been condemned. The reason for the sudden manifestation of its strange properties remains under investigation.

Periodically, a random drawer within the morgue will open to reveal a cadaver under a covered sheet. After approximately six minutes open, the cadaver will animate and attempt to leave the morgue. At this point, the cadaver is given the designation SCP-022-1. In some cases the cadaver will be too damaged or decomposed to successfully exit SCP-022 or even rise from the table it lies on. In this case, SCP-022-1 will typically struggle and twitch on the table until expiration occurs. Should an instance of SCP-022-1 expire while remaining on the table, the table slides back into the drawer, which then shuts. Reports indicate that the scent of burnt tissue is evident immediately following such an event.

The energy source that sustains instances of SCP-022-1 is currently unknown. Instances do not breathe, eat, or sleep, and their bodies produce no heat. Analysis of SCP-022-1 following expiration has discovered no abnormal organs or chemicals present; they appear to be fully human cadavers.

Instances also possess physical strength that exceeds that of normal humans. Though direct testing has proven problematic, researchers estimate the strength increase to be approximately 500 N (112 lb) of lifting force greater than what one would expect of a human body sharing a similar condition. Analysis is underway to determine if this effect is connected to the unknown power source or if it is an entirely separate phenomenon.

When body parts are severed from SCP-022-1, the portion with the greatest mass retains its effects; all other pieces become inert. Destruction of the head or brain does not neutralize SCP-022-1; instead, the lower torso and limbs remain animate. Complete tissue destruction appears to be the only method of successfully terminating instances of SCP-022-1. Left alone, instances of SCP-022-1 will simply expire; all motion ceases and they appear to become normal cadavers again. The amount of time this takes depends on how damaged the body is and the rate of decomposition, and can take anywhere between two days and three weeks.

Investigation has revealed that the bodies acting as SCP-022-1 match the description of cadavers reported to have been stolen from morgues across the country. The mechanism for this transfer is currently being researched.

Adding any new matter to SCP-022 has thus far proved impossible. Any object that enters SCP-022 disappears shortly after passing through the door, leaving no trace. This includes inanimate objects and biological specimens. See Addenda 022-001 and 022-002.

So long as an instance of SCP-022-1 possesses a functioning mouth, tongue, and trachea, it is able to communicate fully with researchers. See Interview Log 022-751 for details.

Addendum 022-001: A request has been submitted to create a new entrance to SCP-022 by removing a portion of the South wall. Request pending approval.

Addendum 022-002: A pile of matter was discovered on the floor of the room directly above SCP-022. It appeared to contain all matter that had been sent into SCP-022, with the exception of humans. All materials appeared broken and worn down. Metallic components were covered in large amounts of rust, with all biological parts being in various stages of decomposition. Testing revealed that the time between inserting an object into SCP-022 and it reappearing above to be precisely 183 seconds. Humans who enter, however, do not appear in said pile. Instead, humans appear to become integrated into the morgue, and may later animate as instances of SCP-022-1.



Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 09:32:28 PM
Quote from: RazorSlash on Aug 19, 2013, 07:54:57 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 07:52:42 PM
Quote from: RazorSlash on Aug 19, 2013, 07:37:05 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 12:36:16 AM
Holy shit, no way! I knew they were working on adding 682 to containment breach, but that's awesome.
It's a co-op survival game. It's technically an FPS, but you can't stall 682 the same way twice, you eventually have to start getting creative. To my knowledge, there is no current way to actually kill 682, as it should be, so I think it's based primarily on how long you can survive. I have an Alpha build of the game. It's pretty decent so far, a few bugs here and there, though it is still in alpha. The version I have doesn't seem to have working online servers, though.
what's it like trying to escape 682?
A mix of terrifying and frustrating. If you're not careful, he can sneak up behind you, which does tend to get annoying. One of my favorite moments in the game is when I locked myself in a small corridor, and I heard 682, but could not pinpoint which direction he was coming from, leaving be stuck and helpless in this corridor, unable to trust opening one of the doors.

Is there any way you can send me a link for the alpha? My nads are pumped for that game now.
The Alpha link can be downloaded here, last time I checked. Link should still work.



Quote from: RazorSlash on Aug 20, 2013, 03:51:48 AM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 09:32:28 PM
Quote from: RazorSlash on Aug 19, 2013, 07:54:57 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 07:52:42 PM
Quote from: RazorSlash on Aug 19, 2013, 07:37:05 PM
Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 19, 2013, 12:36:16 AM
Holy shit, no way! I knew they were working on adding 682 to containment breach, but that's awesome.
It's a co-op survival game. It's technically an FPS, but you can't stall 682 the same way twice, you eventually have to start getting creative. To my knowledge, there is no current way to actually kill 682, as it should be, so I think it's based primarily on how long you can survive. I have an Alpha build of the game. It's pretty decent so far, a few bugs here and there, though it is still in alpha. The version I have doesn't seem to have working online servers, though.
The Alpha link can be downloaded here, last time I checked. Link should still work.

what's it like trying to escape 682?
A mix of terrifying and frustrating. If you're not careful, he can sneak up behind you, which does tend to get annoying. One of my favorite moments in the game is when I locked myself in a small corridor, and I heard 682, but could not pinpoint which direction he was coming from, leaving be stuck and helpless in this corridor, unable to trust opening one of the doors.

Is there any way you can send me a link for the alpha? My nads are pumped for that game now.

Thanks very much, man!



Scariest shit in the whole universe


QuoteItem #: SCP-106
Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:


No physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command. Any such interaction must be undertaken in AR-II maximum security sites, after a general non-essential staff evacuation. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least sixty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except in the event of breach events.

SCP-106 is to be contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead-lined steel. The container will be sealed within forty layers of identical material, each layer separated by no less than 36cm of empty space. Support struts between layers are to be randomly spaced. Container is to remain suspended no less than 60cm from any surface by ELO-IID electromagnetic supports.

Secondary containment area is to be comprised of sixteen spherical "cells", each filled with various fluids and a random assembly of surfaces and supports. Secondary containment is to be fitted with light systems, capable of flooding the entire assembly with no less than 80,000 lumens of light instantly with no direct human involvement. Both containment areas are to remain under 24 hour surveillance.

Any corrosion observed on any containment cell surfaces, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.

Note: Continued research and observation have shown that, when faced with highly complex/random assemblies of structures, SCP-106 can be "confused", showing a marked delay on entry and exit from said structure. SCP-106 has also shown an aversion to direct, sudden light. This is not manifested in any form of physical damage, but a rapid exit in to the "pocket dimension" generated on solid surfaces.

These observations, along with those of lead-aversion and liquid confusion, have reduced the general escape incidents by 43%. The "primary" cells have also been effective in recovery incidents requiring Recall Protocol ██ -███ -█. Observation is ongoing.Description: SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the "rotting" quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

SCP-106 causes a "corrosion" effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a "pre-digestion" action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to "burn out".

SCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. SCP-106 is able to "vanish" inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of "pocket dimension". SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: "entering" the inner wall of a room, and "exiting" the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106, or a simple "lair" created by SCP-106.

Limited observation of this "pocket dimension" has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with [DATA EXPUNGED] entry. This activity can continue for "days", with some subjected being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].



Quote from: PVTDukeMorrison on Aug 22, 2013, 05:53:55 AM
Scariest shit in the whole universe


QuoteItem #: SCP-106
Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures:


No physical interaction with SCP-106 is allowed at any time. All physical interaction must be approved by no less than a two-thirds vote from O5-Command. Any such interaction must be undertaken in AR-II maximum security sites, after a general non-essential staff evacuation. All staff (Research, Security, Class D, etc.) are to remain at least sixty meters away from the containment cell at all times, except in the event of breach events.

SCP-106 is to be contained in a sealed container, comprised of lead-lined steel. The container will be sealed within forty layers of identical material, each layer separated by no less than 36cm of empty space. Support struts between layers are to be randomly spaced. Container is to remain suspended no less than 60cm from any surface by ELO-IID electromagnetic supports.

Secondary containment area is to be comprised of sixteen spherical "cells", each filled with various fluids and a random assembly of surfaces and supports. Secondary containment is to be fitted with light systems, capable of flooding the entire assembly with no less than 80,000 lumens of light instantly with no direct human involvement. Both containment areas are to remain under 24 hour surveillance.

Any corrosion observed on any containment cell surfaces, staff members, or other site locations within two hundred meters of SCP-106 are to be reported to Site Security immediately. Any objects or personnel lost to SCP-106 are to be deemed missing/KIA. No recovery attempts are to be made under any circumstances.

Note: Continued research and observation have shown that, when faced with highly complex/random assemblies of structures, SCP-106 can be "confused", showing a marked delay on entry and exit from said structure. SCP-106 has also shown an aversion to direct, sudden light. This is not manifested in any form of physical damage, but a rapid exit in to the "pocket dimension" generated on solid surfaces.

These observations, along with those of lead-aversion and liquid confusion, have reduced the general escape incidents by 43%. The "primary" cells have also been effective in recovery incidents requiring Recall Protocol ██ -███ -█. Observation is ongoing.Description: SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the "rotting" quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

SCP-106 causes a "corrosion" effect in all solid matter it touches, engaging a physical breakdown in materials several seconds after contact. This is observed as rusting, rotting, and cracking of materials, and the creation of a black, mucus-like substance similar to the material coating SCP-106. This effect is particularly detrimental to living tissues, and is assumed to be a "pre-digestion" action. Corrosion continues for six hours after contact, after which the effect appears to "burn out".

SCP-106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving behind a large patch of its corrosive mucus. SCP-106 is able to "vanish" inside solid matter, entering what is assumed to be a form of "pocket dimension". SCP-106 is then able to exit this dimension from any point connected to the initial entry point (examples: "entering" the inner wall of a room, and "exiting" the outer wall. Entering a wall, and exiting from the ceiling). It is unknown if this is the point of origin for SCP-106, or a simple "lair" created by SCP-106.

Limited observation of this "pocket dimension" has shown it to be comprised mostly of halls and rooms, with [DATA EXPUNGED] entry. This activity can continue for "days", with some subjected being released for the express purpose of hunting, recapture, [DATA EXPUNGED].

Oh, I love that SCP.



f**king 106!!! Spoiler that shit!



Hey Razorslash, I tried to play Six Eight Two, but I couldn't really figure it out in the main menu. Any tips?



Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 25, 2013, 07:19:43 PM
Hey Razorslash, I tried to play Six Eight Two, but I couldn't really figure it out in the main menu. Any tips?
I've tried as well, and I've made it into games, but it's SUPERRRR buggy. I couldn't get into a single game that actually worked right. The other players were frozen as was the SCP.



I was able to get into games solo, but it takes a while for it to load and it looks like the game freezes. Just give it a minute.






Don't know if you guys have seen this or not(Cal, you're the exception) but here's the first part of my Let's Play of SCP: Containment Breach.



Quote from: Dovahkiin on Aug 25, 2013, 08:28:47 PM
Don't know if you guys have seen this or not(Cal, you're the exception) but here's the first part of my Let's Play of SCP: Containment Breach.




Pewdiepie...yeah...I uh...yeah. T.T



16 subscribers! That's more than I had on my last YouTube account.



Quote from: Cal427eb on Aug 25, 2013, 08:45:58 PM
16 subscribers! That's more than I had on my last YouTube account.

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