Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Feb 07, 2013, 03:27:34 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 226,702 times)



Quote from: YutaniDitch on Feb 13, 2013, 01:55:04 PM
I remember people saying the same thing about AVP 2010, that it also failed, and now, they think it is better than ACM... So, at the very least, this game made people think differently regarding AVP 2010...  :P

AvP may have failed, but that's because it couldn't live up two the last two games. At worst, it was a mediocre gaming experience. But there wasn't really anything entirely terrible about it, the games was polished, it just lacked ambition. A:CM on the other hand, is simply a broken and unfinished mess. Other than AvP, it seems to be overambitious, but fails even at fundamental levels of game design. 



Now that I've played some, though not all, of the SP and a lot of MP, I can honestly say that the critical reviews of ACM are being way too harsh. IMO this game deserves a 6.5 out of 10 going off of IGN's scale.

Is ACM a polished game like Halo 4? No, but it's certainly a fun shooter that is worth a purchase IMO. I like the MP character customization options, the weapons, the sounds, and the game-play in general (coop campaign is a blast and I'm loving all MP modes!). I've encountered a handful of bugs of course but none of them were game breaking for me. I don't think that the AI is nearly as bad as some people say though it could certainly be better. I don't think that the graphics are horrible though I understand why some people feel that it's dated when they compare the game to something like Halo 4. In the end, the fun game-play completely trumps any lack of graphical quality IMO.

In the end, I have been having a lot of fun with this game and I plan on playing it solidly for some time to come. For people that hate this game, it's too bad that you're not able to see the qualities that this game brings. I hope that you're willing to give the game a chance and allow Gearbox some time to fix the bugs that bother you so much. I have a feeling that they'll fix most of them. However if you're all hung up on the graphics, SP story, and/or the "lack of innovation" in the MP, I guess there's nothing that will satisfy you. I guess you can go back to CoD 20 or Halo 4 for your "innovative" game-play. ;)

Quote from: Dusk on Feb 13, 2013, 02:17:25 PM
Quote from: YutaniDitch on Feb 13, 2013, 01:55:04 PM
I remember people saying the same thing about AVP 2010, that it also failed, and now, they think it is better than ACM... So, at the very least, this game made people think differently regarding AVP 2010...  :P

AvP may have failed, but that's because it couldn't live up two the last two games. At worst, it was a mediocre gaming experience. But there wasn't really anything entirely terrible about it, the games was polished, it just lacked ambition. A:CM on the other hand, is simply a broken and unfinished mess. Other than AvP, it seems to be overambitious, but fails even at fundamental levels of game design.

"Polished"? Don't get me wrong, AVP was certainly a fun game in it's own way but they released it with the MP in beta (it literally said "beta" when you would load it up for the first few weeks after release lol). "Polished" is hardly the word I would use to describe that. lol



I don't think "fun gameplay"are the words I would use to describe A:CM. Lulz

Crazy Rich

Crazy Rich

My thoughts on the campaign.

I believe I have one more mission to pull off but here it goes. I believe the campaign definately isn't very great at all but I also think it isn't that bad. As I once put before "people are crying over a wound that looks worse than it actually is". But hey, there is a wound, you can have a point for that, but I ain't got time to bleed.

For starters, this isn't something I'd want as a true canon sequel to Alien 3, but hey it's a video game so because of this I didn't take such claims too seriously, in hind sight this was probably a very smart move. The graphics could definately use a lot of work but you know what, I won't dwell on it because I'm a gameplay > graphics kinda guy... mostly. I feel the story could be so much better but on the bright side I'm enjoying the basic adventure, surviving aliens and mercs with a pump-action shotgun from the Sulaco to LV-426, I'm having fun with it.

There were pretty intense and fun moments, such as sneaking by Boilers or witnessing a Queen trying to break free, but there was some pretty underwhelming moments too, one of the big attractions I was looking forward to was an encounter with the Crusher as I actually like the idea of such a creature, but when I met him, then figured out how to kill him without dying I thought to myself "That was it?" Why wasn't there some sort of a sub-plot with the Crusher? Like with that other guy eariler in the campaign you had to finish with the power loader (that guy made my spine shiver a few times)? One thing I will give this game is that the videos made it look easy, when I charged my first mercs with a shotgun and got killed pretty fast with full health and armour I was like ".... that just happened". But I at least caught on to their ways and could devastate them later but sprinting and using cover so that I got close enough to one shot kill with my pump-action shotgun. One enemy I actually enjoy is the Lurker, but I caught on to his ways too. But another underwhelming moment was the fight with the Queen in which you just had to survive, all I had to do was stay in a big cargo box and shoot at an invincible Queen, when she ran off I felt like something was unfinished.

Characters, not awesome but not bad either, I actually enjoyed the characters more in this game than I did in AvP2010. It's also pretty awesome to fight along side Corporal Hicks later, in one perspective at least. I want to buy his character story wise but I don't know... maybe I'll feel something more decisive later but right now I have mixed feelings. But as far as gameplay, fun and nostalgia go it's pretty damn sweet to be beside him. It's also pretty nice to see a Bishop voiced by Lance.

To be continued I guess. Gotta eat lunch then go to a provincial park to study the identification of trees for about 4 hours. College calls. When I get home in the end of the day I got one more mission to do.



Quote from: Smokeyrelic on Feb 13, 2013, 03:34:51 PM
Alien Colonial Marines is one the best games iv played in years. The co-op alone is what gaming should be. All the crying brat boys on this forum, can frolic in daisies in Halo or whatever game your bad at, while Im knee deep in nuclear sewage water whith my eltronic sonic ballbreaker. In closing you all are bad at games, and stay off ACM server cause your gibbed bodies are slowin me down

In that case the only games you've played in the last few years could be one rated below a 4, since this is one of the best you've played and is currently sitting on an average of 46% across the three platforms (50 on XBOX, 46 PS3 and 44 PC, add them up and divide by 300 for the average) and that is with a couple of ridiculously overblown 80%-90% grades given from a couple of hack journalists. Without those, this would be sitting in the high 30% grade range.

Duke Nuken Forever, commonly regarded as the biggest disappointment in gaming for the last fifteen year, is currently sitting on an average of 51%. (51% PS3, 54% PC and 49% XBOX) That's a full 5% behind DNF on the average scores across the board, and even then it's being propped up by such noted gaming columns as Forbes and the Guardian.

Face facts, your fanboys wet dream is a f**king disgrace to gaming.



Smokeyrelic is one of those guys who Total Biscuit talked about in his pre-order video,the guy who likes the game no matter if it's utter shit will like the game because it's Aliens.He parted with his cash and all the reviewers are wrong,everyone on here is wrong and he is right.



I'm gonna sit right here on the fence :laugh: I agree that this is a bad game, a linear, buggy, hideously ugly game, but I don't think it deserves no 2 out of 10. Scores like that are absurd, and echo some of the most harped on flaws of the fans themselves: having expectations so high that they take out their anger on the game we've got.

The multiplayer does do a great job of keeping people playing, and the issues are all things that can be patched.

I could care less about the campaign, or this 'true sequel/canon' crap we've been prepared with. Just ditch that idea and view this as a run-of-the-mill Aliens title and it immediately gets a little better. There are lots of games with bad campaigns, look at the Battlefield series (though a bad comparison to make, I suppose, seeing the bulk of the game is the mp, but ya get my point I hope.)

Glad your havin fun, Rich. I'm grinding my way through the campaign, and was surprised by the WY sections honestly. I thought I was going to be bored and groaning, but their AI is no different than any of the morons in the CoD campaigns. Neither are your AI buddies!

I've recently had several AI comrades do just as retarded and unpredictable things in Black Ops 2. Running in front of me constantly, running past enemies and not shooting them, standing next to enemies, etc... No different. I don't find it a lot different than any modern game, except for the insane lack of polish that screams of a rushed product.




Best thing to come out of the game.



After playing some of the campaign, it is painfully obvious that development for A:CM was a train wreck. I haven't finished the whole story yet but some of the dialogue made me cringe. The motion tracker is a thing of beauty and the attention to detail there is second to none, IMO. Somebody poured a lot of love into this game and it really shows at times.

The multiplayer is awesome so far. It took me about 30 seconds to figure out the basic xenomorph controls before I was able to leap around between walls and ceilings fairly easily. It still needs some polish though and it would have been nice if there were more maps at launch.

I am disappointed the game feels like an unfinished product. Fortunately the multiplayer is decent because I love playing online and that is where I was going to spend most of my time in this game anyway.

Much love fellow fans.

And stuff

And stuff

Quote from: Effectz on Feb 13, 2013, 04:20:53 PM
Smokeyrelic is one of those guys who Total Biscuit talked about in his pre-order video,the guy who likes the game no matter if it's utter shit will like the game because it's Aliens.He parted with his cash and all the reviewers are wrong,everyone on here is wrong and he is right.

Sounds like a stand up guy  :D

Quote from: Space Sweeper on Feb 13, 2013, 12:09:53 PM
Quote from: And stuff on Feb 13, 2013, 08:54:25 AM
Quote from: Prime113 on Feb 13, 2013, 08:52:14 AM
Quote from: And stuff on Feb 13, 2013, 08:51:21 AM
Quote from: Jonesy23 on Feb 13, 2013, 08:48:17 AM
I gotta go with ScardyFox on this one. Are you saying I have some kind of psychological problem and denial issues because I like this game and not a game like Black Ops 2?
I think they're just saying folks are easy to please.  Yes it's a psychological issue but certainly not a problem.
Then people who are hard to please have a psychological issue, too, right?
Yes, we all do.  Do you know what "psychological " means?
I think we should focus more on the term "psychological issue".

Here's one for you.

Forgive me for having my own opinion and talking about it in open discussion on a forum.  I must really love myself!  :D

Get real.



I said I was going to give my review after 2 hours, but played the game till three and had to get some sleep.

I'm about half way through. This game kicks ass for fans, I lost track of time. I'm not sure if the difficulty on normal is too easy but on baddass mode it feels challenging enough. There are a few stutters and glitches, and yes alien AI is all about rushing (and a bit stupid if not stuck on the floor until you fire at it), graphics are good when kept dim. I don't see how any this cant be patched though. If not by gearbox then by fans. Its not a 5 game, not in my eyes. Solid 7 for a non fan, for me it was worth it. The first 3-4 missions alone where f**king great.

I think where the fun is had on SP is how I played, middle of the night, lights off, and my px5 turtle beach headset on full (im' on PC so maybe consoles have their own issues that make things unplayable, seems fine on PC though, other then whats already known). I'm having a blast, using the motion tracker, the sound of the pulse riffle, lots of good sights from the movie...its pretty f**king cool so far. All I can say is im having a good time with it and worth my $45 bucks. I've spent more money on dinner and a movie at the drafthouse for 3 hours, so to me its already paid itself off.



Quote from: cursedMonk on Feb 13, 2013, 05:37:13 PM
If not by gearbox then by fans.

Dream on buddy, this game will be unmoddable.



I Dont see why a patch then, looking at the day one patch notes it dosent look like its impossible to clean up some of the AI and glitches. As far as graphics goes they are sufficient, if crysis2 can develop a texture pack and DX11 support i'm sure gearbox can, whether they will is another question.

I guess i'm just not so bent out of shape about it, i'm having fun playing it, but I realize that's my own "for whatever is worth" opinion.



The question is, will Gearbox want to support this? Sure, they've got DLC plans, because they've already made those. But beyond that? Reviews are tearing this apart. Fans are pissed, rightfully so. They are not exactly going to make a ton of money off of this. They'll lose nothing but money trying to fix this with multiple patches.



Gearbox should definitely focus on supporting this game in order to show that they care. If they just shrug this off and move on to the next thing, then you know they don't give a shit as a developer, they will have shown that they don't own up to their mistakes and don't really care about their work in the slightest.

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