Fan Reviews

Started by ikarop, Feb 07, 2013, 03:27:34 PM

Fan Reviews (Read 226,657 times)



Quote from: necrotard on Feb 09, 2013, 02:02:21 AM
I can't help but assume most of these negative reviews are from game snobs who are way pickier than I am.
I don't see what more you guys are expecting.

I can't speak for anyone else, and I can only talk about what I have seen, but I was expecting to see a game that had A.I. that would have been intelligent. I would have wanted to see their "authenticity" talks to actually hold some weight when they so far have been lying about it completely, there's no excuse there when they continue to say that they have all the details right, and everything is as it should be when it clearly isn't. That's my biggest gripe with them, that they said they were going to do something and then not do it. Other things I was expecting for the Acid of the Aliens to actually harm the player, seeing the really doesn't do anything but prevent the player from auto-regenerating their health bar for a short time. The facial animations of the characters do not exist, they are pretty much robotic in nature. There's just so much more that I was expecting that this game shows they didn't do.

Quote from: Terx2 on Feb 09, 2013, 02:11:57 AM
Quote from: ShadowPred on Feb 09, 2013, 01:42:08 AM
Quote from: Terx2 on Feb 09, 2013, 01:32:02 AM

I couldn't agree more. If you think you can do better than go ahead and make you own game.

This is such a lame argument that a lot of people keep dishing out. As if anyone on here can't criticize something because they can't do it themselves, such crap. By this logic about "do it yourself then" it should apply to everything. That means that people who can't draw, can't criticize people that can, people that don't like a movie can't criticize it if they can't make one, etc.

Complete BS.

I'm just saying you deal with what your given and if you don't like than change it yourself.

I don't see how this is any different than what you said earlier though.



Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:14:10 AM
Quote from: Predaker on Feb 09, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Gearbox poured their heart into this game. Like it, love it, hate it... please show some respect.
Most certainly this.

Screw that they made a shit game and they need to hear it.  If we spend are money on it then we have the right to rip it apart if it's shit which it is.  There the ones who promised a great ands authentic game which they didn't deliver.

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

Quote from: Terx2 on Feb 09, 2013, 02:11:57 AM
Quote from: ShadowPred on Feb 09, 2013, 01:42:08 AM
Quote from: Terx2 on Feb 09, 2013, 01:32:02 AM

I couldn't agree more. If you think you can do better than go ahead and make you own game.

This is such a lame argument that a lot of people keep dishing out. As if anyone on here can't criticize something because they can't do it themselves, such crap. By this logic about "do it yourself then" it should apply to everything. That means that people who can't draw, can't criticize people that can, people that don't like a movie can't criticize it if they can't make one, etc.

Complete BS.

I'm just saying you deal with what your given and if you don't like than change it yourself. You don't have to be an artist to criticize artwork I agree with that.

How do you expect us to change it by ourself if we're able without a SDK?
Years we've been asking for it on both AVP and A:CM.
Still nothing on the surface and I doubt we'll ever get one for at least one of this games.

Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:14:10 AM
Quote from: Predaker on Feb 09, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Gearbox poured their heart into this game. Like it, love it, hate it... please show some respect.
Most certainly this.

Strause brother poured their heart by making AVP-Requiem.
So did Paul Anderson when he did AVP.
So does the FOX CEO with the amount of money he makes every second.

They're trying to sell you a product.
Will you create something and then tell to people to not buy it because you were completely uninterested into its conception during the creation process?
It's called Communication and each studio as a department that gives a brief to people so they can follow it.
SEGA holds everything, if they tell Gearbox to do/say something like "promise their a sequel to ALIENS", they'll execute and have no choice.



Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 09, 2013, 01:41:58 AM
Not much experience with this brand in terms of the legal ferocity eh?(aside from this remark being a total straw man. I don't have to be a musician to judge music, why should I have to be a game developer to judge a game?) Fox has a habit of shutting people down who try. I'm shocked I haven't received a C&D for "Into the Vents" yet.

Alien Quake, foxed, computers stolen out of the creators home, a few months later AVP 99 was announced.

Several alien mods for Quake 2, GoldSRC (An online game called USCM : Infestation, dealing with similar gameplay to Infestation/Evac marines against aliens.), Quake 3, and Source were all foxed.

Believe me, there are many people who would LOVE to do it ourselves.

Also, they don't earn my respect until i'm a satisfied customer. They aren't our friend. They are a company offering a product. We're the people buying said product.

The only reason that Fox hasn't nailed the guy that patched AvP2's servers after they were shut down is because the game's license to AvP2 belongs to about 7 different companies.

Quote from: Le Celticant on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:53 AM
Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:14:10 AM
Quote from: Predaker on Feb 09, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Gearbox poured their heart into this game. Like it, love it, hate it... please show some respect.
Most certainly this.

Strause brother poured their heart by making AVP-Requiem.
So did Paul Anderson when he did AVP.
And it's their fault for pouring their heart and souls into nothing more then a crossover.

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:59 AM
Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 09, 2013, 01:41:58 AM
Not much experience with this brand in terms of the legal ferocity eh?(aside from this remark being a total straw man. I don't have to be a musician to judge music, why should I have to be a game developer to judge a game?) Fox has a habit of shutting people down who try. I'm shocked I haven't received a C&D for "Into the Vents" yet.

Alien Quake, foxed, computers stolen out of the creators home, a few months later AVP 99 was announced.

Several alien mods for Quake 2, GoldSRC (An online game called USCM : Infestation, dealing with similar gameplay to Infestation/Evac marines against aliens.), Quake 3, and Source were all foxed.

Believe me, there are many people who would LOVE to do it ourselves.

Also, they don't earn my respect until i'm a satisfied customer. They aren't our friend. They are a company offering a product. We're the people buying said product.

The only reason that Fox hasn't nailed the guy that patched AvP2's servers after they were shut down is because the game's license to AvP2 belongs to about 7 different companies.

Quote from: Le Celticant on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:53 AM
Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:14:10 AM
Quote from: Predaker on Feb 09, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Gearbox poured their heart into this game. Like it, love it, hate it... please show some respect.
Most certainly this.

Strause brother poured their heart by making AVP-Requiem.
So did Paul Anderson when he did AVP.
And it's their fault for pouring their heart and souls into nothing more then a crossover.

1) They can't nail the MS because it would be useless, anyone else could replace it, countries have different laws concerning copyrighted material and the AVP2 source code was released in Public for a few hours on some old Website making the usage of it legal (even if it was then removed by FOX request). According to the EULA, anyone could create its own MS and would be perfectly legal to do so.

2) And it's their fault for pouring their heart and souls into nothing more than a casual FPS that mimic all the story mistake fans have been complaining as discontinuity since ALIEN³ and a pathetic gameplay disfavored to an atmosphere that is supposed to be reproduced to the identical (while it's not according to some hardcore fans on this forum).



Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:59 AM

The only reason that Fox hasn't nailed the guy that patched AvP2's servers after they were shut down is because the game's license to AvP2 belongs to about 7 different companies.

ALIENS : Online was an officially licensed Fox game. Unless you're talking about the mod/conversion for AvP2, that's a different thing entirely.

The one that I really forgot was Aliens A Comic Book Adventure, which to this day still confuses me as to the legal nature of that beast. Somebody didnt have the rights to something and Fox said "Hell no" and the developers said "Oh **** yes." and then shenanigans... bizzaro land.

Point is, Fox has generally shut down any attempts by fans to create TCS or mods, or even full on games of a high quality that weren't licensed.

The original Aliens Doom TC was the biggest exception. Though it did wake Fox up to the potential of the franchise as a whole. (AVP Jaguar came out the next year, Alien Trilogy a couple years later, AVP 99 followed just five years later.)



No Software Development Kit? Great! Sorry I take back what I said. I'd thought they'd at least have it for PC. Make acid for blood damge and map out you own terrain and enemy spawn points. Hope they at the very least patch it so we have acid for blood damage.



Seeing i managed to get this early via work, i figured i'd just give everybody my perspective on the game, considering a lot of negativity has come out so far. This is just for Single Player though, as i can't play MP, although i have looked about in the loadouts and challenges etc. This is only from the first mission so far.


Well, right off the bat the graphics aren't terrible, certainly not last gen quality as people have been saying. There are quite a few dodgy looking textures here and there, some of which can be very prominent when your running around searching for collectibles as i tend to, but overall they aren't dreadful, the majority in gameplay look pretty good. I;ve certainly seen a lot worse in current gen games.


Again a lot of people saying the Aliens A.I. is terrible, IMO it seems ok to me, nothing groundbreaking but i wouldn't call it bad. Very much standard FPS AI, with some smart bits thrown in here and there, i've noticed the Xeno's will tend to try and swarm when in groups, but when theres only one or two left, they will go hide behind cover, or underneath platforms, which i thought was nice. One or two times i've noticed them just standing around, but its been very rare. Teammate AI, again standard FPS fare, they run around and shoot the Aliens. Again it just seems like standard AI to me, dunno how much it changes between difficulty levels though.


First of all, i just want to say as well, that i am really enjoying this. The Shooting feels very solid, with the Pulse Rifle, Shotgun and Pistol, all feeling completely different like they should. The Aliens seem able to take a fair bit of a beating, with a few even taking around 2-3 shotgun blasts from close before dying, with melee attacks being next to useless except for making some space between you and the Aliens. The game also does set up tension quite well, as noted with the first lurker fight, but especially just walking through dimly lit corridors, your always staying alert, watching for aliens, something which i don't think comes across when just watching a youtube vid, as hearing somebody talk over something does ruin any sense of immersion for me.

I think i've covered a lot of the issues i've read so far, so any questions fire away.

For all the people who have seen some of these fan reviews, first off i'd just say don't write the game off yet, i'd seen a lot of the comments before playing and i disagree with most of them, so definitely try to play it before casting judgement.

I'd not gonna go and say this is TEH BESTEST GAME EVAR, because it's not, it does have its flaws, with the occasionally poor textures, and moments of bad AI. 

So far, i'd give it a solid 7/10. I think a lot of people had very high expectations for this, which GBX didn't help with comments they made over the authenticity of all the events and canon and blah blah. For me at least, it's an enjoyable FPS in a universe i know and love.



Quote from: Le Celticant on Feb 09, 2013, 02:30:35 AM
2) And it's their fault for pouring their heart and souls into nothing more than a casual FPS that mimics all the story mistakes fans have been complaining as discontinuity since ALIEN³ and a pathetic gameplay disfavored to an atmosphere that is supposed to be reproduced to the identical (while it's not according to some hardcore fans on this forum).
You really enjoy run-on sentances, don't you? I applied a few grammatical corrections where they need apply for you. I'll save punctuation for you, though.

Regardless, those are ideas and inspirations implimented into the genre. They were making a game that was to be a spiritual successor to the movie ALIENS. Of course they would make it play out like an action shooter, that's what the movie was you dolt.

Meanwhile trying to make a good film out of a crossover never ends well.

Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 09, 2013, 02:36:13 AM
Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:59 AM

The only reason that Fox hasn't nailed the guy that patched AvP2's servers after they were shut down is because the game's license to AvP2 belongs to about 7 different companies.

ALIENS : Online was an officially licensed Fox game. Unless you're talking about the mod/conversion for AvP2, that's a different thing entirely.
Nay, i'm talking about the mod for the game that the fans created after it was shut down to try and keep the online servers running. Fox subsequently smashed their copyright hammer down at the several attempts made by the fan community until they ground it into dust.



Topics merged.

And thanks for the hands-on impressions, Dachande. :)



Dachande, your review doesn't seem littered with the constant "This didn't live up to 7 years of hype and expectation so I hate it" that nearly every other fan review i've seen on here has been littered with.

Nay, yours seems to be rather simple and to the point. I find your review the most legitimate out of all i've read thus far.

Additionally, I was wondering why that topic disappeared, Xenomorphine.

Le Celticant

Le Celticant

Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:48:28 AM
Quote from: Le Celticant on Feb 09, 2013, 02:30:35 AM
2) And it's their fault for pouring their heart and souls into nothing more than a casual FPS that mimics all the story mistakes fans have been complaining as discontinuity since ALIEN³ and a pathetic gameplay disfavored to an atmosphere that is supposed to be reproduced to the identical (while it's not according to some hardcore fans on this forum).
You really enjoy run-on sentances, don't you? I applied a few grammatical corrections where they need apply for you. I'll save punctuation for you, though.

Regardless, those are ideas and inspirations implimented into the genre. They were making a game that was to be a spiritual successor to the movie ALIENS. Of course they would make it play out like an action shooter, that's what the movie was you dolt.

Meanwhile trying to make a good film out of a crossover never ends well.

Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 09, 2013, 02:36:13 AM
Quote from: Kalawaki on Feb 09, 2013, 02:17:59 AM

The only reason that Fox hasn't nailed the guy that patched AvP2's servers after they were shut down is because the game's license to AvP2 belongs to about 7 different companies.

ALIENS : Online was an officially licensed Fox game. Unless you're talking about the mod/conversion for AvP2, that's a different thing entirely.
Nay, i'm talking about the mod for the game that the fans created after it was shut down to try and keep the online servers running. Fox subsequently smashed their copyright hammer down at the several attempts made by the fan community until they ground it into dust.

What makes you think that this "hate" as you like to name it comes from a so long wait?
I knew since the announcement of the game that something was quite wrong with it.
They imitated the Strause Brother in interviews:
"Our game gonna be the best, blabla, true and authentic, very much has ALIENS atmosphere and is true sequel blablablabla"
I'm not surprised at all, they do what they do the best: lie to sell.
Thanks for the corrections and yes I do enjoy them.
I hope it wasn't a question you were asking but an affirmation.
Feel free to apply corrections in the future.

BTW, I can't remember that 2/3 of the movie were about gunfire.
Maybe we didn't watch the same movie, maybe we did and forgot.



I had a feeling this game would suck since the first time I saw Randy Pritchford talk about it. Watching him spaz out about the game made me cringe.



Can people shut the f**k up with the fighting in this topic? I'm sick of seeing a new comment that isn't a fan review.



Quote from: OpenMaw on Feb 09, 2013, 01:26:22 AM
Quote from: Predaker on Feb 09, 2013, 01:23:46 AM
Gearbox poured their heart into this game. Like it, love it, hate it... please show some respect.

It's earned, not given.

Haggle me for extra DLC money and make wild declarations of authenticity. No respect earned.  ;)

So if I don't like that mod you made with the flamethrower in the air ducts, it's perfectly acceptable to post pictures of your face and make fun of you?

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