In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,426,694 times)



Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 15, 2015, 04:22:52 AM
Man I can't handle political correctness and I'm pretty sure it was created by lawyers to sue freedom of speech in the arse. Now everyone is so damn afraid to say something for fear of offending someone. That ain't right.

And what the hell is wrong with breat feeding or for that matter letting women walk around with their chichiballs hanging out?
It is called public indecency bro your walking down the street naked what if some small kid looks at the women then what?that is why kinds these days have their minds more dirty a survey was done showing more 8 years are doing sexting.



Hey I got tonnes of this, there is something happening EVERYDAY in America, Facebook is alive with it. The amount of assaults on white people (by black youths) is incredible, there has been 2 attacks on police officers in the last week or so (one shooting).

Finally some sensible news. One female council member in FL wanted to ban the flag completely! but it was thrown out.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 15, 2015, 12:05:18 AM
Feminists don't scare me. I just think they're mindless drones, not far removed from the Borg.

So you're scared of them then. Sure sounds like it the way you describe them, bunching them (us) all together into this non-human hive-mind organism out to castrate you and put you on a leash...

QuoteAs for political correctness, yeah, I am scared of it because it's just more bullshit designed to muzzle people and police our thoughts and actions so f**k that.

I call bullshit on that.

The true meaning of Political Correctness has been abducted by people, usually (western white) guys, feeling threatened and trampled upon because they no longer get a free pass when heckling and vilifying Muslims, gays, blacks, immigrants, feminists/women etc.

Just bark "PC!" and "Political correctness!" whenever someone put you in place. It is just reactionary wiggle room and has very little to do with free speech and muzzling people. It is just a stunt. PC is not a big societal problem, it's people on both sides abusing it that is.

Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 14, 2015, 04:44:08 PMYou can take this or leave it but I mean it when I say: I look forward to reading it :)

Okily dokily!  :)

Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 15, 2015, 04:22:52 AM
Man I can't handle political correctness and I'm pretty sure it was created by lawyers to sue freedom of speech in the arse. Now everyone is so damn afraid to say something for fear of offending someone. That ain't right.

And what the hell is wrong with breat feeding or for that matter letting women walk around with their chichiballs hanging out?

I don't think that people who usually complain about Political Correctness refer to women not being able to breast feed in public  or comedians being able to curse on TV or crack a joke about dead people. The PC/Political Correctness has become a mantra and rally word for people, usually right-wingers, who feel threatened or/and are pissed off that they no longer can heckle or vilify people of color, Muslims, women, feminists, immigrants, homosexuals etc. and get off scott free.

Sure, some people on the other side of the border(s) abuse the word as well to try to ban everything they get offended by. But that is just small potatoes compared to the old destructive reactionary forces that is trying to get a free pass by disingenuously "standing up against" rampant PCness - the true enemy of Democracy - as if they are champions of democracy and free speech... So laughable.

Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 15, 2015, 04:19:02 PM
Hey I got tonnes of this, there is something happening EVERYDAY in America, Facebook is alive with it. The amount of assaults on white people (by black youths) is incredible, there has been 2 attacks on police officers in the last week or so (one shooting).

Finally some sensible news. One female council member in FL wanted to ban the flag completely! but it was thrown out.

You're still NOT getting it Hubbs! ...Or you are just a troll. I mean, you never denied that you are one.

Same pattern time and time again. You post some crap, I counter you. You reply. I prove you wrong. You wriggle some, I prove you wrong again. You stop replying to my posts and stay away, and then, a page or two later, you post the same crap again as if previous discussions never happened... That's schoolbook troll behavior. I mean, who are you trying to kid? Or is this some kind of sport to you?

Let's pretend that you are not a troll, here is an article worth reading, it's jam packed with links to statistics etc. ...



The only thing I can agree with PC-barkers is the fact that there are theories (and evidence to back it) that polite and unoffending countries tend to be inherently violent and deceitful.

As Cracked puts it,
Anthropologists have discovered that an exceedingly polite society is also an exceedingly violent one. This can be clearly demonstrated in many different cultures in Asia, the Mediterranean, and Africa, such as the !Kung San people of the Kalahari Desert. They've been described by anthropologists as a gentle and harmless people for their kind and peaceful tendencies ... yet they have a proportional murder rate three times higher than the U.S. average.

And they're not alone. The Gebusi from Papua New Guinea are known as an exceptionally warm and friendly people with a communal spirit that borders on idyllic. They also have a murder rate 50 freaking times higher than the U.S. average, with a full third of all adults between 1940 and 1982 having been straight-up ganked.

So what gives? Well, it seems that overt politeness is, ultimately, a catalyst for extreme violence. If everyone's inordinately polite all the time, then the moment someone breaks that social code it becomes a grievous insult that must be corrected (via face-stabbing).

If you need an example closer to home, look no further than the last bastion of manners in America: the South. In one study, researchers had Northerners and Southerners take turns sitting in a room with a dude whose express mission was to insult the hell out of them. The Northerners tended to respond to the abuse by tossing it right back. The Southerners, on the other hand, kept their cool, staying polite right up until a critical breaking point, when they blasted off like a rocket ship destined for planet Whoopass.

It seems that, since Northerners don't hold themselves to the same strict social code, they're able to shake off aggression by simply being rude right back at the offender, while Southerners bottle it up until it erupts. Politeness is like the cap on a bottle of kill-soda, and every single indiscretion, no matter how slight or innocent, shakes that bottle a little bit more.



Quote from: Gate on Jul 15, 2015, 06:07:30 PM
The only thing I can agree with PC-barkers is the fact that there are theories (and evidence to back it) that polite and unoffending countries tend to be inherently violent and deceitful.

As Cracked puts it,
Anthropologists have discovered that an exceedingly polite society is also an exceedingly violent one. This can be clearly demonstrated in many different cultures in Asia, the Mediterranean, and Africa, such as the !Kung San people of the Kalahari Desert. They've been described by anthropologists as a gentle and harmless people for their kind and peaceful tendencies ... yet they have a proportional murder rate three times higher than the U.S. average.

And they're not alone. The Gebusi from Papua New Guinea are known as an exceptionally warm and friendly people with a communal spirit that borders on idyllic. They also have a murder rate 50 freaking times higher than the U.S. average, with a full third of all adults between 1940 and 1982 having been straight-up ganked.

So what gives? Well, it seems that overt politeness is, ultimately, a catalyst for extreme violence. If everyone's inordinately polite all the time, then the moment someone breaks that social code it becomes a grievous insult that must be corrected (via face-stabbing).

If you need an example closer to home, look no further than the last bastion of manners in America: the South. In one study, researchers had Northerners and Southerners take turns sitting in a room with a dude whose express mission was to insult the hell out of them. The Northerners tended to respond to the abuse by tossing it right back. The Southerners, on the other hand, kept their cool, staying polite right up until a critical breaking point, when they blasted off like a rocket ship destined for planet Whoopass.

It seems that, since Northerners don't hold themselves to the same strict social code, they're able to shake off aggression by simply being rude right back at the offender, while Southerners bottle it up until it erupts. Politeness is like the cap on a bottle of kill-soda, and every single indiscretion, no matter how slight or innocent, shakes that bottle a little bit more.

I see what you're getting at, but I think it is a little bit of a stretch to link passive aggressiveness with the whole PC debate. I mean, there are plenty of people that are passive aggressive that are far from PC and vice versa. Personally insulting individuals is a different thing than insulting whole groups of people, especially minorities or groups of people that are already having a hard time to make things work.



It's not polite people that lash out; it's oppressed people that do. White Southerners were just as beaten down by their owners as the slaves were. Demoralized, marginalized and uneducated. Why do people think they were so damn racist while in the north it was more passive racism. It's the same in all of those countries mentioned. Well that and it's an eye for an eye religious and tribal doctrine. Colonization caused most of those problems.



Quote from: whiterabbit on Jul 15, 2015, 08:52:15 PM
It's not polite people that lash out; it's oppressed people that do. White Southerners were just as beaten down by their owners as the slaves were. Demoralized, marginalized and uneducated. Why do people think they were so damn racist while in the north it was more passive racism. It's the same in all of those countries mentioned. Well that and it's an eye for an eye religious and tribal doctrine. Colonization caused most of those problems.

Eh, white poor Southerners were beaten down but in no way as much as the black slaves since they (poor whites) in the end were free men, even though they also lived under horrible conditions. The Northerners were racist too and by no means forbearers of American Democracy, but they did revere non-whites as less subhuman than the Southerners, and the will to abolish slavery and include the blacks in the workforce is as pragmatic change of a democratic and inclusive nature as well as of a financial and economically opportunistic nature as the Northerners pulled the rest of the U.S. into the industrial age. Funny enough the same kind of people who opposed to the abolishment of slavery were also the ones fighting the unions tooth and nail.

I agree with you on the colonization part. It really screwed things up and is still screwing things up. The chain reaction is seemingly never ending even though it is getting more and more complex and mixed every generation passing by.






I honestly want him to win, would be pretty entertaining seeing as he already has a cartel leader that wants him dead before the debate process has even started.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 15, 2015, 04:19:02 PM
Hey I got tonnes of this, there is something happening EVERYDAY in America, Facebook is alive with it. The amount of assaults on white people (by black youths) is incredible, there has been 2 attacks on police officers in the last week or so (one shooting).

Finally some sensible news. One female council member in FL wanted to ban the flag completely! but it was thrown out.

You're still NOT getting it Hubbs! ...Or you are just a troll. I mean, you never denied that you are one.

Same pattern time and time again. You post some crap, I counter you. You reply. I prove you wrong. You wriggle some, I prove you wrong again. You stop replying to my posts and stay away, and then, a page or two later, you post the same crap again as if previous discussions never happened... That's schoolbook troll behavior. I mean, who are you trying to kid? Or is this some kind of sport to you?

Dude I think you have an over inflated opinion of your posts. I don't believe you have 'proven me wrong' anywhere, neither have I 'proven you wrong' anywhere.

I'm not trolling I don't believe, I am posting information and links of what's been happening. Its not just my imagination, or my wild accusations, its all genuine links to which I have offered my opinion.

QuoteAs for political correctness, yeah, I am scared of it because it's just more bullshit designed to muzzle people and police our thoughts and actions so f**k that.

I call bullshit on that.

The true meaning of Political Correctness has been abducted by people, usually (western white) guys, feeling threatened and trampled upon because they no longer get a free pass when heckling and vilifying Muslims, gays, blacks, immigrants, feminists/women etc.

Just bark "PC!" and "Political correctness!" whenever someone put you in place. It is just reactionary wiggle room and has very little to do with free speech and muzzling people. It is just a stunt. PC is not a big societal problem, it's people on both sides abusing it that is.

You could easily same the same for the words...'racist/racism, ignorant, bigot, sexist/sexism'. All of these words are literately thrown around like confetti these days by many who clearly have no idea of their actual meaning. Again I go back to this article...

Jerry Seinfeld says it all about youths these days and the trendy fashion of using these words (same for adults too).

Oh and again, you don't know what political correctness is until you have lived in Europe. The UK is basically run by an organisation in another country that is the epitome of political correctness, the EU. Their entire schtick is political correctness and they don't even pretend to hide it. If you're an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, then you can't go wrong, you virtually have free reign. This is why Europe is in crisis right now, if you read the news for us, we are all getting seriously pissed off with the EU (especially Italy and Hungary).

Oh you think I'm exaggerating? take a look at this...

Eagle, I see you live in California. I really find it hard to imagine you would have any clue about any of this seeing as CA is well known to be one of the nicest, wealthiest, most open, liberal and diverse States in the US (so we are all led to believe anyway).




I predict that this is the new "going postal". My dumb ass neighbor thinks he's the only one who finds dog shit on the curb. He has all the signage too. On garbage cans, on the bus bench, total vandalization of city property. He even made a huge sign with swear words. Even threatens kids. The dumbf**k. :)



Sweet Jesus, what a retard. I hope they lock his ass up for good.


QuoteIn an episode that speaks volumes about cultural institutions, ethnic sensitivity, and the power of protest in the digital age, the Museum of Fine Arts is hastily pulling back on an event that protesters labeled a latter-day form of racist minstrelsy.

More manufactured outrage.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2015, 04:36:29 AM
Dude I think you have an over inflated opinion of your posts. I don't believe you have 'proven me wrong' anywhere, neither have I 'proven you wrong' anywhere.

No, I'm going back to the history of our posts. They follow the same pattern, as mentioned in my previous post. Proving you right or wrong - you certainly have nothing solid to back up your arguments. I've posted dry statistics, surveys etc. telling you that non-whites don't get the special treatment as whites, whom always getting an indefinite of second chances & benefit of a doubt, especially when compared to blacks who get little to none. But you don't seem to care or even register that. Your arguments revolve around your idea of how things are and everything else is just ignored, despite reality being stacked against you, but since you claim that you are not a troll you probably don't perceive it that way at all.

Overinflated opinion of my own posts? I might be guilty of that, at least initially. As I said, I have a tendency to sound aggressive and brash when I feel strongly about something, but I also admit when I step over the line. In this case however I don't think there is anything overinflated about it, especially considering the history of discussing the topic race and racism. You're just wrong. Plain and simple.

QuoteI'm not trolling I don't believe, I am posting information and links of what's been happening. Its not just my imagination, or my wild accusations, its all genuine links to which I have offered my opinion.

You post stuff that makes it sound like that white people, especially white western guys, are the biggest victims in modern society and world and that Muslims, immigrants and blacks are to blame for it, which is utter baloney.

Of course there is violence committed by people outside the white western norm - of course! There is crime everywhere and humans are capable of the most horrendous things no matter one's race, religion or nationality. And oppressed and/or discriminated against people, people not fully accepted by society, systemically scrutinized and marginalized, are more desperate, angry or indifferent to human life and will of course commit horrible things if that's the option, especially the worse things are and the more dislodged they feel from rest of society. When statistics and surveys show you that you are indeed a secondhand citizen, and you are a part of the working poor or the chronically unemployed, it is easy to revert to crime etc., especially if authorities and media indirectly try to put the blame on you. I'm not saying that it is more ok for minorities to commit crime, that it should be considered acceptable or that it is excusable. Of course it isn't. It is not excusable, just like police harassment and violence against blacks isn't ok, or overall discrimination against blacks isn't ok.

The biggest problem isn't racist acts between individuals, it's institutional/systemic/structural/societal racism that really is the cancer. It's also incredibly hard to root out since it is a part of our culture, woven into the very filaments of everything. We built our power and grandeur on the benefits of racism, and the same goes for any former colonial or imperial power out there, including the U.K. The last 500 hundred years was a spiraling escalation of organized racism with WWII as its climax. The Nazis distilled and personified the absurdity and evil of racism and since then direct/candid racism has been faced and fought hard whereas we obviously still have a long way to go when it comes to indirect/covert racism.

You're entitled to have your opinion, but when you constantly choose to share your opinion time and time again with little to no nuance, you will sooner or later run into people with an opposite opinion than yours. When they then try to discuss stuff with you and you don't listen, ignore uncomfortable parts of their arguments, or just disappear from the discussion altogether, your intentions will be questioned. Especially if you start all over again posting the same stuff that we just discussed, acting as if you brought something fresh and new to the table, as if the previous discussion never happened. Clean slate. Blacks, immigrants, Muslims & PCness is what is destroying the world...

QuoteYou could easily same the same for the words...'racist/racism, ignorant, bigot, sexist/sexism'. All of these words are literately thrown around like confetti these days by many who clearly have no idea of their actual meaning. Again I go back to this article...

Jerry Seinfeld says it all about youths these days and the trendy fashion of using these words (same for adults too).

I totally agree with you on this one Hubbs. Words with a lot of meaning are being watered down, abused and overused, making those words lose their meaning, which is horrible for obvious reasons. That doesn't mean that there is no such thing as racism, sexism or crippling PCness.

QuoteOh and again, you don't know what political correctness is until you have lived in Europe. The UK is basically run by an organisation in another country that is the epitome of political correctness, the EU. Their entire schtick is political correctness and they don't even pretend to hide it. If you're an immigrant, illegal or otherwise, then you can't go wrong, you virtually have free reign. This is why Europe is in crisis right now, if you read the news for us, we are all getting seriously pissed off with the EU (especially Italy and Hungary).

Maybe you're right maybe you aren't - I don't live in the U.K. so I don't know what its like there. But the way you talk about immigrants being more privileged than ethnical Englishmen and Europeans makes me think that there is more to it...

I have European friends and my stepbrother lives in Sweden, and what they're saying is that hidden racism in Europe is rampant, which clashes hard with any attempt of trying to make it easier for immigrants to fit in and become a part of society. They also say that immigration policies have the right intention so to speak but have been executed and enforced in a very, very clumsy way. Very flawed and full of loopholes, which makes it easy for xenophobes and right-wing populists, like the ones in Italy and Hungary, to swoop in and gain traction, which is so destructive and disgusting.

QuoteOh you think I'm exaggerating? take a look at this...

I feel sick...

QuoteEagle, I see you live in California. I really find it hard to imagine you would have any clue about any of this seeing as CA is well known to be one of the nicest, wealthiest, most open, liberal and diverse States in the US (so we are all led to believe anyway).

I grew up in the Bronx (NY), in a predominantly African-American neighborhood and I've been living in mostly poor and working class to lower middle-class neighborhoods, mostly in Brooklyn, till I moved to Oakland and then SF (CA) over two years ago. SF & the Bay Area is quickly turning into one of the most expensive, unequal and segregated parts of the U.S. due to the tax cuts and special benefits for tech companies and their employees, greedy landlords and extreme rent hikes (i.e. extreme gentrification). It's socially liberal still, but economically it is getting more and more conservative. The African-american (black) population in dwindling FAST and is only making up 6% of the whole Bay Area, whereas the white population has risen from 35% to 52%, meanwhile the Latino and Asian populations are diminishing as well, especially the Latino/Hispanic.

California is indeed wealthy, openminded and has huge resources, but it also has really conservative or/and clueless corporations and politicians making sure that that wealth doesn't leave their pockets. Mayor Lee, who is a Democrat btw, almost single handedly turned SF, and as an extension the whole Bay Area, into a playground for the newly rich hordes from Silicon Valley. The working class / working poor are getting poorer and are moving away in droves, same goes for the middle-class, leaving the bottom and the top of society behind, resulting in even more segregation and crime, leading to the death of what used to be one of the most amazing cities in the world. A lot of people say that if things don't stop SF will turn into another Detroit.




4 US marines killed

QuoteNBC News confirmed earlier reports that the shooting suspect was Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez—a naturalized U.S. citizen from Kuwait.



About time! Unfortunately his presidency is over in a year or so, and I doubt that any of the Democratic presidential candidates dare to make this a part of their platform even though the fact that the American prison system is in a desperate need for change on more ways than one.

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