In The News

Started by DoomRulz, Nov 30, 2012, 03:53:46 AM

In The News (Read 1,434,351 times)



Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2013, 05:20:32 PM

Finally some sense, this man should should get a medal.

Quote from: Sgt. Apone on Jul 16, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 16, 2013, 07:10:07 AM
You're right, they're raging in the streets instead. I don't think protesting is a viable solution either. All you've done is told people you're angry. Guess what? We already know you're angry. So what are you actually going to do about it?
So yeah, protesting shows' that people are angry, but it also promotes change. A lot of the things we have today are because people protest such as integrated schools, the voting rights act, the civil rights movement, the women's rights movement to name a few.  So why shouldn't people get together and protest if they are outraged about something?

Errr probably because this is just violence for the sake of it and half the people out there are just there to cause trouble and play the race card. Listen to the man in the links, a BLACK MAN who actually speaks the truth.

"Finally some sense" ...???

"Speaks the truth" ... ???

What does that have to do with anything? Black on black crime is a part of the same embedded indirectly and directly racist structures and errors that a lot of, if not most, black people are victims to. "Our" society and culture don't perceive their lives as valuable as others, hence the authorities' and the communities' laxness and negligence of poor/underprivileged young black men killing each other over scraps - their lives don't matter - not even to other black people in the same situation since they are a part of "our" society and culture too, i.e. a culture where some people just don't matter. They've lost hope, because it's people on the bottom fighting each other sideways. They where doomed from the beginning, so who cares, right?

But when someone more or less privileged, someone above all of that, stalks and kills a black teenager in a rich, mostly white neighborhood just because the said black teenager "didn't belong there", and then gets away with it (killing the black teen), it unveils the much alive racism against black people, and especially against young black men. It reminds us all (not just black people) that things are still unfair, that we haven't successfully rooted our embarrassing past, which is painful to see, and for some of us it is impossible to admit.

To a minority, and especially to African-Americans with their history as slaves, cases like these are unifying factors. And I am absolutely sure that this will raise awareness and attention to the lax way black-on-black crimes are dealt with, but also on how important it is to strengthen the community, to keep on struggling and start demanding the Government apparatus to truly govern - to invest in its people instead of cutting them off. In other words it is just as much a class issue as it has to do with hidden and embedded structural racism.

But to start bringing up black-on-black violence while calling black people out, calling them hypocrites as a whole for getting pissed off about the verdict, is just a cowardly and reactionary way to divert attention, to marginalize and to finally make people shut up. He (the guy in the video) might think he is doing something brave by schooling African-Americans as whole, but in reality he is just playing the hands of the viral remnants of racism of our culture/country and the people who benefit from, and are deeply comfortable with these structures.

It's one thing to tell people to calm down and to stop running around saying that you're gonna go after Zimmerman, and it's one thing to remind people that young black men are killed daily (...usually by other young black men) and the urgency to do something about it. But only focusing on and highlighting the negative parts of the black people's reactions and calling them hypocrites etc. because they give the Zimmerman case so much attention is just counterproductive.

The man you posted is a complete fool. He doesn't deserve a reward at all.

NOTE: And btw. the absolute majority of these protests have been peaceful and respectful. Saying that 50% of the protesters are out there to deliberately cause trouble, is a pure lie. And accusing people for playing the race card when this whole thing is a about structural racism at its finest (note: I'm talking about the verdict and the way this case was handled and the mechanisms leading to it; not talking about George Zimmerman), just makes you sound ignorant.



Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 16, 2013, 06:15:38 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2013, 05:20:32 PM

Finally some sense, this man should should get a medal.

Quote from: Sgt. Apone on Jul 16, 2013, 07:29:47 AM
Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 16, 2013, 07:10:07 AM
You're right, they're raging in the streets instead. I don't think protesting is a viable solution either. All you've done is told people you're angry. Guess what? We already know you're angry. So what are you actually going to do about it?
So yeah, protesting shows' that people are angry, but it also promotes change. A lot of the things we have today are because people protest such as integrated schools, the voting rights act, the civil rights movement, the women's rights movement to name a few.  So why shouldn't people get together and protest if they are outraged about something?

Errr probably because this is just violence for the sake of it and half the people out there are just there to cause trouble and play the race card. Listen to the man in the links, a BLACK MAN who actually speaks the truth.

"Finally some sense" ...???

"Speaks the truth" ... ???

What does that have to do with anything? Black on black crime is a part of the same embedded indirectly and directly racist structures and errors that a lot of, if not most, black people are victims to. "Our" society and culture don't perceive their lives as valuable as others, hence the laxness and negligence of poor/underprivileged young black men killing each other over scraps - their lives don't matter - not even to other black people in the same situation since they are a part of "our" society and culture too, i.e. a culture where some people just don't matter. They've lost hope, because it's people on the bottom fighting each other sideways. They where doomed from the beginning, so who cares, right?

But when someone more or less privileged, someone above all of that, stalks and kills a black teenager in a rich, mostly white neighborhood just because the said black teenager "didn't belong there", and then gets away with it (killing the black teen), it unveils the much alive racism against black people, and especially against young black men. It reminds us all (not just black people) that things are still unfair, that we haven't successfully rooted our embarrassing past, which is painful to see, and for some of us it is impossible to admit.

To a minority, and especially to African-Americans with their history as slaves, cases like these are unifying factors. And I am absolutely sure that this will raise awareness and attention to the lax way black-on-black crimes are dealt with, but also on how important it is to strengthen the community, to keep on struggling and start demanding the Government apparatus to truly govern - to invest in its people instead of cutting them off. In other words it is just as much a class issue as it has to do with hidden and embedded structural racism.

But to start bringing up black-on-black violence while calling black people out, calling them hypocrites as a whole for getting pissed off about the verdict, is just a cowardly and reactionary way to divert attention, to marginalize and to finally make people shut up. He (the guy in the video) might think he is doing something brave by schooling African-Americans as whole, but in reality he is just playing the hands of the viral remnants of racism of our culture/country and the people who benefit from, and are deeply comfortable with these structures.

It's one thing to tell people to calm down and to stop running around saying that you're gonna go after Zimmerman, and it's one thing to remind people that young black men are killed daily (...usually by other young black men) and the urgency to do something about it. But only focusing on and highlighting the negative parts of the black people's reactions and calling them hypocrites etc. because they give the Zimmerman case so much attention is just counterproductive.

The man you posted is a complete fool. He doesn't deserve a reward at all.

NOTE: And btw. MOST = the absolute majority of these protests have been peaceful and respectful. Saying that 50% of the protesters are causing trouble is a pure lie. Accusing people for playing the race card when this whole thing is a about structural racism at its finest (note: talking about the verdict and the way this case was handled, not George Zimmerman), just makes you sound ignorant.

He's not denying the problem. All he said was stop the violence. Sounds like a good idea to me.



Quote from: DoomRulz on Jul 16, 2013, 06:24:55 PM
He's not denying the problem. All he said was stop the violence. Sounds like a good idea to me.

That's not all he says, and reading some of the comments and Hubbs reaction to it it is quite clear that this man should've thought things through before going viral. He'll henceforth be used as reactionary right-wing / FOX source material to put the entire burden of blame on (poor) black people and (poor) black people only, despite his original intent.



No he's a black man who isn't afraid to speak truthfully and not JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON or USE THE RACE CARD.

Bottom line, there was no hard evidence or witnesses to prove what happened, so you can't imprison someone without actual proof of what is claimed, law 101. Everyone is claiming Zimmerman murdered the young man, really? prove it, oh you can't well geez. Yes he could of killed him in cold blood, on the other hand the black youth could have been attacking him badly, we don't know.

Jesus why isn't there all this fuss and rioting when school kids get killed in shootings? its just an over hyped issue turbo charged with the race card.



Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2013, 06:31:47 PM
No he's a black man who isn't afraid to speak truthfully and not JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON or USE THE RACE CARD.

I can tell that you didn't read one single word of my post, so I'm just going to repost it for you. Enjoy the reading this time around!

"What does that have to do with anything? Black on black crime is a part of the same embedded indirectly and directly racist structures and errors that a lot of, if not most, black people are victims to. "Our" society and culture don't perceive their lives as valuable as others, hence the authorities' and the communities' laxness and negligence of poor/underprivileged young black men killing each other over scraps - their lives don't matter - not even to other black people in the same situation since they are a part of "our" society and culture too, i.e. a culture where some people just don't matter. They've lost hope, because it's people on the bottom fighting each other sideways. They where doomed from the beginning, so who cares, right?

But when someone more or less privileged, someone above all of that, stalks and kills a black teenager in a rich, mostly white neighborhood just because the said black teenager "didn't belong there", and then gets away with it (killing the black teen), it unveils the much alive racism against black people, and especially against young black men. It reminds us all (not just black people) that things are still unfair, that we haven't successfully rooted our embarrassing past, which is painful to see, and for some of us it is impossible to admit.

To a minority, and especially to African-Americans with their history as slaves, cases like these are unifying factors. And I am absolutely sure that this will raise awareness and attention to the lax way black-on-black crimes are dealt with, but also on how important it is to strengthen the community, to keep on struggling and start demanding the Government apparatus to truly govern - to invest in its people instead of cutting them off. In other words it is just as much a class issue as it has to do with hidden and embedded structural racism.

But to start bringing up black-on-black violence while calling black people out, calling them hypocrites as a whole for getting pissed off about the verdict, is just a cowardly and reactionary way to divert attention, to marginalize and to finally make people shut up. He (the guy in the video) might think he is doing something brave by schooling African-Americans as whole, but in reality he is just playing the hands of the viral remnants of racism of our culture/country and the people who benefit from, and are deeply comfortable with these structures.

It's one thing to tell people to calm down and to stop running around saying that you're gonna go after Zimmerman, and it's one thing to remind people that young black men are killed daily (...usually by other young black men) and the urgency to do something about it. But only focusing on and highlighting the negative parts of the black people's reactions and calling them hypocrites etc. because they give the Zimmerman case so much attention is just counterproductive.

The man you posted is a complete fool. He doesn't deserve a reward at all.

NOTE: And btw. the absolute majority of these protests have been peaceful and respectful. Saying that 50% of the protesters are out there to deliberately cause trouble, is a pure lie. And accusing people for playing the race card when this whole thing is a about structural racism at its finest (note: I'm talking about the verdict and the way this case was handled and the mechanisms leading to it; not talking about George Zimmerman), just makes you sound ignorant."

QuoteBottom line, there was no hard evidence or witnesses to prove what happened, so you can't imprison someone without actual proof of what is claimed, law 101. Everyone is claiming Zimmerman murdered the young man, really? prove it, oh you can't well geez. Yes he could of killed him in cold blood, on the other hand the black youth could have been attacking him badly, we don't know.

What we do know is that George Zimmerman was armed and made the decision to follow and confront Trayvon Martin instead of calling the authorities / the police. Being followed by someone on the street is highly unpleasant to say the least and very threatening, it makes you scared and gets your adrenaline going. If the peruser on top of that comes up to you and confronts you, asking who you are and what you are doing there in an accusing and hostile way, making you feel like you don't have the right to be there even though your relative lives there, will make you feel even worse. It is provocative and makes you mad. Now, we don't know who started attacking the other physically, but let's say it was Trayvon Martin, it doesn't matter since violence is never justified... Anyhow, pretend you're in Martin's shoes... he was no saint and it was probably not the first time someone has confronted him like that on the street. But this time around comes an adult, he follows you through a pretty much all-white neighborhood where you already feel you're not welcome. Probably received a lot of looks on your way over there. That adult then confronts and corner you, and it is safe to say that Zimmerman didn't back off - being the armed adult and all. Trayvon Martin panics, or snaps, and decides to attack Zimmerman. The two of them starts fighting and to Zimmerman's dismay it seems like Martin is getting the upper hand.

Now, let's give George Zimmerman the benefit of a doubt that Trayvon Martin, high on adrenaline, lost it and just kept on pummeling Zimmerman, and Zimmerman, fearing for his life, decides to grab his gun to shoot Trayvon Martin in "self-defense" --- taken all that in account the fact still remains that Zimmerman was armed and purposely decided to peruse and confront an, according to Zimmerman himself, potentially dangerous man. Zimmerman chose to end up in a potentially dangerous situation instead of calling the authorities, and he did it because he was armed (his testimony pretty much confirms that in an indirect way). He knew that if things went wrong that he always had the option to draw his gun to end the fight, by scaring Martin away, or even shooting him as a last resort. But, whenever you decide to shoot at someone, especially in a heated situation, there is always the chance that you might kill your 'opponent'.

No matter how you look at it Zimmerman made the fight happen, he insisted on it, and then shot Martin. That is at least manslaughter. It wasn't Martin who jumped Zimmerman from behind in some dark alleyway, trying to stab Zimmerman.
Martin was completely unarmed (unless you consider candy and a can of iced tea a lethal weapon) and Zimmerman wasn't. Zimmerman picked the fight not Martin.

QuoteJesus why isn't there all this fuss and rioting when school kids get killed in shootings?

You know what (as I have repeated in several posts before this one), it is a part of the same bigger problem, namely U.S. gun laws (and especially in states like Florida with "Stand your ground" laws and where you easily can get a permit to carry a gun around on the street). Zimmerman would never have pursued and confronted Martin if he (Zimmerman) wasn't armed in the first place, which indirectly means that Martin would've never been shot either. Zimmerman would've done the 'right' thing instead, namely calling the authorities.

Being a legal gun owner in most of the U.S. pretty much gives you special exempt status thanks to the immensely powerful and almighty NRA. They have made the 2nd Amendment (...well, their interpretation of it...) the most prestigious, holy and important amendment of them all. Whenever there is a legal gun issue the NRA and their affiliates make sure that guns are portrayed in a positive matter - that more guns and easier access to guns are the solution whatever the problem is. Greed, greed, greed...

And I don't know if you know but Zimmerman is getting his gun (the murder weapon) back - the same gun he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. "Because he needs to defend himself, and the gun saved his life in the first place" - so f****d up. So incredibly f****d up.




A video demonstration for Atlas shows off how the robot is so agile it can climb stairs and jump over obstacles at speed - it uses twin camera systems (one laser detector, one stereo camera) to "see" the world around it.

"Articulated, sensate hands will enable Atlas to use tools designed for human use," say makers Boston Dynamics, who reassure us that the robot is designed for rescue situations, rather than assassinating the parents of future resistance leaders.

"Atlas is a high mobility, humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor, rough terrain," says Boston Dynamics. "Atlas can walk bipedally leaving the upper limbs free to lift, carry, and manipulate the environment. In extremely challenging terrain, Atlas is strong and coordinated enough to climb using hands and feet, to pick its way through congested spaces."



QuoteOwner of World Trade Center is trying to sue airlines for BILLIONS for 9/11 attacks... even though he was already paid $5billion in insurance
Larry Silverstein, the owner of the World Trade Center, is seeking $3.5billion from United Airlines, US Airways and American Airlines
Silverstein argues that the 9-11 attacks cost his property group more than $7billion
The new One World Trade Center alone cost $3.9billion

I'm done.



Quote from: Nightlord on Jul 16, 2013, 09:22:35 PM

A video demonstration for Atlas shows off how the robot is so agile it can climb stairs and jump over obstacles at speed - it uses twin camera systems (one laser detector, one stereo camera) to "see" the world around it.

"Articulated, sensate hands will enable Atlas to use tools designed for human use," say makers Boston Dynamics, who reassure us that the robot is designed for rescue situations, rather than assassinating the parents of future resistance leaders.

"Atlas is a high mobility, humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor, rough terrain," says Boston Dynamics. "Atlas can walk bipedally leaving the upper limbs free to lift, carry, and manipulate the environment. In extremely challenging terrain, Atlas is strong and coordinated enough to climb using hands and feet, to pick its way through congested spaces."

That is creepy!

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 16, 2013, 06:43:08 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2013, 06:31:47 PM
No he's a black man who isn't afraid to speak truthfully and not JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON or USE THE RACE CARD.

I can tell that you didn't read one single word of my post, so I'm just going to repost it for you. Enjoy the reading this time around!

"What does that have to do with anything? Black on black crime is a part of the same embedded indirectly and directly racist structures and errors that a lot of, if not most, black people are victims to. "Our" society and culture don't perceive their lives as valuable as others, hence the authorities' and the communities' laxness and negligence of poor/underprivileged young black men killing each other over scraps - their lives don't matter - not even to other black people in the same situation since they are a part of "our" society and culture too, i.e. a culture where some people just don't matter. They've lost hope, because it's people on the bottom fighting each other sideways. They where doomed from the beginning, so who cares, right?

But when someone more or less privileged, someone above all of that, stalks and kills a black teenager in a rich, mostly white neighborhood just because the said black teenager "didn't belong there", and then gets away with it (killing the black teen), it unveils the much alive racism against black people, and especially against young black men. It reminds us all (not just black people) that things are still unfair, that we haven't successfully rooted our embarrassing past, which is painful to see, and for some of us it is impossible to admit.

To a minority, and especially to African-Americans with their history as slaves, cases like these are unifying factors. And I am absolutely sure that this will raise awareness and attention to the lax way black-on-black crimes are dealt with, but also on how important it is to strengthen the community, to keep on struggling and start demanding the Government apparatus to truly govern - to invest in its people instead of cutting them off. In other words it is just as much a class issue as it has to do with hidden and embedded structural racism.

But to start bringing up black-on-black violence while calling black people out, calling them hypocrites as a whole for getting pissed off about the verdict, is just a cowardly and reactionary way to divert attention, to marginalize and to finally make people shut up. He (the guy in the video) might think he is doing something brave by schooling African-Americans as whole, but in reality he is just playing the hands of the viral remnants of racism of our culture/country and the people who benefit from, and are deeply comfortable with these structures.

It's one thing to tell people to calm down and to stop running around saying that you're gonna go after Zimmerman, and it's one thing to remind people that young black men are killed daily (...usually by other young black men) and the urgency to do something about it. But only focusing on and highlighting the negative parts of the black people's reactions and calling them hypocrites etc. because they give the Zimmerman case so much attention is just counterproductive.

The man you posted is a complete fool. He doesn't deserve a reward at all.

NOTE: And btw. the absolute majority of these protests have been peaceful and respectful. Saying that 50% of the protesters are out there to deliberately cause trouble, is a pure lie. And accusing people for playing the race card when this whole thing is a about structural racism at its finest (note: I'm talking about the verdict and the way this case was handled and the mechanisms leading to it; not talking about George Zimmerman), just makes you sound ignorant."

QuoteBottom line, there was no hard evidence or witnesses to prove what happened, so you can't imprison someone without actual proof of what is claimed, law 101. Everyone is claiming Zimmerman murdered the young man, really? prove it, oh you can't well geez. Yes he could of killed him in cold blood, on the other hand the black youth could have been attacking him badly, we don't know.

What we do know is that George Zimmerman was armed and made the decision to follow and confront Trayvon Martin instead of calling the authorities / the police. Being followed by someone on the street is highly unpleasant to say the least and very threatening, it makes you scared and gets your adrenaline going. If the peruser on top of that comes up to you and confronts you, asking who you are and what you are doing there in an accusing and hostile way, making you feel like you don't have the right to be there even though your relative lives there, will make you feel even worse. It is provocative and makes you mad. Now, we don't know who started attacking the other physically, but let's say it was Trayvon Martin, it doesn't matter since violence is never justified... Anyhow, pretend you're in Martin's shoes... he was no saint and it was probably not the first time someone has confronted him like that on the street. But this time around comes an adult, he follows you through a pretty much all-white neighborhood where you already feel you're not welcome. Probably received a lot of looks on your way over there. That adult then confronts and corner you, and it is safe to say that Zimmerman didn't back off - being the armed adult and all. Trayvon Martin panics, or snaps, and decides to attack Zimmerman. The two of them starts fighting and to Zimmerman's dismay it seems like Martin is getting the upper hand.

Now, let's give George Zimmerman the benefit of a doubt that Trayvon Martin, high on adrenaline, lost it and just kept on pummeling Zimmerman, and Zimmerman, fearing for his life, decides to grab his gun to shoot Trayvon Martin in "self-defense" --- taken all that in account the fact still remains that Zimmerman was armed and purposely decided to peruse and confront an, according to Zimmerman himself, potentially dangerous man. Zimmerman chose to end up in a potentially dangerous situation instead of calling the authorities, and he did it because he was armed (his testimony pretty much confirms that in an indirect way). He knew that if things went wrong that he always had the option to draw his gun to end the fight, by scaring Martin away, or even shooting him as a last resort. But, whenever you decide to shoot at someone, especially in a heated situation, there is always the chance that you might kill your 'opponent'.

No matter how you look at it Zimmerman made the fight happen, he insisted on it, and then shot Martin. That is at least manslaughter. It wasn't Martin who jumped Zimmerman from behind in some dark alleyway, trying to stab Zimmerman.
Martin was completely unarmed (unless you consider candy and a can of iced tea a lethal weapon) and Zimmerman wasn't. Zimmerman picked the fight not Martin.

QuoteJesus why isn't there all this fuss and rioting when school kids get killed in shootings?

You know what (as I have repeated in several posts before this one), it is a part of the same bigger problem, namely U.S. gun laws (and especially in states like Florida with "Stand your ground" laws and where you easily can get a permit to carry a gun around on the street). Zimmerman would never have pursued and confronted Martin if he (Zimmerman) wasn't armed in the first place, which indirectly means that Martin would've never been shot either. Zimmerman would've done the 'right' thing instead, namely calling the authorities.

Being a legal gun owner in most of the U.S. pretty much gives you special exempt status thanks to the immensely powerful and almighty NRA. They have made the 2nd Amendment (...well, their interpretation of it...) the most prestigious, holy and important amendment of them all. Whenever there is a legal gun issue the NRA and their affiliates make sure that guns are portrayed in a positive matter - that more guns and easier access to guns are the solution whatever the problem is. Greed, greed, greed...

And I don't know if you know but Zimmerman is getting his gun (the murder weapon) back - the same gun he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. "Because he needs to defend himself, and the gun saved his life in the first place" - so f****d up. So incredibly f****d up.

No actual evidence for what happened, no witnesses, doesn't matter what you think you know or what you think happened, we don't know, the man can't be put away with no evidence. The jury tried to put him away but couldn't for those reasons, nothing wrong with the verdict at all, people need to get off the race issue and grow the f**k up (just like the 'fool' mentions).

You are making some huge assumptions there, Martin in an area where he is not welcome? getting dirty looks? rich white area...where black people live?? someone more or less privileged? Zimmerman is a minority himself remember.

Young blacks mostly have themselves to blame, as the 'fool' points out in his clip. We have the same problems in the UK.

That fool you speak of is getting massive support and death threats from other blacks  ::)

Are you annoyed because the You-Tube poster is black and that makes it hard to argue against him? a black man condemning his own people when most are too afraid or narrow minded to do so?.

And finally why do black Americans call themselves 'African Americans'?. Most have nothing to do with Africa, not a damn thing, you don't hear of British black people calling themselves 'African British', and many have more connections to Africa than most Americans. Its so utterly preposterous and amusing for us over here, 'African' American my arse!. 



Political correctness is a plague, unfortunately.

Back to quirky news,

Be sure to watch for real snakes whilst draining your own.

Sgt. Apone

Sgt. Apone

Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 17, 2013, 04:55:22 AM
Quote from: Nightlord on Jul 16, 2013, 09:22:35 PM

A video demonstration for Atlas shows off how the robot is so agile it can climb stairs and jump over obstacles at speed - it uses twin camera systems (one laser detector, one stereo camera) to "see" the world around it.

"Articulated, sensate hands will enable Atlas to use tools designed for human use," say makers Boston Dynamics, who reassure us that the robot is designed for rescue situations, rather than assassinating the parents of future resistance leaders.

"Atlas is a high mobility, humanoid robot designed to negotiate outdoor, rough terrain," says Boston Dynamics. "Atlas can walk bipedally leaving the upper limbs free to lift, carry, and manipulate the environment. In extremely challenging terrain, Atlas is strong and coordinated enough to climb using hands and feet, to pick its way through congested spaces."

That is creepy!

Quote from: SpreadEagleBeagle on Jul 16, 2013, 06:43:08 PM
Quote from: Hubbs on Jul 16, 2013, 06:31:47 PM
No he's a black man who isn't afraid to speak truthfully and not JUMP ON THE BANDWAGON or USE THE RACE CARD.

I can tell that you didn't read one single word of my post, so I'm just going to repost it for you. Enjoy the reading this time around!

"What does that have to do with anything? Black on black crime is a part of the same embedded indirectly and directly racist structures and errors that a lot of, if not most, black people are victims to. "Our" society and culture don't perceive their lives as valuable as others, hence the authorities' and the communities' laxness and negligence of poor/underprivileged young black men killing each other over scraps - their lives don't matter - not even to other black people in the same situation since they are a part of "our" society and culture too, i.e. a culture where some people just don't matter. They've lost hope, because it's people on the bottom fighting each other sideways. They where doomed from the beginning, so who cares, right?

But when someone more or less privileged, someone above all of that, stalks and kills a black teenager in a rich, mostly white neighborhood just because the said black teenager "didn't belong there", and then gets away with it (killing the black teen), it unveils the much alive racism against black people, and especially against young black men. It reminds us all (not just black people) that things are still unfair, that we haven't successfully rooted our embarrassing past, which is painful to see, and for some of us it is impossible to admit.

To a minority, and especially to African-Americans with their history as slaves, cases like these are unifying factors. And I am absolutely sure that this will raise awareness and attention to the lax way black-on-black crimes are dealt with, but also on how important it is to strengthen the community, to keep on struggling and start demanding the Government apparatus to truly govern - to invest in its people instead of cutting them off. In other words it is just as much a class issue as it has to do with hidden and embedded structural racism.

But to start bringing up black-on-black violence while calling black people out, calling them hypocrites as a whole for getting pissed off about the verdict, is just a cowardly and reactionary way to divert attention, to marginalize and to finally make people shut up. He (the guy in the video) might think he is doing something brave by schooling African-Americans as whole, but in reality he is just playing the hands of the viral remnants of racism of our culture/country and the people who benefit from, and are deeply comfortable with these structures.

It's one thing to tell people to calm down and to stop running around saying that you're gonna go after Zimmerman, and it's one thing to remind people that young black men are killed daily (...usually by other young black men) and the urgency to do something about it. But only focusing on and highlighting the negative parts of the black people's reactions and calling them hypocrites etc. because they give the Zimmerman case so much attention is just counterproductive.

The man you posted is a complete fool. He doesn't deserve a reward at all.

NOTE: And btw. the absolute majority of these protests have been peaceful and respectful. Saying that 50% of the protesters are out there to deliberately cause trouble, is a pure lie. And accusing people for playing the race card when this whole thing is a about structural racism at its finest (note: I'm talking about the verdict and the way this case was handled and the mechanisms leading to it; not talking about George Zimmerman), just makes you sound ignorant."

QuoteBottom line, there was no hard evidence or witnesses to prove what happened, so you can't imprison someone without actual proof of what is claimed, law 101. Everyone is claiming Zimmerman murdered the young man, really? prove it, oh you can't well geez. Yes he could of killed him in cold blood, on the other hand the black youth could have been attacking him badly, we don't know.

What we do know is that George Zimmerman was armed and made the decision to follow and confront Trayvon Martin instead of calling the authorities / the police. Being followed by someone on the street is highly unpleasant to say the least and very threatening, it makes you scared and gets your adrenaline going. If the peruser on top of that comes up to you and confronts you, asking who you are and what you are doing there in an accusing and hostile way, making you feel like you don't have the right to be there even though your relative lives there, will make you feel even worse. It is provocative and makes you mad. Now, we don't know who started attacking the other physically, but let's say it was Trayvon Martin, it doesn't matter since violence is never justified... Anyhow, pretend you're in Martin's shoes... he was no saint and it was probably not the first time someone has confronted him like that on the street. But this time around comes an adult, he follows you through a pretty much all-white neighborhood where you already feel you're not welcome. Probably received a lot of looks on your way over there. That adult then confronts and corner you, and it is safe to say that Zimmerman didn't back off - being the armed adult and all. Trayvon Martin panics, or snaps, and decides to attack Zimmerman. The two of them starts fighting and to Zimmerman's dismay it seems like Martin is getting the upper hand.

Now, let's give George Zimmerman the benefit of a doubt that Trayvon Martin, high on adrenaline, lost it and just kept on pummeling Zimmerman, and Zimmerman, fearing for his life, decides to grab his gun to shoot Trayvon Martin in "self-defense" --- taken all that in account the fact still remains that Zimmerman was armed and purposely decided to peruse and confront an, according to Zimmerman himself, potentially dangerous man. Zimmerman chose to end up in a potentially dangerous situation instead of calling the authorities, and he did it because he was armed (his testimony pretty much confirms that in an indirect way). He knew that if things went wrong that he always had the option to draw his gun to end the fight, by scaring Martin away, or even shooting him as a last resort. But, whenever you decide to shoot at someone, especially in a heated situation, there is always the chance that you might kill your 'opponent'.

No matter how you look at it Zimmerman made the fight happen, he insisted on it, and then shot Martin. That is at least manslaughter. It wasn't Martin who jumped Zimmerman from behind in some dark alleyway, trying to stab Zimmerman.
Martin was completely unarmed (unless you consider candy and a can of iced tea a lethal weapon) and Zimmerman wasn't. Zimmerman picked the fight not Martin.

QuoteJesus why isn't there all this fuss and rioting when school kids get killed in shootings?

You know what (as I have repeated in several posts before this one), it is a part of the same bigger problem, namely U.S. gun laws (and especially in states like Florida with "Stand your ground" laws and where you easily can get a permit to carry a gun around on the street). Zimmerman would never have pursued and confronted Martin if he (Zimmerman) wasn't armed in the first place, which indirectly means that Martin would've never been shot either. Zimmerman would've done the 'right' thing instead, namely calling the authorities.

Being a legal gun owner in most of the U.S. pretty much gives you special exempt status thanks to the immensely powerful and almighty NRA. They have made the 2nd Amendment (...well, their interpretation of it...) the most prestigious, holy and important amendment of them all. Whenever there is a legal gun issue the NRA and their affiliates make sure that guns are portrayed in a positive matter - that more guns and easier access to guns are the solution whatever the problem is. Greed, greed, greed...

And I don't know if you know but Zimmerman is getting his gun (the murder weapon) back - the same gun he shot and killed Trayvon Martin. "Because he needs to defend himself, and the gun saved his life in the first place" - so f****d up. So incredibly f****d up.

No actual evidence for what happened, no witnesses, doesn't matter what you think you know or what you think happened, we don't know, the man can't be put away with no evidence. The jury tried to put him away but couldn't for those reasons, nothing wrong with the verdict at all, people need to get off the race issue and grow the f**k up (just like the 'fool' mentions).

You are making some huge assumptions there, Martin in an area where he is not welcome? getting dirty looks? rich white area...where black people live?? someone more or less privileged? Zimmerman is a minority himself remember.

Young blacks mostly have themselves to blame, as the 'fool' points out in his clip. We have the same problems in the UK.

That fool you speak of is getting massive support and death threats from other blacks  ::)

Are you annoyed because the You-Tube poster is black and that makes it hard to argue against him? a black man condemning his own people when most are too afraid or narrow minded to do so?.

And finally why do black Americans call themselves 'African Americans'?. Most have nothing to do with Africa, not a damn thing, you don't hear of British black people calling themselves 'African British', and many have more connections to Africa than most Americans. Its so utterly preposterous and amusing for us over here, 'African' American my arse!.

The problem is not the race card, it's white privilege. You would like to think that race play's no part, but it does and as a young black man in high school, I can assure you that. People automatically start to form opinions based off of the color of my skin. Why is he in this neighborhood? He must be like the rest of them. Even if Martin lived in that neighborhood, doesn't mean everyone was welcoming of him. When I was 7 me and my cousins went to a gas station to by a snack, but because we were black the store owner came and patted us down and made us empty our pockets. We were on a trip, and this lady jumped and grabbed her child just because we walked past, and that was in a civil rights museum. Because the history of  our country is founded on race, it does and will continue to play an issue.   And I'm sorry, but you don't understand what it's like to be treated like you are less than someone else. You don't have to worry about getting pulled over or arrested based on race. You can be assured of the protection of law enforcement, where I must always question it and be questioned by it.

Now Zimmerman was in the car and had a gun.The police tell him to stay in the car, yet he gets out with the gun and pursues this young man. He said he was afraid, but his actions don't show that. If he was scared why would he pursue him? Why was he scared if he had the gun? He saw this young black man and had already formed an opinion about him. How is that not a race issue?




I'm not sure you could say Zimmerman was being racist by what the transcript of the 911 call says. Who knows, he might have had preconceptions of him, he might not have. You can't say for sure.




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