So, is Aliens still considered canon?

Started by armageddon, May 31, 2012, 07:36:41 AM

So, is Aliens still considered canon? (Read 10,023 times)


Quote from: Valaquen on May 31, 2012, 10:54:08 AM
Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 09:43:01 AM
in A L I E N the company clearly knew of the alien organism. The "distress" signal contained very clear details of the creature, and that's precisely why Ash did know too
Ridley Scott denied this completely. They didn't know: "This particular corporation didn't have any preconceived notion that an alien would be found on this mission, much less the particular alien that is brought onto the ship. The idea of bringing it back would not have been on the minds of the corporation executives when they first received the alien transmission. They just had high expectations when they ordered the Nostromo to investigate - it was purely out of curiosity."

Yes I remember reading that too... and then he goes and makes a movie that not only suggests the latter, but is now lining up a sequel where it may well transpire a HUMAN sent that warning on LV-426 after all.  Ridley Scott, you gotta love the guy for his enthusiasm, but when it comes to his comments before or after the movie people really should take no notice, he is clearly making things up as he goes along. lol  bless....


Quote from: RoaryUK on May 31, 2012, 01:40:47 PM
Yes I remember reading that too... and then he goes and makes a movie that not only suggests the latter, but is now lining up a sequel where it may well transpire a HUMAN sent that warning on LV-426 after all.  Ridley Scott, you gotta love the guy for his enthusiasm, but when it comes to his comments before or after the movie people really should take no notice, he is clearly making things up as he goes along. lol  bless....

That doesn't really change anything where Weyland Yutani is concerned though. As Eva pointed out - nobody but a very select few even knew what Prometheus was all about.


Was Aliens ever canon? It was a good movie and lets leave it at that.


Quote from: Qwertify on May 31, 2012, 01:47:25 PM
Was Aliens ever canon? It was a good movie and lets leave it at that.
Of course it was canon, even the god awful 'Ressurrection' was canon as much as i'd like it to not be.


Aliens will always be canon, it also takes place 57 years after Alien.


Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 12:22:05 PM
If the company didn't know about the xeno in ALIEN then why did they they give Ash the secret 'bring back lifeform, crew expendable' directive?.
The company did know and i can remember seeing an interview or reading something (possible on the quadology extras) saying that the company classified everything to do with the xeno and LV-426 after the events in ALIEN and thats why they 'seem' unaware of the derelict etc (it has been 57 years remember).
^^ this

Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 12:22:05 PMAlso i always thought that the final Prometheus film (if they do end up doing the sequels) will explain the derelict on LV-426, explain the sos signal and the xeno etc and explain how the company DID know about the derelict and xeno in ALIEN.[
so did I. Well, epic failed hope by our part I guess

Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 01:49:56 PMOf course it was canon, even the god awful 'Ressurrection' was canon as much as i'd like it to not be.
emmmm, common sense demands A:R to be taken as a spin-off joke, not as a canonical alien movie.

Le Celticant

Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 02:38:21 PM
Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 12:22:05 PM
If the company didn't know about the xeno in ALIEN then why did they they give Ash the secret 'bring back lifeform, crew expendable' directive?.
The company did know and i can remember seeing an interview or reading something (possible on the quadology extras) saying that the company classified everything to do with the xeno and LV-426 after the events in ALIEN and thats why they 'seem' unaware of the derelict etc (it has been 57 years remember).
^^ this

Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 12:22:05 PMAlso i always thought that the final Prometheus film (if they do end up doing the sequels) will explain the derelict on LV-426, explain the sos signal and the xeno etc and explain how the company DID know about the derelict and xeno in ALIEN.[
so did I. Well, epic failed hope by our part I guess

Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 01:49:56 PMOf course it was canon, even the god awful 'Ressurrection' was canon as much as i'd like it to not be.
emmmm, common sense demands A:R to be taken as a spin-off joke, not as a canonical alien movie.

Alien Resurrection deal with nice concepts about the genetic.
It is just too bad there are some awful elements as ADI design and a more or less weak stories.
But there were many thing interesting that inspired a lot of film and even Prometheus went this way since it talks about mutations and genetic.
I'm not trying again to save resurrection, I'm not in love with it.
I'm just forced to see there were some ideas that were averagely put on screen and unfortunately it had too much cheese in it. The newborn being one of the major disappointment and WTF in the whole license.


Quotein A L I E N the company clearly knew of the alien organism. The "distress" signal contained very clear details of the creature, and that's precisely why Ash did know too

All this should be explained in a sequel to Prometheus

I remember the novelization of it stating something similar. IICR it says that the company knew there was an alien lifeform on the spacecraft from what the translators could make of the signal and that the signal itself was in fact a warning, but they were not aware of how dangerous the alien really was and what it was capable of. Personally I think they knew there was something down there but nothing too specific about it.



Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 02:38:21 PM
emmmm, common sense demands A:R to be taken as a spin-off joke, not as a canonical alien movie.
Well i kind of do that in my mind ;D, the series ended with ALIEN3 for me even though thats not exactly true.

Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 02:38:21 PM

Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 12:22:05 PMAlso i always thought that the final Prometheus film (if they do end up doing the sequels) will explain the derelict on LV-426, explain the sos signal and the xeno etc and explain how the company DID know about the derelict and xeno in ALIEN.[
so did I. Well, epic failed hope by our part I guess

By 'Final film' i mean the final Prometheus film if they do end up making sequels, i expect the final one to involve LV-426 and for all the sos signal to be explained etc and for the end of that final film to pretty much follow right into the start of ALIEN.
It would seem pretty pointless setting this new film series in the same universe (and setting it BEFORE Alien) if they don't end up explaining the derelict etc.


@_Le_Celticant: The only good thing about AR i can (or want) to remember about was the psx game.

@_jonc2006: Yeah, I precisely said that based on the novelization. You sure the signal didn't contain very specific details of the creature you might be facing in case you were fool enough to enter the ship and get infected?, I think the novel said so.

@_Mastes1: ah sorry, I misread your that part of your post then


I don't get this notion that others are having that a sequel to Prometheus would be a direct prequel to ALIEN revealing what happened to the Derelict on LV-426.  ???

Heck, Lindelof said in an interview all the way back in March that a sequel would move further away from the ALIEN series:
QuoteQ: Since you're leaving this film open with these bigger ideas that could lead to another film, would you take that film closer to the Alien franchise, or would it be its own different storyline?
Lindelof: ... There's an inevitability, in watching a prequel, where you're like, "Okay, if the ending of this movie is just going to be the room that John Hurt walks into, that's full of eggs, there's nothing interesting in that because we know where it's going to end. With really good stories, you don't know where it's going to end. So, this movie, hopefully, will contextualize the original Alien, so that when you watch it again, maybe you know a little bit more. But, you don't f**k around with that movie. It has to stand on its own. It's a classic. If we're fortunate enough to do a sequel to Prometheus, it will tangentialize even further away from the original Alien...

Say what you will about Lindelof and his so-called 'mysteries', but that's at least one thing that he made clear.

Plus, considering how the movie ends with Shaw and David leaving LV-223 to head out in search for the Engineer's Homeworld in search of more answers, I don't see how LV-426 would come into play, or even why it should be bothered in bringing up at all anyways.


Quote from: TimmyTurnersDad on May 31, 2012, 03:03:41 PM
I don't get this notion that others are having that a sequel to Prometheus would be a direct prequel to ALIEN revealing what happened to the Derelict on LV-426.  ???

Heck, Lindelof said in an interview all the way back in March that a sequel would move further away from the ALIEN series:
QuoteQ: Since you're leaving this film open with these bigger ideas that could lead to another film, would you take that film closer to the Alien franchise, or would it be its own different storyline?
Lindelof: ... There's an inevitability, in watching a prequel, where you're like, "Okay, if the ending of this movie is just going to be the room that John Hurt walks into, that's full of eggs, there's nothing interesting in that because we know where it's going to end. With really good stories, you don't know where it's going to end. So, this movie, hopefully, will contextualize the original Alien, so that when you watch it again, maybe you know a little bit more. But, you don't f**k around with that movie. It has to stand on its own. It's a classic. If we're fortunate enough to do a sequel to Prometheus, it will tangentialize even further away from the original Alien...

Say what you will about Lindelof and his so-called 'mysteries', but that's at least one thing that he made clear.

Plus, considering how the movie ends with Shaw and David leaving LV-223 to head out in search for the Engineer's Homeworld in search of more answers, I don't see how LV-426 would come into play, or even why it should be bothered in bringing up at all anyways.
Lindelof and Scott say a lot thing and maybe its just me but whats the point in setting the film in the same universe as Alien AND setting it before Alien if you're not going to finish the series leading into ALIEN?.
You may as well just do a completely new sci-fi series set in its own universe.



Quote from: TimmyTurnersDad on May 31, 2012, 03:03:41 PM
I don't get this notion that others are having that a sequel to Prometheus would be a direct prequel to ALIEN revealing what happened to the Derelict on LV-426.  ???

Heck, Lindelof said in an interview all the way back in March that a sequel would move further away from the ALIEN series:
QuoteQ: Since you're leaving this film open with these bigger ideas that could lead to another film, would you take that film closer to the Alien franchise, or would it be its own different storyline?
Lindelof: ... There's an inevitability, in watching a prequel, where you're like, "Okay, if the ending of this movie is just going to be the room that John Hurt walks into, that's full of eggs, there's nothing interesting in that because we know where it's going to end. With really good stories, you don't know where it's going to end. So, this movie, hopefully, will contextualize the original Alien, so that when you watch it again, maybe you know a little bit more. But, you don't f**k around with that movie. It has to stand on its own. It's a classic. If we're fortunate enough to do a sequel to Prometheus, it will tangentialize even further away from the original Alien...

Say what you will about Lindelof and his so-called 'mysteries', but that's at least one thing that he made clear.

Plus, considering how the movie ends with Shaw and David leaving LV-223 to head out in search for the Engineer's Homeworld in search of more answers, I don't see how LV-426 would come into play, or even why it should be bothered in bringing up at all anyways.

He speaks out of both ends.

How is the final scene being the birth of a xeno a departure from Alien? Why use SJs in the same solar system, have an uinformative Hologram sequence, vaguely speaking of the incident, and not address LV426? It's just bad writing. There is no reason to use any of it. Make the movie happen in a different solar system with different beings.

Lindelof even states in the same speech about it "not being a prequel", "So, this movie, hopefully, will contextualize the original Alien, so that when you watch it again, maybe you know a little bit more."

This guy is a jackass. How is this even possible if the two DONT relate and ARENT connected (Prequel)?

IT can only be either a REMAKE or a PREQUEL. It is not a standalone movie, not if your using SJ's and Xenos. If its a remake, Lindelof has just put his foot in his mouth with the comment "But, you don't f**k around with that movie."  He has just spent 2 hours effing with it. If it is a PREQUEL, why in the hell would you reference everything else except LV426? This is the only nod to alien they even needed to make. Instead they made a 2 hour homage to itself and didnt even reveal the juiciest, most important part.


Quote from: escroto on May 31, 2012, 02:57:16 PM
@_Le_Celticant: The only good thing about AR i can (or want) to remember about was the psx game.

@_jonc2006: Yeah, I precisely said that based on the novelization. You sure the signal didn't contain very specific details of the creature you might be facing in case you were fool enough to enter the ship and get infected?, I think the novel said so.

@_Mastes1: ah sorry, I misread your that part of your post then

I remember Ash saying that if the crew couldn't find a way to contain the creature then it would be possible that the boarding party the company would send onboard when the ship returned would be unprepared for what was waiting for them and wiped out as well.

He also said that the signal was specific regarding what happened to the space jockey ship and it reason for being there; that it set down on a course of exploration and, like Kane, the crew came across some kind of alien life form which they brought back onboard and it then proceeded to kill them. I don't think it said anything about the signal going into any real specifics of the nature of the alien itself.

So basically they seem to have deduced from the signal that it was hostile and that it might have potential as some sort of weapon but from what Ash says they did not seem to understand just how hostile it really was and the danger it posed.



Quote from: Mastes1 on May 31, 2012, 03:10:07 PMLindelof and Scott say a lot thing and maybe its just me but whats the point in setting the film in the same universe as Alien AND setting it before Alien if you're not going to finish the series leading into ALIEN?.
You may as well just do a completely new sci-fi series set in its own universe.

The term 'spin-off' seems to be a suitable answer to your first question, I think. For its reported faults, Prometheus at least seems to succeed in offering a new life for the overall ALIEN universe via exploring the Space Jockey/Engineer species, which to utilize in the film would in fact require the film/spin-off series to be set in the same overall universe as ALIEN.

I spent yesterday afternoon pondering over the potential that a sequel to Prometheus might have, and I have to say that I found it far more interesting than simply going back to LV-426 and fixating on one single Space Jockey. A bit egotistic of me, certainly, but the fact that a nineteen year old kid from North Carolina was capable of seeing a great potential for a spin-off means that (hopefully) there are others already involved understanding that potential and aiming to utilize it as well.

And honestly? I'd much rather that see that potential being explored and utilized than simply cater to the die-hard fans on what exactly happened to one particular corpse. We can figure out with our brains the most likely scenario for that poor fellow on LV-426, and we'd risk unleashing a horrid amount of stupidity becoming the new explanation for that corpse's story (i.e. it actually being a human underneath that fossilized suit) if it were to be made into a direct prequel film.

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